snsl0530 · 10 months
Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the public perception of gaming
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The Covid-19 epidemic has drastically altered our lifestyles, particularly our free time. People have had to get creative in staying occupied at home in the face of lockdowns and other social isolation tactics. Sales of video games have skyrocketed in this climate, demonstrating the widespread appeal of this new leisure. But has the Covid-19 epidemic also affected the general opinion of gaming? In this article, we'll go into this subject and examine how gaming has grown in popularity despite the downturn.
Gaming as a social activity:
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During the pandemic, gaming has become increasingly important as a means of connecting people together. Online gaming has become a popular option for those who are unable to get together in person to spend time with their friends and family. Statista found that between February and April 2020, when the global COVID-19 pandemic first broke out, an increase in user involvement and spending on gaming occurred (Clement, 2022).  As more individuals explore for secure methods to socialize online, platforms like Steam, Xbox Live, and PlayStation Network have seen a surge in their daily active user bases. The rise in popularity of multiplayer games like Fortnite and Call of Duty has led to the rise in popularity of communal gaming experiences like Animal Crossing: New Horizons. In addition, research has demonstrated that online games can assist in fostering social ties and address fundamental mental health needs as people, confined to houses during the COVID-19 epidemic, engage in multiplayer games to maintain a feeling of community (CBC Radio, 2020).
Gaming for mental health:
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The pandemic has also shone a light on the positive impact of gaming on mental health. With so many people experiencing increased levels of stress and anxiety, gaming has become a way to escape from the difficulties of day-to-day life. Gaming has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health, providing a sense of control and achievement that can help to alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression. According to a report by the World Health Organization (2021), online games encourage players to stay mentally and physically healthy at home. In fact, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused many of us to make changes to our daily routines and spend more time at home. Lockdowns have made it difficult to get our daily dose of exercise and social contact. But staying active and connected to our loved ones is more important than ever, especially for our physical and mental health (World Health Organization, 2021). In addition, research has shown that puzzle games like Tetris and strategy games like Civilization have been shown to have a calming effect on the brain, making them a popular choice for those looking for a mental break (World Health Organization, n.d.). In particular, Tetris has been found to reduce symptoms of PTSD and depression in patients (McPhillips 2022). Similarly, Minecraft has been found to improve creativity, problem-solving skills, and socialization in children.
Gaming as a career choice:
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Finally, the pandemic has also brought a newfound respect for gaming as a legitimate career choice. Many people have lost their jobs or been furloughed during the pandemic, leading them to look for alternative sources of income. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a surge in the popularity of esports as a legitimate career choice. With many people losing their jobs or being furloughed during the pandemic, esports has become a viable career option for many (Heinrich 2020). In fact, the effect of the global coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic on the esports industry was significant, as people sought alternative forms of entertainment due to travel restrictions and cancelations of live entertainment events (Heinrich 2020). Esports are video game competitions played online either alone or as a team, so they are not as constrained by public safety measures as live sports. As people were unable to tune in normally to sporting events, esports engagement boomed during the health crisis (Heinrich 2020). Esports events have continued to take place online even during the pandemic, with many professional gamers earning a living from their passion. In addition, content creation and streaming have become increasingly popular as a way for gamers to make a living from their passion. Platforms like Twitch and YouTube have made it easier than ever for gamers to share their gameplay and connect with fans (Allen 2020). In fact, the number of people watching gaming content on Twitch increased by 50% during the pandemic (Hall 2020). In addition, content creation and streaming have become increasingly popular as a way for gamers to make a living from their passion.
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In conclusion, people's views on video games have shifted after the spread of the Covid-19 virus. As people seek out new ways to socialize, enhance their mental health, and diversify their income, gaming has emerged as a viable option. The pandemic has proven that gaming is enjoyable and fulfilling for everyone, from novices to veterans.
Allen, T 2020, “COVID-19 and the Rise of Esports,” University of Nevada, Las Vegas, accessed 27 November 2023, <https://www.unlv.edu/news/release/covid-19-and-rise-esports>.
