snowflakewriter · 4 years
Tbh I don’t know what to request but I want something with Brandon Butler that both of them are “famous” and there a couple and a lot of fluff Please and thank you 💜
A/N Sorry this took me so long. I wasn’t really motivated and after that, I had a writer’s block and was busy with work and preparing for college. Yeah, it’s been stressful lately. Sorry about that. It’s not the best I’ve written but I hope it’s acceptable. Enjoy. 
You being a very known Grammy Awards winner and Brandon being a famous actor makes both of your lives more interesting but at the same time complicated. You kept your relationship a secret for a while now and your fans had no clue that you two are somehow connected. They don’t even know that the two of you even know each other. 
Disguise after disguise, each time becoming more creative, secret meetings in the woods, behind buildings, sneaking into each other’s apartments to keep the media out of your lives, and to still have a piece of privacy was getting harder every day and more stressful for the both of you. The Media becoming smarter each second and your fame rising after every stream. 
But still, both of you cherished every second and every moment you got to spend together in secrecy away from the attention and away from the judgmental looks that you knew you would get as soon as somebody spotted you two together holding hands or just speaking to each other. 
A day in Brandon’s and Y/N’s lives
Your favorite activity to do together is just spend the day in bed or on the couch cuddling and watching a Series or a Movie on Netflix, Prime, Hulu, or HBO Max. Today you decided to continue watching Peaky Blinders starring Cillian Murphy as Thomas Shelby. The Peaky Blinders are a gang that existed after the First World War in Great Britain to be more specific in Birmingham. Halfway through the second episode of the first season Brandon cleared his throat and left the living room. You being confused stood up, paused the episode, and followed him. “Hey,” you called out towards him, “What’s wrong love? “ you said touching his face. “I have to rehearse some lines for tomorrow’s episode,” replied Brandon with a sad smile on his face. “Do you need some help? “ you asked your boyfriend. “That might not be a bad idea. Yes, dear would be very kind of you,” he said smiling towards you. “Just let me grab my cup of tea first and I’ll meet you outside in the gardens by the pool,” you said. Brandon nodded in response. And that is how you spend the rest of your day by the pools rehearsing Brandon’s lines for tomorrow and fooling around by pushing each other into the pool or making out.
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
Are requests open for Brandon Butler..? Just curious because I LOVE ALL OF YOUR FICS!! 💕
Yep Request are open 😊
Thank you 💜
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One Last Time Sequel
A/N: Sorry for being a bit behind on my posting scheduel. As requested here is a Sequel to One Last Time. Enjoy :) 
Word count: 864
Warnings: mentions of a dead person 
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5.1 Part 5.2
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Gif doesn't belong to me
We’ve been on the road for the past 6 months and it couldn’t have been more perfect. Each day was a new beginning and every week was a new destination. Our current location is the beautiful Island and the beautiful beaches of the Maldives. We have been here for a week now and neither Winston nor I want to leave. Maybe we could settle down here and take online college courses instead of going to an actual college and staying at a campus. It would still be a unique college experience for both of us. We are renting a small house by the beach. The house includes 2 bedrooms, a huge kitchen, a huge bathroom, a small study, and a direct path to the beach. It also has a garage. 
Tonight is a beautiful night to start a fire and sit under the stars on the sand. “Hey Winston, would you please prepare the fire while I make us some tea and grab a wine bottle for later ?” I asked Winston. “Sure,” he said and went to prepare the fire. “Uhm Y/N” Winston called. “Do you maybe want to go for a walk by the beach before we sit by the fire.” “Sure,” I said, “Just let me go make us some tea and grab the wine bottle.” I went inside and started preparing our tea. After that, I grabbed the wine bottle and went outside again. I handed Winston his mug and left the wine bottle in the sand. We walked in comfortable silence. The waves touching our feet, the wind in our hair and the moon, the moon being our only source of light, while the stars are guiding us. I never saw such a clear sky, as today. It felt like you could see through the galaxy. Such comfortable silent walks by the beach reminded me of the many I shared with Monty. We usually went for those walks when one of us needed to get away from home. It didn’t matter who was getting away from what or why we were meeting up late at night by the beach. The only thing that mattered to us is that we could find comfort in one another. We talked about everything and nothing. It was our way of getting everything off our chests, our escape. This reminds me that I really miss him. I really miss Montgomery de la Cruz. My best friend. He wasn’t the most innocent or the calmest person but he still was always there when I needed him. He was afraid to tell me about what his dad did to him because he wanted to protect me. I eventually figured everything out and confronted him. That’s when he finally admitted it. Ever since then he’d stay at my place when he couldn’t stay at Bryce’s. If Monty wasn’t home, he’d either be at my place, at Bryce’s, or at Winston’s. 
