smutdyr · 6 years
Sleepy Sex Meme
Send one for…
😍 - My muse to roll on top of your muse and start to kiss them
😊 - Your muse to suck on my muse’s neck while they cuddle 😨 - My muse to sneak under the cover and pleasure with your muse with their mouth
😈 - My muse crawling on your muse and pressing their hips against your muse’s crotch
😱 - My muse suddenly reaching down and grabbing your muse between the legs 💤 - Your muse spooning mine from behind and starting to rub their crotch against my muse’s hind
👂 - Your muse nibbling on my muse’s ear
❤️ - WILD CARD!!
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smutdyr · 6 years
Smut Sentence Starters
“Beg for it.”
“I want to fuck you right now.”
“I’m going to make it hurt.”
“I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“I’m your Master and you’ll do what I say.”
“It’s not going to fit!”
“I’m the only one that would ever fuck you.”
“Spread your legs for me.”
[text] What are you wearing?
“Get on your knees.”
“Did we fuck last night?”
“I didn’t know you were so kinky.”
“I think you need to be spanked.”
“You look good tied up.”
“Put on a show for me.”
“I’m not wearing any underwear.”
[text] I didn’t mean to send those pictures!
“I think the condom broke.”
“You know you like when I tease you.”
“You’ve been a bad boy/girl.”
“We should try adding a third person.”
“You don’t have to be so gentle.”
“Wrong hole!”
“Bend over.”
“I’m never getting on my knees for you again.”
“You’re going to break me.”
“Fuck me.”
“You belong to me.”
“Punish me.”
“I’m gonna cum!”
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smutdyr · 6 years
It was at the other womans request that Hel had come to her chambers to meet with her. The smaller goddess was still very much new to the concept of dating, however, she was doing her best to please the seemingly older woman. Hel was timid when with Scathach, not because she disliked her, no, no— The exact opposite in fact! Hel was quite enamored with the woman. She was beautiful and strong, and extremely intelligent. She was ecstatic that someone like Scathach had taken an interest in her, but it left her nervous of disappointing the woman.
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Now standing before her door, Hel gives it a gentle knock before starting to fidget.. She hoped she’d made it here before Scathach had decided to go off somewhere..
Love Of Two Goddess’s
@smutdyr the Dun Scaith Goddess waited for lover in her chambers. the two goddess’s have been dating for quite sometime now. the Lancer Servant was wearing a white sweater, with purple panties underneath. she looked at the moonlit night while waiting for Hel. she invited over the goddess to her humble abode, wanting to spend more time with her. but there was another reason, she wanted to consumate her love with Hel. a faint blush on her cheeks, while glancing at the door. she walked over to her bed, and layed  down. her eyes glued to the door, while doing her best not to excite herself too much down there, while mumbling “how do you this too me” she mumbled, while groaning softly
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smutdyr · 6 years
She’d yet to understand why he was so enamored with her smiles, though it was something that made her flush when mentioned.. To think he’d choose such a simple yet meaningful part of her appearance to hold so dear.. Were her smiles truly so magnificent? She did not understand.. But if he liked them so much, then she would do her best to smile for him, all the time. Which would be fairly easy considering she was always happy when she was with him.
She did not mind his peeking eyes, in fact, she was flattered and wanted him to look more. Her body was his now, after all, she wanted him to look at it, touch it, kiss it, love it— She wanted him to look at her while she bore everything for him. She was allowing him to see her in her entirety, body and feelings on plain display.
His eyes upon her chest earn him a slightly amused smile form the Goddess. She’s surprised that he’s able to discard his clothing so quickly, but she supposed this just meant he was excited as well. Finding herself being laid back, Hel made an effort not to let go of his hand just yet.
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Her chest was soft and plush, unblemished and pale and already perked from exposure. Needless to say, his wamr tongue on her skin felt wonderful and elicited a shaky sigh of contentment form the goddess while her face began to flush. This was new for her, to be touched in this way.. But she was enjoying it. She’d finally released his hand, but only so she could move both of her own to run through his hair in an affectionate way.
