soapbox-thoughts · 3 years
(My attempt at) Childhood Gothic
You woke up early on Sunday morning. You're alone? Why is it so quiet? Is it even Sunday? Where did the time go?
You decided it was time to ride bikes with your friends. It was fun, except, you noticed numerous pairs of amber eyes lying in the shadows.
Your family decided to have a family dinner. Your grandparents refuse to use electronic air conditioning, but your parents forced you to come despite your opinions. At the dinner table, grandpa kept asking if you wanted peas. You declined every time. As dinner progressed, everyone melted. Except you. And grandpa.
Father took you outside to learn how to repair your scooter. You followed his instructions perfectly, yet, your scooter still veered into traffic. Why?
It was pajama day at school so you brought your new pair of headphones and Nintendo DS. Life was simple. Then, someone smashed it. Just like your DS, your heart shattered.
Holidays were always fun with the family, but there was always something you never understood. Why was there always someone standing in the corner?
The rain was always really soothing, pitter pattering on the window. The sweet sound of mother nature's weeping. But why did she cry ichor? Was she in pain?
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