#Grouchy Smurf x Reader
auras-moonstone · 7 months
heyyy i love your ficsss so badly! i was wondering if you could do “you are in love” reader x (ethan or jack, doesn’t matter) where reader and ethan/jack slowly start falling in love, and just make small little moments where it shows how they slowly start developing feelings for each other, and it ends up in them kissing in a car or on a rooftop!! thank you so much!! i love ur fics, they make me believe in love all over again xx!!
that’s actually the cutest thing someone’s ever told me🥺 thank you so much, i hope you like it!
you are in love — ethan landry
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word counter: 2.2k
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: y/n moves to new york to be with her friends and meets ethan, with whom she connects instantly and they slowly start to fall for each other.
warnings: none! just fluff.
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Y/N couldn’t believe she had let the group drag her to one of the places she hated the most—parties. The only reason why she accepted was because she had just moved to New York after years of living in another country, and she missed her friends. Especially when she heard the news about their attack and the death of Wes and Liv. She needed to be with them, so she transferred to Blackmore University.
“Can you at least pretend you’re enjoying yourself?” Mindy asked, trying not to laugh at the girl’s scowl.
“No, at least people will get the memo. I swear if one more frat boy offers me to go upstairs I’m starting something.”
“Hey, you wanna go upstairs?” a voice from behind her teased.
Y/N laughed as she turned around. “Hi, Chad. You’re the only frat boy I tolerate… most of the time.”
“I missed your grumpiness so bad.” he hugged her. “By the way, this is Ethan. Eth, this is Y/N, my best friend who just moved and our new roomie.”
Standing beside Chad was the tallest 20-year-old Y/N had ever seen. With perfect brown curls and magnetic brown eyes, he was also the most gorgeous guy Y/N had ever met.
Very aware of the pretty girl’s intense eyes on him, Ethan blushed. In an act of nervousness, he foolishly extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Y/N looked down at his hand and with a smile, she shook it. “Nice to meet you, too. I heard a lot about you. Chad is kinda in love.”
He truly spoke a lot about him, and Y/N thought their bromance was everything.
“Damn right. He is my boy.” Chad squeezed his male best friend’s shoulder. “I think you two are going to get along great. You can bitch about parties together while the rest of the group have fun.”
“Have they been dragging you to a lot of parties?” she asked in a sympathetic tone.
“Sadly, yes.” the boy laughed. “It’s nice to know I won’t be miserable alone anymore.”
Y/N giggled. “Hey, thanks for letting me stay in your dorm, by the way. I know we don’t know each other, so I appreciate it.”
“No problem at all, really. Chad says you make the best coffee in the world, and coffee is practically what keeps me alive in college. So my reasons might not be selfless at all.”
“I share the sentiment, and I’ll gladly make you coffee anytime you want. I promise.”
“That’s a dangerous promise to make. I truly do drink a lot of coffee.”
“Trust me, she could make a run for your money. She hasn’t had coffee for like three hours and she’s already Grouchy Smurf.” Chad spoke, reminding the two teens that they weren’t alone. “I’m telling you, you’re going to get along great.”
“I believe it. Hell, I might just have replace you already.” Y/N exchanged a smile with Ethan.
Chad rolled his eyes and scoffed, acting annoyed. Truth was, ever since he had met Ethan, the only thing he could think was what a perfect match he would be for Y/N. Sam and Tara could see it too, but Mindy thought Y/N was way out of his league.
“Whatever, you two party poopers can hide in the corner. I’m going to party.” the boy said, leaving them alone.
Time flew too fast, which was unusual considering they were at a party, but between getting to know each other and light-hearted jokes, they realized almost three hours had passed and together they decided to call it a night.
“Sorry I wasn’t here this afternoon to welcome you. I lost track of time at the library.” Ethan said once they entered their dorm.
“Don’t worry about it. We didn’t do much anyways, they just helped me unpack and then I took the most awesome nap.”
Ethan smiled. “Yeah, you look way too energetic.”
“And you look like you’re two seconds away from collapsing on the spot.” she laughed. “Go rest.”
“Are you going to bed?”
“I’ll probably make some tea and read for a while, I’m not tired.”
“I can keep you company.” he offered. Y/N smiled, he was trying hard to keep his eyes open yet he was still there making sure she didn’t feel alone.
