frequent-phases · 5 years
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As much as I love Peter and MJ getting together in FFH, for the sake of the story, I’m just gonna pretend like it didn’t happen. Also, this is shit and I didn’t edit it, but I kinda like it.
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It had been a long summer without Peter. Although I had more than enough money to go on the trip with my two best friends, I had duties to pick up at the compound and Stark Industries as Tony’s daughter. I was currently sitting on Peter’s bed thinking about how much I had missed him while he was away as he talked about the trip, fighting Mysterio, and earning my father’s glasses. I made a joke about his vacation that made him laugh the purest laugh I’ve ever heard, making my heart swell as a deep warmth filled my chest.
Don’t speak, no, don’t try It’s been a secret for the longest time Don’t run, no, don’t hide Been runnin’ from it for the longest time
I kept my crush on Peter a secret for far too long. I had met him in school before he had even been bitten by the spider that gave him his powers. The minute I laid eyes on him, on our first day of freshman year, I knew I was a goner. I never made a move on him because he was constantly pining over Liz from the first moment that he saw her.
So many mornings, I woke up confused In my dreams, I do anything I want to you My emotions are naked, they’re taking me out of my mind
I tried to deny my feelings for the longest time, even when I had dreams of the boy that I quickly became friends with. There was a surprising range to the dreams anywhere from us being on a cutesy date, to him confessing his love for me, to ones that made me blush at the mere thought of them. 
My kisses are history, they go back a long time, uh And I’m tired of loving someone that’s not mine, no
Despite all of that though, I tried to date other guys in our school. To this day I’m not sure if it was fortunate or unfortunate that so many guys want to date me because of my last name. I’m not bad looking, I’m the perfect blend of my dad and the model that he had a one night stand with, so I guess that helped me snag my distractions. I dated any guy from a random freshman to the most popular senior, even dating Flash for a hot minute, but no matter who I was with, I couldn’t shake my feelings for my best friend so I gave up.
There’s just inches between us I want you to give in, I want you to give in, oh There is tension in between us I just wanna give in And I don’t care if I’m forgiven
I sat there on Peter’s bed, watching him laugh, I couldn’t help but lean in slightly, my expression becoming serious as he began to calm down. When his eyes opened, he stared at me, taking in my demeanor and making his reflect my own.
We sat like that for what felt like an eternity, slowly inching toward each other. The longer I stared into his beautiful brown eye, the more intense the feeling in my chest grew. The burning warmth that sent my stomach fluttering, felt like it was tugging me forward and at that moment I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted it, wanted to be his, so desperately that I didn’t care what it did to our friendship.
Right now, I’m Shameless Screamin’ my lungs out for ya Not afraid to face it I need you more than I want to Need you more than I want to
Throwing caution to the wind, I lurched forward, grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him to me, our lips meeting in a clash of needy passion. I was not only surprised that he kissed me back, but also surprised at how good he was. This was far from my first kiss, but I knew that it was his and he was by far the best kisser that I had experienced. 
Peter grabbed my waist, pulling me impossibly close to him as our lips danced together, pouring every ounce of passion, love, and longing that we had for each other into the kiss.
Show me you’re Shameless Write it on my neck, why don’t ya? And I won’t erase it I need you more than I want to Need you more than I want to
We moved to kneel on his tiny twin bed, trying to get as close as possible. I wound my fingers into his luscious chocolate curls as we made out furiously. My fingers against his scalp seemed to jar something as his lips made their way from my lips down to my jaw, then down to my neck. He seemed to be acting on instinct, his lips clumsy and unsure as they nipped and sucked at my collarbone, but damn his instincts were amazing. Peter’s lips became more confident when he heard my breath catch in my throat as he kissed the forming bruise. I pulled him back to my lips, pecking his a few times as a laughed breathlessly. Peter joined in on my laughter as we pulled away, smiling at each other with all of the love that we felt.
“I’ve wanted to do that for the longest time.” I whispered, dropping my forehead onto his as I bit my swollen lip.
“Me too. I just wasn’t expecting to be attacked like that.” Peter laughed.
I threw my head back, letting out a loud laugh. I calmed down, returning my gaze to his handsome face, allowing my hands to hang loosely around his strong shoulders.
“You’re Spider-Man, that has to be the best way that you’ve been attacked.”
“You’re right, but you still attacked me.” Peter insisted with a mischevious smirk.
“Well, maybe next time you can attack me.” I retaliated, my mouth twisting into a matching smirk.
The next day was the first day of Junior year and Peter and strolled through the doors of the school holding hands. I did nothing to hide the deep purple hickey that my new boyfriend had given me, surprising everyone that we passed, except for our best friend Ned, who had a running bet with MJ on whether or not Peter and I would end up together.
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frequent-phases · 5 years
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So I tore my ACL and I want to write a fic about what I’m going through. Also, I imagine this being Bucky’s face when he sees what happened. B.T.W. this shit sucks, never do it.
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It was a mission just like any other that we had gone on. All of the Avengers were trying to get into a rather large Hydra facility, each of us joining one person’s fight before being pulled away to another. We all fought well together playing on each other's strengths and making sure that no weaknesses showed, but it was known that Nat, Clint and myself were at a disadvantage. 
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I pulled my knife from the now dead man lying at my feet, turning just in time to see a man, who could rival my boyfriend in size, charging me. I launched myself at him, pulling one of the moves that Nat had taught me. Using his size against him, I grabbed his head, flipped around and snapped his neck, but everything went wrong when I landed. I put my left leg down first, hoping to use that momentum to fall into a roll, but when my foot hit the ground, pain exploded in my knee and I fell into a heap next to the man I had just killed.
I couldn’t bring myself to call for help or even move the slightest bit. I laid there, the battle raging around me, knowing that if I tried, I wouldn’t be able to stand. Hearing heavy footsteps approaching me, I laid deathly still in case another Hydra agent was coming for me, but instead, gentle hands gripped my shoulders. I opened my watery eyes to see Clint leaning over me, gently turning me so that I was laying on my back.
“Guys, we need to hurry this up, Hanna needs evac.” He called over comms.
“Why? What happened?” My wonderful, concerned boyfriend asked, slightly panicked.
“Fuck. My knee, there’s something wrong with my knee.” I cursed, forcing myself to speak through the pain.
“You guys go ahead, I’ll take her back to the quinjet.” He replied.
Sweet Clint stayed by my side, letting me grip his hand from the pain until the glint of metal showed in my peripheral vision. Clint left as Bucky kneeled down next to me, his beautiful blue eyes swimming with concern.
“Hey, doll. How are you doing?” He asked, brushing a strand of hair from my face.
