smokedturtles · 2 years
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Eren Yeager Wallpaper
Like/reblog if you save, or just enjoyed. :)x
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smokedturtles · 2 years
Eren Yeager
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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This world is cruel
And yet, I still love you
Even if I sacrifice everything
I'll still protect you
- Akuma no ko (Child of Evil)
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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Encerramento parte 2
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smokedturtles · 2 years
snk wallpapers
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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I’ve been waiting for this moment”
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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praying this hasn’t been done yet
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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471 notes · View notes
smokedturtles · 2 years
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smokedturtles · 2 years
entering into my evil girl era (finally standing up for myself)
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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— 天空の城ラピュ タ CASTLE IN THE SKY   1986 | dir Hayao Miyazaki
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smokedturtles · 2 years
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smokedturtles · 2 years
Rating: 9.95/10
This is all my opinion so don't get mad lol
Steins Gate by far is one of my favorite anime's of all time. The concept of time travel was executed beautifully throughout the entire show. I loved the way phone microwave functioned, and how they grew it overtime with the experiments.
The characters in Steins Gate were well rounded and all had different personalities, yet they connected together and meshed so well. The main protagonist, Rintaro Okabe (Okabe) was such a fun character. I loved his surface personality, which was covered with his own fun delusions. But as time goes on, you see him for who he truly is. He even admits he knows everything he says is a lie. I love seeing the cracks from his "fake" persona when he interacts with the people he cares about. I especially love his relationship with Mayuri and how much he cares for her in a non romantic way. It is one of my favorite platonic relationships, if not my favorite in anime of all time. I love the balance between her sweet and innocent personality and Okabe's. Especially during the scenes where she was dying over and over again. Makise Kurisu also contrasted Okabe's personality so well in terms of almost a "reality check". I think the Tsundere personality vs the stubborn one really brought their relationship to life. Suzuha's character was one of my favorites in terms of backstory and plot development. I loved the twist of her being Daru's daughter, and all she did. She truly was a hard worker.
The plot was well planned out. It didn't feel too rushed, and like all the information was being thrown at you at once. But, it also was not lagging with plot development. The plot development was beautifully written, as you saw each characters growth and development perfectly. Each event built on the last, and added more to the bigger picture. My favorite scenes had to be when Mayuri kept dying and Okabe failed, because I love when the main character isn't OP. The other scenes in mind was when Suzuha revealed the status of the future, building the time machine/fixing it, and when they found her letter saying she failed over and over again.
The only reason this show is not a 10/10 is because of the way they reversed all of the time travel incidents/d-mails. I did not like the way they wrote that. I think that was such an easy out, just reversing the incidents. I would've loved something more difficult and more in-depth rather than just a simple reversal. I feel the ending was not as strong compared to the anime before that, because DAMN THAT ANIME WAS GOING SO STRONG.
I actually liked the ending where he sees Kurisu again. I know Steins Gate 0 is the alternate timeline, which I have not finished. I also know this ending in the original is controversial.
Overall, this show has one of the best concepts, executions, characters and plot developments I have ever seen in anime. I wish they really figured out another way to reverse the d-mails that was more complicated and connected with the plot (yes the way for reversal did connect with the plot, but I mean complicated and also did that).
100% in my top 3!
*i am rushing while writing this so if you need me to explain more go ahead and comment!
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smokedturtles · 2 years
The art<3333
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✧*:・゚ Ghibli’s Enchanting Creatures *:・゚✧
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smokedturtles · 2 years
Introduction post????
Hi!! I used to be on Instagram as an anime account back in the middle school (idk if y’all followed peppermint.sticks but if you did that’s me!!). I’m back on here mainly bc I want anime art but I am also open to meeting new people!!!
I have a very busy social life (full time college student, pretty outgoing etc.) so my messaging time could be delayed…here is some about me
I’m gonna keep my name out of posting for right now!! If u wanna be friends just dm me lol. I’m 19, bisexual, and majoring in Enviornmental science specifically renewable energy. Pronouns are she/her/hers. I am also in a relationship with my amazing long distance army boyfriend since February 2021!! I have a lot of interests, but public health and urban planning are some of them!! Personality I am a very empathetic kind person (will not be a doormat lol), smart, and ambitious. I joke around a lot and consider myself to be pretty caring. As for hobbies I love hanging out with my friends, partying, writing (I used to write short stories and even books but I always drop them bc I’m lazy), (maybe I’ll post snippets of what I write??), drawing (less frequent now), and tarot reading. I play piano not as frequently though. I’m also quite absorbed in my religion (which now has become modern day spirituality…quite frustrating pls stop white washing my religion) which is Hinduism and Buddhism and a big advocate on eliminating all the misconceptions and trying to bring back the power to it!! Stop calling your crystals, chakras, yoga practices and energy spirituality!! It’s Hinduism!!!
An extensive list of my animes I have watched can be found on my anime list (the website)! My username is andimhome (I’m attaching a link). There you will see my interests. I update it frequently. But… top 3 have got to be (and this was a hard list) Sakik K, AOT, and steins gate!!
My favorite movie is Spirited Away!! I’m trying to watch all of the Studio Ghibli movies!!
I am also into vocaloids, or getting back into them I should say!! Favorite one is Rin <3 I know it’s basic to say my favorite songs are the daughter of evil series, but I don’t care because they are!!
Sometimes I might go into small rants or tangents on here to vent, probably won’t like often, once in a blue moon. But just an FYI!!
I have such a wide music taste and I will always send you my playlists if you need it!! Some artists I like (not limited to at all): Uzi, Travis Scott, Kanye, Drake, Suicide Boys, Lil Peep, TV girl, Mitski, RKS, Eden
That’s it!! I hope we can be friends!!
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