“No, it’s okay. You look very tired and I don’t mind some alone time, really. Thanks, tho. You’re very sweet. “
“Fine, but if you need anything wake me up. I’m serious.”
“Okay, thanks. Good night, Ethan.”
Ethan yawned and mumbled a quick “Night, Y/N/N. It’s was nice to meet you.”
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It was a Sunday morning and Y/N woke up in a good mood, so she decided to make breakfast for Ethan and her. Starting with the coffee Ethan had become obsessed with ever since the first time she made it for him, and then she tried to make toasts. Keyword: tried.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” she cursed, taking the burnt toasts out of the toaster. “Idiot!”
“Well, good morning to you too.” a sarcastic raspy voice said from the other side of the stool.
Y/N turned around to face the curly-haired boy. “Sorry, Eth. Good morning. I tried to make us toasts but I burnt them.”
Ethan smiled and walked towards her. “Thank you, you didn’t have to. Let me do it, you already did coffee.”
Their shoulders brushed and they stood still, looking at each other in shock. The moment lasted for only a second, but it was a meaningful one. Just one look and a small touch, but they felt enough.
It had been a month since Y/N moved in with the two boys and met the rest of the group. And even though she had built a nice friendship with Anika and Quinn, it was safe to say that Ethan was the one she had connected the most with.
“So, what are your plans for today? Chad already left for the gym and then he’s going to Tara’s.”
“I honestly don’t feel like going out, so maybe I’ll stay in, watch some movies.” Ethan shrugged, giving her a cup of coffee.
“Do you mind some company? I don’t feel like going out either”
Ethan smiled widely. “Of course. What’s your favorite genre?”
“Slashers, horror, suspense… anything gory.”
“Fuck yes. I finally have someone to watch horror movies with.” the boy smiled like a little kid.
“What are you talking about? Mindy’s really into them.” she frowned.
Ethan grimaced and let out a chuckle. “Mindy kinda hates me.”
“What? Why? Are you sure?” she asked, completely taken aback. Mindy sure was a peculiar human, but Ethan was so sweet and funny, there’s no way you could not like him.
“Yup. Surprised you haven’t noticed, she doesn’t hide it.”
“She’s a little distrustful, because of what happened last year.”
“I know. But that’s not it, she actually dislikes me. She says I have the profile of a killer, and I swear to God I feel the disgust on her eyes everytime I’m near. She says something mean about me whenever she can, and she bluntly said you’re too good to be my friend.”
Y/N’s jaw fell open and her heart hurt a little for him. “That’s a load of bullshit. I’m sorry, Ethan. That’s awful.”
“It’s alright. The rest of the group is cool with me, and Chad is already my best friend. I can take Mindy’s comments.”
“Well, you shouldn’t have to bear with them. I swear if she says something about you in front of me I—”
“You’re not going to say anything.” he cut her off. “I don’t want any tension, I’ll just keep on ignoring what she says.”
“Okay, then. I’m not saying anything.”
“If you’re present.” she finished. “If she talks about you when you’re not there, I’ll give her my piece of mind. And there’s nothing you can do to make me change my mind.”
“Stubborn woman.” he rolled his eyes.
Y/N gave him a toothy smile. “Proudly.”
Ethan felt like he had been given an electric shock. There was a parade going on inside his stomach, and his heart was beating as if he had ran the longest marathon.
But it was all Y/N and her protectiveness over him. They had known each other for a little over a month, and there she was, becoming his best friend and making him feel cared for and important.
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There was one week left until finals, and the anxiety was in the air and printed on Y/N’s and Ethan’s faces. They were both sat on the couch—papers, notebooks and colourful markers sprawled around them—and talking to themselves under their breaths.
“That’s it, I’m out. I can’t stand the sight of you two.” Chad said, pocketing his phone as he stood up from his chair almost tripping over one of the empty cups of coffee on the floor.
“I’m so sorry we’re invested in having a future.” Y/N said sarcastically “If one day you need a doctor,” she pointed to herself and then at Ethan “or a lawyer, we’re definitely not going to be there.”
Chad raised his eyebrows, and bit his lip trying not to laugh. “Okay, whatever you say.” he raised his arms. “Good luck with this one, Ethan.”
“Ethan’s fine, he doesn’t get on my nerves. Unlike you.”
“Because you’re one and the same.”
“I smell jealousy there, Chad. Are you mad your boyfriend replaced you?” Y/N smirked.
