so-hoshi-nya · 8 months
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Ena looks more Meiko V1 than Meiko herself
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so-hoshi-nya · 10 months
>>> should not be judged just because he did it in the past
>>> his actions should be judged by looking at the time
It's so cute not to be able to read, but to judge others and block them without letting them say a word :)
As soon as you learn to read, find out what the principle of historicism is
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so-hoshi-nya · 10 months
1. I'm not a Godfrey fan and I said absolutely none of this. Godfrey's actions and Rannie's actions are equally cruel. Godfrey's cruelty led to civilization, science, culture, etc. Rannie's cruelty led to the destruction of all of the above. I am not excusing either of them. In this case, violence is just a tool
2. It's rather silly to berate the Golden Order for supporting the institution of slavery. Elden ring takes place in pseudo-medieval times, slavery is just a relic of this stage of human development. As soon as technological progress will contribute to the development of the economy, the Golden Order will abandon slave labor as economically unprofitable. Changes in the culture and consciousness of people will follow
3. If it is still not clear to you I do not support slavery and genocide. Godfrey did what a medieval ruler should do for the survival of his subjects, and his actions should be judged by looking at the time of his "life," not by modern standards of morality
“it’s fine and actually heroic to violently conquer nations and kill thousands just because their existence threatens your empire as long as it makes your empire prosperous and benevolent and benefitting everyone’s well-being! wait what do you mean the empire is slaughtering albinaurics and omen and making misbegotten into slaves”
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so-hoshi-nya · 10 months
I can't believe they're putting ads in the eng server of the game... There are a hundred ways to waste money in the game, and it's not enough for them. From a serious project of a major studio, the game at once slipped to the level of indie bullshit. Seriously, I don't know of any sekai competitor who has stooped to this, they don't care about their reputation that much?
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so-hoshi-nya · 11 months
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Я сделала схемку для перингов по секаю! В новом дизайне интерфейса!
Я знаю, что подобные схемы уже есть, но изначально я просто хотела одну большую, где вместе будут вокалоиды и персонажи. Такая, кажется, тоже есть, но я её не нашла. Схема получилась довольно крупной, поэтому я все же сделала разделённые версии, для удобства использования.
Арты для портретов выбраны только по моей прихоти, без всякого умысла. Фон хотела взять максимально нейтральный, думаю этот подходит.
На самом деле, мне просто хотелось самостоятельно воспроизвести новый дизайн.
Также есть версия на английском!
Можете использовать как хотите, выкладывать где хотите, мне без разницы. Веселитесь!
Если хотите красиво оформить, вот шрифт и цвета:
Source Sans Variable
красный – ff3198 зелёный – 1ae873 жёлтый – ffc44d голубой – 4de6ff фиолетовый – 862df9 чёрный – 101011
СКАЧАТЬ (без сжатия)
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so-hoshi-nya · 11 months
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I made shipping chart for pj sekai! In the new interface design!
I know that similar charts already exist, but I just wanted big one, where vs and oc will be together. There seems to be one, but I didn't find it. The chart turned out to be quite large, so I still made split versions, for ease of use.
The arts for the portraits was chosen only on my whim, without any intention. I wanted to take the background as neutral as possible, I think this one is suitable.
In fact, I just wanted to reproduce the new design myself.
There is also version in russian! HERE
You can use it as you want, post it where you want, I don't care. Have fun!
If you want to fill it more lovely, here is the font and colours:
Source Sans Variable
red – ff3198 green – 1ae873 yellow – ffc44d blue – 4de6ff purple – 862df9 black – 101011
DOWNLOAD (full size)
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so-hoshi-nya · 11 months
Sega, please, tell me, that you already have Toya's alt vocal for "Crazy" in your plans. I won't survive if they don't release it...please...
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so-hoshi-nya · 1 year
New official art
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the first is a screen from the mobile version of the site dedicated to the third anniversary
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They hold hands agaaaaaain
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so-hoshi-nya · 1 year
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Kaito blushes so brightly, as if his right arm was wrapped around Meiko's waist just a second ago )))
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so-hoshi-nya · 1 year
The whole Ow2 looks like a big mockery of foster parents over someone else's child. Ow was a dream of a perfect game. The old team made mistakes, but I didn't doubt for a second that they loved their creation. Now it's just an attempt to teach an old dog new tricks.