“I’ve been better.”‘ I said meekly, forcing a weak smile.
Bucky gently scooped me up and carried me to the quinjet. It took an agonizing half-hour for the rest of the Avengers to make their way onto the plane and for us to take off. I laid on a gurney, desperately holding Bucky’s hand as Bruce poked and prodded my knee, tears pricking at my eyes while I stared into my boyfriend’s concerned ones.
We landed at the compound and I was whisked away by Dr. Cho and her team, forcing Bucky to stay behind with the rest of the team.
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After hours of x-rays and MRIs, Dr. Cho diagnosed me with a torn ACL, informing me that she would perform the surgery I needed to repair it in two days. For those two days, I stayed in the med bay with Bucky. He made jokes, flirted endlessly, and told me stories of his childhood in attempts to help me stay distracted from my pain. 
When it was time for me to be taken into the waiting room, Bucky gently kissed my lips and whispered that he would see me on the other side. I don’t remember much coming out of anesthesia other than pain and hunger, but one of Dr. Cho’s nurses and Bucky made sure to help me in any way that they could.
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“Baaaaaabeeee” I shouted from my spot on our shared bed.
I stifled a laugh as Bucky came running into the room, panic clear on his face. He rushed to my side, eyes frantically searching my face.
“What, what’s wrong?”
“My stitches itch.” I pouted.
“Really? I thought you were in pain or something.” He huffed, rolling his eyes at me.
“Well, I mean, I am, but it itches more than it hurts.” I complained, “Now move, I’m hungry.”
“No, you stay down, I’ll get you food.” He said, gently pushing my shoulders back onto the bed.
“Bucky, I’m supposed to get up and walk around sometimes.”
“And you do. When you go to the bathroom.” 
“Babe, I can do it myself.”
“But that doesn’t mean that you have to.”
“James, let me get up and get my own food.” I crossed my arms, knowing that using his first name would tell him that I’m serious.
“Fine.” He huffed, “At least let me help.”
I grabbed my leg, lifting and swinging it over the edge of the bed, standing up slowly, grimacing slightly as my brace rubbed my stitches. I was doing really well walking all things considered, but when I was halfway to the kitchen, my knee gave out. I grunted slightly as Bucky caught my elbows, holding me up as I regained my footing. 
“Are you sure you should be out of bed?” He asked, voice full of concern.
“It’s been a week, Buck, I need to move more than just physical therapy and going to the bathroom,” I replied, glancing over my shoulder and pecking his lips. “I really am okay.”
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Nothing was okay right now, it was three in the morning and I couldn’t fall asleep. The pain in my knee was almost unbearable, my brace was digging into the bottom of my butt, making any position uncomfortable, and I was uncomfortably hot from my brace holding it so much heat. I let out a ragged breath, turning my back to my peacefully sleeping boyfriend, the action only making my pain worse. My shoulders shook as I cried softly to myself in hopes that I wouldn’t wake Bucky, but I didn’t work. The pain in my knee was too intense for me to hear my wonderful boyfriend stir, I yelped when I felt his strong arms around my waist.
“Hanna, what’s wrong?” Bucky asked, voice thick with sleep.
“Nothing, Buck. Go back to bed.” I whispered back, hoping that my voice wouldn’t give me away.
“Doll, you’re crying, something has to be wrong.” He pressed, voice gentle as he lightly kissed my shoulder.
My face scrunched up, letting more tears flow free. Bucky only pulled me closer, allowing me to cry my fill until I could stop and explain to him. I rolled over in his arms, wincing as I did so, wanting to see his beautiful face.
“It hurts so much, I’m hot and uncomfortable and I can’t sleep even though I’m exhausted.” I cried to him.
I watched Bucky’s face as I felt his arms moving from behind my back. Without an explanation, he got up and left the room. I screwed my eyes shut as another wave of pain hit me, making me pout to myself. I just wanted comfort from my boyfriend. Minutes later, Bucky came back with a cup of water and a few pills, which I silently took as he crawled back into bed.
“What took you so long?” I pouted.
“You said that you were hot, so I put my arm in the freezer.” Buck said, shrugging his left shoulder.
I smiled at my soldier and pulled him closer to me, sighing in relief as his chilled vibranium arm snaked its way around my waist and under my shirt. I snuggled into him, peppering his collarbone in sweet kisses before pulling away to look into his ocean eyes.
“What did I ever do to deserve a man like you?” I asked softly.
“I ask myself the same thing about you every day.” He replied, voice just as soft as mine.
“I love you J. I don’t know what I would do without you in my life.”
“I love you too, doll.” He smiled, leaning in to kiss me, suddenly pulling away just as our lips touch. “J? That’s a new one.”
“Yeah, it just came out.” I said sheepishly.
“I think I like it.” He mused.
A smug smile pulled at his lips as he somehow pulled me closer. We kissed a slow, lazy kiss. Minutes of hours could have gone by, but I really didn’t care, I was wrapped in the arms of the man I love, all of my pain fading away as we continued our embrace. It was at that moment that I knew that everything would be okay in my six months of recovery because I had Bucky by my side and I’ll be damned if I ever let that man go.
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frequent-phases · 5 years
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I used Google Translate for the Russian, so please don’t kill me if the translations are wrong. I also got lazy for the longer Russian conversations, so I just bolded them. I hope y’all enjoy!
mladshaya sestra - little sister
Ty menya tozhe oslablyayesh' - You make me weak too
V zaklyucheniye!  - Finally!
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“Jess, are you almost wrapped up over there?” Tony’s voice called over the coms piece in my ear.
“Not quite.” I grunted, launching myself at one of the five bad guys surrounding me.
“Well hurry up. I’m buying everyone drinks after this.” He whined back.
“Some of us don’t have gadgets to make this fast, Tony.” I huffed, choking one guy out with my legs as I shot at the other four.
“You never asked for any.”
The guy under me was just not passing out and the other four continued closer, reloading their ammo. I rolled my eyes and tightened the grip I had on him, throwing all of my weight to the right, snapping his neck. I tucked myself into a roll coming up and rushing at another man.
“I’ve never used any cool gadgets before, I don’t know what to ask for.” I panted back.
I quickly dodged a punch, using the man’s leg as leverage, grabbing his head, I jumped onto the wall and came down hard, snapping his neck as well. I pulled my tiny gun out of my hip holster, shooting two of the men in the neck. The last guy started shooting, forcing me to hide under the bodies that I had just discarded. It felt like it took hours for the man to run out on ammo yet again as I laid under dead bodies, my own being drenched in their blood. Finally, the shooting stopped, I took the opportunity to launch myself at the man, wrapping my legs around his neck, my soaked body making it easier for me to land on his shoulders. I threw my body weight backward and tightened the leg around his neck as we fell. The impact of my back against the ground knocked the wind from my lungs but I still managed to let out a relieved sigh as I felt a crunch under my leg.
