snowysims4 · 8 years
Not bad for a rookie!
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snowysims4 · 8 years
✻The Muser Challenge✻ pt 1
Hi again!
So I started the challenge almost right after I posted it here. I created my Sim self (sorta). She has most of my personality, just not my hair and maybe not my face shape. But everything else of hers is accurate. Her name is Rachel Reid. She’s a foodie, a music lover and a perfectionist, just like me. Of course her aspiration is to be a musical genius.
So far her house looks pretty bland, but I have big plans for it. So for now she’s just earning some money through busking. Her neighbors are very nice actually. She’s befriended Liberty Lee and Summer, but I do want her to have a bigger circle.
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This guy seems interesting. He was bored when Rachel just met him, but she managed to cheer him up. He smiled at her and walked away again. Hopefully she’ll get to see him more often.
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The girls hanging out! Rachel improves super fast when it comes to singing and whatnot. You can tell she loves music.
Honestly, it’s challenges like this that makes me have fun playing The Sims 4. I love music, so to me this really is something like my dream life. Also Rachel is pretty awesome. I’m loving her swag hahaha!
Happy Simming yoo!
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snowysims4 · 8 years
✻The Muser Challenge✻
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Meaning of ‘muser’: to become absorbed in thought; especially to think about something carefully and thoroughly; musing about what might have been -Merriam-Webster Dictionary
This word was what gave me the idea to do this challenge actually. The idea of this challenge is: to create a Sim who is completely absorbed in music. I’ve been thinking about how there should be more musical instruments in the game, and how this would be my dream life in the Sims 4 (referring to Deligracy’s legacy challenge on YouTube, do check it out!), and then I thought of this challenge.
Goal: Your goal is to create a Sim (his/her appearance can be according to your liking) and to make this Sim master all of the music-based skills in the game. These skills are: The DJ mixing skill (from Get Together), the dancing skill (from Get Together), the singing skill (from City Living), the guitar skill, the piano skill, and the violin skill. Note: If you don’t have one/some of the mentioned skills due to lack of an EP, it’s okay to leave it out.
CAS: As was mentioned before, your Sim’s appearance can be whatever you so desire it to be. However, the music lover trait is mandatory. The aspiration should be: musical genius.
*Move into a starter home of your liking, but no money cheats are allowed throughout the challenge, so just use the money you are given.
*Your Sim is not allowed to have an official career. The money he/she makes will be his/her job.
*Custom content/mods are allowed. If you feel that using a mod that changes the aging in the game will ruin your fun, don’t use it. Otherwise it’s okay to leave it on Normal for a hard experience, and on Long for an easy-going experience. Honestly the only thing that is against the rules is using the motherlode or kaching cheats to get more money.
*Busking is a great way to earn more money, thanks to the City Living EP. But you can also license songs and such for money.
*Your Sim can fall in love and get married, if you want. They can even have kids. As long as you don’t let anything get in your way of mastering your skills.
“Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.” -Plato
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snowysims4 · 8 years
Heyo (couple of updates)
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Yup, I’m also doing the Not So Berry challenge. Can’t say I’m that excited about the first generation. The reason is I already played through most of the scientist career, so it doesn’t amuse me as much as it does with other people. But I do like the concept of it; to do things you haven’t done much of in The Sims 4.
So her name is Misty. I’m trying to work on her mischievous personality but it’s just not easy for me, because I don’t have all that many mischievous Sims out there. But again, that’s the point of the challenge. So I’m doing my best with it.
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This happened seconds after Misty moved into her house. Fail Misty, fail...
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Girls night out! Well, colleagues’ night out, I guess.
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And then this happened! She gave birth to twins not long after her marriage. Rose and Ross. Getting ready for gen 2!
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One of the last pictures I took before I stopped playing for a while.
Okay, so then there’s the Foster Home challenge.
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Sydney knows she doesn’t have much time left, so she’s making the most of her time. They took this picture together, but.... is it just me or is there something horribly wrong with his arm??;;
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The household is currently full. Most of the kids have aged up into teens.
