snurplw · 5 years
students: talk about anything other than math during math class for 0000.1 seconds
teacher: eyo homework check
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snurplw · 5 years
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snurplw · 5 years
I'm not an adult yet but you best believe I'm gonna disappear into the woods tomorrow
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snurplw · 5 years
no cat image or any other cute animal no no no he just he. who is he? dunno. but he is heing.
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snurplw · 5 years
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snurplw · 5 years
theadore nibbas be like
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snurplw · 5 years
bumper bruh
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snurplw · 5 years
canadas national anthem except it's not canadas national anthem and I eat a live beaver
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snurplw · 5 years
everybody gangsta until adam, jack and ryan met start simultaneously high pitch screaming
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snurplw · 5 years
say bazinga one more time and I will skin you alive and steal your identity
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snurplw · 5 years
I went canoeing for a class trip down at some river yesterday and me and my friend almost tipped our canoe, two kids got stuck and couldn't get out for half the trip, and the tall boy hit his head on a bridge we were going under and fell onto a bunch of rocks.
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snurplw · 5 years
Title, if you want one
Go ahead, type a post
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snurplw · 5 years
reblog if the teletoon commercial lads voice is the little voice in ur head that tells you to kill urself
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snurplw · 5 years
tfw u prank call greco pizza and ask for waffles in ur school computer lab with some 8th grade blokes and take turns calling back and then they call the police 😳
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snurplw · 5 years
me when I find a music video with a completely japanese title: oooo I wonder what this one sounds like heheheheh
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snurplw · 5 years
I like that idea, but consider this:
you are a two year old child why are you a ceo and where are your parents
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snurplw · 5 years
anybody wanna play roblox big brother with me my friend left to play tickle street and I'm super sad if u wanna pls reply soon my moods last for maybe a couple minutes before I move on
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