soft-faerie-sage · 7 hours
I want to feed a big boy until they're out of breath from eating so much
I want a big boy who is just a big soft teddy bear of a man that just wants hugs, cuddles and belly rubs after I feed him a hearty meal
I need a big boy who melts in my hands whenever I rub his overstuffed belly
I need a big boy who likes eating himself to immobility, so we can have an excuse to cuddle and nap
I want a big boy who let's me feed him without any protests, almost as if he wanted to be a butterball
A big boy who's belly feels heavy on my hands and who's waist is so wide that I can't fully wrap my arms around them
Just big boys 💖
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soft-faerie-sage · 10 hours
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soft-faerie-sage · 10 hours
Getting Big
prompt: someone discovering they’re a feeder as their feedee partner gets bigger
Sometimes you’re both in bed, distracted and ignoring each other on your phones or laptops, when you notice. Your eyes lift from your phone and notice your partner’s relaxed belly, rising and lowering with calm breath, stretching the fabric of their shirt. Really stretching it now, not just with every inhale, but by default. Not just pushing the seams a little with chubbier hips, but forcing the cotton to bow out close to its limit, forcing the stitching to cave into a belly button deeper and softer-looking than you remember. And your eyes inevitably take in the rest: thicker thighs, more shapely chest, less defined arms, softer jawline.  
You’re aware that your partner’s gained a little weight. More than a little, but it’s fine. Probably thirty or so pounds, not a big deal, and you absolutely don’t judge them for it. Have they mentioned it at all? No, they just keep tugging at their shirts and pants. And underwear. Their underwear is getting too small for them, with weight gain making them a bit of a pear and all, but you don’t say anything. You don’t say they need bigger underwear. You don’t tell them how much you appreciate the fact that they need it. As long as they stay mum on the subject of their weight and the fit of their clothes, so will you; that’s your rule.
Sometimes you’re both in bed, watching TV, and they’re eating their way to the bottom of a quart of appallingly flavored ice cream (super-caramel-quadruple chocolate-chunk type stuff), and you keep sneaking glances. Because you’re amazed they’re comfortable enough around you to eat freely like this—or so you tell yourself. Their eyes are so glazed with distracted pleasure that maybe it didn’t even occur to them not to gorge themselves tonight, right in front of you.
Not gorging themselves like some kind of pig—no, it’s just, you both ordered a lot of takeout just a couple hours ago, and then they snacked on chips for a while, and then there was that candy bar they ate on a whim while you took out the trash, and now it’s a whole quart of ice cream. A whole quart. The more glances you sneak at them, the more you notice how their budding second chin peeks out when they chew. The more you notice that their bites seem hasty, as if tinged by some kind of distant, unconscious desperation.
You lean against them as if too tired to stay upright, reaching over them casually, letting one arm rest against their belly. It’s soft. It’s bigger. Not a big deal at all, you tell yourself for the millionth time.
And yet, you ponder their weight more. You’ve been pondering it incessantly. You can’t stop thinking about how they went to the mall two weeks ago without telling you, bought clothes a size up, and already were uncomfortably tugging and pulling on on every tight band and seam again. You can’t stop your thoughts from wandering to the idea of them sizing up again any more than your partner can stop their hands from opening another package of cookies.
“Ugh, this stuff is so good,” they mutter, swallowing the last bite, then closing the lid on the carton and setting it aside.
“Mm. I’ll buy more then,” you say without thinking. It’s fine if they size up again, after all. You’ll love them no matter their body type. Their happiness comes first. “I’m going to the grocery store anyway.”
Keep reading
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soft-faerie-sage · 19 hours
i feel really fucking sad whenever I see that someone I've been talking to over DMs has their account deactivated. I take a while to respond to messages, especially because my DM notifications are messed up (the notification doesn't go away if I haven't opened a message before someone deactivates) and so sometimes I never get to read the last message people send me.
I hope those people are doing well, whatever happened.
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soft-faerie-sage · 1 day
I need to talk about this because it's making me feel insane.
