smurflover · 8 months
This is an odd request to do on 2023 but uh Opinions on Vanity and Clumsy
I love Clumsy. He's probably my favorite <3
Clumsy is shy and awkward. He’s always trying to impress you, but he always seems to fall short. He tries so hard to make you happy, but he usually does the opposite. (Ex: bakes a cake but ends up dumping it on you, picks you flowers but they end up being poisonous, etc) You know he tries and you don’t mean to get mad, but sometimes he does push you. Otherwise, he’s very cute and just wants you to be happy.
Vanity… What to say about vanity…. Well, he sees you through the back reflection, which is surprising that he’s looking at anything but himself. He talks to you while still looking in the mirror. He likes you and all, but… I mean- look at him! He’s just so great. (So he thinks.) I can’t really imagine him being in a relationship with anyone outside of himself, but if he does begin to like you, you’ll notice it when he looks at you directly, without a mirror, and listens to you talk. He never listens to anyone, much less LOOK AT THEM.
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smurflover · 10 months
Happy 20th Birthday to Me <3
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smurflover · 1 year
can you make absolutely anything about the scottish one (i forgor his name (jm high on ibupropefn) 💀))
Gutsy?? 😭😭😭 This was asked so long ago
[Did you know he was made just for the film?]
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He's a lot like grouchy [Expect he's Scottish]
Can be mean and at first you'll think he hates you
But it's just his way of showing he cares
He's very direct and tells you how he feels
Though he's not always nice about it
In fact, he's never nice about it
Though, he likes you, so he'll try
But you can't ask for to much. He's still going to slip from time to time
Though if you can give it back, that's a game changer
It's like tennis, you both keep going back and forth with your insults
It's a fun thing for you both to do
Sometimes you both will do it just to do it
Hopefully none of the other smurfs get involved, because no one is safe in war
Clumsy and Brainy know this from personal experience
He'll listen to you rant and give you advice
Though, not advice you want
It's really just him giving you the hard truth
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smurflover · 3 years
What is your favorite episode of the smurfs?
I don’t know if I have a personal favorite episode, but Smurfette was always my favorite, probably cause she was the only girl (if not her character a little sexist towards females but I digress), so any episode with her I enjoyed. I remember staying on my couch staying up till 2/3 am just to watch the Smurfs when I was little. It holds a very special place in my sleepless childhood lol. I also really enjoyed the Snorks, too, which have a very similar character design to The Smurfs.
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smurflover · 3 years
Hello, can I ask you for the reaction of several Smurfs (Brainy, Grouchy, Hefty, Greedy) to the fact that the reader kisses them on the cheek goodbye? It's interesting to see the embarrassment of these blue boys.
Thank you very much in advance🙏💕
You've requested on my other blogs :) [You've interacted with my HTTYD Tumblr lol] But Of course :)
NGL I also added Clumsy, cause I thought you asked for it 😭😭😭
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Hefty Smurf
You skipped across the forest, humming while the little forest animals pranced around you. Hefty was carrying your buckets with pretty stuff you had found in the forest, so you could decorate your home. You were very grateful that Hefty was so willing to help you, especially since the stuff was so heavy.
"Thank you for helping me Hefty," You called back to him, after having heard him grunt.
"Of course, Y/n. Anything for you."
When you finally get to your mushroom, Hefty drops the buckets on your bed. Hefty turns to leave waving to you, but you grab his arm.
"Do you still-"
You kiss his cheek, before pushing him out. His face was a bright cherry red, "Thank you Hefty."
He just stared at the ground, while his face got redder and redder trying to register what happened.
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Clumsy Smurf
You had been walking and minding your own business, when everyone's favorite smurf, Clumsy, came barreling behind you. He tripped over a rock and knocked you over.
"Oh, sorry about that Y/n..."
You looked at your dirty dress, before sighing, "It's fine Clumsy.."
He tries wiping off the dirt from your dress, but just ends up smearing it more. He blushes, apologizing profusely.
"It's fine Clumsy." Though as you say this, Clumsy still feels bad about what happened. As you head to the village to change your outfit, Clumsy watches you, before seeing some flowers and deciding to pick you some pretty flowers.
He hums to himself as he picks the prettiest ones, but tripped on a rock, and fell on top of the flowers. He frowned, looking at the crumbled flowers. It was getting dark and headed back to the village the flowers in hand.
