snevity · 2 years
Hey!! Before I ask I just wanted to tell you that I love all your hcs!! I think you write Bruno really well!!
I wanted to ask if you can do first date hc with bruno and a fem!reader???
Bruno Madrigal x Reader || First Date Fem!Reader HCs
Thank you so much Nonnie. 🥺 It really means a lot to hear that you enjoy my HCs. Even more so that you think I write Bruno well. 😭 I’m not sure I made anything specifically Fem about the Reader but I hope you enjoy regardless!
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• He’s BEYOND nervous. He wants things to be perfect, but also knows that just isn’t how things are.
• Would take you somewhere private. He enjoys open spaces so he propose somewhere outside for you both to go.
• Also wants to keep it simple since it’s a first date. Think picnic rather than a huge dinner.
• Would quietly compliment you. Just loud enough for you to hear, but not so loud he chickens out.
• Softly whispering “Bonita”.
• Sneakily holds you hand beneath his poncho.
• Will play with and stroke your hair if you let him.
• He would walk you home after your date. Finally having the confidence to hold your hand out in the open. Only if you want him to that is.
• If he’s feeling really brave he’ll give you a kiss on the cheek goodnight.
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snevity · 2 years
~Bruno Madrigal x Reader Domestic Headcanons~
(Why? Cause I said so. I'm feeling a little down and need the comfort! Also, these are romantic headcanons, just a heads up My lovelies! <3)
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(I love him Your Honour!)
I like to think that Bruno is a little spoon because it makes him feel safe. Specifically when he is close and facing towards you. He will wrap his arms around you and squeeze you when and if he has a nightmare. (I can imagine he likes the 'Honeymoon Hug' the best)
On the topic of nightmares, considering his gift and his fear of upsetting people, I can imagine this sweetheart would have trouble sleeping and suffer from nightmares very often. So when he wakes up at night from said nightmares, you would have to hold him and reassure him that he isn't a bad person and that you really do love him.
He likes being praise and encouraged for the littlest things, like say if he gives you a gift, and you respond with a 'Thank you Bruno', it would give him happy butterflies and make him happy.
So imagine what 'I love you' does to him. He smiles like a goofball and gets all bashful about it, responding with an 'I love you too'
Bruno likes having his hair played with, as I stated in one of my previous posts, it puts him to sleep. You just need to find that right spot and he will just melt and drift off. It also comes in handy when he's upset or can't sleep.
He finds it endearing when you just talk to the rats. Like say if you are just going about your day and have one on your shoulder, taking to it while you do your work, it would just be so cute to him.
On the topic of cute, he has a sweet tooth. He has had one since he was a kid so he enjoys special occasions when the treats come out.
Reading isn't exactly his favourite things to do on his own, he enjoys reading with you. He enjoys sitting or cuddling with you and reading his favourite stories as a form of bonding.
He holds your hand a lot, whenever he can, he will hold your hand. And I mean it. Whether it be sitting down at the dinner table, walking through town, sleeping....yeah.
Bruno still has self-esteem issues, he still has his moments where he doubts himself. It happens from time to time, he will sit on the bed of your shared room and stare off silently.
When you find him like this, you have to sit by him and hold one of his hands, give him time to snap out of it. Just talk to him gently and comfort him.
He will be very goofy and dorky, it's a part of him that you adore. How naturally sweet and funny his personality is. It makes him more lovable
When you guys are sharing some quality time, he brings out his goofy side more.
And I will never be convinced otherwise that he likes to use a special pet name. I’m serious. Call him something endearing and he will answer to it.
He’s not the best dancer, but he has the heart and we love that. He will happily dance with you if you want to.
Your typically the one who cooks, not because he doesn’t want to, he just doesn’t know how and poor baby would probably start a fire. So it’s best that you cook, or at least help cook with Julieta and Pepa.
Bruno loves you with all of his heart, though sometimes he has trouble showing it. If you’re patient though, you’ll see it come through.
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snevity · 2 years
Hey there! Can you please write some headcanons for Bruno Madrigal with an affectionate s/o? Thanks!
of course!
-Bruno never thought that someone would be interested in him, but here we are.
-his s/o literally loves to give Bruno a lot of affection, hugs, little kisses on the forehead or on the cheeks;
-you also adore to give Bruno gifts, sometimes helped by Mirabel or the other cousins;
-especially he loves gifts for his rats;
-you listen to every single play with him;
-love when Bruno shows you Hernando (even though they prefer Bruno, of course);
-oh, and also multiple dates with Pepa-Felix and Agustin-Julieta;
-the sisters love you -w-
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snevity · 2 years
bruno x reader hcs where they are young and bruno agrees to do a precognition to see who the reader will end up with but sees its him and gets super flustered aaaaaaaa my baby rat man living in the walls is so cute i cant-
Bruno Madrigal x Reader || Future Love HCs
I feel that Nonnie. I feel that.
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• You were nervous at first about going to Bruno for a vision about your future love. Everybody said he was bad luck after all. What if he told you you were destined to be alone or something similar?
• Finally getting up the nerve though you took the long trek up the stone steps of his tower room. Trying not to let your nerves build with every step you took closer.
• Once in his vision cave you were worried you’d turn tail and run, but Bruno was used to those who were unsure of their decision and knew how to handle it.
• He takes your hand and leads you into the ceremony ring. Throwing salt over his shoulder as you sit. The act of good luck and his soft voice instantly sooth you.
• He asks what you want him to look for and when you say your future love he nods. Nervous himself, but not letting it show.
• As the vision takes form you watch a version of yourself take shape. Waiting anxiously for your future love to join you in the sands. The person that appears take you both off guard though. Bruno.