“Bored and lonely? Researcher says online games can help us socialize safely during the pandemic | CBC Radio” 2020, CBC, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.cbc.ca/radio/spark/bored-and-lonely-researcher-says-online-games-can-help-us-socialize-safely-during-the-pandemic-1.5806290>.
Clement, J 2022, “Topic: COVID-19 impact on the gaming industry worldwide”, Statista, accessed 26 November 2023, <https://www.statista.com/topics/8016/covid-19-impact-on-the-gaming-industry-worldwide/#topicOverview>.
“Excessive screen use and gaming considerations during #COVID19”, n.d., World Health Organization, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.emro.who.int/mnh/news/considerations-for-young-people-on-excessive-screen-use-during-covid19.html>.
Hall, B 2020, “COVID-19 is taking gaming and esports to the next level,” World Economic Forum, accessed 27 November 2023, <https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/05/covid-19-taking-gaming-and-esports-next-level/>.
Heinrich, S 2020, “Esports ride crest of a wave as figures rocket during Covid-19 crisis,” the Guardian, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2020/apr/11/esports-ride-crest-of-a-wave-as-figures-rocket-during-covid-19-crisis>.
Jane McGonigal Quote: “Over time, the games we play can change how we think and what we’re capable of. And it’s easy to maximize the benefits s...”, n.d., accessed 27 November 2023, <https://quotefancy.com/quote/1487119/Jane-McGonigal-Over-time-the-games-we-play-can-change-how-we-think-and-what-we-re-capable>.
McPhillips, K 2022, “How COVID-19 Made Playing Video Games a Mental-Health Practice,” Well+Good, accessed 26 November 2023, <https://www.wellandgood.com/video-games-mental-health-covid-19/>.
“Online games encourage players to stay mentally and physically healthy at home”, 2021, World Health Organization, accessed 25 November 2023, <https://www.who.int/news/item/16-11-2021-online-games-encourage-players-to-stay-mentally-and-physically-healthy-at-home>.
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snsl0530 · 10 months
Do toxic fans in some online spaces (e.g. Twitter) make it difficult to become or identify as a fan?
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Being a fan has always played a vital role in our social life, facilitating the development of meaningful groups via the sharing of common interests. However, with the rise of social media, online fan spaces have become a common place for enthusiasts to voice their thoughts and feelings. Some people may find it challenging to become or to identify as fans because of the prevalence of toxic attitudes, behaviors, and practices in such communities. This blog article attempts to study the influence of toxic fandom on present and future followers in online settings.
The Problem of Gatekeeping:
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Gatekeeping is a common tactic used by toxic fans in online communities; it entails establishing subjective and exclusive criteria for what constitutes a "real" fan. This can put off introverts or people who are easily intimidated by social pressure from truly embracing their fandom. Gatekeeping limits individuals the chance to interact with fellow fans, engage with their interests, and establish a feeling of community. When people aren't able to connect with others who share their hobbies and interests, they can't build strong communities around those things. (Yagi, 2021) In fact, gatekeeping is a rising problem in many fandoms and groups. Gardner (2018) argues that gatekeeping is used by some fans as a means of establishing and maintaining their supremacy over other supporters. People from underrepresented groups may be harmed much more by this (Gardner, 2018).
The Polarization of Opinions:
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Polarization and antagonism among fans can be exacerbated by the anonymity and distancing effects of internet communication. Toxic fandom, on the other hand, may convert even legitimate discussions and exchanges into attacks on individual fans. This level of animosity discourages potential new followers and may even turn off current ones. It has been argued by Zubernis (2022) that toxic sects within fandom cater to the "darker side" of human nature. Examples of this toxicity are fans who participate in actions like "review bombing" or coordinated social media attacks against both authors and fellow fans who don't match their image of the media. Zubernis (2022) argues that online communities formed by people who share an intense dislike for a particular topic sometimes go on to organize assaults against their targets.
The Rise of Cancel Culture:
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The term "cancel culture" refers to the widespread tendency to publicly reject and shame those who hold different opinions or act inappropriately. It's not uncommon for people to be ridiculed or shunned for their hobbies in online fan communities, which can have devastating implications for their mental health. Fans may be hesitant to speak up for fear of reprisal, which can lead to a less diverse and less-thriving fandom. Cancel culture, as described by Geher (2023), is a sort of social punishment that has been around since the dawn of human society. It's how certain people stay on top of their game and feel superior to the rest of society (Toler, 2022). Underrepresented groups in fandoms are particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of cancel culture. Ostracism and bullying based on a person's interests can have devastating impacts on their mental health.