Last week, my white leftist goyisch friends sat me, a wholeass antizionist Jew, down for a "talk" because they "needed to check in about Palestine" and make sure "our values aligned before we hung out again". They apparently needed to "suss out" where I stood on Palestinian rights, despite having had several conversations about Palestine and them being some of my closest friends. They needed to check, to search for and uncover my true values, because I had said some "disturbing things" that had made them "suspicious".
Disturbing things included:
Supporting IfNotNow which is a "liberal zionist organization" because it normalizes Jewish heritage in the Levant
Not bringing Palestine up enough, despite them also not bringing it up (this was apparently a test)
Mentioning that the Houthi's flag talks about cursing all Jews
Saying Stalin was antisemitic because of the "all the paw-grihms"
...and apparently other things they wouldn't specify, but had been tracking for months.
To clarify, I am an antizionist Jew from three generations of antizionist Jews. I have been vocal in my support of Palestinian liberation and in my condemnation both of Israel's actions and its violent founding as a state, and of zionism in many of its forms. I am a regular donor to Palestinian and Jewish NGOs and advocate for Jewish antizionism in person, at temple, and online. I have been talking about Palestinian liberation before they could point to Gaza on a map. But they needed to make sure, they needed to "suss out", they needed to check. And it's notable that the majority of moments that made them suspicious of me were times where I talked about antisemitism: not about Palestinian liberation, not about Israeli decolonization, not about anything actually relevant to Palestine. It was talking about antisemitism that made them check to see if I was a cryptozionist.
One of the most pervasive and insidious forms of antisemitism is the idea that Jews are inherently untrustworthy and suspicious. You have to constantly be on guard, track what they say and do, "suss out" the real truth. You have to keep them in line and and watch them carefully because they're liars and sneaks, and if you're not looking closely they'll return to their real values (and drag you down with them). This is where the idea of "cryptozionist" comes from and what it's directly building off of: the inherent untrustworthiness of Jews and the need to check. Because no matter how close you become you can't actually trust them, and any upstanding gentile should make sure to avoid associating with Jews before "sussing out" their real allegiances and intentions. You have to make them turn out their pockets, just in case.
I'm the first and only Jew they actually were friends with; I know because they've told me (strangely proud of it in the way white Americans are proud of that kind of thing). They've asked me questions about Judaism and fawned over how beautiful and unique it was for me to be connected to my community and culture. Pre-October 7th, one of them had even mentioned being interested in coming to services at my temple. She still has my copy of our siddur. But now she needed to "check" before she could be seen with me in public. Which is what it was: it wasn't a "you're my friend and I need to give you some feedback because you're fucking up" kind of intervention (which is normal and important to have), it was a trial. It was a last chance for me to prove to them that I'm clean-enough that they could afford to risk being seen with me in public, just in case someone noticed them fraternizing with a hypothetical Enemy and their leftism was compromised. It was a test to make sure that I behave properly when required to, that I'd play along and do what I'm told and turn out my pockets if asked (because any refusal would validate the notion of having something to hide). And above all it was an opportunity for them to reaffirm their own cleanliness by putting my imagined immorality in its place.
I did what I needed to do: I smiled. I apologized. I "didn't know that". I "appreciated the feedback". I turned out my pockets because what else could I do? They'd decided who I was and what I believed, regardless of what I said or did, so there was no point in explaining that they were wrong about me. If I had told them they were being antisemitic, it would just have been proof that they were right. Caring about antisemitism is a dogwhistle in the spaces they've chosen: it's not a real form of oppression, it's a tactic for sneaky, lying Jews to weasel out of admitting their true alliances. There was nothing I could say.
Nothing's really changed for me. I'm going to continue my activism for Palestinian liberation rooted in my culture and my faith. Antizionism is still not antisemitism. But I got a reminder that many white goyisch leftists fundamentally just don't trust Jews, and that the activist spaces they're in not only exacerbate their antisemitism in an increasingly insular echo chamber, but also allow them to finally vent their internalized bigotry in a socially-acceptable way. In my former friends' eyes, what they did was activism—disavowing a Jew (and making me feel humiliated, scared, and unclean in the process) as a cathartic stand-in for doing fucking anything for actual Palestinian liberation—but for me it was a grief that I'll be feeling for a long time: not only over losing friends I loved and trusted, but also over my sense of belonging and security in leftist spaces.