“Y/N,” I left my trail of thoughts when I heard Winston call me. I turned my face to look at him and smiled. “You were really deep in your thoughts. What’s on your mind?” “I-I just remembered Monty and how much I miss him,” I said. “I miss him too. Our first “hang out” as he liked to call it and “date” as I liked to call it, was at a beach. He took me to the beach and showed me his spot. He told me that you were the only one that knew this spot existed,” I smiled at Winson. “He was very nervous about your “hang out”. He came over to me and was a mess. He didn’t know what to wear or how to behave. He forgot how to breathe. He didn’t even know where to take you.” I laughed. “Monty nervous. I would’ve loved to see that.” Winston said laughing. There was a moment of silence. “He was damaged,” Winston mumbled. “Very,” I said. “His dad would beat him up the moment he sees him. He destroyed him. He refused to tell me about his dad for the longest time possible. He was afraid his dad would beat me up too. Until I figured it out and confronted him.” “He needed a safe place and was and would always be you Y/N. Not just for him but also for me,” I smiled. “He was fragile, vulnerable, and had so much potential, the potential that got wasted,” I said. “I know. Do you want to head back to our fire?” asked Winston. I took the last sip of my tea and Winston handed me his mug and I nodded. “Let’s head back.” I brought our mugs inside and grabbed a blanket. Winston and I cuddled. We laid under the blanket looking at the stars. “You know he cared for both of us and just wanted to protect us.” I nodded. “If only Monty was here. He’d love it here. The beach, the house, or privacy.” “He’d loved it.” “We could stay here if you want,” said Winston. “I’d like that. At least we’ll have a piece of him with us,” I mumbled falling asleep, only minutes later did Winston fall asleep too.                    
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One Last Time is officially available on Wattpad.
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
Is your request still open? Can I request about Scott befriending Y/N because they shared classes together and Monty somewhat bully her?😅 Many thanks anyway ✌🏻
A/N I hope I understood correctly what you meant. Enjoy it. :)
Another day of being pushed around. Another day of being made fun of. And all of this by none other than the school jocks. This circus of idiots lead by the hothead of Liberty High himself, Montgomery de la Cruz. The Moment Monty and his followers left the hallway to go to baseball practice was the moment I could finally breathe again. Taking a deep breath I bend down and started picking up my books, Monty and his gang threw on the floor. Suddenly in the corner of my eyes, I could see a boy kneeling down beside me and helping me pick up my stuff off the floor. He started collecting my papers around the floor. “You don’t need to help me,” I mumbled. The first time I looked up and was met by a pair of brown eyes. “Here you go,” he said. “Thank you,” I whispered. “I’m Scott. Scott Reed,” he said stretching his hands towards me. I shook his hand clearing my throat saying: “Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. Nice to meet you Scott and thank you again,” with that I turned around and left him standing in the hall to go to class.
Third Persons POV
Little did you know it was his first day at Liberty High and Little did you know that that boy will become your best friend.
You and Scott shared many classes together, which gave you the possibility to get to know each other more and more every day. He was the first person in this school, who was kind to you. In most of your shared classes, Scott would sit next to you. You often motivated each other to study and studied together for upcoming exams. He’d always try to lift your mode and motivate you after a bully-session by the other jocks, but he never stood up to you, which you understood everyone even the jocks were afraid of Monty and Bryce. At least he walked you home every day after school. Monty’s harsh words turned into harsh gestures. He started pushing you around like Tyler. He even laid his hands on you and tried to choke you. At that moment ScottsScott has seen enough. He decided to stand up to you. He was seeing red. Scott grabbed Monty and pushed him away from you. He grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the locker. “Don’t you ever do anything to Y/N. Stay away from Y/N.” Monty pushed Scott of him and said, “or what Reed.” he pushed Scott and got in his face saying “huh..” Scott just took a swing at Monty and punched him straight in the face. Monty fell backwards and Scott got very close to him and whispered in his hears, “or I won’t hesitate to beat the shit out of you Monty.” Scott turned around looking at you “Are you alright?” you nodded slowly. You were shocked. He looked back at Monty and then told you “Let’s go.” with that you and Scott left Liberty High for the rest of the day.
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One Last Time Pt. 5.2 (Final Part)
A/N: inspired by the song: exile by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver Request are open again. 