The Impact on Marginalized Fans:
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Toxic fandom can also disproportionately affect marginalized fans, especially those who identify as female, LGBTQ+, or people of colour. Harassment and exclusion based on their identities is a common experience for these fans, and it can cause them to feel very alone and rejected. The exclusion of these groups ultimately damages the fandom community's variety and destroys its sense of belonging. And the mental health benefits of fandom can be diminished by toxic fandom subcultures. Unity can be achieved through either uniting in support of or opposition to a common goal. Unlike in the past, today's fan communities can be found on a variety of public websites, and they include people with very divergent tastes. Reducing one's exposure to negative influences can make fandom a more enjoyable and accepting experience (Bojarski, 2022). According to Vinney (2022), the term "toxic fandom" has been used by journalists and media outlets to describe those who are passionate about pop culture but whose behaviour toward others is inappropriate. As a result, they started issuing threats and posting hate speech online to drive the newcomers back into the shadows and reclaim their former status (Vinney, 2022).
In conclusion, toxic fandom in online communities has far-reaching effects on both new and long-time followers, damaging their sense of identity and community. The existing lack of responsibility for toxic behavior and gatekeeping techniques produces a climate that is unwelcoming to new fans, and exclusionary to marginalized groups. Social media sites like Twitter have a duty to ensure their user communities are welcoming and free from harassment. Those who participate in the fandom should be able to voice their thoughts without fear of abuse or retribution, and newcomers should be accepted without any preconceived notions of behavior. Creating a healthier, more inclusive, and accessible online fan space should be a priority for all fans passionate about their hobbies.
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Bojarski, M 2022, “10 Fandoms With The Most Toxic Fans, According To Reddit,” ScreenRant, accessed 23 November 2023 <https://screenrant.com/10-fandoms-with-the-most-toxic-fans-according-to-reddit/>.
Gardner, K 2018, “Viral Tweet About Fandom Gatekeeping Proves We Still Have a Male Geek Problem,” The Mary Sue, accessed 23 November 2023 <https://www.themarysue.com/fandom-gatekeeping-male-geeks/>.
Geher, G 2023, “An Evolutionary Perspective on Cancel Culture”, Psychology Today, accessed 24 November 2023 <https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/darwins-subterranean-world/202301/cancel-culture-in-evolutionary-perspective>
Toler, L 2022, “The Mental Health Effects of Cancel Culture,” Verywell Mind, accessed 24 November 2023 <https://www.verywellmind.com/the-mental-health-effects-of-cancel-culture-5119201>.
Vinney, C 2022, “What Is Toxic Fandom?,” Verywell Mind, accessed 25 November 2023 <https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-toxic-fandom-5214499>.
Yagi, S 2021, “The dangers of gatekeeping,” El Estoque, accessed 25 November 2023 <https://elestoque.org/2021/03/17/opinion/the-dangers-of-gatekeeping/>.
Zubernis, L 2022, “How Fandom Turns Toxic,” Psychology Today, accessed 26 November 2023, <https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/the-science-fandom/202207/how-fandom-turns-toxic>.
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snsl0530 · 10 months
How might activist use social media in the future
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Social media has totally changed the game when it comes to how we communicate, connect, and share information. It's pretty amazing, right? In the past few years, it has also become a really powerful tool for activists to spread awareness, gather support, and make a difference. As technology keeps advancing, it's really important to think about how activists can use social media in the future to make their voices heard and bring about positive change in society and politics.
Global Connectivity: 
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In the future, remarkable breakthroughs in technology will bring us even closer together as a global society. This implies that activists from all around the world can communicate and collaborate with one another. That's really cool, right? Let's keep making progress toward our goals and standing up for what we believe in. When it comes to uniting people from different parts of the world, social media platforms will play a crucial role. They'll help activists share their experiences, strategies, and resources with one other. Social media will play a pivotal role in fostering global coordination and cooperation by bringing together activists from all over the world (John, 2020). Because of this, the activist community as a whole will grow stronger and more effective.
Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: 
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With advances in AI and data analytics, activists now have access to more powerful tools for analysing trends, attitudes, and demographic tendencies. This will allow them to reach members of specified demographics more accurately with tailored advertising. AI-powered algorithms can also aid with data processing, movement organization, and prospect research. Activist strategies have been completely transformed by the advent of AI and data analytics. To better target certain populations with highly focused ads, activists may now more accurately assess trends, emotions, and demographic patterns with the help of these tools. Algorithms driven by artificial intelligence can also help in the fields of prospect research, movement organization, and data analysis1 (Biswas, 2021). These tools can allow activists to determine the most successful ways to express their message and rally support for their cause. It is worth noting, however, that the use of these tools also poses ethical problems, such as privacy and data protection, that must be addressed to guarantee the technologies are utilized in a responsible and transparent manner (Kumari, 2020).
Virtual Reality and Immersive Experiences: 
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Now I want to talk about recent virtual reality (VR) developments. As Lai and Klöckner (2022) point out, the applications for fully immersive VR experiences extend far beyond gaming and entertainment. It may give activists a highly immersive platform to engage audiences in a more engaging and emotional way. It is possible to organize virtual rallies and protests, allowing people to feel the fervor and intensity of in-person demonstrations without leaving the comfort of their own homes. VR simulations can also assist in creating empathy by allowing viewers to step into the shoes of underrepresented people, fostering a stronger understanding and creating support (Wilson & Scully 2023).
Gamification for Social Change:
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Activism may be made more exciting and rewarding with gaming mechanics. If you're trying to encourage people to alter their social or behavioural norms, gamification is a fantastic tool that may become an integral part of your outreach arsenal. Using games and gamification approaches may provide non-profits and public organizations with a novel and exciting means of interacting with their community in order to achieve change that is mutually beneficial to both individuals and society (Blogger 2015). Possible future additions to social media include interactive challenges, quizzes, and competitive activities on pressing societal concerns. In addition to facilitating learning and expanding exposure, this strategy has the added benefit of fostering camaraderie and healthy rivalry among activists. Adding game-like elements to social media can motivate users to perform meaningful activities (Blogger, 2015).
Accountability and Transparency: 
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Concerns about privacy and data security may lead to a future where social media companies place a greater emphasis on accountability and openness. Sprout Social (n.d.) found that 87 percent of Americans value corporate transparency as high as it has ever been, and 73 percent of buyers are prepared to pay a premium for products backed by this promise of openness. This finding demonstrates the importance of platforms that protect the privacy of their users, ensure that their algorithms are fair, and provide clear guidelines for moderating content, all of which can aid activists in building trust with their audiences, maintaining the integrity of their messages, and minimizing the risk of censorship or manipulation (MacCarthy, 2022). Activists can greatly benefit from platforms that value user privacy, make sure algorithms are fair, and have clear content moderation. Taken together, these safeguards can greatly improve the likelihood that activists will be able to build trust with their audience, maintain the integrity of their ideas, and avoid censorship or manipulation.
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In conclusion, social media has already shown how valuable it can be for activists. But the future holds even more potential for using these platforms in even more powerful ways. As the world becomes more connected, data analysis gets smarter, and virtual reality and gamification become part of social media, activists will have awesome tools to make their messages louder, reach more people, and create real change. It's really important to address the issues of privacy and accountability, but the exciting thing is that social media can actually empower people and communities to make a positive impact on the world.
Biswas, D 2021, “These Leading Activists Are Promoting Ethical AI,” Analytics India Magazine, accessed 20 November 2023 <https://analyticsindiamag.com/these-leading-activists-are-promoting-ethical-ai/>.
Blogger, I 2015, “How to Use Gamification for Social Change”, accessed 21 November 2023 <https://www.marketing-partners.com/conversations2/how-to-use-gamification-for-social-change>.
“#BrandsGetReal: Social media & the evolution of transparency | Sprout Social” n.d., Sprout Social, accessed 21 November 2023 <https://sproutsocial.com/insights/data/social-media-transparency/>.
