smokaya · 1 month
I know this stuff coming out about Demayo is gross and creepy, but I think it's important to remember that there are a lot of good people who work on X-Men 97 who don't deserve to have their work ignored, maligned or dismissed because of the actions of one POS who isn't even there anymore. I'll be watching season 2 to support those people.
Disney removed Demayo's s2 credits and the stuff he wrote has been revised by the new showrunner. So if you were considering dropping the show due to not wanting to support him, don't worry about it. He's done.
As weird as it sounds, all this news makes me more inclined to support the show because the head honchos at Disney/Marvel saw there was a problem and they got rid of it. And frankly, knowing what we now know about Demayo, (which includes that very telling Uncanny X-men pitch he released recently) it's clearer than ever to me that many of the biggest problems with s1 were because of him. I'm feel hopeful about what they'll come up with now that he's gone.
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smokaya · 1 month
Presumably due to feeling butt hurt about Marvel not inviting him to the Emmys, Beau Demayo has released a rejected pitch he once made for an X-men show some time before X97 happened, and it's certainly... um... interesting.
It reads like X-men Evolution crossed with Mark Millar's Ultimate X-men comics run and some of these ideas were even recycled into X97.
Magneto's running the school again (ugh), there's loads of focus on Scott/Jean (wow, never seen that before), Wolverine would only appear in 3 or 4 episodes over a planned 5 seasons and Beast in only one, Storm is reduced to a Mean Girls-style side character, Gambit is the school bully with Colossus as his dimwitted sidekick and there's no sign of Rogue anywhere. Yeah, you can definitely tell who Demayo's favorites are. Glad this got rejected.
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smokaya · 2 months
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Same couple, different stories.
They never regret the things they fought for each other, they are the embodiment of love for me I adore you romy 💜
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smokaya · 2 months
i have some old x-men trading cards and look at what it says on the rogue and gambit one from 1993/4
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"the roller coaster romance between these mutant heroes seems to have reached a stable plateau" LMAO
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smokaya · 2 months
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In another universe where they don’t have to save the world, they would be THE couple everyone can't stop talking about
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smokaya · 2 months
Which was the lesser of two evils?
Ok here it is: I had kinda touched on the lesser of two evils of a topic covered on Reddit, and erased it for this one. So the question was which was preferred DeMayos/writing team decision for Rogue to make a decision of choosing someone she could touch and liked and someone she loved and couldn't touch. Or Carey's triangle where Rogue mastered her touch powers but was hemming and hawing between being with Remy or not, and choosing Mags cuz Remy shooed her away til she was ready for her Home and Harbor. It was a mixed reaction on Reddit, and I'll pick my choice. XMen97. begrudgingly. Because there it was very black and white with the themes, whereas on XMen Legacy, the readers really weren't sure what Carey was trying to do/ what point he was making. Kelly Thompson did the best she could to resolve what was going through Rogue's head and I wonder if Carey didn't do that because he didn't have any reasons . The only backlash reaction I got from his interviews was that he was very angry about the backlash he got when Rogue chose to sleep with Mags offscreen because she says "sometimes there are no reasons" so his parting gift when he left months later was a one page layout of Mags and Rogue in bed together. I recall the reaction the online groups had because they were like Rogue and Remy have been the story for decades and they HAVE NEVER had a bed scene, even when they lost their powers and stuff was done offscreen. It was like Marvel just simply forgot or didn't really care. Which was really shocking because the years when the issues would have footnotes to remind readers of what happened with Rogue/Remy (ie. the dates, the breakup after X-Men 45, flashbacks) stuff that no other couple in Xworld do (not even Scott/Jean) . As I mentioned before, this was 2009-2011, and so few online posters/groups mention this time vs. Savage Lands to prove Rogue/Mags were a thing because the readership was waning. that 90's was peak and each passing decade resulted in a drop in readership. And hence very little reference to that era decade ago.
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smokaya · 2 months
when They
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smokaya · 2 months
Current favorite ships
Wanda and Vision: Wandavision/ScarletVision have been one of my favorite ships for a while now. I think the relationship they have is cute. They have their rocky moments but still they have love for each other. I like to think those two crazy kids will eventually make it work
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Rogue and Gambit: Roguegambit/Romy have not left my mind since watching X-men 97. That show was my introduction to them but almost everyone I’ve learned about them I’ve LOVED! Gambit is such a wife guy. I love how they’re both proud cat parents to their sons
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smokaya · 2 months
execution of a couple's story
An interesting post came out on Reddit about how we should accept and tolerate that a couple has to go through trials/insurmountable obstacles to make it worthwhile in their defense of the mags/gambit/rogue triangle for XMen97. And that how boring it would be if we knew a couple was the endgame.
This poster really contradicted themselves. So if they were implying that Romy being sendgame is boring, then what of DeMayo saying they were the OTP? So what is it they are endgame or not?
The real problem that no one there is mentioning is the execution of a story. Example: On As the World Turns a classic soap opera once there was a couple called Jack and Carly (Carjack). Carly was a schemer but had a heart of gold that Jack, a cop, could see. Their final storyline before the soap got cancelled was soooo wretched , but the fanship still wanted them together. It became so tainted. Carly was losing Jack to another woman so she decided to lie about having a brain tumor to win Jack back. Somehow Jack forgave her cuz fanship and fandom and the show was ending.