Upcoming Scheduele: Requests
Word count:  1193
Part: 5/5
Warning: language perhaps, mention of death
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3  Part 4  Part 5.1
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Gif: not mine 
Once I arrived at the hut, Winston greeted me. “Hey, I set up everything and I…” suddenly he stopped talking and turned around to face me. He looked at me worriedly and asked carefully if everything was alright. I shook my head and walked over to the couch and sat down. I looked at Winston and asked: “Do you really want to do that?” “What do you mean with that?” “This whole revealing Bryce’s murderer and ruining the futures of Alex, Zach, and Jess?”. Winston sighed and took a seat beside me on the couch. He rested his head on my shoulder and looked up starring at the ceiling thinking about what I said. After sitting a while in comfortable silence with none of us saying anything, Winston broke the silence sighing, sitting up again and turning slightly to take a look at me.”To be honest I don’t want to do that. A-Alex... He - He was my first true love after Monty and I still have feelings for him. To be completely honest I don’t even know anymore if I even loved Monty or if I am doing all of this out of love for him or only because I knew the truth of that night because he was with me.” said Winston. I leaned forward and rested my head on his shoulders. “ I-I’m not sure anymore if revealing the truth is always the right thing to do. I think Estella and Mrs. Walker have every right to know but letting them know will destroy them. Estella is dating Monty and if she learns to know about what her brother did to her boyfriend she’d be shattered and won’t be able to remember her brother for the good things he did for us. A-And Mrs. Walker won’t be able to move on knowing she’s not save in this town, knowing that Deputy Standall covered up many times for Clay and his group of friends. In less than a year we’ll be out of this hell-whole. So is it even worth it… destroying their lives? They’re all suffering from their lies. And we’re running off anyways.” I took a deep breath and lifted my head looking at Winston saying: “I think we should call the meeting off, tell them it was a false alarm, and just drop the subject. They deserve a chance both of them to move on and know that we know the truth about that night we can both move on too. Let’s just try to get through the last month of school and then pack our shit and leave this town.” Winston looked at me smiling. He pulled his phone out from his trousers pocket and sent a text to our group chat saying: “Meeting canceled, wrong assumption - W” I gave Winston a weak smile and he returned that smile. Winston stood up and stretched his hand towards me. I looked at his hands questioningly. “ Let’s close  this chapter of our lives and close this case.” I smiled at him and grabbed his hand and stood up. 
We got out of the hut and set a fire to burn everything we had down, so nobody could ever find the evidence again. After setting the hut on fire we turned around and never looked back. We got into our cars and drove to the cemetery but before that, we stopped at a flower shop and bought some flowers. We walked up to Monty’s tombstone which was near Hannah’s and Bryce’s and left flowers at all three. Winston and I took a seat in front of Monty’s tombstone and said our goodbyes. We stood up and walked away. Every year we come back to leave flowers at his tombstone. 
 ...1 Month later… 
It’s our graduation day. After we receive our certificates Winston and I decided to drive home pack our stuff and get into his car and drive off. Why we’ll get into his car is because I sold mine last week so we had some cash for our trip. The last month of school has been one hell of a month. I got ready and got into Winston’s car so he could drive us to school.
During the Afterparty, after Clay’s speech dedicated to Justin and after receiving our certificates we all went to chat with the teachers. Suddenly Scott came up to me “You look good. Congratulations by the way.” “Thank you.” “Y/N do you, do you maybe want to give us a shot again. I’m sorry for all the pain of caused you and for my selfishness, for never hearing you out and for letting you deal with the pain and the emotion and the aftermath of Monty’s death on your own.” I smiled at Scott and said. “It took you five whole minutes to pack us up and leave me with it holdin’ all this love out here in the hall. I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending you’re not my homeland anymore so what am I defending? I’m not you’re problem anymore. So, who am I offending? You were my town, my crown. Now I’m in exile seein’ you. I think I’ve seen this film before. So I’m leavin’ out the side door.” with that I turned around leaving a stunned Scott Reed behind, standing in the hall. I walked up to Winston, who was waiting outside for me. We drove to his place first so he could pack his stuff and after that, we drove to mine. 
Putting the last bag in our car trunk. Winston looked at me linking our arms and said “You ready my lady.” “Yes, I am,” I replied giggling.     
And with that began the journey of two friends exploring the world together and becoming inseparable each day.  
The End     
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One last Time Part 5.1
A/N: inspired by the song: exile by Taylor Swift and Bon Iver Request are open again. 5.2 will be posted tomorrow. 
Upcoming Scheduele: Requests
Word count:  1193
Part: 5/5
Warning: language perhaps, mention of death
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3  Part 4
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Originally posted by lovetyler-chalex
Gif: Doesn’t belong to me.
After the encounter with Winston. I headed to school. Just as I was parking my car in my usual spot, I saw in the corner of my eyes Justin, Clay, and Tony walking up to me. “Y/N we need to talk,” said Tony. “No I have to get to class as fast as possible.” and with that, I left the three boys standing in the parking lot. I headed towards my locker to grab my books for my first lesson. For the first time since Monty’s death, Winston wasn’t waiting for me by my locker. I brushed it off knowing he won’t show up today to school since he needs to prepare everything for tonight. I grabbed my stuff and closed my locker. Turning around I crashed into a hard chest. The fragrance the person was wearing smelled very familiar. It was none else than Scott Reed my ex-boyfriend who wanted to stop me from proving Monty’s innocence. I stepped away and tried walking away but he grabbed my arm and I stood still not moving nor turning around to look at him. Suddenly Clay was standing in front of me. “We need to talk he said.” “Fine.” I finally gave in and to be honest I didn’t want to attend Math class without Winston. I followed the four boys out of school. Finally, Scott spoke for the first time asking me to get into Tony’s car, which I did.