John, L 2020, “From local to global: How can social-activism volunteering unite communities?”, accessed 23 November 2023 <https://www.civicus.org/index.php/media-resources/op-eds/4584-from-local-to-global-how-can-social-activism-volunteering-unite-communities>.
Kumari, T 2020, “Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence: Together Driving the Organization of Today,” Data Science Central, accessed 23 November 2023, <https://www.datasciencecentral.com/data-analytics-and-artificial-intelligence-together-driving-the/>.
Lai, AE & Klöckner, CA 2022, “Can Virtual Reality Become Real? How Immersive Virtual Experiences Might Trickle into the Real World,” Disruptive Environmental Communication, Springer International Publishing, Cham, pp. 129–146, accessed 24 November 2023 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-17165-9_8>.
MacCarthy, M 2022, “Transparency is essential for effective social media regulation | Brookings,” Brookings, accessed 21 November 2023, <https://www.brookings.edu/articles/transparency-is-essential-for-effective-social-media-regulation/>.
Wilson, RS & Scully, K 2023, “Virtual Reality and Activism,” Anthropology News, accessed 20 November 2023 <https://anthropology-news.org/articles/virtual-reality-and-activism/>.
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snsl0530 · 10 months
Do memes (as it is popular in Malaysian politics) provide a useful way of understanding politics?
Hey there! In today's digital age, memes have become a super important part of our online culture! Memes are awesome! They’re these funny and sometimes sarcastic images or videos that can grab the attention of so many people in no time. And guess what? They’re also a popular way to express political opinions. The word "meme," meaning a "social gene," was coined by evolutionary scientist and author Richard Dawkins in his book The Selfish Gene (Kumar, 2023).  In this blog post, we're going to dive into the fascinating world of memes in Malaysian politics. We'll take a closer look at how they play a role and see if they can help us understand the political climate in the country. So, let's get started and explore this interesting topic together!
Understanding Memes as Political Tools:
Memes have come a long way from just being entertaining. They now play a significant role in social and political commentary. Memes were a fun way to express ourselves through sarcastic writings, visuals, and performances! They allow people to share their thoughts clearly and imaginatively, helping everyone understand complicated political ideas. Researchers have shown that young people, especially those raised in the digital age, respond positively to exposure to political memes and that this exposure aids in their understanding of political topics (Kulkarni, 2017). In the world of Malaysian politics, memes have become quite popular, reflecting the current state of the country's political scene. Humor has always been a valuable tool when discussing political issues in society. It draws in politically engaged individuals and those who want to stay on the sidelines, where they may better establish their beliefs (Kulkarni, 2017). According to G. De Leon and Ballesteros-Lintao (2021), because of the way they are structured linguistically and visually, memes may be used to generate and simplify intricate political narratives, particularly those that include elements from the Shops, Text, and Stacked Stills categories.
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Memes as a Reflection of Popular Sentiment:
Malaysia's political scene is full of life, with a diverse range of parties, ideologies, and issues. Memes provide a fun and creative way for people to share their thoughts and opinions about political figures, policies, and events. Understanding the political leanings and hopes of the Malaysian public may be gleaned from an examination of the nation's internet memes (Lee, 2020). By taking a closer look at the memes that are being shared online, we can get a better understanding of how Malaysians are feeling and what they care about when it comes to politics. It's a fun and interesting way to gain insights into their thoughts and aspirations! The meme below reflects how Malaysians feel about Tun Mahathir dramatically change political party.
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Memes and Political Awareness:
Memes have the power to spark political awareness, especially among young people! They can help educate people about political issues, start conversations, and bring attention to important but often ignored topics. Memes are awesome because they spread like wildfire and reach so many people! This helps get more people involved in politics and encourages them to stay informed and participate. Panjaitan (2015) states that a set of digital products that share qualities of content, form, and/or position; that were developed with knowledge of each other; and that were shared, replicated, and/or modified over the internet by numerous users, as defined by MIT academic Limor Shifman in 2014. Since memes may reflect societal attitudes, governments can use this phenomenon to their advantage by using memes to gather information about what the public wants and how they feel about certain topics. (Panjaitan, 2015)
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The Impact and Limitations of Meme Culture:
Memes are a fun and unique way to explore politics, but it's important to remember that they do have their limitations. Hey there! Memes, being sarcastic in nature, can sometimes oversimplify or misrepresent complicated problems, which can lead to some misinterpretation.