I slowly stood up and made my way to the entrance of the building that we raided, smiling to myself as I walked up the ramp of the quinjet. I strode past my fellow Avengers silently and grabbed a clean towel attempting to wipe some of the grime from the battle off fo my body.
“I’m gonna have to figure something out for you. You’re just too slow.” I heard Tony joke as he approached me.
“Shut up, Stark.” I laughed, throwing my bloodied towel at him.
“Hey! You don’t know what diseases those people had.”
I laughed to myself as I sat down in the only open chair, exhaustion flowing over me as I began to feel the adrenaline wearing off. I winced as I tried to sit back, feeling a sharp pain all over my back.
“Are you okay?” Bucky’s voice asked quietly beside me.
“Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just been a while since I’ve had to use some of the moves I pulled today.” I explained and he nodded back silently.
“You wouldn’t be sore like that if you would come to our training sessions, mladshaya sestra.” Nat teased.
This, of course, led to a full-blown argument in Russian between the two of us. Being raised in the Red Room with Tasha, I could do pretty much everything that she could, but she was always better at fighting than I was. I tended to stick to infiltration missions rather than combat. The biggest difference between the two of us was that I had been lucky enough to escape before the ‘graduation ceremony’. I managed to move to America and work for S.H.I.E.L.D., choosing to go by Jessica instead of my real name.
Bucky was the only other person on the jet who understood Russian, so he was the only one who laughed along at we slung insults at each other.
“Please, you can’t even flirt your way out of an interrogation.” I scoffed playfully.
“Yeah, and you can’t fight your way out of one!” Tasha accused, a smirk tugging at the corners of her mouth.
“Bullshit! I just killed a man with one leg! I snapped his neck with my thigh, you have to use silly wires!” I exclaimed, smacking my left leg.
“Girls! This is an English only plane!” Clint yelled over his shoulder from the pilot’s chair.
“Sorry, Clint.” We both called meekly, smirking at each other as Bucky laughed to himself.
The rest of the flight was boring and mostly silent, all of us trying to wind down in our own ways. We were almost to the compound when I started fidgeting, I had completely forgotten how tight my tac suit was. It was pretty much the same suit as Tasha’s, hugging my curves in all the right ways, the one difference being that I didn’t have Widow’s Bites like she did.
When the quinjet landed I was the first one to get off, practically running to my room so I could wash the blood off of my body and get ready for a night out.
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Hours later, I was dancing with Wanda and sipping on my bellini when she grabbed my hand and pulled me closer so that I could hear her over the pounding music.
“Someone’s staring at you.” She said, giving me a shit-eating grin.
My cheeks flushed as we subtly turned and sure enough, I locked eyes with the brunette super soldier. I felt myself blush as I smiled gently and gave him a small wave that he returned. I may or may not have a teeny tiny crush on Bucky. I mean seriously, have you seen the man? He’s gorgeous!
“Ask him to dance!” Wanda shouted right before the song that we were dancing to ended.
I laughed, shaking my head at her as I finished my drink. I took a short walk to the table that I had claimed and set down my empty glass as I took a seat, silently watching my friends. Nat was failing at trying to teach Bruce how to dance, Tony and Pepper were huddled together at the bar, Wanda had started dancing with Maria, Scott managed to convince Hope to dance with him, and Rhodey, Steve, Thor, and Clint were all sitting at a table laughing loudly together. Then there was Bucky, sitting alone in a quiet booth, observing the room. He looked like he wanted to join in the festivities, but instead opted for hanging back. I sighed to myself, standing up and smoothed out my sequined skirt, then made my way over to the bar for another bellini before heading over to Bucky’s booth and sliding in next to him.
“Don’t feel like dancing?” I asked him.
“I don’t know how to dance to this kind of music.” He admitted with an embarrassed smile.
My ears suddenly perked up as the song changed to one of my favorites, Happier. I pulled Bucky’s drink from his hand, replacing it with my own.
“Come on, I’ll show you.” I smiled, tugging on his arm as I stood.
He reluctantly followed me onto the dance floor. I turned to him just as the beat dropped, holding in a bit of laughter as he just stood there awkwardly. I raised my hands over my head, bouncing slightly as I swayed my hips to the beat, nodding for him to follow my lead. He watched me for a second before he started awkwardly bouncing along to the beat.
“Have fun with it!” I shouted, grabbing his hands and forcing him to dance with me.
By the end of the song, he seemed to get the hang of it, almost comfortable as he swayed his shoulders to the beat. Another one of my favorites started playing, Weak. Bucky gave me an almost panicked look as the song started off slow. I grabbed his hands, pulling him closer and swaying to the beat before the drop.
I sang along at the top of my lungs as the chorus started, smiling brightly at the man in front of me. My words were cut short as Bucky surprised me, confidently spinning me away from him, then pulling me back to him. My face flushed as my bruised back pressed against his chest, I let out a breathy laugh as I looked over my shoulder at him. From that moment, you almost couldn’t tell that Bucky was a man out of time as we danced together, smiles never leaving our faces as we moved in sync.
When the song ended, I didn’t process the next one beginning, I only noticed how close our faces were with my arms thrown lazily around his neck as his own hung around my waist. Becoming extremely aware of our situation as I stared into his beautiful blue eyes, taking a deep breath and pulled away from him.
“I need a drink.” I said with a half-hearted smile. Turning on my heel and walking back to the booth, allowing my smile to drop.
‘I’m an idiot, why would he ever like me?’ I thought to myself as I emptied my nearly full glass. I looked over my shoulder to see Wanda now dancing and laughing with Bucky. I wasn’t jealous, I knew that Wanda only saw him as a big brother figure and that he only saw her as a sister, but for some reason, him not following me back to the booth hurt.
Sighing, a heavy feeling settled itself over my chest. I decided that my night was ruined, so I grabbed my clutch and slipped outside unnoticed. I hailed a cab and quietly took the long car ride home.
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I stood at the kitchen counter, still wearing my high heels, sequined skirt, and creme tanktop, making myself a cup of coffee. As the brown liquid started dripping into the mug, I pulled my long hair into a ponytail and began to softly sing to myself.
“But I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that I’m weak oh ah yeah-eah-eah oh ah yeah-eah-eah But I’m weak, and what’s wrong with that? Boy, oh boy I love it when I fall for that”
I danced to the song to the song in my head for a little while before I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to hear it again out loud.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. can you play Weak by AJR at full volume?” I called to the AI.