We drove off to Tony’s apartment. Caleb, Tony’s boyfriend greeted us and asked me if I wanted to drink something to which I shook my head. I took a seat on the chair facing the four boys sitting on the couch. “I know Winston knows the truth and I know you know about what Monty did to Tyler.” I kept starring blankly at the wall in front of me listening to Clay talking. “I know that you for a fact that you don’t want to believe it and that you still see the good in him. You always did that and always will do that. You always managed to see the good in people even though some of them were evil or even monstrous. I know for a fact that Monty cared about you and I know that friendship; that your friendship was very strong and I envied you for the bond you two had for years until I found this connection with people through Hannah’s death. Those people I learned to call friends and I’d do anything to protect them and to save them. Just like what you did for Monty and what you are still doing for him and Monty.”  Justin spoke and said “You need to know that that’s what we are doing right now Y/N. It’s not because we hate Monty, well we don’t. Look Scott and I played baseball with Monty for years and somehow at one point in our lives he was our friend. But we’ve got other people to protect, other people we dearly love.” “Monty is dead and you can’t bring him back to life. You can’t save someone who’s already gone. We are trying to save someone’s future and Monty… Monty is…” I interrupted Scott angrily  “Monty what Scott? Monty what? Huh, You lied for so long and hide so much shit from me so don’t you dare come here and speak poorly of Monty. Don’t come here and tell me, Monty… You’re not allowed to even mention him.” “What they’re trying to say is that you can’t save Monty anymore,” said Caleb touching my shoulder. A single tear slid down my face while I was starring at the wall in front of me. “What do you want me to do?” I asked with a shaking voice. “Help us stop Winston from revealing the truth.” “No,” I said standing up and walking out through the front door making sure to slam the door shut. Scott ran after me saying: “Y/N please.” I turned around and said: “I think I’ve seen this film before and I didn’t like the ending. So I’m not letting Winston down as I did to Monty.” I turned back around and walked to the bus station and sat down on the bench waiting for the bus, which can take me back to school to get my car and head to the meeting point to help Winston and check on him.
Suddenly a familiar grey car pulled up It was Scott. He rolled his windows done and asked if I needed a ride to school, which I gladly accepted. I got into the car and We sat in uncomfortable silence until Scott decided to break the silence first. “Comfortable silence is overrated, don’t you think?.” I hummed in reply. “You’ve changed. It’s like I never knew you or I just don’t know you anymore.” “Well, we always walked a very thin line,” I replied. “Maybe,” he said. “ What went wrong Y/N?” “You’re not my homeland anymore Scott.” “Why did you destroy yourself and switched to a self-destruction modus?” I didn’t say anything. “ You are so blind Y/N and you don’t see the mistakes you’re making.” “We aren’t together anymore Scott so what am I defending?” The look in his eyes adds insults to my injuries. “ I don’t get your point. We aren’t together anymore so who am I offending now?” “You left me so you could open a closed case and destroy living people’s lives.” “ Is that what you think this is all about. Well, you’re wrong. You never.. You didn’t even hear me out when I tried telling you that I’m helping Winston. By the way, for your information, we wanted to know the truth for ourselves but you made it hard for us with all your lies, so we decided to also comfort Estella and Mrs. Walker and the moment the sheriff became involved you all made mistakes which led us to the truth and now I know that every single one of you is a liar. So don’t you dare come here accusing me of ruining lives, because all of you ruined mine and will ruin Alex’s, Zach’s and Jessica’s life. Alex will go to jail and maybe Zach too. Jessica might as well because she lied to the police. And that is all going to happen because you all couldn’t shut up and keep a secret and trying to do just that made you reveal it more and more.” There was silence again. Scott’s grip on the steering wheel made his knuckles turn white. After a while, Scott said: “I never learned to read your mind. I hope I did could’ve noticed the madness going through you sooner. I wish I could’ve turned things around and help you instead of causing you more pain but I couldn’t turn things around, cause you never gave a warning sign.” “ I gave so many signs,” I replied. “ You didn’t even see the signs,” I mumbled to myself. Once we arrived at school. I got out of Scott’S car and went to mine and drove off to meet Winston at the hut.
….to be continued….
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One Last Time Pt. 4
A/N: Hello! Sorry, it quite longer than usual. I got carried away. 
Word count:  1078
Part: 4/5
Warning: language perhaps 
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
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Gif: not mine
Mrs. Walker contacted the sheriff and asked him to give us access to the files for Bryce’s and Monty’s Case. Winston and I found an abandoned hut on the outskirts of town. We cleaned up the small hut and bought two new pin-walls, a new table, and a pull-out sofa. We started hanging up everything and organizing the evidence we’ve got to prove Monty’s innocence and to get justice for Bryce - altho he was an asshole and a rapist but everyone deserves a fair trial. The setting up took us an entire week. After we were settled Winston texted Monty’s sister Estella Mrs. Walker and the Sheriff saying: “We are all set up. Let’s get this show started.” Every Saturday evening we met in our secret spot and evaluated the new evidence we’ve gathered.
