smleeauthorspot · 2 years
Been a minute
Hey y’all!
So sorry it’s been a WHILE since I’ve given any updates but I AM ALIVE.
And I AM WRITING. Albeit slowly.
The last couple of years have just been A LOT for me. Between COVID and its stressors and personal stuff (there have been a lot of deaths in the past couple of years of ppl I care about) I just haven’t been able to focus on much more than just getting through each week.
But I am still here. I am still healthy. Things are just going much more slowly than I want them to be.
Hopefully y’all aren’t too disappointed 😅
And hopefully I’ll have something for y’all in the near future. Fingers crossed!
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smleeauthorspot · 3 years
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I did a thing. And I’m proud of it.
The Dreamers Series will be a series of novellas, roughly 70-120 pages each, following the adventures of Chase, a queer woman who begins to learn that dreams are much more than we know them to be. And that the ability to lucid dream allows her to explore and affect change in alternate universes all from the safety of her bed.
No, I don’t know yet how many novellas there will be in total yet. But I have a rough estimate that is very much subject to change.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Ebook Week!
Check out read an ebook week March 7th-March 13th from Smashwords!
They'll have lots of great ebook titles from independent authors like me on sale for the whole week!
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Raiken Student
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Adyskia is a world in which magick, known as Raiken, is a rare skill. Rarer still is Cosma Raiken, a more wide ranging magick in which the user can control all energy.
Aeli may not be the best student, but she does have Cosma Raiken. And she’s discovered this gives her a unique ability: the ability to open portals to other worlds. This is a secret she shares only with her closest friends as they explore other exciting, and potentially dangerous, worlds.
Coming Soon!
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
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Also, that doctors-have-chicken-scratch-handwriting stereotype is totally true in my case.😅
This is from my Raiken Student notebook.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
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I’ve gotten a couple of new reviews lately!
Thanks to everyone for their support! Please keep leaving me reviews!
If you haven’t checked out The Chronicles of Arenacea, a wlw fantasy novel, please do and leave a review!!
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Here’s a teaser from book 2 to make up for my absence lately.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
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Ok, so you can now buy The Chronicles of Arenacea Book One on Amazon as well as other ebook websites!
The premise: Zeteria is the first woman to be warrior caste in over 500 years. Her world is harsh and unyielding, filled with fights to the death in an arena for the “glory” of the lord of her house. The noble caste is all powerful, treating women and the other castes as slaves. Zee’s life changes when she meets Tessimi, a noble born woman who has become servant caste due to the fact that she’s, as of yet, unmarried. In their world, love between two women is punishable by death. But that won’t stop Zeteria and Tessimi from fighting for a way to be together.
Happy reading!
Here’s a link for Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes and Noble Nook, Kobo and iBook.
Don’t forget to review the book on the site you bought it on and/or on Goodreads!
Thanks everyone!
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
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I just realized I never really posted my final version of the map! 
Took me forever to do, but here it is!
Don’t forget to check out The Chronicles of Arenacea Book 1 on Amazon, Smashwords, iBook, Nook and Kobo.
There’s also a Goodreads page!
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Hey you!
Yeah you!
If you’re looking for a sign to NOT kill yourself.
I may not know you, but I love you. You are more than you know.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Me talking to my characters as I write them doing soft things in my own book: “________, sweetie. That’s so gay!”
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Gentle reminder that often creativity decides to hibernate for a bit.
It’s okay.  You’re not broken, you’re resting, and much like spring, creativity comes back.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
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It’s official!
The Chronicles of Arenacea Book One is available for purchase as a paperback!
You can buy it directly from Amazon on Kindle or as a paperback! Or you can buy it as an ebook on Barnes and Noble Nook, iBook, Kobo or Smashwords!
The Chronicles of Arenacea is a LESBIAN FANTASY NOVEL! And is the first book in a series of 3!
Please signal boost this post! 
And don’t forget to write a review!
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
A reading of the first half of Chapter 14 of The Chronicles of Arenacea done by me! 
(I don’t think my voice is actually that high in real life.)
Don’t forget to check out The Chronicles of Arenacea on Goodreads! Or check it out to buy it on Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook, iTunes iBook, Smashwords, Scribd, Kobo and more.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
I need some help, ya’ll
Ok so, though I’m somewhat loathe to admit it, I’m struggling a bit financially at the moment. And, rather than ask for crowd funding with like a gofundme or something (not that there’s anything wrong with that, just not my style) can I just ask you guys for some help with promoting my book, The Chronicles of Arenacea?
The Chronicles of Arenacea is a wlw fantasy novel and here’s a quick synopsis: Zeteria is the first woman to be warrior caste in over 500 years. Her world is harsh and unyielding, filled with fights to the death in an arena for the “glory” of the lord of her house. The noble caste is all powerful, treating women and the other castes as slaves. Zee’s life changes when she meets Tessimi, a noble born woman who has become servant caste due to the fact that she’s, as of yet, unmarried. In their world, love between two women is punishable by death. But that won’t stop Zeteria and Tessimi from fighting for a way to be together.
So, can I ask that you guys reblog this to signal boost? Even if you aren’t into reading books or don’t particularly enjoy fantasy or wlw books, someone you follow might and that would help me out a ton.
Also, if you do buy it and like it, please leave me a review! Reviews are critical for writers, especially independent writers since reviews help attract more readers. More reviews also gives Amazon more incentive to promote my book.
The book is available on Amazon in paperback and ebook, iTunes iBooks, Barnes and Noble Nook, Smashwords, Scribd, Kobo and more all as an ebook.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
How did you go about publishing?
I self published, actually, via Amazon KDP and Smashwords. I had thought about going with a publishing company, but after speaking with several other authors I just decided I wanted to keep more control over everything by self publishing. Not that all publishing companies are bad, I’ve just heard some things that made me want to go the route I did.
It can be a lot of work since you have to edit and advertise on your own and you’re responsible for your own cover. But I actually kinda of enjoy 2/3 of those. Lol. So it’s not too bad.
The publishing process itself isn’t actually too difficult. You can google info about the process and how to format and everything. So, not terrible.
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smleeauthorspot · 4 years
Reblog if your blog is safe for people of all genders and sexualities
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