“Yes, Miss Petrova.” She spoke, then played the song.
I danced to the fridge, grabbing my creamer and dancing back to my coffee. I didn’t hear my friends come home as I stirred my drink and then took a long sip, I closed my eyes, humming along to the song.
I imagined dancing with Bucky on the dark dance floor, swaying as if he were there with me, then suddenly he was. My eyes snapped open as his strong arms wrapped themselves around me, gingerly taking the mug from my hands and setting it on the counter, then spinning me around to face him as the song ended once again.
The room was completely silent for what felt like ages as I stared at him with wide eyes, waiting for him to explain himself.
“I think that’s my new favorite song.” Bucky said quietly. My breath catching in my throat as he dipped to rest his forehead on mine.
“Well, I mean, it’s a good one.” I replied quietly, fumbling over my words.
“You know, you make me weak, and I realized tonight that there’s nothing wrong with that.” He said softly, playing off of the words in the song.
My face broke out into a smile so large that it almost hurt. Before I lost my nerve, I draped one hand behind his neck, tangling the other in his hair and pulled his face to me, closing my eyes as his lips touched mine. The kiss was like nothing I had ever experienced before, there was actual emotion behind it, something that I wasn’t used to. I let out a soft content sigh as Bucky’s strong arms pulled me closer, losing myself in the moment and only pulling away when I needed air.
“Ty menya tozhe oslablyayesh'.” I whispered, biting my lip to hold back a smile as I stared at his painfully handsome face.
“V zaklyucheniye!” Tasha yelled from the other side of the kitchen.
I groaned, pulling away from Bucky’s embrace. “Go away!”
“Nope, this is way too interesting. I might just make some popcorn.” She said with a wicked smirk.
“Natalia Alianovna leave now or I swear I will shave your head in your sleep!” I threatened, just wanting to be left alone with Bucky.
“Doubtful, Nadya, you’d have better luck stealing one of Tony’s suits.”
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Bucky leaned casually against the kitchen island, watching the woman he was falling for argue with her so called sister. He shook his head with a fond smile, swearing to himself that he would marry her one day.
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frequent-phases · 5 years
Imagines on the way
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So I want to apologize in advanced for shitty writing, I tore my ACL about a month ago on vacation and haven’t done any writing since. All of these imagines are about Bucky, the poor man deserves some love. Also, I watched the interview that Seb did in Romania and holy shit, there needs to be a fic out there of him teaching the reader Romanian.
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frequent-phases · 5 years
This past year.....
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So it’s been a while...
This last year has been pretty crazy and so much has happened. 
I graduated high school, got my first real job, had the best summer of my life, got a concussion, got a different job (not because of the concussion). I made up with some people, cut others off and had one hell of an emotional roller coaster. Now here I am, six months away from not being a teenager anymore, about to start college. I think I might finally be getting my shit together. I went through these weird few months after my concussion where I didn’t want to read or write, but that's finally changing. I have a laptop OF MY OWN to write with!! 
I want to let you guys know my plans with my stories.
So I have a few different ones in my drafts, but I don’t want to just crank out chapters and then post them. I want to complete a story and make it the best it can be before I publish any of it. As for Fixed, I know where I want to go with the story, but I’m not quite sure how to get there. I might go back and rewrite some of the chapters in both FIxed and Heart so that I don’t screw up future storylines. For now, I’m just going to focus on my new stories.
Another thing that I would really like now that I’m back is to actually talk with you guys. I love hearing feedback! If you like my stories, please tell me, you have no idea how insecure I am about my writing. If you don’t like my stuff, let me know why and I’ll see if I can fix it. If you see any holes in my storylines, let me know and I’ll fix it ASAP.
I appreciate all of you who hung in there. It might not look like I’m on, but trust me I am. Meanwhile, here’s some hints as to what I’m working on...
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Olivia’s powers
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So I’m laying in bed and I can’t fall asleep, so I start to think... can you see Liv’s powers and if so what in the hell do they look like? If you guys don’t know, I am deeply obsessed with Supernatural, seriously, it’s unhealthy. Anywho, I figured that the physical manifestation of Liv’s powers would look like Jack’s power, but white instead of gold. And you know, minus the glowing eyes.
I’m working on the next part of Fixed slowly but surely, it’s been a hella busy week for me so I’ll try to finish it and post it as soon as I can. I love you guys so much and thank you for all of the support and love. ❤️
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Fixed - Part 8
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Last Part | Masterlist
After a very long drive home, I just sat in the Charger, staring blankly ahead of me. I’m not sure how long I sat there before my mom came out and opened my door, taking in my disheveled appearance.
“Come on, honey, let’s get you inside.” She said, holding out her hand for me to take.
“I think there’s something wrong with me.” My throat ached at the effort as I took my mom’s hand. I would’ve cried again, but I’m pretty sure that my body had run out of tears.
“No, sweetie, there’s nothing wrong with you, you’re just special.” She said with a small smile as she helped me inside.
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I sat on my bed in sweats and a hoodie as my mom sat down next to me, holding an old wooden box.
“I think I know what’s going on with you.” She said as I took a sip of my hot tea. 
She opened the box to reveal an old, leather-bound book and a silver bracelet with a bunch of different stones.
“This belonged to your great-grandmother, she was the last psychic in our family, until you, of course.” She said as she gently pulled the bracelet out of the box and slid it onto my wrist. “This bracelet will help you control your powers until you get used to them.”
“Why did I get powers and not you or Grandma?” I asked, my voice hoarse from being strangled.
“Well, when your great-grandmother was pregnant with my mom, the nemeton was cut down. Just like druids, the nemeton gives us our power. Something in Beacon Hills must’ve given the nemeton power again.” She explained.
“My English teacher is a dark druid who has been committing ritual sacrifices to defeat a pack of alpha werewolves that want to recruit Scott, who is also a werewolf." I said and my mom’s eyes went wide.
“Wow. Well, that explains a lot.” She said making a face as a question popped into my head.
“Wait, so why do you not have any powers?” I asked and she sighed.
“Sometimes the ability skips a generation or two and I’m one of those generations.” Mom shrugged before taking the book out of the box. “Now, this book is our family history and the secrets of your powers, it’s almost like a witch’s grimoire.”
We stayed up into the early hours of the morning, talking about my powers and our heritage, that was the best that I had felt since Stiles and I first started fighting.
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I woke up with a start, remembering flashes of my dream vision. Sheriff and Melissa tied up to posts, elevator doors with ‘Argent’ painted in red, Scott walking away from Stiles with Deucalion at his side and Derek giving up his alpha power to save Cora’s life.
