ghosts as art movements
roman: candlesticks and shrines, distant memories of war, flowing cloaks and cracked cement, overgrown cemeteries, old coins.
gothic: winding staircases and empty cathedrals, windswept hair and thunderstorms, umbrellas open indoors and black cats crossing your path, superstitious thoughts.
baroque: bloody knuckles and black eyes, clenched jaws, hailstorms and shattered windows, stamped-out cigarettes.
romanticism: ink-stained hands and oversized sweaters, stormy weather and blizzards, watching films at midnight, tear-stained cheeks and eyes full of emotion, loving someone so much that it hurts.
impressionism: foggy cemeteries, the early hours before dawn, long-forgotten playgrounds and overgrown courtyards, silent car rides in thunderstorms.
abstract expressionism: spines and knuckles, existential crises, restlessness at four in the morning, hair-pulling and nail-biting.
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honestly i just want to go on a date to respectfully hang out at a cemetery wearing oddly formal black and red outfits and each having a red rose somewhere on our person
maybe drink coffee
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come with me to climb trees by the lake. we can sing songs into the fog and look for trinkets in the fallen leaves. we can say the whistle of the wind are the local ghosts saying hello, and when the local ghosts say hello, we can blame it on the wind
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Landscape 2
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The white light is getting brighter. I had heard of it so many times before, a few moments in my life I think I had seen it. Some people say that it’s the light to heaven, some say to hell, others say to Nirvana; more skeptical people believe that it’s just your brain causing hallucinations or something. I remember something about it possibly being the gateway to the next life. I never knew what would happen after we pass, I always thought it was better if I didn’t know. Save the surprise and not worry about it, because what can I do? I can’t reverse the inevitable. I have no control over my own mortality, I always said to just give it up to the universe, God, or whatever.
But there it is, now.
The white light getting brighter. The rays of it erasing the suffocating darkness all around me. I don’t know how long I was staring at it. It could’ve been less than a second or it could have been over a hundred years. I heard people say one year in the afterlife is a thousand on Earth, but no matter how long it really was, the light engulfed me. Time was no more and it felt like windows were opened in every plane of existence. No. It was more like entire walls came crashing down. I saw nothing but white light, but the feelings and realization were overwhelming. Everything was opened and life and death was only a string that bound us to our bodies. Everything was free. No time, no existence, no Earth. The only thing left was my being or my soul; travelling beyond time and space, beyond any reality or dimensions. Travelling to wherever or whatever or whoever comes next.
Out of time and completely free.
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●なりたい私 第2層
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concept: deep sea mermaids with dark eyes and glowing pupils, deep sea mermaids that are 70 feet long, deep sea mermaids older than written language speaking a dead and foreign tongue forgotten by surface mermaids, deep sea mermaids being heard conversing through clicks and rumbles from far down submarines deep sea mermaids
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i’m the person who’s 100% down for spontaneous adventures but also 100% down to lay in bed all day. i’m on both ends of the spectrum
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Stop regretting the past. Stop dwelling on all of the chances you wish you took and the moments when wish you kept quiet. All of the first kisses you were too afraid to lean into, all of the 5 seconds of no-fear that you never had. For whatever reason, you made the choices you made and they’ve shaped you into who you are today. You did what you thought was right. You did what you had to do to make it to where you are today. Don’t look back in sorrow. Do not lament. Simply let it be and look forward into your infinite future. You are doing so great.
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hawaiian shirt + dark bags under eyes is a good look… it says yeah i would really love to be carefree and relaxed right now but certain circumstances have made that impossible
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tbh life’s too short to be embarrassed by little things ??? wear that outfit ur mom said was ugly & laugh ur natural too loud laugh & talk to intimidating people u find interesting !!! join cringy clubs & read books everyone hates & wear too much eyeliner !!! if shit doesn’t work out who cares !!! people who are worth being around will stick by u anyway !!!
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small-town gay gang (inspired by ribs by lorde) for anon!
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coming here to say that i’m actually really mad rn, I can’t believe I “cancelled” johnny depp when he was one of my faves only to find out amber heard was not only lying but she was the one doing the physical abuse, I owe him the biggest fckn apology and tbh the world does too what amber did was beyond disgusting and creepy
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the ocean belongs to women only
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mood: wanna move to another city and start a new life
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ASTROLOGY STYLE AESTHETICS// Gemini rising style♊️:
Flannels, dark lipstick, shorter hair, painted nails, grunge style.
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