smugsharkrat · 18 hours
saw a post going around about cultural hcs in gw2 and i am woefully laser-focused on asura with no contributions on the others so here's my massive wall of headcanons about asura culture
🐁 their titles (i.e. aetherologist, technician, enforcer) are considered Part Of their names, both culturally and on paper. you're given your title via your krewe employment, college accolades, or other distinctions, and this is considered fitting because it reflects how asura feel that what you research + what you do is part of your core identity like that (and that, in typical corporate fashion, it can also be something that is Assigned to you).
🐁 in lieu of a surname, titles function as someone's more 'formal' name. they're handled kind of similar to how someone's title (like 'doctor') is irl, but without the abbreviation aspect. referring to someone by their full name (title + personal name) is Very formal, title only is formal/respectful but more conversational, and personal name alone implies a level of familiarity or has a very casual tone at least.
----> 🐁 progeny don't really have titles; it's something you usually get around college or later-- this makes sense in part because referring to progeny exclusively as their personal names is sort of 'cute' and not something you'd do to random adult strangers
🐁 though not to the depersonalized extent of charr, their childrearing tends to be a little communal, and it's super common for asura to bring their progeny into their krewe's lab and have their krewe help watch out for and care for their progeny :-) progeny-rearing is also not a 'gendered' task-- fathers and male krewe mates participate an equal amount in helping with progeny care
🐁 this plays off some of my anatomy hcs a bit but asura society is pretty 'unisex', spaces aren't really separated and there's not really any huge cultural issues surrounding women and transgender people. sort of a perpetual 'i dont give AF if youre transgender clean your damn transetheric converter' energy
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smugsharkrat · 3 days
So pipe dream housing scenario now that we know we're getting homesteads, I wanna do a community question type thing:
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smugsharkrat · 4 days
Okay anet, you've piqued my interest.
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smugsharkrat · 4 days
man I hope we go back to being called Commander in the next expac pleaseee
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smugsharkrat · 5 days
Happy Pride month gw2 tumblerinas! Here's a little Commander question for all of you:
What's your Commander's gender and sexuality?
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smugsharkrat · 6 days
i'll only accept femsura getting the strappy sexy feminine bikini top option if masc asura also get it, frankly
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smugsharkrat · 7 days
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Meet the twins!
Shayll (on the left) is an archeologist and belongs to my friend Mike
Shisst (on the right) is a paleontologist and belongs to me
These two are completely inseparable and almost impossible to tell apart. They actually relish the confusion that causes, and prefer to be thought of as a singular, chaotic entity.
Despite that, Shisst and Shayll have very distinct personalities. Shayll loves adventure and tends to be more outgoing. They document their excavations in a journal, writing the details like a pulp adventure novel. They also specialize in ancient languages.
Shisst is a little bit more shy and takes their work a little more seriously. They prefer to fill their journal with drawings, rendering what ancient creatures may have looked like based on the fossils they find.
The twins come from a family of geologists, hence the names. They also have an older brother named Slaytt, who studies magic crystals. Slaytt and the twins had a bit of a sibling rivalry growing up, but they've grown very close as adults. Slaytt is the only one who can reliably tell the twins apart, even if they try to trick him.
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smugsharkrat · 7 days
doing anything to do with centaurs in base game really has me going
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smugsharkrat · 8 days
My main revenant is Nix!
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This loser spent 50 years roaming the Mists, and eventually just kinda... figured the revenant thing out. Not much else to do in there for 50 years.
Instead of some powerful legend, he decided to channel his dead best friend. I kinda chose to disregard the "revenants just channel echoes of the person, not their actual spirit" bit of lore (death and ghosts and the Mists overall are honestly handled super inconsistently in canon, so I say screw it), so Nix channels the literal ghost of a 50-year-dead chemistry nerd with severe anxiety and a stutter.
This doesn't give him any special powers, except maybe the ability to grasp chemical formulae more easily than normal. He just gets to hear his best friend in his head every day. He still has the general Mist-y powers, though. Shadowstepping and creating small Mist rifts and such. Not that he uses them for anything more useful than taking shortcuts outside to have a smoke.
ALRIGHT GW2BLR im not sure if ive made a post like this before but whatever
since the lore around them is so wonky, tell me your headcanons! how did they become a rev? what does it even mean for them (or you) to be a rev? what legends do they channel/communicate with, if any at all? if you have multiple revs, how do they and their powers differ? if theyre a rev in game but something different in your canon, why? what are they?
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smugsharkrat · 8 days
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smugsharkrat · 9 days
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Meet the twins!
Shayll (on the left) is an archeologist and belongs to my friend Mike
Shisst (on the right) is a paleontologist and belongs to me
These two are completely inseparable and almost impossible to tell apart. They actually relish the confusion that causes, and prefer to be thought of as a singular, chaotic entity.
Despite that, Shisst and Shayll have very distinct personalities. Shayll loves adventure and tends to be more outgoing. They document their excavations in a journal, writing the details like a pulp adventure novel. They also specialize in ancient languages.
Shisst is a little bit more shy and takes their work a little more seriously. They prefer to fill their journal with drawings, rendering what ancient creatures may have looked like based on the fossils they find.
The twins come from a family of geologists, hence the names. They also have an older brother named Slaytt, who studies magic crystals. Slaytt and the twins had a bit of a sibling rivalry growing up, but they've grown very close as adults. Slaytt is the only one who can reliably tell the twins apart, even if they try to trick him.
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smugsharkrat · 10 days
I was LITERALLY thinking about Ackle-Denth yesterday! I forgot that it was only referenced in Sea of Sorrows until I checked the wiki. I would adore having it as a mini game, honestly. I love me some card game mini games
Ackle-Denth is an old and established asuran card game, that is over 800 years old. No, you have a half ackle. It's only worth six. See how two of your cards are red, and all of mine are black? That's the difference between a full ackle and a half. Still, it's not a bad play for a beginner. Six points for you. — Macha
This old asuran game is only ever referenced in "Sea of Sorrows" but I'd deseperately love for ANet to finally give us some information on how this game is played.
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smugsharkrat · 10 days
btw roleplaying various characters with your friends is the singular most healing thing in the world. playing with toys for adults
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smugsharkrat · 11 days
I'm glad there's so much love for the chaos twins already. They've been the focal point of all my creative energy lately
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smugsharkrat · 11 days
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Been working on some art of the archeology/paleontology twins I've co-created with my friend Mike
Have a WIP
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smugsharkrat · 17 days
Still thinking about the end of SotO and I have to ask...
Did anyone else not realize Zojja showed up for the final fight with Eparch until everyone was talking about it afterwards? Was there some dialogue I missed that acknowledged her presence during the fight? Or was I just supposed to notice her tiny model running around among the massive kryptis while everything else was happening?
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smugsharkrat · 17 days
Character most likely to put mentos in fizzy drink then put their mouth over it to stop it. go
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