"Oh Clumsy. Have you been in the forest day?"
"Yeah," he looks at the destroyed flowers.
"Aww, pretty flowers, Clumsy."
"They were going to be for you, but I accidentally fell on them." He holds the flowers.
"Aww. They're so cute," You grab the flowers, even though they were droopy. "It's such a thoughtful thing for you to do Clumsy, and I appreciate it." You kiss Clumsy's cheek and Clumsy's face goes a dark red and he can't even speak.
"Bye Clumsy~"
He just waves, trying to stay upright.
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Brainy Smurf
You frowned as Brainy ranted on and on about something that no one really cared all that much about. Everyone was slowly leaving and it seemed you were the last one left, on accident. When realizing you were the last one left in the room, you glanced around the room.
"Where did everyone go, Y/n?"
"I think- uh... Um... What?"
He frowns, repeating his question. You just looked around not really taking him seriously.
"I- ummm... Have to go."
Brainy frowns, making you feel bad, so you kiss his cheek, before apologizing and heading off.
"Sorry Brainy!"
Brainy covered his face, trying not to show how he was red like the red tulips that grow in the forest.
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Grouchy Smurf
You frowned, everyone was so busy and you felt lonely. You saw Grouchy on a bench by himself, with his arms crossed. You sat next to him, humming. You heard him groan and you mimicked his movements.
"Rainbows are so ugly." You say trying to get him to talk to you but all he does is groan. You turn to him, putting your hand under your cheek, trying to think of some way to get his attention or get him to talk to you.
"How are you today Grouchy?"
He shrugs, and doesn't say anything to you. You frown, looking around. A butterfly lands on your finger and Grouchy sits up straighter. You notice this and move your finger.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
Grouchy looks at you, before blushing and quickly looking away from you and huffing. You sigh, the butterfly flying away and you leaned on both hands, saddened by the lack of responses.
"Hey isn't your birthday soon?"
"Yeah, actually now that you mention it..."
"Hmm..." Grouchy felt bad that you were sad because you were lonely.
You leaned into the bench and look back towards Grouchy.
"You look pretty today?"
You blush, before smiling and thanking him. You kiss his cheek, before smiling and waving bye to him, a little happier. Grouchy has to hide that he's embarrassed and acts like he's mad, with his arms crossed and a frown on his face, but on the inside he was losing his mind.
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Greedy Smurf
You were walking to the bakery to grab the cake Baker Smurf had made for you, since you had gotten the ingredients for the cake.
"Baker?" You knocked on his door, it opening and you peaked in. "Baker?" There was a smurf, who you assumed was Baker infront of the cake. "Oh is that my cake?"
That's when Greedy Smurf saw in big letters your name on the cake, before gulping. He turned away, some of the cake still on his cheeks.
"Greedy? Where's Baker Smurf?"
"I don't know....."
"Did you eat my cake, Greedy?"
You looked over his shoulder to see where he had eaten some of the cake. You frowned, which cause guilt to eat at Greedy.
"I'm sorry, Y/n Smurf. I didn't know it was your cake."
"Oh, it's quite alright Greedy. I'll just get more ingredients. Maybe Baker will bake another one."
Greedy still felt bad and decided that he wanted to go and help you get everything needed for the cake. When Baker came back, he was furious at Greedy for having eaten your cake. Though you were quick to defend him and ask if there was any chance Baker would make you a new cake if you got more ingredients.
"Of course. I would do anything for you Y/n."
So you and Greedy head to the forest to grab more ingredients. And when he finally got all the ingredients, you kissed his cheek, thanking him, before heading off to Baker's Home. Greedy just stood there, confused, but not mad.
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smurflover · 3 years
Giving You All The Flowers
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Still replacing Smurfette
You waved goodbye to Handy Smurf as you held your picnic basket in your arm.
"Hey Y/n!"
You look to who was talking to you, to see Hefty who was carrying a dumbbell in both of his hands. "Oh, Hi Hefty."
"Um.. What are you doing?"
You looked to the basket in your arms and back at Hefty. "Nothing?"
"Uhuh.. What's with the basket?"
You hid the basket behind you. "What basket?"
"Okay, so you're not acting weird at all," he side eyes you, as you whistle while walking past him.
