snaplogs · 3 years
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This is the first photography assignment I did back in university. A small proud moment for me as I shot this alone with just a red cartolina, cellphone lighting, and all while on the floor haha!
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snaplogs · 3 years
First things first...
If you’re here for good writing or good content, move along because I made this for my own sanity and to find some sort of normalcy in my life in this unpredictable time that is this never-ending pandemic.
Who am I?
Not important, but if you must know.. I’m just a regular 90′s Capricorn baby trying to navigate life. I’m not particularly good at anything, but I do find photography somehow therapeutic and I will be posting some of my “works” here if you can call them that. I’m not an expert and I don’t really shoot with technicalities. It’s more of a trial-and-error-and-oh-this-looks-nice-to-me-already kind of thing. Content-wise, it’ll be a mix of my thoughts and just brain blahs I get, and snaps I took. 
Why I made a Tumblr?
I just needed a space that wasn’t so crowded by people who know me. All my other socials are too public that I get too conscious of what I post, because it seems like everyone just cares about aesthetics and meaningful content these days. With everything going on in the world, I also don’t want to seem ignorant with whatever I post. One of these days, I’m sure someone I know might find this and I’ll probably be embarrassed as fuck, but until then, we’ll see how long I can keep this up.
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