“He didn’t replace me. I’m still his favourite, right, Eth?”
Ethan diverted his gaze. “I plead the fifth.”
“He doesn’t want to hurt your feelings, but the answer’s clearly yes.” Chad said to Y/N. “Goodbye.”
Once the door closed, the only sounds that could be heard in the living room were the turning of pages and some frustrated sighs. Ethan was the one who broke first, “Okay, let’s just stop. You’re going to get migraines and I can sense you’re about to burst out crying.”
“Thank fuck, I didn’t want to be the weak one and say it first.” Y/N said in relief, closing her textbook. “Want coffee?”
“Sure” Ethan said with a laugh.
“So…” Y/N started. They had sat on the balcony, with a cup of coffee, to admire the streets of New York at midnight.
“Who’s your favorite? Chad or me?” she asked with a playful smile.
Ethan rolled his eyes and tugged her close, so her back was resting against his chest. They both closed their eyes and enjoyed each other’s presence.
Something they loved about their friendship was that there wasn’t any need to fill the silences. There wasn’t any awkwardness because they had learnt to communicate without words, they could read each other’s expressions and body language. Everyone in the group could see they had a unique bond.
Y/N and Ethan never had to say anything for the group to know something stronger was developing between them. Something more than a friendship. They could hear it in their silences, they could feel it on the way home from university—both would walk beside each other and absentmindedly brush their knuckles or lean against the other—, and they could definitely notice the way they looked at each other. Whether the other was looking or not, they were constantly searching for one another. They were falling in love, you could see it even with the lights out.
“You’re my favourite, too.”
Ethan smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Y/N fell asleep listing to his heartbeats.
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Things changed after than night. The two friends finally realized what the rest of the group had known for months—they were in love. And with the realization came the fears. Fear of rejection, of ruining a perfect friendship, fear of those feelings being one-sided. And so they spent days trying to push down those feelings until it became unbearable.
“There you are.” Y/N said with a smile once he found Ethan lying on the rooftop. Now that finals were over, the group decided to take a well-deserved vacations and rented a house on the beach. “Can I join you?”
“Always.” Ethan smiled patting the place beside him.
“What a view. Can we stay forever?” Y/N said in a content tone. The sun was setting, painting the sky with pretty shades of bright orange and soft pink, contrasting with the clear blue water of the sea.
I already get to see the prettiest view everyday, was Ethan’s immediate thought. But he couldn’t say that, so instead he went with, “I wish.”
Silence followed those words. This time, it wasn’t the comfortable peaceful one they were accustomed to. There was this loudness in Y/N’s strange expression, like she wanted to get something off her chest but she was overthinking it way too much.
“You can tell me anything, you know?” Ethan said softly.
Y/N looked into his eyes and moved her body closer to his. Ethan’s heart started beating in anticipation, something about that move made him hopeful.
“I just…” she paused. “You’re my best friend, Eth.” they were so close she might as well have whispered those words against his lips.
Ethan smiled and closed the distance painfully slow. If she was any other person, he might have had second thoughts, but not with Y/N. He could read her like his favourite book. “I’m in love with you.” he whispered when the kiss ended. Their foreheads were touching and their eyes were still closed.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
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darlingshane · 2 years
the big bad pineapple
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Frank Castle x GN!Reader
Rating: G
Word Count: 703
Summary: Frank thinks you have a terrible taste in pizza.
Content/Warnings: Crack, Fluff, Eating, Pizza, Established Relationship, Gun Mention.
Prompt: Frank/anyone, he's Italian and his partner puts pineapple on pizza and Frank's APPALLED. He can take torture but this is too much. – for @daredevilexchange's Prompt Fest.
– Read below or at AO3.
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On your way home, you order a couple of pizzas for dinner and by the time you arrive, Frank has already invited himself into your apartment. As you close the door, you can see from the entryway he's made himself at home as usual, leaned back on the couch, with one foot propped on the edge of the coffee table, his hands busy scrubbing a shotgun with a brush, and an assortment of cleaning tools and weapons laid all around him.
“Evening, sweetheart,” his lips curve up, glancing at you as you take off your coat and place your bag down before walking up to the couch.
Standing behind him, you hold his head and tilt it backwards as you lean forwards to capture his precious mouth. Your lips bounce thrice against his, and after the third he smiles as you press one more kiss on the bridge of his nose.