"Well, I should get going. Bye Hefty."
He watched you walk away, looking awfully suspicious. Hefty found Brainy, who was trying to convince some of the Smurfs to listen to him.
Brainy Smurf turns around, frowning at Brainy. "What do you need Hefty?"
"Did you see Y/n acting weird?"
"Now that you mention it..... No." Brainy rolls his eyes while shaking his head.
"Okay, I'll figure it out myself."
You looked around, making sure no one was watching you, before setting out your blanket. You place down your basket, and lay on the blanket, the sun shinning in your face. You sighed, before sitting back up. You whistled and snapped your fingers together, before attracting a shy squirrel.
You looked into the basket, and pulled out some fruit. "Here little guy." You handed him some of the fruit and awwed when he nibbled on it.
Though before you could continue, a certain smurf came running in and tripping on your blanket and scarring your squirrel friend.
"Clumsy.." You crossed your arms, looking down at Clumsy.
"Ops... Shucks, sorry about that Y/n Smurf..."
"What are you doing?"
"I- Well- Um, actually... I don't know?"
You huff sitting down, "Well there goes my perfect picnic..."
"Oh, I'm sorry about that Y/n. Do you- uh.. Do you want well me to stay with you?"
You looked at your basket, before sighing, "You might as well.. Hate for this food to go to waste. Baker Smurf wouldn't like that."
"Wow, great." Clumsy grabs a sandwich from the basket and eats away, while you lay on the blanket. "So, Y/n Smurf, what were you doing out here."
"Oh, it's nothing."
"If you say so Y/n."
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smurflover · 3 years
Smurf-tacular Dress
Still replacing Smurfette
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You look at the dresses in your hands. Clumsy was sitting on your bed, watching you try and choose between the two dresses. You turn to Clumsy and hold up the two dresses.
"Which dress do you like Clumsy."
"Well, shucks Y/n.... I don't know. They're both pretty."
You glance at the dresses and back at them, "Yeah, but which one is better?"
He glanced around the room nervously, before looking back at you. "Am I really the one you should ask?"
You frowned at him, looking back at the dresses and then back at him, "So there's not one that's better?"
"The pink one?"
You look at the pink one and at the f/c one. Then you look back at clumsy, "The pink one? Really?"
"I- Uh- I mean the f/c one!"
You look at the dress and frown, "I don't know."
Clumsy groaned and accidentally hit the headboard making you wince.
"Are you okay Clumsy?"
He gives you a thumbs up as you lean over him and his injury, almost seeing the stars above his head.
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smurflover · 3 years
Sweet Lover
(You replace Smurfette)
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You smelled the air, sitting in my mushroom. You stood from your bed and groaned. You opened the door and looked around. You assumed the smell was coming from Baker Smurf's home and left your house.
"Hi, Smurf Y/n!"
You looked towards the voice and smiled towards them, waving at them. Some other smurfs waved towards you and said hello, and you would just reply and wave back.
You reached the house the sweet smell was coming from, only for you to reach Brainy Smurf's house. You knocked on the door and were told you to come in. You cracked open the door and peaked in.
"Ahh, Smurf Y/n."
"Hi Brainy."
He had a cake in his hand and put it on the table that he was next to. In the room, Hefty was sitting on a chair and had his arms crossed. There was writing on a chalk board and Brainy pushed up his glasses. He smirked and looked to Clumsy who was in the middle of some fallen books.
"I told you she'd come."
"Yeah, but everyone knows, Smurf Y/n likes sweets," Hefty said, not impressed.
"What?" You asked, clearly confused.
"Brainy said he could get you here without doing anything," Clumsy said, finally getting up and whipping his pants.
"Oh." You were confused, you didn't know why he wanted you here. "Can I at least have some of the cake."
Brainy tossed you a cupcake and you caught it. You turned to leave, but Clumsy stopped you by accidentally falling on you. You landed on your face with Clumsy on tip of you.
"Oh, sorry about that Smurf Y/n."
You blew out a hair from your face, "It's okay, Clumsy."
He quickly got off you and blushed, clearly embarrassed. You got your hair out of your face and started walking again, but Clumsy caught up with you, but not before tripping.
"Oh can I hang out with you Y/n?"
"Of course Clumsy."
He fist pumped and tripped over a stick, causing you to giggle, and helping him up.
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