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A brief moment of rationality from the bird place.
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"real people don't talk like that" can be a valid criticism of a piece of media but it can also be one of the highest praises i can bestow. there's nuance.
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Imagine if Radiation man saved the day and u go up to thank him and then you die due to radiation poisoning because he’s Radiation man
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"it's only a canary in a coal mine if everyone notices it, that's the main Point of canaries"
How many of your coworkers are talking about the lack of rainbow logos?
Anyone off of Tumblr, even?
You noticed cuz you're queer so you care to notice when it affects you. But again, the group of people who have always historically been the actual canaries for minority groups are sex workers.
They are the guinea pigs of maltreatment because nobody cares enough to notice them.
What works on them they use on others; for example, queer people and much more often PoC.
And it's not derailing queer history to say otherwise, it's part of queer history. Especially when there are so many queer sex workers.
It is further erasure of an already silenced and ignored group to pretend as if they don't exist because you don't see how we're connected.
Queer book bans and gender affirming bans are being pushed and approved left and right but main stream news outlets are still justifying everything Israel does. That to say that what the majority cares about is Not in fact the persecuted. And they certainly don't care about the widespread attack on queer rights, most don't know it's even happening.
You know why? Because much like y'all blow off sex workers cuz you think their well being has nothing to do with your own, the people with more privilege than us will blow us off.
"it's just sex workers, who cares?" and "it's just trans/gay people, who cares?" aren't nearly as far apart as y'all believe they are.
And btw canaries don't screech or cry. That's not how that analogy works and neither is that how it works in real life. You only notice a canary if you pay attention to it. You gotta notice when it's little body starts struggling to breathe.
If you aren't watching it'll drop dead. And then it's too late isn't it?
When that happens it's a bad sign for the miners.
Just like it's a bad sign for the rest of us when legislation starts being made to censor and silence sex workers
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when i say "any pronouns" it does not mean "you are allowed to default to exclusively using the pronouns that you view as corresponding to my presumed sex or gender presentation" it means all fucking pronouns.
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Mystery Inc. meet Holmes and Watson!
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I am having a lot of fun with this Victorian Scooby Doo au!!
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Mystery Inc. but it’s the 1890s
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Who had late Victorian Scooby Doo on their 2024 bingo card? Hmm?
The idea came to me when I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes and then remembered the iconic mystery solving gang hehe
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we won
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Who is it?💕
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Comic strip artists from the 40’s draw their characters while blindfolded
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that some people respond to any well-foreshadowed reveal with “ugh that plot twist was so predictable” proves bad faith criticism has rotted their brains to the point they think it’s bad writing if they can correctly identify information the writers were intentionally giving them
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I'm trying to do a little experiment here, if you are interested please reblog with your mbti type + things you're passionate about (e.g. any topic, character, field of knowledge, hobby, worldview, your creations, WIP or OC etc)
I'll go first. ISTJ + History (particularly Delhi Sultanate and Mughal periods)
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