smleeauthorspot · 2 years
Been a minute
Hey y’all!
So sorry it’s been a WHILE since I’ve given any updates but I AM ALIVE.
And I AM WRITING. Albeit slowly.
The last couple of years have just been A LOT for me. Between COVID and its stressors and personal stuff (there have been a lot of deaths in the past couple of years of ppl I care about) I just haven’t been able to focus on much more than just getting through each week.
But I am still here. I am still healthy. Things are just going much more slowly than I want them to be.
Hopefully y’all aren’t too disappointed 😅
And hopefully I’ll have something for y’all in the near future. Fingers crossed!
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smleeauthorspot · 5 years
Hey everyone!
So, I’ve started a Ko-Fi page if anyone would like to help me out and send donations!
It would be very much appreciated!
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smleeauthorspot · 5 years
Blog Switch Up!
Ok so, I’ve made this blog my primary blog: smleeauthorspot
And I’ve made a separate side blog for the Arenacea series.
I did it so that I can create separate side blogs for the other books/series I’m working on as well, while also still having this master blog with just about everything on it.
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smleeauthorspot · 5 years
Life Update
Ok so, just in case anyone is actually keeping up, I thought I’d give a quick update on where I’m at.
So, I WAS writing a crazy amount, mostly working on my upcoming YA series (and also a bit on Arenacea book 2) but now I’m in the process of buying a house! And I’m also working on getting my licensure for both acupuncture and chiropractic so that I can start my legit day job again. You know, doing all those adulting things.
So just hang with me! I’ll be back on it all soon!
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