Today Winston seemed a little off. He was even quieter than usual. Something is definitely wrong. After Mrs. Walker, Estella and the Sheriff left. I turned to Winston and stared at him. “What’s wrong with you today Winston?”  “Huh..? Oh, yeah listen Y/N there’S something you need to know about Monty. I think it’s best for you if you heard it from me.” “Winston, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?” “Do you know why Monty got arrested in the first place?” “Uh, well he told me he got into a pretty bad fight with important people in town.” “technically it was a fight. Do you know who else was involved?” “I don’t know he never told me. He said it was the best way for him to protect me. I..it’s safer for me if I didn’t know.” “Y/N, he… he might have lied to you. “ Winston took both my hands in his and looked me in the eyes and said: “Monty… Do you know about the thing that happened between him and Tyler?” “No, I know that he always said to stay away from Tyler because he’s a creep, which isn’t true tho. Tyler is really kind and sweet.” I stared and Winston anxious and my hands were shaking. “What did Monty do to h-him?”  I knew from the start the look on Winston’s face meant that I won’t like what I am going to hear. “He assaulted Tyler a couple of years ago in the bathroom with a broom before doing that he beat him up. Tyler got recently the courage to report the sexual assault.” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I snatched my hands from Winson’s and stood up. I didn’t want to believe what I was hearing. My Monty, my best friend, would never do such a thing. He had a horrible temper but this is going too far. I knew he was a hothead but he was sweet and kind to the people he cared about. A Million thoughts were racing through my mind. I looked over at Winston and said “ I need some fresh air. I need to…” He interrupted me and said “I understand” and with that, I left and wandered around the forest for a while. After wandering around for an hour I came to the conclusion that no matter what Monty did he was my best friend. I need to speak to Tyler as soon as possible. I returned back to the hut. “You’re still here.” “Yes, I wanted to be there for you when you return.” “Monty did some horrible things and Justice was served for Tyler. Monty was sent to jail. But dying in there wasn’t something he deserved. Dying in there was something that shouldn’t have happened. It’s the worst thing that occurred. He didn’t deserve that and he definitely didn’t deserve to get framed for murdering one of his best friends. We knew the real Monty and the real Monty didn’t deserve any of this shit.” Tears were streaming down my face. “I don’t want him to be remembered as the man who killed his best friend, as a traitor. He is no murderer. And Bryce… that awful person didn’t deserve to die. The last couple of months before his death he changed and regretted what he did. He even tried to fix what was fixable. Even he does deserve Justice everyone does.” I sniffled and said: “ What I am saying is that I’ll continue helping you proving Monty’S innocence but I need to talk to Tyler on Monday and I need you there with me. Please Winston” Winston stood up and whipped the tears streaming down my face away with his thumbs and took me in his arms, hugging me. 
Winston and I walked up to Tyler. “Hey Tyler, I need to speak to you.” “Yeah sure Y/N!” We went into an empty classroom. I could feel Tony and Clay’s eyes on us. Winston closed the door behind us and I looked over and Tyler and said: “I’m sorry. I didn’t know what he did to you. If I knew I would have never said what I’ve said and I would have tried to stop him. I’m-m so sorry Tyler. I knew I said that the asshole who put him in jail will pay for that and you are definitely no asshole and he did deserve going to jail for what he did to you, but he didn’t deserve dying in jail and getting framed. Tyler you did the right thing reporting the assault and if you ever need anything I- we are always there for you and we’ll try our best to always support you.” by now there were tears streaming down Tyler’s and my face. I hugged Tyler and he said that everything was okay and that we’re all good. Tyler left the room and I ran into Winston’s arms crying. Winston hugged me and tried to calm me down. Little did we know that Scott was standing in the doorway watching us. Winston kissed my forehead. 
1 week later
Winston came running into my room and said “I figured it out. I figured it all out. I know who killed Bryce and who framed Monty. You need to call Estella and Mrs. Walker, while I set up everything for our meeting. I’ll meet you in an hour at the hut. I need your help setting a couple of things up and going through everything before Estella and Mrs.Walker come over. Tell them they should be there at 8.” “What about the Sheriff?” “We’ll tell him later.” 
...To be continued... 
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
Posting schedule for One last time:
21.07 : Part 4
25.07: Final part (Part 5)
Posting schedule August:
Original character stories (sneak peeks) - > complete version coming soon on Wattpad and perhaps on tumblr.
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snowflakewriter · 4 years
One Last Time Pt.3
A/N: Hey guys I'm back. Requests are open. The plan is to finish this Series first and then start working in the one-shots. I hope you enjoy this part.
Part: 3/5
Word count:  482
Warnings: None I guess
Part 1 Part 2
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Gif: Doesn't belong to me (and is not really related to this part. Couldn't find anything else with Mrs. Walker in it)
The next day you and Winston went to pay Mrs. Walker a visit.
Your POV
Winston rang the doorbell to Mrs. Walker's house. He looked over at me. He wanted to say something to me when suddenly the door went open and Mrs. Walker was standing in front of us with a fake smile on her face. "Hi! How can I help you?" said Mrs. Walker. "Hi Mrs. Walker I'm Winston and this is my friend Y/N." "OH! I know you. Your Monty's friend. I heard a lot about you. It's really nice to finally put a face to the name." "It's nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Walker. We Uhm... we need to talk to you." "Yeah sure, come in. Would you like to drink something?" " Water would be great," said Winston. " Same for me please."