Soo then there’s the baby challenge.
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Pepper gave birth to her first child! I kinda wanted to stop this challenge because Pepper didn’t seem like a good mother figure in my head, but boy was I wrong. She’s no Sydney Smart, but she’s protective as hell around her kiddos.
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I swear, these interactions are just the cutest!!!
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Fight! Fight! Fight!
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They grow up so fast...
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What a view!!
Okay, so on a side note.. One of the fathers (Gavin Richards I think?) turned out to be a stalker. He would come into my house uninvited and just use all of my stuff like he owned the place. And worst of all, he yelled at one of Pepper’s kids. Let’s just say things didn’t turn out well for him. Pepper beat him up, and then the Simocide mod did the rest. I’m not sure whether that was a glitch or not, but it really annoyed me. It was nice that he cleaned up after our messes, but eating my food and using my shower was just a big NO....
Anyway, so I’ve been planning two new challenges myself. I’ll post one of them soon. The other one is still a WIP.
Happy Simming,
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snowysims4 · 8 years
Sophie and Bella are good friends. Just horrendous singers... That good voice you hear? It’s from the person next door
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snowysims4 · 8 years
100 Baby Challenge (pt 2)
Okay so I won’t keep this one very long, mostly because it’s not my first time doing this challenge and everything is pretty self-explanatory.
I’m using an OC of mine for this challenge called Pepper. I thought she seemed fitting as the founder of the challenge. Okay no, I just thought it would be amazing seeing her lose her temper with her kids.
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In general Pepper is hot-headed, but at the same time she also desires to find love. But the way she goes about it is not the right way, and she has yet to realize that. At home she also paints and gardens for some money. She’s also very active and loves boxing more than anything. Pepper met up with some guys at the gym only seconds after she arrived, and she already spotted her first target, J.
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Two days later, she is pregnant with her first child:
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Aaaand that’s as far as I got so far. It was midnight so I had to go get some sleep, hehe.... I’ll be naming the babies in alphabetical order, unless they’re twins or triplets; those will have the same first letter. I guess once I actually start playing this, it’ll be easier to explain.
Will keep yall updated!
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snowysims4 · 8 years
Playing with Thalia
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snowysims4 · 8 years
Brandon begging for attention
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snowysims4 · 8 years
✻Foster Home Challenge (pt 2)✻
So I’ve been playing this one for a day or two now and I’m already addicted to it. It’s so HARD now that toddlers are here!! The plot is still the same as the old one: The woman is very sickly, and she doesn’t have much time left to live. Her husband takes care of her as much as he can by doing things around the house for her, but eventually he gets stressed of it too, even though he doesn’t tell her that. He wants help around the house, but he doesn’t know what to do. The woman then mentions her lifelong dream to him: to have a big happy family. She knows she can’t reproduce any children otherwise she might die, so she suggests adoption and making a foster home to raise them in. The couple is called Sydney and Dale Smart. 
Rules (obviously adapted to my liking):
In create-a-sim you can make them look however you want, but I wanted to make Sydney look extra pale to give it the effect that it’s obvious that she’s dying.
Sydney isn’t allowed to do anything tough on her body at all. She spends most of her time either taking care of the kids, painting, or cooking. She may only harvest or evolve plants. Instead of fixing things that break herself, she may only hire a handyman when her husband isn’t at home. She doesn’t go out much either, mostly to stay away from the sun. Dale is an aspiring athlete, but Sydney isn’t allowed to work.
The couple receives the adoption money from the government every time they want to adopt. They may receive 50.000 only once per generation. Regarding adoption, it doesn’t matter who they adopt; it can be a baby, a toddler or a child. It’s important to keep the next heir of the foster home in check, seeing as Sydney could perish at any time!
Now for the pictures!!
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The house looks so plain in the beginning ughh...
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Their very first adoption, Thalia Smart! When she grew older, she became very independent, and it grew easier to take care of her. She needed so little assistance in everything.