Another sigh escapes her as he pulls away— Staring up at her lover with affectionately glowing eyes, Hel’s mouth forms a small ‘O’ at his question. Looking off to the side, the smallest of smile twisting her lips, she soon looks back up to him and lowers her hands so that she can wrap her arms about his neck.
”Would you be alright..If we made love right here, just like this? I want to be able to see you.. To be as close as I can this first time, at least..” She’d already lifted her legs and wrapped her bare thighs about his waist to keep him there— There would be no escape, it seemed.
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smutdyr · 6 years
Angry? Why would she be angry? He had done nothing wrong. Well at least, nothing wrong that she knew of. Tilting her head to the side before shaking it from side to side, Hel gives the man a small and slightly confused smile, “You do not have to if you do not want to. All you need say is, ‘no thank you.’ “ She was more worried that SHE was the one making HIM nervous.
Though, she supposes that her statement had been unnecessary as he took it upon himself to walk in and shut the door behind himself shortly afterwards. Watching him move to sit on the bed with a clearly pleased expression, Hel takes his concerns into consideration before shaking her head again, this time in an amused way.
”You are most definitely worthy, Katsuma. Do not be silly.” She moves back over to her desk and rummages around in a plastic bag before pulling out another set of lingerie, pausing at his next question. She then pauses and thinks for a moment.
”Mmm.. About seven? The woman at the store said they would all look quite nice on me! So I just couldn’t resist!”
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Katsuma was an agreeable man, in her opinion. He was kind and never tried to force things upon her or speak of things that she found distasteful. He even knew how to cook and look after himself! So unlike the practical man-children of the Norsemen. She’d taken a swing to him immediately, though didn’t quite know how to show her appreciation.
As such her general, regal air had yet to fade in his presence. She’d never received much training in how to deal with social situations.. She hoped he didn’t think her haughty or rude.
The look on her current caretakers face as he takes in her scantily dressed visage is enough to make her cheeks redden. Was her form really so interesting..? So ‘great’? She hadn’t known.. Or was he just trying to flatter her.
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Looking off to the side, Hel fidgets a bit more before speaking, “W-Well, thank you.. Oh, uhm! No! You do not have to leave.. I-In fact.. I purchased a few more articles of clothing today.. I was wondering if— Well, if it would be acceptable to ask you to watch me model them. I want to know if they look right from the perspective of others.”
“I really apologize, my Lady Hel, I understand your– wait… you’re… not angry?” He blinks a couple of times, before slowly moving his face more so she can see him, eyes still focused on the floor. He hadn’t known much about Gods before, but he always thought they were quick to anger over every and all things, especially the more ‘sinister’ types. While he knew less about the Norse mythos then he did about the Judeo-Christian God or of those from the Shinto-Buddhist Pantheon, he assumed that rule simply spread across all gods.
Stepping into the room, he quickly closes the door, not wishing any of the other servants who had been hired to attend to the Lady’s temporary home from interrupting either of them. They may be less… inclined to do as the Lady asks, and much more inclined to throw the poor teacher-turned-tour-guide out onto the street for simply obliging her request.
“If you are sure I am worthy enough to do so, Lady Hel, I would be honored to provide my– ah… opinion.” He nods slowly, moving to seat himself on the edge of the bed, before remembering his ‘condition’ and slowly moving a leg to help at least cover it.
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“Erm, if I may my lady… how many of these did you buy… exactly?” He’d like to know how many times he was going to be murdered by beauty in one sitting.
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smutdyr · 6 years
Thor is going to smooch Hel. How lewd
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smutdyr · 6 years
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Now she’s embarrassed—
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>Hel is actually being horny af. 
‘MY DIIIIIIIICK.’ Of course, he did not utter that aloud – it was in his mind. For now. 
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smutdyr · 6 years
You are about to witness something rare, so take the sight in gratefully and take advantage of it before the possibility slips out of your grasp.
Here we present a goddess, in heat it would seem— Inhibitions Lost and face contorted in a perverse stare. Tongue lolling out while warm puffs of air escape her. Her ruby hues are fogged yet dripping with lust and twisted affection. Already practically nude, her pale, delicate skin is littered with glistening sweat from the arousal.