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soft-faerie-sage · 1 day
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As we fight imperialism abroad, remember the people who are suffering under apartheid at home. Help Marcellus Williams by signing the petition to stay his execution! Read to learn more about Mr. Williams situation.
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soft-faerie-sage · 1 day
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@khaled-mother suad is still so behind on reaching her campaign goal and unfortunately Khaled fever is not getting down since I last spoke to suad her worries about her baby Khaled health and her health condition getting worse suad is not getting enough attention to her campaign since 28 April and hasn't reached half way through this absolutely an acceptable donate to her and don't forget that is the only sure way to gets her and her baby out of the danger and death in Gaza.
Vetted by Nabulsi
Donation Link
$946 away from reaching short-term goal .
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soft-faerie-sage · 8 days
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I know I’ve had to ask for help a lot lately & I hate being in a position to have to keep asking for help, but I’m still in a tight spot.
I’ve been homeless for a little over 2 weeks now because I wasn’t able to renew the lease at the last place I was staying, & wasn’t notified in time to find a room by the move out date, but it looks like I’ll finally have a place by the end of the week.
However, with all the added expenses of storage & being homeless, and now losing my income, I’m cutting it close paying for rent at the new place. I only have enough money for rent and nothing else, but I still need to eat, and my car has a brake problem that the mechanic has said will double in cost if I don’t get it fixed before it gets worse.
If you can help, here are my venmo & cashapp:
@/karibud on venmo
$karibud on cashapp
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soft-faerie-sage · 9 days
I know you have all probably seen the esims for gaza posts circulating. Some of you have probably looked at them and thought maybe you should help out, but have weighed up the daunting process of signing up for something you're unfamiliar with vs. the gut-wrenching scale of the things people are going through on the ground right now, and you've put it off or questioned whether it will make enough of a difference vs. some other future kind of activism you could put that $6+ towards. I'm not calling you out or scolding you, it is natural to feel conflicted and ambivalent about the multiple calls for aid that you are seeing on social media.
but consider this: what would you do if you suddenly had to leave your home? how would you cope? how would you begin to plan where to go next, or figure out what to do to take care of yourself? most likely you would reach reflexively for your phone.
telecoms access is not a petty luxury in 2024. a loaded esim means the ability to call family members and find out where they are and whether they're safe, and whether they need anything you can provide for them. it means access to maps and regular updates on the situation unfolding around you. it means you can look up whether it's safe to drink rain water, or how to tie a type of knot you've never had to think about before, or how to treat an injury without medical supplies. it means the ability to tell people outside the situation what you are seeing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking. it is an absolutely crucial resource. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.
many many people have observed that internet access is changing the way the world understands genocide. internet access is life or death, and it is shaping modern history in front of you. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.
please, please visit gazaesims.com and spend 5 minutes and $6 to change the way this plays out for everyone.
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soft-faerie-sage · 9 days
*shakily pulling Judith Butler essays out of my closet*
you jest but YES
all gender (and selfhood) is performance and construction
Butch wearing a dress. Does this count as crossdressing.
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soft-faerie-sage · 9 days
Hello dears I hope you are all well please help me!!!
I am Ahmed Halas from the besieged North Gaza, I have created my campaign to help my family and save them from the suffering they are living. Our lives, hopes and ambitions have been destroyed, our livelihood has been destroyed, we have lost dear friends and many relatives, our house has been completely destroyed, we live in a plastic tent in the middle of an UNRWA school and we suffer from the heat of the sun which causes headaches, migraines, body allergies and many diseases. There is no food, water, medicine or basic life requirements and the prices are terribly high, we cannot afford to buy anything.
In the meantime, this fundraising campaign has been started so that people can donate so that we can regain momentum in case the unfortunate circumstances cannot be fixed. Ahmed Halas and his family have already registered and are likely to be called to leave soon. This money is for their evacuation. Let's aim to evacuate them all together!!!