• Bruno’s vision ends quickly after his appearance in it. His chest tight and hands fidgeting nervously.
• He tries to make awkward small talk about how it must be a mistake. Even though he’s still young he knows that his visions always come to pass in some form.
• He’s worried though that even if he saw you both together that see the vision will cause things to end for you both before they even begin.
• If you’re quick and pick up on his unease though, even showing actual excitement in the vision he will probably get near close to tears.
• Nobody has ever been so open, much less happy at recovering one of his visions. The fact it involves him finding happiness is simply icing on the cake.
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snevity · 2 years
Bruno and S/O Headcanons
  -Bruno probably loves to cuddle his partner
  -He would check on you a lot if you were sick
 -”You okay?” “Yes you asked five minutes ago dear”
 -Bruno would comment on how much he loved your eyes and would call them, “pretty/handsome” and “Segura (safe)” 
-He just loves how you look honestly
  Feel free to request other characters for s/o headcanons 
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snevity · 2 years
hi!!! i hope your day has been lovely. could we get some thoughts/hcs about a more subby bruno madrigal? or him realizing he might have a thing for being praised by his s/o. please and thank you!!
Praise kink headcanons - Bruno Madrigal
Summary: some thoughts about the need for love and support of our favorite man.
Warnings: smut headcanons at the end.
Bruno craves support and affection from a pretty young age. Given that he’s always been regarded as the omen of misfortune and the black sheep of his family.
And no matter how much his family loved him and he loved them back. Sometimes the failed at making him feel enough and accepted (such as when he isolated himself from fear of his reputation harming Mirabel’s future).
But Bruno actually realizes to what lengths his need for feeling important and valued goes when he comes back and meets you.
From the beginning you seem to always make every effort to be close to him.
During the reparations of Casita you always side up with him in all the activities his given, and praise him for his hard work while giving him a hand in everything you could be of help.
At those moments Bruno finds himself smiling from ear to ear while his faces lights up and he gets all giddy. Even though you two don’t talk much, given his shyness, he finds himself enjoying your company a lot.
Once Casita is fixed you drop by to ask him for a vision. At the beginning he refuses, I’m fear that you may hate him if you see something you don’t like. He ends up giving into your pleads and once he gives you your vision you thank him effusively, telling him what an amazing gift his got. He feels his heart flutter at this and for once he thinks that his gift may not be such a burden after all.
From then on you two grow closer and closer. He tells you about his family, his rats and his love for acting. You always seem so invested on his stories and tell him how cool you find it all, which makes you the first person to turn to when he has something to tell.
Eventually, you get together in a relationship and the praises only seem to grow. You happen to find everything he does fascinating, from a play for his rats his written, to a recipe he lent with Julieta, to some crafts he has made with Maribel and Antonio. And you always tell him so, making Bruno feel appreciated for the first time in many years.
Bruno has had no experience whatsoever in relationships upon meeting you. You’ve been his first love, his first kiss, his first everything. So it needless to say that you are also his first time.
At the beginning he can’t help but feel shy and nervous about his inexperience. He fears he will do something wrong and hurt you in some way.
He tells you this the first time you are about to have sex together. And your heart melts for how sweet and caring your boyfriend is, being worried about your comfort and pleasure above anything else.
Between kisses you reassure him that it is fine, that he can relax and let go. You explain him that sex is all about communication with your partner. And while you promise him that you’ll tell him if something feels wrong you make him do the same thing, and beg him to tell you when something feel nice.
Please, hear me out, for the first few times you have sex together ride. him. Bruno will melt under you as you bounce up and down his cock, softly caressing his cheeks as you tell him what a good boy he is, how pretty he looks and how well he is doing for you. Don’t expect him to last long, though.
Call him your pretty boy, mi amor, mi vida, mi rey, cariño/sweetheart, tu campeón. He will find himself diving further into your cunt while he caressed your body in an attempt to make you feel as good as he feels.
As much as he likes to receive praises, he also likes to give them. Expect him to tell you how beautiful you look, how you make his heart ache, he’ll call you pet names such as mi ratoncita, mi tesoro, mi milagro, mi vida, and anything else he can find to describe how important you are to him.
So, yeah, Bruno with a praise kink <3
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snevity · 2 years
10 Tips for Writing (Good) Smut
so. let’s do this.
About a year ago, I had to read a book for my school’s summer reading assignment called How to Read Literature Like a Professor by Thomas Foster. It’s not a bad book, pretty decent actually, but there was this one chapter about sex scenes in literature. And one of the first sentences was along the lines of “writing sex is boring.”
and I did a double-take. Bc in my experience, that is absolutely not the case, and if you do find yourself bored while writing smut, then you’re not doing it right. See, Thomas’s main argument was that there’s only so many ways you can write sex scenes, because there’s only so many sex acts you can choose from. (My boy Thomas is clearly a vanilla dude, but let’s not hold that against him.) 
But one of the most important things to keep in mind while writing smut is that it’s not necessarily just about the act itself. So while Thomas is right that there are limits as to how many ways ppl can have sex, he failed to realize that writing sex is about a LOT more than that. And I’m gonna prove it to you.
Keep reading
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snevity · 2 years
It would be pretty cool if there was a fic where Bruno is trying to hide his feelings for reader but one night his eyes give him away, they are glowing that gorgeous green (bc he hornee)
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snevity · 3 years
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Snailtober day 13!
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snevity · 3 years
Inktober day 13! Little snail house ❤️
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snevity · 3 years
Snailtober day 12!
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snevity · 3 years
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Days 6-11!!
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snevity · 3 years
Inktober days 6-11
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snevity · 3 years
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snevity · 3 years
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snevity · 3 years
Day 4!
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snevity · 3 years
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Snail Knot
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