“Foot,” you semi-scold right after, straightening your posture.
“Sorry,” Frank scoffs, moving his boot away from the table. “Y’know, the fact that you care more about your little table than the guns is concerning.”
“Well, I refinished that all by myself. I care about my little table, the same way you care about your stupid guns. If I went stomping on them, you wouldn’t like that either, would you?”
“Fair enough. Won’t happen again.” He pauses his task and takes a good look at the table, “it ended up pretty good.”
“I know,” you really took pride in learning how to restore used furniture to make it look new, and that piece in particular is one of your favorites.
The doorbell rings while you’re changing into comfortable clothes, and it’s Frank who answers the door to collect your dinner from the deliverer.
After placing the two boxes on the breakfast bar, he opens the one on top, and as expected, you hear him grumbling and cursing from the bedroom when he discovers your chosen toppings for that one in particular. You had a craving for pineapple, and you ordered a second one specially for him, cause you’re pretty aware that your dear Frank doesn’t do pineapple on pizza.
He’s as simple as he’s stubborn.
“Would you relax and open the other one, grouchy smurf?” you pinch his butt as you walk behind him, “I got you one with sausage and mushroom.”
His face contorts in utter disgust as he slides that one to your side, “I don’t know how you can eat that.”
“To each their own, I guess.”
“I’d rather get shot in the head again,” he states, picking up a slice of his own pizza, folding it, and shoving half of it into his mouth.
“You know… you could just say thank you, for a change,” your eyes roll, grabbing a couple of refreshments from the fridge before sitting at the bar, “there’s no need to bash my taste in food.”
“Baby, you got a terrible taste in pizza, what can I say?”
“Said the one with an asbestos mouth,” you remark, side-eying him, “do I complain about your coffee breath? No, cause I don’t care. Guess I have a terrible taste in men, too.”
“I have coffee breath?”
“Say what you will, but coffee breath is normal. Pineapple on pizza? That’s an atrocity that shouldn’t even exist.”
“You’re insane, Frank. It’s just pineapple,” you let out a chuckle, digging into your delicious Hawaiian pizza, “have you even tried it?”
“Don’t need to.”
Grinning, you move the slice in your hand towards his mouth, “come on, have a little taste, baby. No one's gonna know the big bad punisher got an itty-bitty bite of pineapple pizza.”
He promptly swats your hand away, scowling, “keep that thing off my face.”
Amused, you shake your head and stop teasing him, no matter how entertaining it is to see him passionately hating something as harmless as pineapple on pizza.
There are some leftovers at the end and the next day, out of your sight, he takes a bite of your so-called atrocity to discover it is not as bad as he thought, but not in a million years he would ever admit that to you or anyone else for that matter.
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
could i pls request smurf!yoongi x m&m!reader (inspired by grouchy smurf being married to the green m&m in the movie) with the prompt "I will always protect you (from melting) just like I promised you when we joined in holy smurfimony"
@4amj3zz asks you to confirm you’re not her, she’s stressing beside me rn begging you to own up because this is something she would say 😭
as an offer, have this picture of the green m&m in exchange for your confirmation that you’re not @4amj3zz
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smurflover · 3 years
Hello, can I ask you for the reaction of several Smurfs (Brainy, Grouchy, Hefty, Greedy) to the fact that the reader kisses them on the cheek goodbye? It's interesting to see the embarrassment of these blue boys.
Thank you very much in advance🙏💕
You've requested on my other blogs :) [You've interacted with my HTTYD Tumblr lol] But Of course :)
NGL I also added Clumsy, cause I thought you asked for it 😭😭😭
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Hefty Smurf
You skipped across the forest, humming while the little forest animals pranced around you. Hefty was carrying your buckets with pretty stuff you had found in the forest, so you could decorate your home. You were very grateful that Hefty was so willing to help you, especially since the stuff was so heavy.
"Thank you for helping me Hefty," You called back to him, after having heard him grunt.
"Of course, Y/n. Anything for you."
When you finally get to your mushroom, Hefty drops the buckets on your bed. Hefty turns to leave waving to you, but you grab his arm.
"Do you still-"
You kiss his cheek, before pushing him out. His face was a bright cherry red, "Thank you Hefty."
He just stared at the ground, while his face got redder and redder trying to register what happened.