Here are some new characters for you! They are banal, secondary and parasitic on old heroes, but here are a few references to anime, don't you love anime? The lore of ow looks like it has finally turned from an independent part of the game into a tool for selling skins. Like cartoons from 80s
I'm also waiting for a resolution with the relationship between Genji and Mercy, and I'm also looking forward to how much my ass will burn from this.
i have no horse in this race anymore, but real talk, if they make pharmercy canon that will be the most blatant “we completely ditched all of our original plans to save face and placate the shippers for internet points” pile of schlock i’ve ever seen
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so-hoshi-nya · 1 year
Classica breast shaking is back! You may not like it, but Sega's fidelity to traditions deserves some respect))
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Tell the truth, mv could look much better if they give Meiko her basic outfit. The camera angles are clearly aimed at the short skirt and deep neckline
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so-hoshi-nya · 1 year
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I love when google photos remind me of all sorts of stupid random photos that I saved
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so-hoshi-nya · 2 years
Latest news !!!
Finally, they will add a new solo song by Meiko and a whole 3dvm for her! Ah, I'm so happy for my lovely girl, she's finally getting recognition! ^^
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I hope we will see more Slave VVR songs, they're awesome!
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And this is the art for the fifth VBS single. Wonderful art for a wonderful song with the most beautiful virtual singer ^^ (I love them all >:3)
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so-hoshi-nya · 2 years
Big heart from the best couple from the really cool concert
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so-hoshi-nya · 2 years
Oh, just look at them. Three 10th roll gacha (where you get nothing with 97% probability) and 1500k crystals, how generous and sweet!
But wait, how about those crystals that gives as an evenet top revard? Or how about that stamps for character runk, that I could take from Rin's 2stars card and Tsukasa's 3stars card, at least? I don't even talk about 4stars cards, only those that everyone could get.
And yes, I'll turn on the mercantile bitch and will whine about the cancellation of the event, because the whole situation has not ceased to be less idiotic than it was.
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Below, you can see the incredible transformation of a racist into a non-racist after the cancellation of anime arts
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so-hoshi-nya · 2 years
New colorfest and anniversary cards are absolutely amazing! All this contrast between shadows and light... They just know how to take my heart :>
I have so many hopes for the anniversary event: all my favorite characters from each unit are here, I've been waiting so long for them all to be able to communicate with each other! o(≧▽≦)o
I know that there is still a whole day left before the anniversary of the game... But I can't resist congratulating everyone in advance! Have a nice anniversary and may luck smile on you in gacha!
ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚
*casting a lucky spells on you*
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*me swallow content that I won't be
able to try for a whole year*
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so-hoshi-nya · 2 years
My favorite part is the one where a few American idiots from Twitter "defend" someone else's culture, telling the bearers of this culture and everyone else what exactly they should feel and think
(And all this at the same time as they are trying to cancel the whole other country right now. I'm sick of all of them)
When I first saw the leaks I thought it was a joke, until I saw the official notice. Like they fr gonna delete an entire key event just like that??
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Rant under the cut
So it's fine to keep it in the jp server but god forbid it makes it's way to the en server 'cause a few people found it offensive for no reason. Atleast from what I've seen it's people complaining about the cards being cultural appropriation, which at this rate I feel like they always complain about that, and it's always on the WxS events. It's funny 'cause the people I usually see complain about this are americans, while those who are from different cultures literally don't give a shit lmao. Like for example, if they were to make a card set based on the clothing of my culture, I'd find it pretty dope lol. Unless they were bashing said culture then it's understandable, but if it's just for aesthetics then what's the big deal?? It's a freaking mobile rhythm game, there's literally worse things happening in the world.
Also, couldn't they had just altered whatever was deemed offensive instead of just completely removing it?? Idk it feels wrong to me for them to just do that. And they said that they'd do this again in the future if it was necessary. Bro at this rate half of the WxS events won't see the light of day in the eng server. 'Cause I have no doubt in my mind that they'll also remove the recent Nene and Rui events when they release next year 'cause of course people complained about them for the same reason. I'm surprised they haven't also terminated the doll festival event.
If this is the direction they choose to keep going through then I don't really have much hope for this server.
Also I'm curious as to what they're gonna do during that week. Are we just gonna get nothing and like 200 gems as compensation? Honestly, probably lmao. Also, are they gonna remove the showtime ruler song?? I hope not, it's one of my faves. I hope they atleast keep the song, it didn't do anything wrong.
It's always sad when a franchise gives into the complaints of the minority. Anyways that's it for this rant akjdksjdjahs
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