snapfel · 2 years
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POV: You live in Forks Washington
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snapfel · 2 years
Moonflower // Fred Weasley
Chapter 2
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My vision is still blurry, and i feel like splinters of ice are poking through the walls of my stomach. Slowly my vision becomes more clear and I spot one of red redheaded twins kneeling over me, watching me with worried eyes. „you okay?“ he asks me and offers me a hand. I pull myself up in a sitting position and wrap my arms around my torso, I feel absolutely drained, sad and empty. „Yeah I think so…what was that though?“ I ask and get up on my knees, then I stand up, the redheaded twin offering me a hand again and I give him a thankful smile. „I’ve only heard about them, they are the guards of Azkaban, and they are here searching for Sirius Black.“ the other one of the twins says.
I sit down in my spot again and look out of the window, the sun peeks out from behind dark grey clouds again, slowly the empty feeling fades out and I don‘t freeze as much. „well I hope they will catch him soon.“ I answer and notice the train speeding down. „I heard they only found a finger of the one he murdered before they caught him, Freddie.“ says the young girl and looks at the boy, that helped me get up previously. „They will find him sooner or later Ginny.“ the twins say and put an arm around their sister. My stomach drops and I realize once again how lonely I am, I haven‘t been hugged in a very long time…I think to myself.
„Welcome to Gryffindor by the way.“ the twin who helped me up looks at me with a grin, and points at the lion symbol on my robe: „I‘ve never seen you around, so I just assume you‘re new.“ the other one says. „Yeah, I just transferred from Ilvermorny, but their house system is almost the same as the one in Hogwarts, so I don‘t have to be sorted again.“ I explain and smile. „well then we might introduce ourselves, This is George Weasley my twin brother, this is Ginny my younger sister, and I am Fred.“ The boy says and smiles at me, his eyes scanning my face, but without the typical expression of pity and disgust, I see in most people‘s faces. „Nice to meet you, I am Rosalie Luna Wolton, but everyone just calls me Rose or Luna.“ I say and try my best to smile at him, which isn‘t a thing I do often, but somehow this pack of redheaded siblings, makes me hopeful I might be smiling a lot more from now on. „Nice to meet you Rose.“ the twins say in union and Ginny gives me a smile.
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snapfel · 2 years
Moonflower // Fred Weasley
Chapter 1
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A/n: should I continue posting this story?
London is warm on this first September day, the streets are filled with people, who all have somewhere to go. All these people chasing through the train station, still seam to have the time to take glances at us, and I mean i get it, my cart is loaded with two suitcases and in a cage, my cat is fast asleep. I am walking through King‘s Kross with Professor Lupin, who is going to be my new teacher in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he is carrying a lot of luggage as well. We speed through the train station, and soon we reach the tracks 9 and 10, and the quiet teacher next to me tells me to run towards a brick wall in order to get to the track. My feet cary me towards the wall and transport me into a whole new world, as I see a bright red train waiting for the students to get on.
The chatter is loud, people are everywhere, families saying goodbye, friends reuniting after the summer holidays. My heart feels tight and suddenly I am very much aware of my loneliness. I wave goodbye to Professor Lupin as he gets on the train, and I walk towards the end of the train, hoping to find a quiet spot. I finally get on, after struggling with my luggage for what feels like ages, I‘m slightly out of breath as I enter the train and I cannot help but notice people staring at my face immediately. I finally see an empty space and slide in, quietly closing the door behind me. I unlock Nala‘s cage and let her climb my lap as she purrs loudly, soon the train starts driving slowly and the landscape outside of the window becomes more green the more we drive.
The drive is smooth and relaxing, about an hour after the departure of the train two boys, that look identical and a girl enter my compartement, asking wether I still have space for them. I nod, and cannot help but notice their quick glances and stares. They all have red hair, the twins are tall and lanky, the girl is petite and sits next to their brothers. I‘m not sure wether I should start a conversation, but I decide against it, since they are already having a conversation of their own and I don‘t want to interrupt them. In oder to feel less awkward I pull out a book out of my bag and start reading, as time flies by and the train moves towards the north.
The landscape becomes more and more wild and the sky darkens with every driven mile, the atmosphere becoming more an more tense and uncomfortable somehow. I begin to freeze towards the end of the drive, and the rain turns into chunks of ice, pattering against the window. The conversation of the siblings comes to an end, everyone suddenly looks very pale, and uncomfortable. With a weird sensation growing in my stomach I swallow and put my book back into my purse. And then I see it, a boney, rotten hand opening the door of our compartement.