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Clumsy Smurf
You had been walking and minding your own business, when everyone's favorite smurf, Clumsy, came barreling behind you. He tripped over a rock and knocked you over.
"Oh, sorry about that Y/n..."
You looked at your dirty dress, before sighing, "It's fine Clumsy.."
He tries wiping off the dirt from your dress, but just ends up smearing it more. He blushes, apologizing profusely.
"It's fine Clumsy." Though as you say this, Clumsy still feels bad about what happened. As you head to the village to change your outfit, Clumsy watches you, before seeing some flowers and deciding to pick you some pretty flowers.
He hums to himself as he picks the prettiest ones, but tripped on a rock, and fell on top of the flowers. He frowned, looking at the crumbled flowers. It was getting dark and headed back to the village the flowers in hand.
"Oh Clumsy. Have you been in the forest day?"
"Yeah," he looks at the destroyed flowers.
"Aww, pretty flowers, Clumsy."
"They were going to be for you, but I accidentally fell on them." He holds the flowers.
"Aww. They're so cute," You grab the flowers, even though they were droopy. "It's such a thoughtful thing for you to do Clumsy, and I appreciate it." You kiss Clumsy's cheek and Clumsy's face goes a dark red and he can't even speak.
"Bye Clumsy~"
He just waves, trying to stay upright.
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Brainy Smurf
You frowned as Brainy ranted on and on about something that no one really cared all that much about. Everyone was slowly leaving and it seemed you were the last one left, on accident. When realizing you were the last one left in the room, you glanced around the room.
"Where did everyone go, Y/n?"
"I think- uh... Um... What?"
He frowns, repeating his question. You just looked around not really taking him seriously.
"I- ummm... Have to go."
Brainy frowns, making you feel bad, so you kiss his cheek, before apologizing and heading off.
"Sorry Brainy!"
Brainy covered his face, trying not to show how he was red like the red tulips that grow in the forest.
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Grouchy Smurf
You frowned, everyone was so busy and you felt lonely. You saw Grouchy on a bench by himself, with his arms crossed. You sat next to him, humming. You heard him groan and you mimicked his movements.
"Rainbows are so ugly." You say trying to get him to talk to you but all he does is groan. You turn to him, putting your hand under your cheek, trying to think of some way to get his attention or get him to talk to you.
"How are you today Grouchy?"
He shrugs, and doesn't say anything to you. You frown, looking around. A butterfly lands on your finger and Grouchy sits up straighter. You notice this and move your finger.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
Grouchy looks at you, before blushing and quickly looking away from you and huffing. You sigh, the butterfly flying away and you leaned on both hands, saddened by the lack of responses.
"Hey isn't your birthday soon?"
"Yeah, actually now that you mention it..."
"Hmm..." Grouchy felt bad that you were sad because you were lonely.
You leaned into the bench and look back towards Grouchy.
"You look pretty today?"
You blush, before smiling and thanking him. You kiss his cheek, before smiling and waving bye to him, a little happier. Grouchy has to hide that he's embarrassed and acts like he's mad, with his arms crossed and a frown on his face, but on the inside he was losing his mind.
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Greedy Smurf
You were walking to the bakery to grab the cake Baker Smurf had made for you, since you had gotten the ingredients for the cake.
"Baker?" You knocked on his door, it opening and you peaked in. "Baker?" There was a smurf, who you assumed was Baker infront of the cake. "Oh is that my cake?"
That's when Greedy Smurf saw in big letters your name on the cake, before gulping. He turned away, some of the cake still on his cheeks.
"Greedy? Where's Baker Smurf?"
"I don't know....."
"Did you eat my cake, Greedy?"
You looked over his shoulder to see where he had eaten some of the cake. You frowned, which cause guilt to eat at Greedy.
"I'm sorry, Y/n Smurf. I didn't know it was your cake."
"Oh, it's quite alright Greedy. I'll just get more ingredients. Maybe Baker will bake another one."
Greedy still felt bad and decided that he wanted to go and help you get everything needed for the cake. When Baker came back, he was furious at Greedy for having eaten your cake. Though you were quick to defend him and ask if there was any chance Baker would make you a new cake if you got more ingredients.
"Of course. I would do anything for you Y/n."
So you and Greedy head to the forest to grab more ingredients. And when he finally got all the ingredients, you kissed his cheek, thanking him, before heading off to Baker's Home. Greedy just stood there, confused, but not mad.
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