sneakysheerio · 9 years
“Wow… Um… Wow. Wow. Thank you very much. Thank you. I just want to say thank you very much to Jake, Chris, and Jake’s dad for recording this song. Amy, for writing the song with me. We wrote it, uh, on a couch in my house after having dinner. Quite odd. Thank you to Atlantic Records, thank you to all the Grammy voters, my manager Stuart, my parents who have flown for the past four years to come to the Grammys every single year and every time I lose they go, “Maybe next year!” Honestly, if you would’ve told my 11-year-old, 5-year-old, any age, that I would’ve received an award from Stevie Wonder I would be chuffed so thank you very much.“
Ed Sheeran, 58th Annual Grammy’s (February 15, 2016)
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
Yes. Nine. 
I started listening to Taylor’s music at 15, and I am now 24.
Much like Taylor and her mom Andrea, my mother and I are best friends. My mom tells me everything…so naturally, she told me about the talented young country artist who she saw perform in early 2006. Despite the small Wisconsin casino she sang in, and despite the fact that there were only about 60 people watching her that day, my mom knew that Taylor Swift was special. 
My mom attempted to meet Taylor that day, but when she approached the people working the show, she was told that Miss Swift didn’t think anyone wanted to meet her and left! How wrong she was! 
We bought her debut album the day it came out and I instantly connected with it. I can remember popping it into a Sony Walkman (please don’t judge me - this was long before iPhone 6 plus devices!) and running downstairs to tell my mom how much I related to “Teardrops On My Guitar” just seconds after listening to it the whole way through.
“She gets me mom. She really gets it,” I had said. 
I’ve gone through a lot of changes since then, but I’ve had one strong constant in my life: Taylor’s music.
She has truly been there for me when no one else was.
She was there when I was 15 and would come home from high school crying because I didn’t fit in. She was present at the age of 17 the first time I got my heart broken. She was with me when I went off to college, and she by my side when I moved to Nashville in 2014 to attend graduate school at Vanderbilt.
I’ve made many attempts to meet Taylor. In addition to attending her 1st Grand Ole Opry show, I went to the Speak Now, RED (Ultimate VIP tickets), and 1989 (B-Stage VIP tickets) tours. Each time, I showed in full costume with large light up signs. I had an amazing time at each concert, but always left feeling a little discouraged. “Will I ever meet Taylor?” I wondered. 
On February 5th, I FINALLY had the pleasure of meeting Taylor’s mom, Andrea at the 1989 Covers Concert in Nashville. She was absolutely LOVELY and promised to pass a note along to Taylor. 
I had originally written the note to Andrea on a piece of receipt paper in case I didn’t get a chance to speak to her but could pass her something, and this is what it looks like:
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I have covered up my phone # because you know, safety but the note does have my # on it! 
I’m sure Andrea is a woman of her word, but I know that people sometimes get busy and forget so I thought I would attempt to contact Taylor in this format as well. 
I know it would be a huge favor and very generous if Taylor or someone from her team called me, but I know that if it happened, it would be a life-changing experience for me. 
I haven’t met you…and this is crazy…but Andrea is giving you my #…call me maybe? 
Ha, just kidding….but not really! 
IT WOULD MEAN SO MUCH. I’m so afraid that another 9 years are going to go by without being able to thank you in person for everything you’ve done for me.
If any fellow swifties could find it in their hearts to reblog this, I would really appreciate it. 
Love love love,
Giovanna, Your fan of 9 years 
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
Ed Sheeran at Jazzfest NOLA.
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
Hilary Duff - Tatoo (Audio) ft. Ed Sheeran
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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Requested by Anon
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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BBMAS 2015 [x]
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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sneakysheerio · 9 years
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“I mean, obviously there are some things that I haven’t been asked that I wouldn’t say no to…”
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sneakysheerio · 10 years
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4/10 favourite photos of Ed Sheeran
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sneakysheerio · 10 years
A Very Boring (I Apologize) SneakySheerio Update
Hi everyone!
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It's been a while since I spent some time on my Ed blog - the last time I updated ya'll, I was dealing with feeling brought on by an abusive boyfriend (now ex, thankfully).
I want to once again thank all of you that followed that story from the beginning - back when my asshole of an ex was the one I deemed my 'Prince Charming', all the way up until the moment when he tore me apart.
I am still not 100% 'over' it as it was not a 'normal' relationship - the emotional pain he caused me is not like anything I have previously experienced, but I can assure you all that I am still incredibly happy to be free  from him and his abuse and that with time, I will get over him and what he did to me. Right, Ed?
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Ed says "Right."
In the mean time, I've been trying to focus focusing on school (only have a month left of the semester and I have SO many deadlines! I need to stop procrastinating...finally!). 
I've also been browsing Tinder again - I actually made the mistake a couple weeks ago of canceling a date with a cute guy from there (I chickened out! Didn't feel ready). After some time passed and I DID feel ready, I contacted him again, but he had already found someone else...
....I was pretty bummed for a while, but this past weekend, I started talking to a different Tinder guy who is definitely my type physically (so that's a good start!) and he graduated from my school & is working so I'm assuming he's intelligent. He's been a very slow texter but he did invite me to hang out with him later today! He gets off work at 4 (and I may have a meeting at 5?) but either way I hope we chill this evening. I'll let you guys know how it goes. :)
I hope you all are doing well! Love you all so so much!
The Sneaky Sheerio
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sneakysheerio · 10 years
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Ed Sheeran performing Lego House dressed upas Austin Powers. (X)
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sneakysheerio · 10 years
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Perfect boy. Perfect Singer. Perfect person. ◆Sheerio◆
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sneakysheerio · 10 years
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We see you.
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sneakysheerio · 10 years
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Ed photographed for Shortlist magazine
(read article here )
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