I am three years old again, laying on the filthy street somewhere in New York, blood stains my clothes but it is not mine, it‘s my mothers‘. I am scared and try not to move, the sensation of the deep cut across my face is burning, but at this point I am almost completely numb. As my childish brain processes that my mother should have gotten up if she was alive, but she wasn‘t anymore, nobody can lose this much blood while still being alive. The full moon peaks out from behind a cloud, it looks like a pale balloon I think to myself, then everything goes dark again and I lose my vision.
A slap hits me hard across my face and transports me back into reality.
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snapfel · 2 years
Moonflower // Fred Weasley
„You fixed me."
„I never fixed you, you didn't have to be fixed. You only needed to be loved."
A/N: I decided to write this fan fiction a long time ago and I had this idea for such a long time. So I guess I’ll just post the first chapter and see where it goes
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Dear Miss Wolton,
we are pleased to inform you that your requested transfer to the Hogwarts school for wizardry and magic has been successful. We are looking forward to welcoming you at our school for the next school year. Please remember, that the departure of the Hogwarts express is on the first September, 11 o'clock at Kings Kross train station. We would like to inform you that a member of staff will travel to London and buy all your necessities with you.
with kind regards 
headmaster of Hogwarts
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snapfel · 2 years
Love is messy // Fred Weasly
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It was a rainy december morning, raindrops pattering against the windows in the burrow. I was snuggled up in bed with my boyfriend Fred Weasly, who was snoring lightly in my ear. I laid there and wasn’t able to sleep due to sharp cramps in my lower abdomen and back, normally these were the symptoms I’d get when I was on my period but it was way to early for Mother Nature to visit me so I decided not to worry about it and stay in bed spooning with Fred, despite me not wanting to leave the bed because Fred was a human heating pad.
His soft snores became irregular and he scooped me closer to his chest and laid his arm on my waist, he then yawned and moved around a little, signaling me he was awake. The cramps got worse and my body tensed up in Fred‘s arms, he noticed and got up on his ellbow looking at me worriedly while his ginger hair was all messy in his face, he looked adorable. „Everything alright?“ he asked while stroking my tummy. „Yeah just cramps I don’t know...no big deal though.“ I said and cramped again. „But you’re in pain, you wanna have a cup of tea or anything?“ he asked and sat up in bed. „no it’s fine just come back and cuddle me.“ I said frowning because of the rack of his warmth next to me. „Well alright.“ he said and pulled the covers aside to crawl under them when his facial expression changed a little. „Um...babe are you on your period?“ he asked and I felt how my heart dropped and blood shot in my cheeks. „No why...I...did I stain?“ my voice broke and I could feel tears of embarrassment in my eyes.
„Yeah I think you have but it’s no problem, come on let’s get you cleaned.“ Fred said with a warming smile on his face and in his honey eyes. „No stop Fred, don’t look, it’s so embarrassing.“ I said and tried to cover his sight on the blood stain. „It’s not it’s just blood, no problem at all.“ he said and stroked my heated cheeks. „I’ll clean up quickly I’m so sorry.“ I continued rambling and a single tear slipped down my cheek. „Alright that’s it.“ Fred said and gave me a warming smile, then he wrapped his arms around my waist carrying me out of bed. „Stop youre going to stain your Pyjamas too.“ I said and tried to get out of his grasp. „nuh-uh I’m going to get you all cleaned up, stop worrying now, I really don’t care.“ he said and placed me on the bathroom counter. He quickly undressed himself and threw his stained clothes in the washing bin.
„But your mom’s gonna have to clean that...no.“ I protested while another wave of sharp pain hit me, causing me to clench my abdomen and scrunch up my nose. „Listen to me now... we’re going to take a shower and I’ll get us some clean clothes and for you some tampons, I will change the sheets and wash them with our clothes without my mom finding out and then we can cuddle the whole day. So stop worrying...I don’t care about the blood on the sheets or my Pyjamas, love is messy. All I care about is you being comfortable.“ Fred said while taking my face in his warm hands.