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The welcoming committee! ......never hung out with them again haha xD
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Her first painting was hung in the dining/living room and was called 50, since that is the goal of this challenge: to adopt and raise 50 kids.
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HAHAHA enjoy the peace and quiet while you can!
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Thalia was up again... But honestly, she was nowhere near as ANNOYING as the next kid they adopted....
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Kyaaaa Thalia as a toddler is so adorableee~~
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Thalia loved reading and being read to as a kid. And the little boy next to her is Brandon. Ughhhh.......
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Brandon looks sweet here, but DAMN is he spoiled!! He had the fussy trait. He wanted constant attention. Whenever he had to eat, he would throw the plate to the floor from the high chair he was sitting in, making a huge mess. Of course, this caused him to be hungry more often. If he didn’t get the attention he wanted, he would get angry or start crying. Sydney had a lot of trouble taking care of him whenever Dale was at work.
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He’d get angry after being played with. He’d get angry if nobody played with him.
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Wilson and Jada were the newest additions after Brandon. Jada was clingy, but she was so cute. Wilson was so sweet too, immediately offering to clean the house whenever things got messy. But there was only so much he could do. And Wilson was a vegetarian. Thanks to EA’s ‘vegetarian-safe’ tags, it’s now easy to see what he can or can’t eat.
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Sydney giving it her all for the kids!
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Thalia and Wilson playing chess. Thalia became a genius, so she’ll be honing her logic skills. And now we’ll end this with the cutest pic I took so far in this challenge:
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Happy Simming!! ❤
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snowysims4 · 8 years
It’s been aaaages... Reason being that my Sims 4 game died all of a sudden and I haven’t been able to get it to work again until last night, which means a lot coming from me; I barely ever give up when it comes to fixing my game, but this time I got so fed up that I deleted all of my saves and mods and everything. I only played Sims 3 every once in a while, because that one was still working just fine.
Soooo I will be starting from scratch again! First two things on my to-do list: the orphanage/foster home challenge and the baby challenge. Both will be so much more interesting now that toddlers have been added to the game. Looking forward to them!
Have a nice weekend!!
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snowysims4 · 9 years
Update: 100 Baby Challenge
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Greetings fellow Simmers!
Once again I update my baby challenge... I got the 31st child (Quinn) on October 31. How coincidental. Just for that matter I feel like making her the next matriarch. No, really... xD
Sometimes I hire Opal as a caterer to my parties because I miss her so much.. haha. Okay, so here goes the screenshots. 
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Ryan and Opal didn’t have a huge wedding, but this was cute enough~ Jack moved out along with them.
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Tbh Milo and Noah look pretty damn handsome as teens.. Like wow. If I were a Sim, I’d definitely--MOVING ON!
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This is the photo wall of Minnie and her kids that I was talking about. Her picture with Milo came out a bit bright, so I’m considering taking another one in its stead before Minnie ages up (and yes, less than 10 days before she ages up into an elder). On the right white wall there’s also a cc picture of Life is Strange that I found. I absolutely love them! There are a few scattered about the house.
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Okay so fun fact.... Milo hates children. He can’t be around them without being pissed off. But oddly enough he always helps around with the babies and the kids... He’s mad all day long xD
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I mean look at that face xDDDD
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So I took the gardener and handyman mods out seeing as they were causing me some issues with hiring service over the phone. This caused my plants to come close to dying constantly. Minnie couldn’t do it on her own, so all the boys pitched in in giving her a hand! Just had to take a screenshot of this one!!
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Work it gurl!
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Here’s when Noah’s painting Minnie for the matriarch wall. Really love how these paintings came out! The two paintings perfectly describe what type of person Minnie is... She loves to cook and she even exercises when she’s pregnant.
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Looking at this again makes me smile... Can’t wait for the next matriarch to do her thing and get a spot on the wall!
Baby count: 33
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snowysims4 · 9 years
Update: 100 Baby Challenge
So Minnie is preggo again, Naomi became a young adult, got married and moved out, and Liam became a teen (in a very lonely way, if you know what I mean...) Liam aged up during the day, which was a first to me. Usually all of my Sims age up at night, so of course I didn’t bother planning an event for him. Well.... life.