Dainty fingers have already found themselves a new home between her legs, gliding up the plush and sensitive folds of her womanhood at a torturously slow pace for herself, and for anyone watching.
Her form twitches with an oncoming ecstacy every couple of seconds, only to be put on hold as she quickly removes her fingers and breathes out a sigh of discontent. She wasn’t allowing herself any fun yet.
It is now that the goddess notices her visitor, eyes lighting up for a millisecond before refogging and taking on a smirking expression. The softest temptations smile twisting her lips while she spreads her legs a bit more to give her guest a good view of her soaked core. One hand raises, an extended index finger wiggling, motioning for them to come closer. She wasn’t going to bite, not just yet anyways.
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”Do you have what it takes to pleasure a Goddess?”
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smutdyr · 6 years
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He may regret having that thought later on, for it was Hel’s greatest wish to surround herself with a family that actually loved her, that and— Babies were dreadfully cute.
Face flushing a lovely cherry shade, Hel gives a small, ‘Oh,’ before making mental note of that phrase. She’d try to use often it now that she knew what it meant. The prospect of learning new words was exciting to her and the goddess gives an immediate nod in response, “That would be very fun! I’d like that a lot!” Cue a soft yet sweet smile after this.
Now in the room together, and alone, Hel gives his hand a gentle squeeze. She does not flinch as he begins to stroke her hair, instead leaning into his touch like a pleased cat, her smile never fading. She had little idea of where to go from here, however.. She was fine just like this for a moment or two more. Though, she did have a couple questions beforehand. Meeting his gaze with a slightly worried expression, Hel allows her eyes to close for a moment, “Does it hurt at first..?”
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Could you blame her for being excited? It wasn’t everyday she got to be with the man she loved.. And possibly have his children—
”Agápi mou…?” She doesn’t know what that means, but her face is turning red anyways, and she’s started to tug him towards her room—
Admittedly, he wished to have children with her as well – as many as she wanted, he didn’t care as long as she was happy. Everything was worth it as long as he could see her smile – hear her laugh.  
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“ – My love. That’s what it means. It is Greek, so I am not surprised you don’t know what I meant; perhaps I should teach you some words after tonight!” ..If he was even awake, if Hel was truly all for his offer – he was going to be tired out from all this. 
Either way, it felt refreshing for her to have lead the way this time – he wanted to see how far she would go with leading, but he also didn’t want her to be too nervous in terms of starting things off. As they were behind closed doors, Poseidon took a strand of Hel’s hair within his free hand and let it slide through his fingers – as per usual, it was soft. 
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smutdyr · 6 years
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Could you blame her for being excited? It wasn’t everyday she got to be with the man she loved.. And possibly have his children—
”Agápi mou...?” She doesn’t know what that means, but her face is turning red anyways, and she’s started to tug him towards her room—
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”Vaguely..Oh? I-Is it? Well then, should we go somewhere more private..?” She’s glancing around nervously whilst asking, though she’s already grabbed his hand.
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Ah – she’s the one leading the way this time? Hoh. Did she wish to be a mother herself? 
Still! He happily nodded his head, giving a playful wink. “Lead the way, agápi mou.” 
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smutdyr · 6 years
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”Vaguely..Oh? I-Is it? Well then, should we go somewhere more private..?” She’s glancing around nervously whilst asking, though she’s already grabbed his hand.
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Probably not many, her body is just as fertile as it is voluptuos— Though that won’t stop her from wanting him to do it time and time again.
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smutdyr · 6 years
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Probably not many, her body is just as fertile as it is voluptuos— Though that won’t stop her from wanting him to do it time and time again.
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He wonders – how many times will he have to have sex with Hel to impregnate her? 
This was food for thought for him. 
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smutdyr · 6 years
💪 - (@sindred)
|| kinky af memes. || X || @sindred
💪 - Shove my muse down and assert themselves before getting naughty
The woman gives a sharp squeak as she’s pushed down onto the ground, and not by accident either, oh no, it was clear that the knight had done that purposefully. Confused and somewhat smarting from the push, Hel sits up on her elbows and starts to glance up at the other blonde, only to find that their now kneeling in front of her with a rather scary grin on their face.