Ahmed's message:
Hello, I am Ahmed from the Gaza Strip, I am still alive after ten months of war. This is my fifth war too. But this war is unlike any other. I am trying to raise money for me and my family, as we are determined to leave to safety while this disaster continues. We want to leave the Gaza Strip towards Egypt through the Rafah crossing and Hala Company.
This was a very difficult decision for me, but this is my fate and the fate of my family. I feel ashamed to ask you to donate enough to save me and my family of 20, most of whom are young children, by raising enough money to reach safety. "Hala Company details are at the bottom of the article." Please participate, even if it is a small part. Donate any small amount, share my photos, share your story, anything that makes a difference. I have complete hope in you and your generosity.
Father Fathi suffers from heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure, and son Mahmoud suffers from back and cartilage pain, which is why he does not have a medical mattress due to sleeping on the floor, which makes him feel severe pain.
Oh my God, what happened to us, I lost my memories and dreams that I have dreamed of for a long time, my house where I lived my childhood, nothing remained inside it, it was a pile of fire, and I lost my source of livelihood and my baby clothes store was completely destroyed, which led to the accumulation of debts that I was committed to from merchants that I obtained a few days before the current wave of war.
Note: Ahmed will try, when the circumstances are complete and I collect a sufficient amount and I am able to reunite the entire family here in Gaza, by moving my family to a safe place and regaining some comfort or trying to go to Egypt, knowing that the cost per person now is $ 5,000 for an adult and $ 2,500 for a child. The price may fluctuate. Please help us by donating even the simplest things or by participating in our campaign, and I will be grateful to you
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soft-faerie-sage · 9 days
Hey guys! This is important so please dont scroll past this.
Wafaa's old blog got shadowbanned, and its just yet another example of how far tumblr will go to silence palestinians when theyre already struggling to get by because of illness, starvation and the constant violence. It should alarm you just how frequent this is becoming with palestinian bloggers having to remake 3-4 times when theyre already living through the worst things imaginable.
If you don't know who she is, Wafaa Alnhal is a woman in her 40s who had left for Egypt a little after the occupation attacked for medical treatment. She has since been working hard to spread her campaign and evacuate her family who she had to leave behind in Gaza, despite her own ongoing struggle with her health issues and making rent.
Initially her goal for her gfm had been 35k, but recently she's had to raise it to 50k because her daughter has gotten hepatitis from the polluted water in Gaza. Her family is suffering- all 15 of them including 4 young children and a newborn baby- and they will have to live with the damage for the rest of their lives. It's taking its toll on Wafaa too, who's had to neglect her own health and wellbeing to raise funds for them.
She's made a new blog @wafs-posts and you all should follow her there to get updates from her on the situation directly. You should be listening to her instead of hearing this from me.
Her gfm is currently at 12k/50k
They still have a long way to go, so please dont let tumblrs censorship slow them down
Her campaign has been verified, and there is a raffle being conducted (by @/ibtisams) to raise funds for her campaign so please give it a look, and consider taking part there are some truly beautiful journals to be won.
Please follow the raffles for palestine account and take a look at the other artwork thats up for grabs too!
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soft-faerie-sage · 9 days
The illegal transgender aliens in prison
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soft-faerie-sage · 10 days
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(via Instagram)
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soft-faerie-sage · 10 days
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soft-faerie-sage · 10 days
Hello there 👋,
I hope this message finds you well. My brother Osama and our family are facing incredibly difficult times due to the ongoing war in Gaza. Osama's livelihood and dreams have been shattered, but he's determined to rebuild his life and continue supporting us.
To help in this effort, Osama has launched a GoFundMe campaign titled "Helping Osama Rebuild His Dream." Any support you can offer—whether through sharing the campaign or making a donation—would mean the world to him and to all of us.
Here’s the link to learn more and contribute: https://gofund.me/100da7db
Even a small donation can make a significant difference. Thank you so much for your kindness and support 💖
With gratitude, 
Vetted by @90-ghost
Verified by @gazagfmboost
best of luck to you, Ahmad, and to your brother, Osama. Allah is with you
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soft-faerie-sage · 11 days
okay i made another quiz but this time it’s which monster you’ll get to hook up with. reblog with your result!!
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