sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
“I don’t know if I could say the same, Tsukishima.” The boy retorted in a biting way, eyeing him with wariness. “I’m not gonna beat around the bush. What are you doing here?”
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“I’ve come to help you of course.” Came the reply, when Shukuro finally lifted his gaze to the other. “Do you not want my help?”
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
SARCASM: a sentence pack
"That went well."
"I hope you're happy now."
"Do you ever use your brain, or do you just think those five pounds are a built in workout for your neck muscles?"
"Remind me why I should care."
"Oh, gosh, you've insulted me! What ever shall I do? I'll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!"
"This is your bright idea?"
"Wow, you are just so incredibly funny."
"You keep on telling yourself that, sweetheart."
"Whose idea of a fun time is this?"
"Careful, keep having that much fun and it might actually start being good for your health."
"Yes, because your well-being is definitely my number one concern."
"I'll lose sleep over that. Definitely."
"Oh, no. Whatever shall we do? It's dark and we live in the 21st century!"
"Yeah, sure thing."
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
✄ : pet peeve headcanon
He really honestly doesn’t like when people blatantly disrespect books. If someone puts it on it’s binding wrong, doggy ears a page, anything that harms or damages a book really.
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
Headcanon Meme
☾ : Sleep headcanon
☠ : Drinking/drunk headcanon
☼ : Childhood headcanon
☯ : Genderbent headcanon
⋆ : Sex headcanon
☮ : Bedroom/house/living quarters headcanon
☄ : Any AU headcanon (modern, school, medieval, and so on)
♤ :  Cooking headcanon
⊕ : Talents/hobbies headcanon
☻ : Mood headcanon
✚ : health headcanon
✿ : happiness headcanon
✖ : anger headcanon
♆ : body headcanon
ϡ : mental state headcanon
ღ : love or sexuality headcanon
♡ : relationship with (give name or url)
† : religion headcanon
✄ : pet peeve headcanon
☂ : food headcanon
♒ : Any other question of your choosing
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
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0 notes
sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
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her eyes narrowed. she couldn’t tell a stranger about her problems. let alone about her ability. he wouldn’t believe her. either that or he’d laugh.
“it’s nothing.” she said. a frown was on her face. it was small but there. yet somehow this man gave of a strange feeling. she couldn’t quite put her finger on it though. 
This time Shukuro took in the expression quietly before stepping over to her. “It’s not nothing if you have such a face.” He could sense she was a Fullbringer and was simply just curious if she would catch on herself.
“You shouldn’t work through problems all on your own.”
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
sociobookworm started following you
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she hated it. her fullbring that is. it made her feel different from others. “i just want to be normal..” she said kicking a can on the side of the road, accidently hitting someone with it.
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“i’m so sorry! i didn’t mean to hit you.” crap. he was cute too. 
He had been minding his own business when the can had come flying out of nowhere. Thwack. It had connected with his arm and he turned his gaze in the direction it had originated.
“It is quite alright.” He responded easily, flashing a smile toward her. “Is something the matter?”
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
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“Is that right?” She taunted, walking a slow circle around the fullbeinger, staying out of swing-distance as she did so. “That’s funny, I would have thought you’d remember me though. Nothing but a ‘quincy’? That’s pretty cold Tsukishima. Even for you.” She noted softly. Of course he didn’t know her. But she liked playing with him. Playing with him like he, supposedly, played with others.
“That’s alright though. You got that little boomark of yours to remind yourself where you were. I wonder though. Do you need it? I can give you hints if you like.”
Shukuro continued to watch her, still holding that smile in place. Her words didn’t strike much. For hen knew the tactics to toying with people easily. “Whatever do you mean?” He inquired innocently. The tall male stayed in place only letting his eyes watch her move, each step she took. However he had to chuckle.
“By hints do you mean you read about me in a book?” The Quincy sure had done some research but it wasn’t that hard to look into Soul Society’s records and see. From what he heard it was almost too easy, not that he would try it himself.
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“For I am sure, I would have remembered someone so pretty.”
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
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She paused, looking around for a moment as it seemed quite clear that she had wound up in a spot she didn’t quite expect. The fact that some human was in there also clued her in that her patrol had gotten a little more erratic than she’d expected. No matter.
“An how do you know I’m a quincy?” She asked rhetorically. She knew he was familiar with that brat prince. But she kept a defense up anyway. The whole fullbringer incident had happened outside soul society so details were not the greatest, but she knew who he was.
He merely smiled at her question, before standing straight from the wall he had been leaning on. The book was carefully placed onto the nightstand so that he was no longer holding it.
“Shouldn’t you already know the answer to that?” He chided tugging the carefully placed bookmark from it’s spot between the pages of his book. “I mean if you have to ask...” The sentence trailed off as he knew full well that question was rhetorical, however the fact that she asked in the first place amused him.
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
“A quincy?” A look of surprise crossed his face as he noticed the other there. “I had not been expecting a Quincy as a guest.” While he had expected to cross paths with one, for a Quincy to show up at his room on their own was a first.
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sociobookworm-blog · 9 years
“Ah. Ichigo. So nice to see you.” The male greeted idly, not lifting his head up from the book in his hands.
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