kuro-personal · 1 year
Out of pure curiosity have you heard of a fandom called cityhumans? If not, if you’ve heard of countryhumans you can figure out what it is, basically a concept similar to what you post here but the characters are cities personified with their flags on their faces instead of as actual humans.
Anyway I really enjoy your content even though you haven’t posted in a while, I really enjoyed scrolling through your posts and I love your verse ^^
Ooohhhh now I feel bad for all of the thread deleting I did on and off last year… I didn’t realize people were still visiting this dusty old thing…
To answer your question, while I haven’t heard of Cityhumans, Countryhumans did cross my radar a few years back due to it invading some of the hetalia shipping tags. it just never interested me much because it was similar enough to Hetalia that it almost felt like a rip off in a weird sort of way. Not to sound like an ass, but ven without that knowledge, I could have guessed it was just a natural progression for the countryhumans fandom.
Anyway, anon, I’m so glad you’re enjoying yourself with this blog as while I don’t post here anymore, I can’t exactly delete it either unless I wanna lose my om! blog and general art blog (which honestly I should just delete that too since I only post exclusively to the om! Blog nowadays.)
Not to mention, even though I’ve left the rp community with no intention on returning, the characters on this blog are and always will be some of the most near and dear to my heart since I spent a good seven or so years writing for some of them and I think I will alway miss them to that extent...
Thank you, anon, for your kind words and I hope you continue to enjoy the characters and this blog as they are.
I’m very curious to know which characters and storylines you enjoyed the most
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kuro-personal · 3 years
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kuro-personal · 3 years
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inspired by this post 
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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kuro-personal · 4 years
Welcome to ADHD emotions! Get ready to experience
The Anger Spiral
Wednesday Forever
Oh God they hate me. This whole Grocery Store hates me.
And *•.~°♪ lust *•.~°♪
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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What a year this past few hours has been
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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kuro-personal · 4 years
This blog does not support n*zis or any form of bigotry
Transphobes, Homophobes, Anti-semites, Racists, P*dophilia & Inc*st Shippers will be blocked.
Yes the name of the series is bad
Yes the main three are the countries who did absolutely terrible things
Yes you're completely valid for being uncomfortable w/ that. I would be too if I didn't know this series at all!
Hetalia represents countries as a whole, not just a specific period
The series moved past WWII (Hence, why it's World Stars now)
Every country is bad and has done terrible things, the personifications not necessarily including that isn't propaganda. It just doesn't fit the series b/c it isn't supposed to be serious.
Fans are aware/critical of the misinformation + racism + shitty jokes
Speaking of fans, a majority of us are way more mature now + some have been here for a while so we've already been through everything. Trust us if you want to bring up a problem we already talked abt it years ago.
We're tired please just let us look at more content of our comfort characters We're not trying to start anything We just want to chill.
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kuro-personal · 4 years
i realised that people’s main OC (excluding like, sonas obviously) is almost always a reflection of themselves, something that allows them to vent their insecurities or be a vessel for what they wish they could be, and it becomes incredibly easy to find out things about a person by looking at their OC
probably an obvious fact but ive been thinking about it
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kuro-personal · 4 years
What’s a fun-fact about you?
Funfact about Kuro (this also might be a little creepy too depending on how you see it): I’m super good at associating patterns to things. Especially when it comes to voice actors music or even the cars people drive.
Like its to the point where I can listen to the first ten seconds of a song and tell you with 80% accuracy who the artist is or I can tell you with 90 percent accuracy which member of my management team is at the store just by looking at the cars and where they’re parked in the parking lot. Its like a super power.
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kuro-personal · 4 years
thank u for being a cooler blog than me and not unfollowing me yet
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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 I’m afraid of Americans
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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kuro-personal · 4 years
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kuro-personal · 4 years
reblog if ur lgbt and have a bad eyesight
trying to prove a point to my oculist
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