„Fred I love you.“ I said and sobbed at his words and gave him a soft peck on the lips. „I love you too.“ he said and smiled at me. I got undressed and stepped in the shower, tossing my clothes in the washing bin like he did previously. Fred stepped in the shower and turned on the hot water, which always took a few seconds to get warm in the burrow, I squealed and grabbed his biceps, my body pressing against his. As the water got warmer I relaxed into his tall frame and his arms wrapped around my small waist, that was the moment I realized how tired I was, the pain kept me up all night and I yawned earning a melodic laugh from Fred. „Can we set the water a little warmer?“ I asked and clenched my abdomen once again. „Merlin, I forgot you liked your showers as hot as your boyfriend.“ he said giggling and set the water a little warmer. Fred reaches over to grab some body wash and poured in his palms. The strong, musky, fresh smell filled my senses and made my head clear up. „Want me to give you a massage?“ he asked for my permission and formed some foam in his palms. I nodded and placed his hands on my abdomen where the pain was located, he quickly got the hint and rubbed his warm hand on my skin taking some of the pain away, he then moved his hands up a little to wash my entire torso, then down so he could get my legs and feet, he placed a small peck on my abdomen which caused me to giggle. He then got up and Spinned me around as his hands moved on my back and lower back, the pain fading away and I gasped a little at the sensation. „Harder please.“ I said and pressed my palms against the shower wall. Fred laughed and increased the pressure. „you make my mind wander my dear.“ he said and laughed at me relaxing against the shower wall. „Yeah cause period sex seems so appealing.“ I said ironically and rolled my eyes. „I wouldn’t care, especially if It would help you, anything to make you feel better.“ he said and moved his hands lower to wash away the body wash. „Yeah I don’t know Fred.“ I said laughing and pulling him into a hug, he quickly washed himself and then wrapped his arms around me drawing small circles on my back. We rested in this position for a few more minutes, then he stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around his hips. „I’ll be right back. You enjoy the shower a little longer.“ he said. I couldn’t help but bite my lip at the sight in front of me, his muscular body dripping in water with the towel hanging low on his V-line, he was sculpted like a greek god. I turned around to stop my mind from wandering and relaxed a little more as I turned up the temperature.
A knock on the bathroom door made me look up. „Fred?“ I asked and soon the redhead stood tall in the bathroom with a box of tampons in his hands. And some of his wool sweaters in the other. He dropped the clothes on the floor and got dressed himself, I quickly grabbed a tampon and threw away the wrapping. „Fred would you hand me a towel please?“ I asked and he turned around, dressed in one of his Sweaters with a big F on it, the bright yellow matching his honey eyes.
„Sure.“ he said and wrapped me in a fluffy towel which smelled like peppermint and fresh laundry, just like the burrow, just like home. „I couldn’t find your underwear so I just brought some of my boxers.“ he said and handed me a pair of boxers and one of his sweaters in blue with an F on the front and matching blue Pyjama pants who were out of soft flannel.
I got dressed in his ridiculously big clothes who smelled just like him and saw his eyes lighten up. „You look so adorable.“ he said and wrapped an arm around me making me smile in pure joy. „Alright so I asked mom for a cleaning spell and pretended I had a nosebleed and she gave me one so lets see.“ he said and took his wand and magically removing the stain, as I breathed out relieved.
He grabbed my hand and dragged my towards his bedroom softly, the sheets we’re freshly changed and a box full of Christmas cookies was on the fuzzy blanket, and again I felt tears burning in my eyes. „Freeeed you‘re too good.“ I said sobbing and i gave him a kiss. „I love you and it’s alright.“ he said. „Thank you for being like that.“ I said and smiled at the boy I loved with my whole heart. He laid in bed and crawled under the blankets and opened his arms to welcome me in his warm embrace. „No need to thank me, that’s what boyfriends are for, now come lay with me.“ he said and I laid down, his arm sneaking under my sweater and slowly rubbing my stomach, the pain easing away and my eyelids getting heavy. Fred placed a soft peck on my forehead as I inhaled his familiar scent I slowly fell asleep.
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snapfel · 2 years
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Forks // Washington
The big trees tower me
Swallowing me
Rain pattering
drowning out my thoughts
Gloomy weather all year long
Being at peace
Blue tinted everything
Smell of pine and rain
Soft tunes echoing through my truck
At peace, fully
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snapfel · 2 years
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Cold // Jacob Black
Genre: fluff
a/n: English isn’t my first language
Rain Drops pattered against the window, the grey clouds not letting a single bit of sunlight hit the ground. My eyes darted back to the board, as Mr. Smith talked about photosynthesis, I actually really liked Biology class, but I just could not concentrate today. My head was hurting badly, my nose was stuffed, and a bad cough hit my body every few minutes. I should not have come to school, but I hated missing classes, I cared about my grades a lot. So I pulled my hoodie a little closer around myself, as a wave of shivers hit me. Bio seemed to be taking forever, and for the sake of god, I just couldn’t seem to focus on the glucose or the sunlight, or any chemical reaction. After what felt like a lifetime, the bell rang and I got up, a wave of dizziness hit me and I held on to the table.