Pushing the images to the back of my mind, I got out of bed and made my way to my bathroom to brush my hair. I decided that I was too tired to put on makeup or wear heels, so I settled for a pair of skinny jeans and a maroon shirt that Scott had left. I pulled on a pair of brown riding boots and put my family’s book of secrets in my bag before I made my way downstairs where there was a plate of french toast, a cup of coffee and a note.
‘I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk more this morning, I got called into the office early today. I hope you enjoy your breakfast and PLEASE don’t take off your bracelet.
-Love, Mom.’
I quickly ate my breakfast and gulped my coffee before gathering my things and practically running out the door and driving to the Argent’s apartment, proudly displaying the black and blue line across my neck.
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I followed Allison into Argent’s office, where most, if not all, of their weapons were out on display.
“I thought you guys were retired,” I said and Argent smiled at me.
“Retired, yes, defenseless, no.” He said as he looked through the scope of one of his many guns, I heard a very familiar laugh. “Liv, Stiles, I want both of you to keep your phones on. If you hear from Scott, you let us know.”
“Wait, Scott’s actually with Deucalion?” I asked and everyone looked at me.
“Yeah. How did you know?” Allison asked and I blushed, pulling my book out of my bag.
“Apparently I’m a psychic,” I stated causing the Argent’s to gape at me and Stiles to scoff.
“Psychics were thought to be extinct.” Argent said.
“The last psychic in my family was my great-grandmother.” I said with a small smile.
“So what? You read people’s minds or something?” Stiles scoffed, earning a glare from the Argents.
“That’s a myth.” I told him, as Argent turned towards the door.
“I can’t shoot a gun or use a crossbow, but I’m getting pretty good with these,” Isaac said, flicking out his claws.
“Alright, Olivia, Stiles, you two go to school, talk with Lydia, see if she can help. Isaac, you’re with me and Allison.” Argent said and I nodded, heading out the door. 
The elevator doors were just sliding shut when Stiles stepped in with me. The tension was so heavy that you could cut it with a knife and it was killing me, so I decided to break the silence.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?” He huffed.
“Everything. I shouldn’t have acted the way that I did when you told me you knew how I felt. Last night, I just said that stuff cause you didn’t want me to meet up with Logan, I don’t want to sleep with him. And most of all, I’m sorry that I couldn’t save your dad.” 
After a few moments of silence, Stiles did something very unexpected. He pulled me into a hug.
“You don’t need to be sorry. I’ve been really hard on you lately and it’s not fair to you.” He said before holding me out at arm’s length. “Liv, you almost died last night, I saw you try to save him and all I could do was blame you. I’m the one that should be sorry.”
I smiled at him and he smiled back for the first time in weeks. We were finally okay.
“So, you’re a psychic?” he asked and I laughed.
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“Aiden isn’t texting me back.” Lydia huffed as we rushed through the halls with Stiles, who suddenly stopped.
"Okay, well maybe we could just, we could go over there and-” Lydia began, only to be cut off by Stiles` phone vibrating. As soon as he began to read the message, I noticed his hands beginning to shake.
“What?” Lydia asked. Stiles was quiet for a few moments, letting Lydia and I draw our conclusions.
“Oh god, what is it now?” She asked as I continued to watch my best friend like a hawk.
“It’s from Isaac .” He began, pausing to wrap his head around the words on his screen. “Jennifer, she took- she has Allison’s father, she took him. She’s got all three now.”
His hands began to shake more as he put his phone back into his pocket. His breathing began to pick up and I was immediately at his side as he nervously wiped his face and spun in a circle.
Lydia was talking but I wasn’t paying attention as I tried to assess just how bad this panic attack was going to be.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?” Lydia urged as put my hand on his shoulder, feeling him tremble.
“He’s having a panic attack.”
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The three of us fell into the boy’s locker room. Lydia rushed ahead as I guided Stiles to sit against a row of lockers. When I couldn’t hold him anymore, Stiles crashed into the metal and fell to his knees as I kneeled across from him, barely aware of Lydia somewhere behind me.
“Breathe, Stiles. Remember how we used to do it?” I said, grabbing his shoulders and exaggerating my breathing. “Deep breaths, in and out.”
“I-I can’t, I can’t.” Stiles panted, clutching his chest with tears forming in his eyes.
“Stiles, look at me.” I grabbed his face in my small hands, forcing him to look up at me.
I’m not exactly sure what came over me, but I surged forwards pulling his face closer to mine, closing my eyes as I gave Stiles my first kiss.
I have no idea if it lasted for hours or seconds, all I know is that it could’ve lasted forever and I would have been perfectly happy. I slowly became aware of Stiles’ hands creeping up to cradle my waist and pull me even closer.
Stiles began to kiss me back and I realized just what I was doing. It felt so good, the way his lips melded with my own, the way he gripped me and pulled me closer to him. It was so good, so perfect, but I couldn’t keep kissing him if he didn’t feel the same way I did, so I forced myself to pull away.
My heart soared when my eyes slid open, seeing Stiles’ eyes closed, lips still slightly puckered as he continued to grip my waist as if it were his lifeline. His eyes slowly opened as I pulled my hands away from his face, lowering them to my lap.
“Wh- how’d you do that?” Stiles whispered shakily.
I hesitated, trying to think of something to say that was far from the truth as he continued to hold me close to him.
“After your mom died and you started having panic attacks, I read somewhere that holding your breath stops a panic attack. When I kissed you, you, uh, held your breath.” I half lied as I stared nervously at my hands in my lap.
“I did?” He asked and something in his voice made me look up into his watery eyes.
“Yeah, you did.”
As the words left my mouth, Stiles’ face contorted in a way that I hadn’t seen since his mom died. He was trying not to cry.
“Thanks. That was really smart.” He smiled and I blushed, returning my gaze to my hands.
Stiles finally released me from his bruising grip and moved his feet from under him. I followed his lead, keeping myself from looking at him as I tried to make myself feel less awkward. Little did I know that his eyes kept flicking to my face, his gaze holding the same longing that mine often did.
“Well, if I were really smart, I would tell you to sign up for a few sessions with Morrell.” My sad attempt at a joke left me biting my lip and trying to remember how his felt on my own.
“Morrell.” Stiles said, making me look up at him once more. I could see the gears in his head working as he pieced things together that only he noticed.
Suddenly he was on his feet, grabbing my hand and pulling me behind him as he raced through the halls. We were almost to Morrell’s office when I heard Logan shouting my name behind us.
“Go. I’ll catch up.” I told Stiles, removing my hand from his.