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Memes, when not taken seriously, can sometimes spread harmful stereotypes or false information. According to Kumar (2023), being exposed to terrible material that creates unpleasant sentiments has a carryover influence in real life and makes understanding facial emotions more complex. So it's always a good idea to be cautious and double-check information before jumping to conclusions based solely on memes.
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Memes and Political Discourse:
Memes can have a big impact on public opinion and political discussions too! Groups can bring people together, inspire support, encourage critical thinking, and hold politicians accountable to the public. Memes are great because they can bring people of all ages and cultural backgrounds together for fun conversations! People's political leanings and goals can be better understood by examining the memes that are becoming viral on the internet. (Tenove, 2019)
Memes are a fun and creative method for Malaysians to express their opinions, discuss politics, and mobilize support. Memes are cool because they represent political sentiment. They can even engage individuals in politics. They're not everything, but they contribute! It's crucial to view memes critically, considering their limitations and the danger of disinformation. In the big picture, memes can provide some insight into politics, but policies, historical settings, and other perspectives must also be examined.
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G. De Leon. FM & Ballesteros-Lintao, R 2021, “The Rise of Meme Culture: Internet Political Memes as Tools for Analysing Philippine Propaganda,” Journal of Critical Studies in Language and Literature, vol. 2, no. 4, Global Talent Academy, pp. 1–13, accessed <http://dx.doi.org/10.46809/jcsll.v2i4.70>.
Kumar. S 2023, “The Psychology Behind Memes and Their Impacts”, accessed 2023 October 20, <https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/psychology-behind-memes-impacts-sudipti-kumar>.
Kulkarni, A 2017, “Internet Meme and Political Discourse: A Study on the Impact of Internet Meme as a Tool in Communicating Political Satire,” SSRN Electronic Journal, Elsevier BV, accessed 2023 October 20, <http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3501366>.
Lee. Y. J 2020, “10 Memes That Helped Malaysians Get Through This Crazy Year”, Says, accessed 2023 November 23, <https://says.com/my/fun/10-memes-2020-that-helped-malaysians-get-through-this-crazy-year>.
Panjaitan. R. P 2015, “Meme culture: A tool of reflection and empowerment,” The Jakarta Post, accessed 2023 November 11, <https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2015/11/29/meme-culture-a-tool-reflection-and-empowerment.html>.
Tenove, C 2019, “The meme-ification of politics: Politicians & their ‘lit’ memes,” The Conversation, accessed 2023 October 18, <https://theconversation.com/the-meme-ification-of-politics-politicians-and-their-lit-memes-110017>.
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snsl0530 · 1 year
Is Blogging still relevant in the age of TikToks and Instagram
Is blogging still relevent in today's fast-paced digital world when attention spans are shortening and visual material reigns supreme? It's natural to ask if conventional blogging has lost its place in the digital world as services like TikTok and Instagram acquire enormous popularity for their short-form videos and appealing photographs. The response, nevertheless, could surprise you: blogging is still important and is an essential tool for businesses and content producers. In this post, we'll look at why blogging is still popular and how it works with today's dominant social networking platforms.
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Blogging is a Long-Form Content
As we know, TikTok and Instagram excel at providing instant amusement and interaction, but they fall short of providing in-depth knowledge. In contrast, blogs offer a venue for long-form content. Furthermore, this is crucial for authors who wish to go deeply into complicated subjects, give extensive lessons, write in-depth reviews, provide in-depth instructional material, or an in-depth introduction of a persona. This is because some topics may not be fully addressed in a single image or a movie that lasts for 60 seconds. For example, CEOs or business executives want to express themselves to the public, long-form content is important because they may share their ideas, goals, and plans for the company through long-form writing, which gives them the chance to display their personalities. (Attie, 2023) This enhances the organisation and helps them gain a better reputation among their staff. As a result, the firm gains more clients and prospers.