Mrs. Walker went to the kitchen to grab our drinks while she was preparing our drinks, Winston stood up and went to look at the pictures of Bryce and Monty. He ran his fingers along with the picture of Monty. Mrs. Walker walked in and put the tray with our drinks on the coffee table. Winston turned back around and went to take the seat beside me. "What is it that you want to talk about?" Winston looked at Mrs. Walker, who was standing and staring straight in her eyes and said: "Monty was framed, he didn't kill Bryce and we've got some evidence." Mrs. Walker stared at us with wide eyes and couldn't believe what she was hearing. Winston stood up and said, "You might want to sit down for this Mrs. Walker."
We began to explain to her what we know and told her about our theory that Clay and his gang are involved in Bryce's death and one of them is Bryce's murderer. In addition to that, we told her that we know for a fact that Ani knows everything and Jessica was there during the murder of Bryce.
Mrs. Walker stood up again and started pacing back and forth around the room. "I knew it. I knew Monty would never do something like that. Bryce was his best friend." Mrs. Walker turned around and stopped pacing around the room. She looked at me and then at Winston and asked if Monty's sister Estella knew the truth. Winston took the seat beside me and took my hand in his and started fiddling with my fingers and said "we don't know if she knows the truth but we are planning on telling her and proving Monty's innocence." Mrs. Walker stood back up and said "We need to tell her. We need to get justice for Bryce and for Monty. What are you two planning? How can I help?"
To be continued...
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
Hey I'm truly sorry but I won't continue One last time at least not right now. It is a stressful time so please stay indoors and don't forget to wash your hands and stay safe.
But maybe I'll be posting some non fandom related short stories here and on wattpad.
Requests are still open.
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
A/N One Last Time
Hey guys One last Time is still missing 3Pt.
Those 3 chapters or Parts will be posted probably after the 19th of December. I'm really sorry for the delay. The original plan was to post every weekend a new chapter. Which hasn't been possible because I've had every week an exam and the only time I have the energy to study are the weekends and monday and thursday afternoon. I usually get really late home and Fridays are my resting days where I just basically organise my week and plan my study time.
I'm terribly sorry and you'll read soon more. Requests are open for all fandoms btw so if you have any requests either submit them or dm me your request.
I'll try to also create a masterlist so you can find everything on it.
All the love
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
One Last Time Part 2
A/N: This one is kind of short. Sorry for that 
Warnings: I guess nothing 
Words count: 522
Part: 2/5
Part 1
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Gif: is not mine 
“We need to prove that he is innocent:” he told you. You just couldn’t stop crying and said, “Could you come over?” “I am on my way Y/N.” 
It was only a matter of time until we fired back at Clay and his group of friends. Winston and I knew that Monty wasn’t that all innocent and we knew many things we didn’t know about Monty will surface during this process. But at least everyone will know the truth about Bryce death. 
Winston organised a lawyer and he already talk to him and told him what we want. I on the other hand have been trying to dig as much information as possible about Clay and his friends. 
Hannah Bakers Suicide is where everything started and that is where I’ll be looking first. The Tapes were taken down from the internet after their release. So, I had to ask my brother if he could dig them up from somewhere. What is deleted from the internet is never permanently removed, so we were able to find them. 
I burst into Winston’s room. “Hey, I was able to get the tapes.” “That’s amazing I’ve got a notepad and pens you listen to the first 6 and I to the last 6 and the 13th we will listen to it together. Take as much notes as possible so we have a profile for every one of them.” And we spend the whole day listening and I have to say I was shocked about what everyone did to her.
“Okay so what do the people mention in the tapes have with Monty in common.” “Well me have Bryce he and Monty were best friends. Monty used to bully Tyler. Alex hanged out with Monty and the guys at Bryce house and they had a fight in the school parking lot. We could talk to Mrs. Walker she also believes that one of Clays friends killed Bryce.”
So, we went to Mrs. Walker and talked to her. She agreed to help us find out what really happened back then, and she also believed that Monty would never harm Bryce. And this went on for weeks until we had enough evidence to make a case and now the new trail began. 
Scott pulled me to the side after my Biology lesson “Why are you doing this? Monty and Bryce are both dead let the dead kill the dead.” “No Scott because Monty was and will always be my best friend no matter what so fuck off you and your group of friends are liar, and everything will surface during this trail.” “You know you will surface thing about Monty too that you didn’t know?” “At least I never betrayed him or anyone like you did. At least I never turned my back on anyone, and I can say at the end I was always there for him and accepted all his flaws like I did with you. I have to go Winston is waiting.”  
to be continued 
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
One Last Time Pt. 1
Request:  My first idea is that the reader and Scott are having a break because she tried to help Monty in S3 but Scott exposed him to the others in s2 e12? She needs time and while the team and some girls go out Charlie from s3 kisses her and then there’s some trouble in s3 but with a happy ending? 