„Excuse me Rose, are you okay?“ Mr. Smith asked me. I tried to nod my head yes, but a wave of coughs hit me again. „Go Home, I’ll tell the secretary, okay?“ he says. I nodded, because he was right. I stepped out of the building and breathed in the fresh air, which was still moist from the rain pattering. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and dialed Jacobs number. „Hey darling, you alright?“ he asked after picking up. „Uh well...yes...am I just caught a cold, I was wondering maybe you can pick me up from school. Dad brought me this morning and I don’t have a car with me. I...u...understand if you don’t have time.“ I said, my raspy voice breaking towards the end of my sentence, I could feel my teeth chattering from the cold, should have packed another jacket this morning. „I’ll be there in ten, just make sure you don’t get wet.“ Jacob said and I could sense his worry through the phone.
I waited for exactly seven minutes and then I saw Jacob and his car enter the parking lot, I ran towards him and get into the car. „Jesus it’s so cold out.“ I said and couldn’t stop my teeth from chattering. „Why did you go to school when you are sick?“ Jacob asked and parks the car. „I...it’s not that Bad.“ I tried to argue. „Are you kidding me?“ he asked, worry clouding his eyes. He turned the key, and the engine stopped. „You are freezing, come here.“ he said and opened his arms, I climbed over to him and placed my thighs on either side of him. I could feel his warmth through his shirt and immediately relaxed into his tall frame. He pulled me even closer and closed his flannel around me, he pushed my head into his shoulder. I breathed in his smell, like fresh laundry, musk, and forest, he smelled like forks, like home. As my feelings started to take over I joke „Stop my nose is runny.“ I laughed. „No I don’t care, just want you to get warm, here I’ll turn on the heater.“ he said and pressed a kiss on my forehead, while leaning forward and pressing some buttons. The air conditioning started and I relaxed even more, I stopped shivering and took a deep breath through my stuffed nose. „Lets get you into bed.“ he said and chuckled at the statement. I climbed out his lap and sat in the passenger seat, I was so tired.
I yawned and closed my eyes, a smile creeping onto my face as I could feel Jacob‘s warm hand on my thigh, his thumb drawing lazy circles. The way he just touched me at random times, always wanting to be connected to me, made my heart flutter. His warmth always felt so comforting and like home, and I almost forgot my cold. Jake turned on the radio, and soft tunes echoed through the car, the green forest swallowing the rusty truck as rain pattered against the window. I coughed again and I started shaking a little, Jake‘s hand slightly tightened around my thigh and I tried calming myself, not really succeeding though. We reached jake‘s house in la push a few minutes later and Jake got out of the car, he quickly opened my door and pulled me out, holding me tight, while we stepped into his house quickly. I got rid of my jacket and place it on top of the heater, so it could dry, the house was warm and smelled like nature and wood. Jake gave me a smile and then stepped behind me, placing a small kiss on my shoulder. „Jake you‘re my sun.“ I blurted out randomly and blushed. He suddenly bent down and grabbed my knees, while holding my waist, picking me up bridal style. „I know, and you are my...moon, werewolf pun intended.“ he laughed, and I giggled as he lifted me up.
„Lets get you dried first my love.“ he said and carried me up the stairs. I chuckled, but then it turned into coughing quickly. When we arrived in his room he pulled out a pair of plaid Pyjama Pants and a T-Shirt. I sat on the edge of his bed and watched him, my eyes almost closing, due to my exhaustion. He instructed me to get up and pulled my hoodie over my head and smiled at me. Then he slipped his shirt over my head, it smelled like him and I inhaled deeply. Tugging at my pants Jake also helped me remove them and handed me his Pyjama pants. When I was done I crawled beneath the covers and relaxed almost immediately. „I’ll go downstairs and make you some soup.“ Jacob said and walked towards the door. „No please stay with me.“ I pleaded with him. „Okay, but let me get you a cup of tea at least.“ He said and left, I nodded. A few minutes later he came back with a steaming mug of peppermint tea. He placed it on the nightstand and removed his shirt and pants. He then crawled underneath the covers, his heat coating me immediately. I sighed, as his hand crawled underneath my shirt. Everything was warm and cozy, the rain paterred softly against the window. Maybe having a cold wasn’t so bad after all. „Thank you Jacob.“ I murmured almost asleep. „You’re welcome. I love you, now sleep a bit.“ He said and kissed my cheek. „Love you too.“ I murmured, drifting off to sleep
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