Stiles nodded to me as he and Lydia started running to the Guidance Office again.
“Hey, Logan.” I said as he came to a stop in front of me, suddenly aware of how scratchy my voice sounded.
“What happened?” He asked, gently raising his hand touch the black and blue on my neck.
“It’s, uh, it’s nothing.” I looked at my shoes.
“I was so worried about you last night. Stiles showed up and you weren’t there.” Logan put his finger under my chin, forcing me to look at him. When he started leaning in, I panicked and took a step back.
“I-I’m so sorry, I can’t do this. I can’t lead you on, not when I’m in love with someone else.” Hurt flashed across his face before it softened.
“It’s Stiles, isn’t it?” Logan asked.
“How-" I began, but he cut me off.
"Anyone can see it, the way that you two look at each other. It's clear as day that there’s something between you guys. You should’ve seen the way that he defended you last night.” He laughed, brushing a stray strand of hair behind my ear, letting his hand rest there. “I guess I was just hoping that I had a shot with one of the most beautiful girls in school.”
I smiled up at Logan, leaning up on my tip-toes and kissing his cheek softly. I leaned back to see his sad smile, then I ran off to Morrell’s office.
I was about to open the door when Stiles and Lydia burst through it, almost knocking me over.
“It’s the Nematon. That’s where she's keeping them, it has to be.” Stiles rushed, putting his hand behind my back to guide me along at their fast pace.
“That makes sense! That’s where I draw my power from, she probably does too.” I said, spotting Scott’s dad at the end of the hallway.
“Olivia! Stilinski!” He called, rushing towards us.
“Ah, f-” Stiles began but stopped himself as he turned to face Lydia, “All right, look, go to Derek, okay? He and Peter, they’ve been there before, so they’ll know where it is. Tell them its the root cellar, all right? They’ll know.”
Lydia nodded and ran off as Agent McCall came to a stop in front of us.
“Been a long time, Olivia. It’s nice to see you again.” He said and I snorted.
“Wish I could say the same.” I crossed my arms.
“Did you know your dad’s car is in the school parking lot and has been since last night?” Agent McCall asked Stiles.
“No. What does that mean?” Stiles asked.
“It means he’s officially missing.” He said before ushering us into an empty classroom.
I hopped up onto a desk and Stiles stood beside me as Agent McCall leaned against the teacher’s desk.
“Stiles, why am I getting the feeling that you know something that could help us find your dad?" 
"If I did, why would I not tell you?” Stiles asked, grabbing my hand out of nervous habit.
“If it meant helping your dad, why wouldn’t you?”
“So you’re telling me to tell you what I wouldn’t not tell you?”
“First, I have no idea what you just said. Second, how about you just help me help you?”
“Well, I don’t know how to help you help me tell you something that would help you if I don’t know it.”
I suppressed my laugh as Agent McCall cocked his head.
“Are you doing this on purpose?”
“I don’t know anything, okay? Can we just go?” Stiles asked and Scott’s dad shook his head.
“What about you, Olivia? Where’d you get that bruise on your neck?”
“Boyfriend and I like to play rough sometimes.” I winked.
Agent McCall looked at Stiles and me, then down at our hands before blushing and changing the subject.
“Where are your other friends?”
“You mean Scott?” Stiles asked.
“I mean Scott, I mean Isaac Lahey, Allison Argent, these twins Ethan and Aiden. I’ve been told you’re whole little clique didn’t show up today.” Agent McCall said, pulling out a notebook and reading off names before flipping it closed and putting it back in his pocket.
“We don’t have a clique.” Stiles said, growing more and more irritated.
“Stiles, Olivia, come on. There’s been a pretty disturbing amount of violent activity in this county in the last few months, several murders tied to this school. I don’t know whats going on here, but it’s serious. And… hey.” Agent McCall said, lowing down to our eye level to get out attention. “Your dad is missing, Stiles. Olivia, you were strangled.
When Stiles and I said nothing, Agent McCall stood up, defeated.
"Fine. But I don’t want either of you going home alone. Are either of your parents home, Olivia?”
“No, my dad’s in Greece and my mom is going to be practically living in the office until this case is settled.”
“Do you two have someone you can stay with tonight?”
“They’re with me,” Deaton called from the doorway.
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“It has to be on a telluric current, or maybe even at the axis of two, or where they all intersect. I just know it's where Derek took Paige to die.” Stiles said as he leaned against the operating table in Deaton’s clinic.
“My dad and Gerard were there once. But Gerard said it was years ago and he couldn’t remember where it was. And my dad obviously isn’t here to tell us now.” Allison said, leaning next to Stiles.
“Yeah, mine either.” Stiles sighed.
“Then how do we find this place?” Isaac asked from behind us.
“There might be a way. But its dangerous.” Deaton spoke up as he stopped pacing to look at us. “We’re gonna need Scott.”
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The operating table was removed from the backroom and replaced with three metal bathtubs, filled with freezing water, ice and mistletoe.
Scott, Stiles, and Allison shared their meaningful items and the story behind it. Everyone was quiet for a moment until Deaton began to explain the next part of the process.
“Okay, the three of you get in. Each of us will hold you down until you’re essentially, well, dead. But it’s not just someone to hold you under. It needs to be someone to pull you back, someone that has a strong connection to you, a kind of emotional tether.”
I nodded at Deaton’s words and started moving towards Scott.
“Olivia… you go with Stiles.”
“Are you sure? I mean, Scott and I both have to go under.” Allison asked.
Deaton didn’t say anything, but Allison and Isaac gave each other a look. Isaac got nervous quickly and looked at Scott, as if for permission.
“It’s okay.” Scott assured them.
Scott, Allison, and Stiles took off their shoes and jackets and stepped up to the tubs. Stiles looked back at me and I pulled him into a hug, perching my chin on his shoulder so that I could whisper in his ear.
“Come back to me. To us.” I whispered, quickly pulling back and nudging him towards the tub.
The three of them got into the tubs and submerged themselves up to their necks. Shivering, Stiles looked at Scott, hesitating to tell him something.
“By the way, if I don’t make it back and you do, you should know something. Your dad’s in town.”
Scott fought back whatever emotion he was feeling and looked forward, preparing himself for going under.
I put my hands on Stiles’ shoulders and waited for Deaton’s signal before pushing my best friend into the freezing water. I watched Deaton until he pulled his hands off of Scott, Isaac and I following his lead, leaving our friends on the verge of death.