@find-another-place - Version 1 
A/N: This is not the actual request but It is just an  Idea. Reader is bold 
Word count: 1506
Part 1/5
Warning: angst, cursing, cheating? Season 3 spoilers 
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Gif: Doesn’t belong to me 
Monty x reader, Scott x reader, Winston x reader 
13 missed calls, 20 messages and 4 voice mails all from Scott Reed. Last night was a mess. But you can’t tell Scotty. Monty stirs awake next to you. You put your phone away and walk over to him. “Hey” you say. Monty rubs his eyes and sits up in your bed. “Hi” he says to you. “How are you feeling?”. Monty looks at you says, “Not that good, My head hurts.” You stand up and grab some medicine for him. Monty calls you from your Room, so you grab the pills and the glass of water and go back quickly to him. “Scott was calling you. I think his worried.” You look at Monty and give hand him the glass and the pills. “I know. He is probably pissed. But right now, you are my priority Monty.” He gives you sad smile and takes the pills and drinks the water. 
Monty was fucked up and you knew it. But you couldn’t help but try to protect him he was your best friend after all and always stood up for you. Even if you don’t agree that what Monty did to Tyler is correct you even hate the fact that he has done something so wrong, but you couldn’t help but try to support him and take care of him. And because of the guilt you felt for helping Monty you made Tyler get psychological help and you are paying for it. If Scott finds out about you protecting Monty, he would immediately break up with you and that is why you have been avoiding him ever since yesterday. 
Monty fell asleep again. You closed the door and went downstairs when the doorbell rang. You aren’t expecting anyone. So, you go to the door and open it to find none other than your boyfriend Scott reed he walks past you and turns towards you as you close the door. “We need to talk. Where have you been? And why haven’t you been answering your phone?” He was marching towards the stairs to talk in your bedroom when you ran to catch up with him and said, “You can’t go upstairs.” He still goes up and finds a shirtless Monty lying your bed. He slams the door back shut and says, “You’ve got to be kidding me” “Scott it’s not what it looks like.” “Well what does it look like Y/N.” “I-I” “Save it Y/N we are over.” “Scott no wait” but he was already out of the door. You started to cry and slid against the door. You don’t know how long it has been, but you stood up and prepared some food for Monty and went upstairs. 
“Monty, you need to eat something.” Monty sat up and started eating the sandwich you have prepared for him. “Charlie will bring some stuff by for you. Don’t argue with me you are staying here.” “I don’t want to get between you and Scott Y/N/N” “You heard that?” “Yes” “Look Monty you have been my best friend before Scott became my boyfriend and if he can’t respect me caring, loving and protecting my best friend than he should just leave me. It is not your fault Monty. You understand me?” He nods and looks at his hands. “I just feel bad for coming in between” You sat down beside him and took him in your arms. His head was resting against your chest. “You will always be the person I choose first.” “I love you Monty and I am always here for you.” “I love you too Y/N/N.” You sat in a comfortable silence until the doorbell rang. “This must be Charlie. I’ll open the door and come back to you. You should rest a bit more Monty.” 
You got out of bed and went downstairs. It was indeed Charlie, so you let him in. “Do you want to drink something?” “Yes, Water please.” Charlie followed you to the kitchen and watched you prepare his cup of water. “I heard what happened between you and Scott.” “News travel so fast in this town” “I am sorry about what happened.” “Don’t be my priority is Monty’s safety and if he can’t respect that nor even give me the chance to explain to him why Monty is laying in my bed upstairs. Than he should fuck off.” “I completely understand you. How is by the way?” “I am not sure. But I’ll keep you updated. Thank you for coming by.” “You’re welcome and bye.” 
You went back upstairs and saw Monty staring at the ceiling. “A penny for your thoughts?” “I don’t know what is wrong Y/N I enjoyed Winston’s company, but I am afraid he won’t want to talk to me anymore and the whole Tyler thing is getting to my head and Me being the reason for Scott leaving you. I just hate myself and if I am gay, my dad will kill me.” “If you want, I can talk with Winston for you and we will keep it a secret and I promise you your dad won’t find out.”  “That would be great.” 
Later that night you called Winston and agreed that he would come tomorrow by to talk to Monty. 
The next Day Winston and Monty were talking in your room upstairs when the doorbell rang, and you went to open in front of you was none other than Scott Reed and Justin Foley. “We know about what Monty did to Tyler. You need to stop protecting him Y/N.” Thing is all Monty told you about the Tyler incident is that he punched him and smashed his head against the sink, you didn’t know that Monty raped Tyler. “He fucking raped him Y/N” “I don’t believe you. Monty would never do that. Monty did many fucked up things with Bryce, but he would never rape someone.” “Talk to Tyler and he’ll tell you.” “No, I don’t believe your group anymore you all were the reason why my best friend Hannah died you hurt her so bad that she committed suicide and even Clay hurt her by never telling her about his feeling so stop all playing innocent and stop blaming people for shit. You are all the reason why Bryce is dead he has done some massive shit, but he should have been punished by the police and not killed by a bunch of teenagers. It wouldn’t wonder me if you helped killing him Scott. Now leave.” Justin was looking past you and you knew he was staring at Monty. “Fucking Bastard why don’t you tell her the truth. huh.” You screamed at both to leave which they did. 