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Blogging is a Diverse Content Strategy
The most prosperous firms and content producers frequently use a multi-platform strategy. Blogging may support your entire content strategy even though TikTok and Instagram could be your main venues for visual content and interaction. It enables you to recycle material, modify it for new forms, and speak to diverse target segments. In this way, blogging may strengthen your online presence by acting as a cornerstone of your content strategy.
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According to Blagojevic (2023), about 36% of marketers create images mainly for blog articles and it is more used than short videos media platform such as Instagram, which means blogging is still used on content creation for marketing because marketing needs long-form content to introduce and promote the details of marketing contents which can be complicated to understand for the viewer to know even more understand about the marketing content.
Blogging can Express Personal Views and Gaining Insignful Feedbacks
Blogs offer a platform for independent thought and creative expression. Instead of being limited to brief video snippets or image descriptions, blogging enables you to find your own voice, express your views, and do it in depth and subtlety. According to Reeve (2016), Pizza, a 16 years-old blogger obtained the URL IWantMyFairyTaleEnding in late 2010 after joining Tumblr, a social media platform that had just become three years old at the time. Pizza occasionally created her own humorous one-liners in addition to reblogging jokes and alternating between fashion and comedy. She experimented with many aliases and personas and changed her URL a few times before going completely into humour after a few years. She had garnered 90,000 followers by the end of 2012, which is a good number for a Tumblr and evidence that she had gained some notoriety among the teenagers who reblogged her jokes. Adding a personal touch helps deepen your connection with your audience.
While social media sites are great at generating immediate likes and shares, blog readers frequently give articles a deeper level of engagement. They engage in meaningful conversations, ask insightful questions, and make comments on your blog, fostering a sense of community. This greater level of participation encourages close relationships with your audience and can be very helpful for developing a devoted following.
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Why Blogging is Still Better than TikTok and Instagram in Search Engine Optimization
The symbiotic relationship between blogging and search engine optimisation (SEO) is one of its key benefits. Blog entries that have been optimised well may perform well on search engines like Google. As a result, your blog's material may eventually serve as a reliable source of free traffic to your website. While blog entries might continue to draw readers and offer value for years because to their evergreen nature, TikTok and Instagram postings may only last a short time in users' feeds. By establishing your website as a pertinent response to your clients' inquiries, blogging helps improve SEO quality. Blog entries that employ a number of on-page SEO techniques can increase your chances of ranking in search results and improve the user experience on your website. (Coleman 2022) Well-maintained blog material matures like good wine, unlike social media updates that swiftly disappear from consumers' feeds. Blog postings may draw readers, drive traffic, and offer value for years after they are written. A clear benefit of blogging over platforms with ephemeral material is its endurance.
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In conclusion, blogging is still relevant in the TikTok and Instagram era. The depth and permanence that blogging offers cannot be replaced by these social media behemoths, even while they present distinctive potential for visual narrative and rapid participation. By implementing a multi-platform strategy that combines the benefits of blogging with the reach of social media and video sharing, many content producers and businesses achieve success. Understanding your target audience's preferences and information demands can help you select the platforms that will best serve your content and communication objectives.
The following time you doubt the continued value of blogging, just keep in mind that it remains a key component of a strong and efficient digital content strategy, complementing the quick-paced worlds of TikTok and Instagram with its depth, length, and engagement potential.
Attie, I 2023, '4 Essential Benefits of Long-Form Content and How to Create it', Design Powers, viewed 2 October 2023, <https://designpowers.com/blog/four-benefits-long-form-content#:~:text=We%20recommend%20websites%20use%20this,and%20establish%20a%20core%20audience>.
Blagojevic, I 2023, 'Visual Content Marketing Statistics 2023', 99firms, viewed 1 October 2023, <https://99firms.com/blog/visual-content-marketing-statistics/>.
Coleman, B 2022, 'Blog SEO: How to Search Engine Optimize Your Blog Content', viewed 2 October 2023, <https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/blog-search-engine-optimization>.
Reeve, E 2016, 'The Secret Lives of Tumblr Teens', New Republic, viewed 1 October 2023, <https://newrepublic.com/article/129002/secret-lives-tumblr-teens>.
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