That's the fear I have for Romy in XMen97! Yup by season 4 we could get them together. After wretched execution of storylines! LIke Nightcrawler saying, we have to forgive sins and errors. This sounds like a freepass for Rogue and Remy beating each other up !
Some folks say they are looking forward to Romy kissing and getting reunited. Now here's where the execution problem comes back again. Let's look at Storm and Forge. As someone stated, it seemed quick in the episode with Forge proclaiming his love, as they were together for months maybe in Dallas. How about showing us and not TELLING US! I didn't know they were together that long during LifeDeath until this poster said so!
And here's the bias of "showing and not telling" Folks said we had to see Mag/Rogue dance to move the plotline...that this was to show us for Rogue , this is not enough for her to say this is love as love is beyond touch. So that implies we WON"T need to see Romy touching and dancing. Because Rogue has made the decision that's not all that. Come on Disney! Do Better than this! I'm intrigued about what rewrites was there for sesaon 2 as allegedly Variety has reported of scrapping stuff DeMayo did to lead in to season 3. What was so bad that they had to do rewrites?
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smokaya · 2 months
intriguing poll about Romy still being married
So I saw a post that Romy may not last all that long given the track record of Marvel couples, but that someone pointed out that many couples are still here including Sue and Reed/ Hulkling and Wiccan
After the decades of Romy , I was still being cynical but I did have some feeling of why Marvel hasn't split up Romy. It's not because of sentiment/popularity (because Marvel editorial has never cared about fan response) but honestly....and this is coming from a huge fan.....there's nothing else for Rogue and Remy to do if to be apart!!!
They tried the two with other X-Members from Mags, Colossus, Cecilia, random babes in Gambit's miniseries, Joseph, Daadpool, Human Torch, Marrow, and it plain doesn't work.
There's some pundits who say they need to be apart to do separate solo stories/adventures. They have done it. Gambit in Dark X-Men doing his thing and still stay married. Rogue basically in a coma in the Xcalibur Run. Elseworld / prequels such as Gambit and Storm's pre joining the Xteam miniseries. Rogue and Ms Marvel in a mini story in 2019.
Ok back to the poll, so there was a poll (Reddit?) that asked if Romy should stay married. Majority said yes. I'm just glad cuz it seemed like an uphill battle for decades to have folks realize there is no point in splitting them up.
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smokaya · 2 months
Southern Comfort
Eons ago there was once a messageboard/fansite called Southern Comfort that was a safe haven for Rogue fans. It is now defunct but I was surprised to hear it lasted til 2012. I understand fans come and go with real lives so I won't ask why it ended, but something alarming from its Wiki page. It says it was created as a safe haven for Romy fans who won't bash Gambit. I was very alarmed because I know it was created during the Antarctica era where it was Rogue that was being blamed / being in the wrong. (with the backlash of Remy's crimes being retconned / shoehorned in) WOW! Oddly I didn't know it had existed during the Carey years so I have no idea what the consensus was for Rogue at that time. Unless they really loved Rogue being at the center of the XFold at the cost of the other teammates.
On the flip side is the GambitGuild , a forum that I avoid now like the plague from the way those posters treated me. Someone made a remark about my choice of comic buying and turned me off to them. They apparently have survived without its original webmaster who left ? when Romy got married (she hated Romy) They are still around after about 20 plus years and haha the only forum that joked that DeMayo treated Remy badly (to an extent) because in real life perhaps some New Orleans dude wronged him. That was the last time I visited the site. It's pretty toxic there and maybe a relic? Nowadays folks have moved to IG, X and Reddit.
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smokaya · 2 months
I didn't know (thank you Internet) of the whole mess of the Milligan years. That he did the most wretched X storylines and the editors didn't reel it iin because they were so focused on Morrison's run on the Flagship!
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If we don’t see Rogue dragging her Cajun’s soul back from the gates of heaven in Season 2, i’m gonna lose some serious shit.
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smokaya · 3 months
It's been over two months and I'm still pissed off that Storm skipped Remy's funeral.
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smokaya · 3 months
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okay i'm FINALLY doing my romy read through and oughhhhhhh. no one is doing it like them.
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smokaya · 3 months
i'm loving your gambit & rogue project!!!! it's so fun to look back on everything and see their development. can't wait for more installments 💚🩷
Yay!! I'm so glad! It's honestly something I've been wanting to do for forever, and it's been really cool to do! I'm not sure I've ever looked at the comics as in depth as this, so it feels fresh (even if I have read a lot of these stories many, many times.)
And honestly, it's just a lot of fun. I'm really enjoying it. So, yay! I'm glad there are more people along for the ride! <3
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smokaya · 3 months
Just seeing Kitty trying to convince Rogue to do it for the mutants, and it turned out to be a good outcome, vs. Mags trying to convince Rogue with a bad outcome in XMen97. WAAAAAAH
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This is so fanfic coded
Rogue and Gambit (2018) #1
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smokaya · 3 months
TV series were better with 20 episodes than the 6-10 they are now.
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
I mean, sometimes I think shows have an episode or a few that are too many. But overall, it pains me that long form tv storytelling is no longer a thing. There's something to be said about episodes that don't fit in with the actual full plot of a story or character arc. Everything is so, so tightly tied to plot that we aren't getting character development in the same way.
It's a shame.
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