One-week later Monty was arrested, and you didn’t know why you ran as fast as possible with Winston to the police Station trying to figure out why Monty was arrested. Mr. De la Cruz was just leaving when you got there, and you knew something happened immediately. You let Winston see him first and then you. 
“What the hell is happening Mont.” You cried “Everything will be alright Y/N. I need you to stay by Winston’s side and take care of him for me okay love? Promise me please Y/N/N.” “I promise you I will” you said while tears where streaming down your face. “And promise me to stay strong and take care of yourself. I love you Y/N” “I love you too Montgomery De la Cruz”. 
You went outside to Winston and he hugged you while you cried in his chest and when you looked up you saw Scott, Clay, Justin, Jessica, Zach and Tyler walking bye. You locked eyes with Scott, and he looked away seeing you in all this pain and knowing that both of you had no clue what happened between Tyler and Monty. Winston took you out of the Police station. “I’ll call a Lawyer for Monty and let’s hope for the best. We are in this together.” 
One week later you get a phone call from Winston telling you Monty died and they are blaming him for murdering Bryce, which both of you knew wasn’t the truth because on that night Monty was staying the night at your place with Winston while you were visiting your Grandmother in the hospital. You couldn’t believe what Winston just told you. “We need to prove that he is innocent:” he told you. You just couldn’t stop crying and said, “Could you come over?” “I am on my way Y/N.” 
To be continued ... 
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
Look at her now
Request: The reader is Brandon Butler’s girlfriend and an actress for 13rw, too but she has been dating Brandon Larracuente before, which no one knows about. Brandon L left her for his new girlfriend. When Brandon Butler finds out he’s a bit jealous, but he finds out why the reader fears being hurt.
Inspiration: Look at her now by Selena Gomez  
A/N: Requests are open for all fandoms. And sorry for my bad English. I hope you like it. I am not really satisfied with this one. It has been a while since I wrote anything fictional. 
Warnings: angst? fluff ? 
Originally posted by fabulousqueen
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Gif: Doesn’t belong to me 
Reader x Brandon Butler, Reader x Brandon Larracuente 
Your POV 
Being casted for 13 reasons why was something I always dreamed of. The only thing that hurt the most is seeing your ex-boyfriend who just left you for another girl. Filming the first season was hard. I had to work with Brandon Larracuente a lot and work with him. And I have to say that I hated the fact that I still had feelings for him. 
It always hurts to see him. And the worst part is his girlfriend was always around on set making out with him.
Season two was less painful. There is this new guy on set - Brandon Butler. He is really kind and funny and makes me really happy, but I am not sure if I want this. My previous relationship didn’t have a happy ending. 
I can’t get him out of my head. 
Third POV 
Brandon saw Y/N sitting alone during Lunch and they seemed to be deep in their thoughts. He thought they were beautiful. So, he approached them. 
*Brandon in bold*
“Hey Y/N”
“Hey Brandon” 
“I saw you sitting alone and thought maybe I could join you.” 
“Uhm ... yeah yeah” 
This was the maximum amount of words shared between the two of them. So, one day Brandon decided to change it. 
Brandon POV 
I decided to go to Y/N’s house and speak to her. I really liked her. I just hope she feels the same. I stood in front of her door and rang the bell there is no going back now. They opened the door. 
“Hey Brandon. What are you doing here? Come inside. What do you want to drink?” 
“A cup of water please.” 
They went to grab the drinks and sat on the couch in front of me. 
“I came to talk. Y/N I don’t know how to say this.... Uhm I really like you. Do you maybe want to go to dinner with me?” 
Y/N didn’t say anything for a while and became doubting the idea. 
“Uhm... I don’t think I am ready for this Brandon. I do like you, but I just can’t.” 
“Why not?”
I wasn’t sure if I should tell him what happened between me and Brandon L. 5 years ago. I don’t want to get hurt and at the same time I don’t want to hurt him. I decided to tell him the truth. I told him how me and Brandon met and that we dated for 2 years and I thought he was the one for me. How he broke-up with me and 2 months later he had a new girlfriend. Brandon listened to every word I said and never interrupted me. 
“You know I won’t hurt you right? Hell, I would even make his life a living hell if I knew what he did to you. You don’t deserve what you had to go though, and I understand that you are ready for a relationship and all but please just give me a chance I promise I won’t disappoint you.” 
“Alright pick me up tomorrow at 7pm.”
After that he left, and I was deep in thoughts what shall I wear tomorrow. What will we do tomorrow? Where are we going. And maybe this time it won’t end that bad as the last time. 
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
Requests are open
13 reasons why
High rise
Only lovers left alive
Harry potter
Skull island
The night manager
Game of thrones
Harry Styles
Criminal Minds
And many more
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snowflakewriter · 5 years
Hey request are also open for other fandoms
Main blog: @notunderstanded
Requests are open
Requests are open for the 13 reasons why fandom 
(Scott Reed, Brandon Butler, Montgomery de la cruz, Jeff Atkins, Brandon Larracuente and Timothy Granaderos) 
If you have a request for other fandoms you can also submit them and I’ll see what I can do. 
I was thinking about making a riverdale and 13 reasons why crossover imagine. 
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