Can’t wait to have a baby again in the household!
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I really liked this shot for some reason, so I had to share it! Milo and Naomi are at it!
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Minnie started learning the fitness skill, since her cooking is top-notch and she’s about to master her painting skill as well. She’s also started with photography. There’ll be a big wall with pictures of all of her children on it.
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I feel like Opal and Ryan are going to be more than friends some day....
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Okay but that creeper tho....
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Naomi and Rex, her husband.
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Family timeee~ Opal, Naomi, Keanu, Liam and Noah having a chat~
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Naomi’s wedding cake! And yes, I got the Digital Deluxe upgrade today!!
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Just married!!
It’s always sad to see the first child of a generation move out or die, but oh well...
Baby count: 29 (soon to be 30)
Happy Simming!
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snowysims4 · 9 years
Update: 100 Baby Challenge..MORE TWINS!!
Okay so yes... The title already shows my excitement xD
After getting Liam, Minnie met Stuart, her doctor, and since she has no shame whatsoever... he was her next victim. It wasn’t until after they started flirting that I noticed something interesting.... He got pink. Yes, pink. He was an alien! So it wasn’t my first time letting a Sim try for a baby with an alien Sim, but I didn’t expect this to happen...
So remember how I said I had the pregnancy mod? I don’t use it to alter my babies’ genders anymore since it seems like that glitch has been resolved. But I did use it to scan her, just so that I could find out what gender she would be getting next to start searching up names. I read that she would be getting twin boys, but what I didn’t know was that one of those boys would be an alien...! It’s my very first time having an alien baby and omg I’m too excited over this xD
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Presentinggg Noah and Milo! Milo had an interesting yet annoying scream and just when it was starting to get to me, he aged up. Thank God....
Unlike Jack and Opal, these two looked exactly the same once they became children. They’re both redheads, which is so far from both Minnie and Stuart. Oh well xD
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Ahh, and I also decided to give Minnie some tattoos and give her a makeover. Started loving these cc hairstyles, especially those from Stealthic and Nightcrawler~~
So at the moment we have 3 teens in the household: Naomi, Jack and Opal. Here’s a shot of how Opal looks like:
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It was sooo much fun giving Opal the make-over. I love how her hair balances out the black that she wears in almost every outfit. She looks so pretty~~ Honestly, I’m so happy that Naomi and Opal both look so gorgeous~
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This is a sweet portrait of back when Jack and Opal were still kids. Keanu’s also there, but his face can barely be seen... xD
I’ve also started making a family wall of this generation. Aside from the wall that I’m using to paint the matriarchs, I’m also using a wall especially for this third generation, since this one is proving to be my favorite one so far. I’ll let Minnie take photos with the kids whenever they turn into teens, so so far I have 3 photos. Can’t wait to continue playing!!
Baby count: 29
Happy Simming!!
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snowysims4 · 9 years
Update: 100 Baby Challenge
It’s been so looong~
So I’ve continued with the challenge and managed to move everyone but Minnie (the 3rd gen matriarch) out, and now she even has 3 kids. Her first child is Naomi. She’s a loner who loves spending time with her mother but who really doesn’t speak much. She barely cried as a baby. At a certain point she was almost taken away because she wasn’t expressing how she was feeling. It’s probably a glitch, but let’s make it dramatic anyway..
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Then Minnie got twins, a boy and a girl. These two amuse me because they’re polar opposites in everything they do and they don’t get along at all. Jack is evil, yet he loves wearing white. He doesn’t like anybody, not even his own family. And Opal is a sweetheart, but she loves wearing darker colors. She wants to become closer with Naomi.
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Naomi is the cutest, and boy does that fruit and yoghurt parfait look beautiful on the inside... I haven’t noticed this until today actually...
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This was at Flynn’s birthday party, where Minnie also met Mr. Lewis (the father of the twins). Because y’know... She goes to birthday parties with a “mission”...
