snakesandstatues · 11 years
'Tis the tempestuous loveliness of terror; for from the serpents gleams a brazen glare kindled by that inextricable error, which makes a thrilling vapour of the air become a and ever-shifting mirror of all the beauty and the terror there—a woman’s countenance, with serpent-locks, gazing in death on Heaven from those wet rocks. (x)
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Snakes? Well, that is certainly interesting.
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But I don’t think there are any people with pet snakes here, don’t you think?
That's why I'm making the club. You never know, and it might make people more willing to accept a Snake as a pet.
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Poetic doesn't even describe what I'd do to you if you touch a single scale on any of them. Poetic Justice would be you dead, throat slit, strung up to drain, and butchered so I could feed you to my snakes. Yeah, that's right I can make horrific threats too, but at the end of the day you wont do it. You're all talk and you know why, because even you with all your gruesome details and mental images, wont meet my eyes.
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Maybe I’ll kill you last so you can see just how I’m fucking with you.
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But first I’ll kill your snakes. Or maybe I’ll have them kill you. Wouldn’t that be poetic?
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Headcanon #1 - Eye's
Maddisyn's glassy eye's are a side effect of Hypoglycemia and even though she's explained this to multiple people they still either refuse or just can't seem to meet her gaze. 
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Closing her eyes for a brief moment Maddisyn forced herself to breathe as he continued to speak. His voice going on and on prattling about one thing or another. Her attempt to calm herself wasn't working the way she had planned, but most things never did anyway. Opening her eye's slowly the blonde scrunched her nose preparing to speak. 
"I've noticed" she stated plainly "Most people, girls, guys, doesn't matter they aren't into snakes period. I don't get it, they're fascinating and some of the most beautiful creatures anywhere." Shaking her head gently Maddisyn dropped a few more pens into her bag before sorting through the stack of papers. 
"I know who you are, you play almost everything" she muttered her voice laced with something similar to hostility. Really, who wouldn't know him? He was everywhere. This false humility thing was getting old.
"No. I'm not new." Glancing at him the girl tried to meet his eyes, and as usual it failed. "I'm actually a senior... Look, " she began anew taking the last stack of stuff from him "Thanks for helping and everything but you don't have to act like you'll actually drop by the club, or that you care."
Standing abruptly the blonde brushed off her jeans and zipped her bag.
Welcome back. - Maddisyn & Hunter
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
New poster! #dormlife #snakelove
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
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"Athena made her who was once by all loved and admired become a monster feared by the whole mankind. Medusa’s beautiful hair turned to a tangle of poisonous snakes, horrible scales covered her skin. Her eyes grew cold, her gaze as sharp as wind in a winter night, could chill the blood in the bravest heart. Turning into stone whoever dared into those hollow eyes to stare.”
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
A soft thud sounded among the hurricane of squeaking sneakers as pale hands rapidly tried to gather her once neatly organized things. This was perfect, now she'd be late turning in the forms which in all honesty was ok it would just take longer to get a response. But she had wanted to get back to her dorm before her new roommate to explain that whoever it was needed to be quiet about Kaa living there too. Snapping her head to the left Maddisyn took in the taller boy, her anger still very real. Dark long somewhat shaggy hair, attractive, and muscular. She had seen him around, but they had never spoken. As was the story with her and most people at this school, or otherwise. But him, him she knew, at leats his kind. One of those guys who others fawned over and anything he did was good as gold. One of those guys who didn't even have to try to make friends or do good, it just naturally happened. She couldn't help the distaste that bubbled up from her gut.
Sitting back on her heals Maddisyn watched as he tried to gather her things, one handed. It was then that she noticed the cast. At least he wasn't indestructible. 
"I didn't spill it. I was pushed" she began a bit too harshly, shoving a pile into her bag before running a hand through her unruly curls. Her mind began to wander as he went back to collecting things. Why was he helping her? No one ever helped her. They ignored her to her face, and spoke about her behind her back; about her temper, her 'weird' interest, and her eye's.
"Yeah, its gonna be about snakes and stuff." she told him begrudgingly. 
Welcome back. - Maddisyn & Hunter
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Welcome back. - Maddisyn/Open
A tight breath escaped Maddisyn's lungs as the final bell echoed through the halls. Finally it was over. She had survived her first day back at Mount Olympus High with only a few minor incidents of complete and utter embarrassment. Thus, it looked like it would be an ok year. Now only if she could get that club started. Then maybe she'd actually have a human friend to talk to. Not that Kaa wasn't fun to talk to, but there's only so much you can talk to a snake about before they slither away. 
Standing quickly the blonde threw her loaded back pack over her shoulder, club forms clutched in her arms and made her way to the locker she’d been assigned. Red and rusted the old thing wasn’t anything special, not like the new ones on the other side of the school that seemed to sparkle every time they opened, but there was really no use in complaining. Switching out a few books she closed it gently as a pack of large boys pushed passed. The sudden flood of people caused the girl to lose her balance, open bag spilling across the floor, forms flying forward. 
Hazel eye’s stared at the loose sheets of paper, pencils, pens and books laid out before her as a scream of anger clawed it’s way up from her lungs. Mobs of people pushed pass as she began to collect her things trying and failing to keep her malice in check, mumbling insults under her breath. Feet stepped over the pencils, around the books, and on the papers, all their owners carrying on with their conversations and lives, undisturbed. 
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
A club about Snakes and how to care for and identify them and things like that. I-I noticed there really weren't any clubs dedicated to them or anything so i thought why not.
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What kind of club?
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
How should I know? People just tend to avoid me, and they never look me in the eyes. I've thought about it for years and still can't figure it out.
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Oh, and why is that?
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Four, you're the first person-n who's agreed to join.
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How many people do you need?
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
No. Just, well yes but- no, no. i'm fine. 
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  Right, right. I’m— Do you need anything?
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
Oh fuck I'm sorry that just kind of slipped out. Fuck.
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  That is true…
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Hey, wow rude. 
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
That's fine. You'll learn. ok now I only need three other people.
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Um, sure. I don’t really know much about snakes though.
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
I don't think s-so. Cooper, yes I know of Cooper.
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  Do you know Audrey? She’s on the student council, as well as Cooper.
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snakesandstatues · 11 years
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