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Tags - @edward-lover18, @sailorchibimoonunicorn, @roscoes-backseat, @25kitkat, @iloveteenwolf24-blog, @edguffin & @sarasmismyonlydefence
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Hey, guys. I just wanted to let you know that I'm trying to post from my phone and tablet while I work on getting a new computer, so I'm sorry if things don't look the same. I did change some things in the last part of Fixed, please check it out. I can't wait to share the rest of Fixed and some other series that I have in the works!
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frequent-phases · 7 years
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Honestly, it’s was EVERYTHING 😍😭💕
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Happy birthday!!!!💕
Thank you so much!!
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frequent-phases · 7 years
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I'm an adult!! I'm sorry I haven't been very active, but I'm working on a super top secret thingy that I hope y'all will like! 😙
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Can you pleaseee tag me in 'Fixed'???? :)
Yes I can!
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Can I be tagged for fixed please??
Of course!
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Can you tag me in fixed please
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Fixed - Part 7
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A/N: There is a lot of point of view changing… sorry. If anyone wants to be added to or deleted from the tag list, just let me know, I love talking to you guys!
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I sat in the Jeep in the parking lot of the hospital while Stiles was inside, still trying to convince his dad that the supernatural was real. I sighed as I checked the time for the sixth time in six minutes.
“Come on, Stiles. I’m gonna be late.” I muttered before I flipped down the mirror to check my makeup. I sighed at my less than perfect bun and decided to let my hair down, fussing with it for a while, before checking the time yet again. 
I was about to call Stiles when he practically ran out of the hospital, towards the Jeep. He got in and started it, peeing out of the parking lot, not saying a word to me.
“Stiles, what’s wrong?” I asked as he urged Roscoe to go faster.
“We need to get to the recital, like, right now.”
“Finally, I have to meet up with Logan, like, now.” I huffed, earning a glare.
“The next sacrifice is going to be there.” He said as he anxiously tapped his thumbs on the steering wheel.
“So does your dad believe us yet?” I asked and he gripped the wheel harder.
“No.” He said tightly, ending the conversation for the rest of the ride.
From: Logan ♡
Meet me in Harris’ room
I stared at my phone with my eyebrows pulled together until Stiles parked and practically fell out of the Jeep, and ran to the auditorium doors, but stopped in his tracks when he heard the clicking of my heels getting quieter. 
“Where are you going?” He asked, rushing over to me.
“Logan wants to meet me in Harris’ room.” I said, turning to walk away, stopping as Stiles grabbed my arm and spun me back around.
“And you’re seriously gonna go?” He asked harshly.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Why wouldn’t-” He said but cut himself off. “Liv, he wants to have sex with you!”
“So? He’s hot, maybe I want him too.” It wasn’t a complete lie, he was hot, but I didn’t want to sleep with him, not when I was still annoyingly in love with Stiles.
“And here I thought you were smart.” Stiles scoffed.
“Excuse me?!” I shouted.
“He’s just gonna hurt you.”
“You have no right to talk about him hurting me when you’re the first one to break my heart. So if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go lose my virginity to the hottest guy in school.” I fumed, strutting away.
Anger was still bubbling in my gut by the time I reached the room that Harris used to teach in, I opened the door to find the room dark and empty, I was about to walk out when I saw something move in the shadows.
“Hello?” I called out nervously. 
“Hello, Olivia.” Miss Blake said as she stepped out of the shadows and hit me over the head with a strength that should’ve been impossible.
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Stiles POV
I slipped into the auditorium and moved to stand next to Scott. My eyes narrowed as I caught sight of Logan getting out of his seat and walking towards us.
“Where’s Olivia?” He asked and I scoffed.
“Like you don’t know.”
“No, I really don’t know. She said that she was catching a ride with you, but then you guys were late and I lost my phone so I can’t get ahold of her and-” I cut off his rambling.
“Wait, you lost your phone?” I asked and he gave me a confused look.
“Yeah. What does that have to do with anything?”
“Shit.” I muttered before bolting out of the auditorium with Scott hot on my heels.
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Liv’s POV
My vision was hazy and I could feel the blood running down my forehead, I tried to reach up to feel my wound, but I was stopped when my wrists strained against something.
“You know, Lydia was my first choice, but you and your friends have her protected a little too well.” Miss Blake said as she toyed with something that my eyes wouldn’t let me focus on. “But you, I can practically feel the power that you have. You are going to be a big help in what’s to come.”
“What are you talking about?” I mumbled as she continued to play with whatever was in her hands.
“You and your friends call them sacrifices, but you’re not understanding the word. It’s derived from the Latin word sacrificium, an offering to a deity. A sacred rite. A necessary evil. You are, sadly, part of that necessary evil.” Miss Blake said and it finally clicked, she was the darach.
“Stop, please.” I whimpered.
“Oh, I wish I could, but you don’t know the alphas like I do.” She said as she stood up and moved behind me.
“No, please, no.” I cried, despite knowing that she wouldn’t stop.
“You aren’t a necessary sacrifice, but your death won’t be in vain. With power like yours, I could take down the alphas before they even knew what hit them.” She said as she pulled something over my head. 
My eyes went wide and I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I realized that I would be another tri-fold death. I fought against my restraints, trying desperately to delay the inevitable.
“Olivia, stop!” Miss Blake said as the string began to tighten. I closed my eyes, wishing with all my might that Scott would find me.
I felt something like a tugging in my gut and when I opened my eyes random objects around the room had begun to float.
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Scott’s POV
I was following Stiles to the main entrance of the school, but I slowed to a stop when I couldn’t see Stiles or anything that I had just been looking at. Instead, I was a dark classroom with a bunch of things floating around.
“Help me! Please, someone help!” I heard Liv shout before it all faded away to reveal Stiles right in front of me.
“-ott. Hey, Scotty.” He said, lightly tapping my cheek. “What just happened?”
“Liv, she’s in trouble.” I said before we both began running again.
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Liv’s POV
“Unbelievable. You have no idea what you are, do you?” Miss Blake asked, dropping the string and moving to stand in front of me as all of the objects fell to the ground. “A psychic, right before my eyes. You’re just like me, Olivia. Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it. It’s too bad though… and too late.”
In the blink of an eye, she was behind me once again with the string around my throat tightening.
“One last philosopher.” She said as I felt something cool and sharp against my neck. I was about to give up hope when I heard Sheriff.
“Drop it!” He shouted and my eyes finally let me focus on him aiming his gun at Miss Blake.
Next thing I knew, the knife that had been pressed against my throat was embedded in Sheriff’s shoulder causing him to drop his gun and fall to the ground. I was trying to gather the energy to do something, anything to help him when I heard Scott’s deafening roar.