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This was when the twins were born. Minnie was super happy~
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This is the one thing that Jack does on his own accord that doesn’t make his sister hate him....
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So I have this gardening mod where I can hire someone to water and to take care of my million plants, without harvesting them and evolving them for me. This lady suddenly entered my house and I completely lost it... I couldn’t stop laughing. Just what kind of gardener is she??? Does she add gadgets to my plants??? But seriously, that fashion sense though....... *cringes*
On another note, I can only play once in a while, because work (well both of them; yes, I have two jobs) has taken all of my time. That, and I’m doing something extra too.... Hopefully that’ll go well... I’ll only mention it when it does xD
So yush... I really want to get the upcoming EP, but I still need to get a money card and stuffs for it. We’ll see how that goes xD
Baby Count: 25
Happy Simming!!
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snowysims4 · 9 years
This kid looks SO terrified hhahahahhaha!!!
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snowysims4 · 9 years
Evangeline is having twins!!
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snowysims4 · 9 years
Great news!!
Hi gais and gals!
I have 2 awesome news to share!
1) I’m graduating next week from college, wooo!! I’m officially an English teacher with a bachelor degree now! I received the news on May 21, but I was far too busy to play Sims or post an update since then.
2) GUESS WHO HAS GET TO WORK NOW. I DARE YOU. GUESS. I ordered it in May and got it yesterday, yayyy! I am absolutely OBSESSED with it! This week I can still play it to my heart’s content, but next week I won’t have the time for it; my week is packed with preparations for my graduation.
So yas. I tested Get to Work out on my old Cinderella Challenge, seeing as I stopped playing with them after they got married. The prince, Arnold, is a doctor. He’s doing sooo well at work! Honestly, I’m just so proud of him xD And the doctor career is so much fun, too!
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Ironically enough, Lucinda (the fairy godmother) was Arnold’s first patient xD
So aside from this, Evangeline is running her own wedding boutique/bakery. This store ranges from selling wedding clothes, wedding objects (such as arches and wedding cakes) and other pretty objects (such as vases, flowers and other decorative items). It also sells cookies and other baked goods. I’m trying to improve her gourmet cooking skill so that she can make more cakes and such. Honestly... I downloaded the boutique from the gallery and it’s SO GORGEOUS....
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The white building surrounded by water is the boutique.
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Yes, she was pregnant..... She tried for a baby once with Arnold, but it didn’t work out the first time. She tried again about two days later and BAM, she was expecting twins hehe xD I’ll take a picture of the inside of the boutique at another time.
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Checking in so that she can have her baby at the hospital! I actually forgot about this feature, so when I was asked if I wanted to join her, I almost screamed xD
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Behold, Jenna and David are born! Jenna is going to be a future painter, but she’s also going to help out at the store with her mother. David is going to be..... in the education career! HELL YEAH! THERE’S AN EDUCATION CAREER NOW!!! Dudeee, I was dying for the game to bring back the education career in TS4, but I wasn’t patient enough to wait for an EP for it. Now I can finally properly make myself in TS4 haha~ But yeah, David is a genius just like his dad.
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JUST LOOK AT THAT HAIRSTYLE..... Can you spell L-O-V-E??
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Arnold and David are very, very close. Closer than Jenna and Evangeline are with each other.
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Last but not least, here’s Arnold looking all confident and happy coming home after receiving a promotion!
Aside from this, I also started a game with a scientist, seeing as I’ve never viewed them in let’s plays before; I didn’t want to spoil too much for myself. I recreated a character that I used to have in The Sims 3, but I was only able to recreate her personality because I couldn’t remember her name or how she looked like... But I LOVE the one I created now! The science career is also pretty fun haha! More of that to come later!!
Current 100 baby challenge children count: 20 (2nd generation)
Kids who aged up and moved out: Asher, Brock, Caden, Deon, Angela, Bianca, Cindy, Eunice, Fiona, Hope and Ivy
Dead Sims: Maxine (1st matriarch) and Gina (died of embarrassment after her boyfriend rejected her marriage proposal)
Take care yall!
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