Swallowing nervously as the other closes the distance, one knee finding it’s way between the goddesses legs, Hel flinches and clenches her eyes shut as her chin is grabbed. She slowly cracks one eye open when she finds that she’s not been struck or lashed out at, instead being met with the other blonde’s mischievous smirk and the sensation of their knee rubbing against her lower regions.
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Trembling, her face beginning to turn red, Hel gives something of a soft, airy moan before finally locking eyes with Mordred again, her mouth open with quiet panting.
”M-..Mordred, what is the meaning of this..?”
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smutdyr · 6 years
“Beg for it.” (@sindred)
|| Smut Sentence Starters. || X || @sindred
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Ruby hues hazed over with a fog of lust, drippy with a perverted affection, the petite goddess squirms needily beneath the knight. Her face just as red as her eyes, and mouth ajar with gentle panting while she tries to control herself. Though she wasn’t doing a very good job of it.
Staring up at the other blonde with that glassy, desperate look, Hel resigns herself and any dignity she had left for the sole purpose of satiating the heat in her stomach and uncomfortable tingling in her lower regions.
Breathing in deeply, the goddess begins to tear up while she begs, “P-Please, Mordred, I can’t stand this any longer.. Please help me.. I need it.. I-I need YOU.”
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smutdyr · 6 years
|| kinky af memes. || X || @martheous
🐶 - Have my muse tied with a collar and use them as a pet.
Dainty fingers trace the rim of the collar about her neck with interest, slowly, scarlet hues rise up from her own body to look to her lover with that same interest and a tinge of curiosity. She knew not what this was about.. But wasn’t entirely sure if she liked the idea of being collared..Yet at the same time, she was somewhat excited to see where this would go.
Tilting her head to the side questioningly, Hel crawls closer to him before sitting herself down on her knees, hands in her lap, “What’s this for, Poseidon..?” Asked while she takes hold of the collar carefully and gives it a little tug, causing the metal bits to jingle. She was still very much confused as to why he’d asked her to wear this collar but.. Nothing else. And even more so befuddled that he’d wanted her to crawl about like this. Though, she was willing to do so without question for him, she was starting to have second thoughts.
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Face turning pink, she raises one arm and covers her chest, feeling bashful now that she was under his gaze, “..Must I really be nude for this..?”
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smutdyr · 6 years
kinky af memes
Send one for your muse to….
💪 - Shove my muse down and assert themselves before getting naughty
✋ - Slip their hands down someplace they shouldn’t on my muse in a crowded subway train
🐶 - Have my muse tied with a collar and use them as a pet
😫 - Tie my muse down and tease them until they beg to cum
👁 - Put a vibrating toy in my muse and watch them squirm uselessly
👯‍♂️ - Bring a buddy or two to have some fun with my muse
👙- Get my muse something sexy to wear and watch them slide it one
🍭 - Have some fun with edible lingerie
🎣 - Wip my muse into submission as the squirm all tied up
👏 - Shove my muse to their knees for some aggressive oral
👥 - Surprise my muse with an anonymous fuck party
❤️ - Your own dirty fantasy
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smutdyr · 6 years
Smut Sentence Starters
“Beg for it.”
“I want to fuck you right now.”
“I’m going to make it hurt.”
“I’ll make sure you can’t walk tomorrow.”
“Touch yourself for me.”
“I’m your Master and you’ll do what I say.”
“It’s not going to fit!”
“I’m the only one that would ever fuck you.”
“Spread your legs for me.”
[text] What are you wearing?
“Get on your knees.”
“Did we fuck last night?”
“I didn’t know you were so kinky.”
“I think you need to be spanked.”
“You look good tied up.”
“Put on a show for me.”
“I’m not wearing any underwear.”
[text] I didn’t mean to send those pictures!
“I think the condom broke.”
“You know you like when I tease you.”
“You’ve been a bad boy/girl.”
“We should try adding a third person.”
“You don’t have to be so gentle.”
“Wrong hole!”
“Bend over.”
“I’m never getting on my knees for you again.”
“You’re going to break me.”
“Fuck me.”
“You belong to me.”
“Punish me.”
“I’m gonna cum!”
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