In all honesty, the next few minutes were a bit of a blur, knowing that Scott was no match for Miss Blake, I tried to make everything float again. Nothing happened until Sheriff was being lifted up by the knife that was still lodged in his shoulder.
“Stop it!” I shouted, feeling the tugging in my gut again as every sharp object lifted up and flew at Miss Blake, yet she managed to catch them all. Once the tugging went away, I slumped over in my chair, all of my energy draining away.
I barely registered the sound of glass shattering or Stiles calling out for his dad or even being untied from the chair, the only thing that seemed to process was Miss Blake calling me a psychic.
My eyes lolled open and managed to focus on Scott in front of me as he gently pulled the garrote over my head. Behind Scott, Stiles was still standing at the window staring ahead with a blank look on his face and for some reason this made me start crying again. I tried to stand to comfort him, but I collapsed, falling into Scott.
“I’m so sorry. I could’ve done more, I should’ve done more.” I cried into Scott’s shoulder as he gently sat down on the floor, pulling me with him.
“Liv-” Scott began, but Stiles cut him off.
“No, you’re right. You shouldn’t have even been here in the first place. If you hadn’t been trying to get laid, none of this would’ve even happened!” Stiles shouted, finally looking at me.
“Stiles! How could you even-” Scott was cut off again but by me this time.
“He’s right, Scott.” I said as I pulled away from him. “I’m just gonna go.”
I stood up slowly, my legs wobbling the whole time. I went to take a step, but my heel slid on the tile floor and I came toppling to the ground. Scott, of course, rushed to help me, stopping short when I held up my hand, signaling that I didn’t want help. I pulled off my heels and got up again, even slower than the first time, and stumbled to my car, feeling completely exhausted and humiliated.
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Tag list - @edward-lover18 @sailorchibimoonunicorn @25kitkat & @roscoes-backseat
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Fixed - Part 6
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I was asleep, I had to be, there was no way that this could be real. 
“This was my game.” Stiles said, but he wasn’t Stiles, he was pale with dark bags under his almost black eyes, which held a crazed look. “You think you can beat me at my game?”
I took a step back in fear as the man that I love took a step forward, glaring at me with a murderous gaze.
“Divine move? Divine move? You think you have any moves at all? You can kill the Oni, but me? Me? I’m a thousand years old, YOU CAN’T KILL ME!” He shouted as he grabbed me by the throat and pinned me against the cool wall of lockers with a twisted grin.
My eyes flew open as I sat up in my bed, grabbing at my throat, trying to claw the non-existent hand off of me. It took me a minute to get my bearings before I realized that my phone was ringing. I wiped the sweat from my forehead and answered it, not bothering to see who was calling.
“Hello?” I said, trying to calm my breathing.
“Liv?” I heard Scott asked, picking up on my heavy breathing. “Allison just called me, she wants us to meet her and Lydia at the school.”
“Alright, I’ll meet you there in a few.” I said as I hung up and wiped the sleep from my damp eyes.
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Scott, Stiles and I pulled into the school parking lot at the same time, the three of us rushing to meet up with Allison and Lydia.
“Lydia?” Stiles asked and I ignored my clenching heart.
“Are you okay?” Scott asked, pulling me off to the side.
“I’m okay, it was just a bad dream.” I said, scrunching my eyebrows as Scott started to sniff me. “Uh, Scotty, what are you doing?”
“You smell different.” He muttered as he continued to smell me.
“I didn’t have time to put on perfume if that’s what you mean.” I said as he finally pulled away from me, looking very confused, then turning his head to our friends’ conversation, then to over my shoulder.
“How are we supposed to find the dead body? You’re always the one finding the dead body.” Stiles exclaimed as I followed Scott’s eyes.
“Guys. I found the dead body” Scott said as we stared at Tara’s broken figure.
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I walked into school after a night of almost no sleep and immediately spotted Stiles trying, and failing at hiding behind a pole while watching to his dad. I stood on his right side with my arms crossed, knowing that he wouldn’t notice me.
“Morning, Stiles.” I said, making him jump and look at me with wide eyes, before returning his attention to his dad.
“What are you doing? I thought you weren’t talking to me.” He asked in a bored tone.
“I thought that I would call a temporary truce for Tara. She was always nice to us when we were waiting for your dad” I said with a small smile, hoping that he would accept, even though I was still mad.
“Fine, truce, but only for Tara. I’m still mad at you for the whole saving Scott thing.”
“Good, and I’m still mad at you too.” I huffed as I saw Sheriff glance at us before excusing himself from the group of people that he was talking to. Stiles quickly turned to walk away, covering the back of his head with his backpack, but his dad was already on us.
“Hey! Hey, hey, hey, back it up.” Sheriff said and Stiles deflated, turning to look at his dad. “I know what you’re thinking. I know you’ve got all these ideas about patterns and people dying in threes-”
“Dad, murdered, okay? Sacrificed, actually.” Stiles exclaimed.
“I’ve got half the state, including the FBI, coming in on this. They’re not getting away with killing one of our own.” Sheriff said and Stiles shook his head.
“Dad, they killed Tara.” Stiles said, sighing “You know, how many times did she help me with my math homework when I had to wait at the station for you?”
Sheriff hung his head and put a hand on Stiles’ shoulder, “Just, uh, get to class, okay?”
Sheriff walked away from us, looking visibly defeated. I turned my attention to Stiles’ frowning face, grabbing his wrist with a sad smile.
“I have to meet up with Logan before first period, but if you need to talk, I’ll be there.” I said and he nodded, refusing to look at me as I walked away.
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“Idioms, analogies, metaphors and similes, all tools the writer uses to tell their story.” Miss. Blake said as she walked around the classroom, pausing at Lydia’s desk, where she was sketching the same tree that she had been drawing for weeks. “Lydia, I wasn’t aware that you had so many hidden talents.”
“You and every guy I’ve ever dated.” Lydia said, pausing her movements to look up at Miss. Blake with a snarky smile.
“Oh, um, well, that was an idiom, by the way.” Miss. Blake said with an uncomfortable smile before continuing her lecture. “Idioms are somewhat of a secret to the people who know the language or the culture. They’re phrases that only make sense if you know key words. Saying ‘jump the gun’ is meaningful only if you know about the starting gun in a race.”
My mind drifted from a lecture so boring that it could rival Mr. Harris, to my nightmare. I had a feeling that even after we figured out who the darach was, more bad would still come to Beacon Hills. I also couldn’t shake the knot in my gut that had formed after my nightmare, the same one that kept growing every time I looked at Stiles and caught a glimpse of evil him.
After class was over, Scott grabbed my hand pulled me out of my seat and through the halls, Stiles following closely behind.
“Guys, what are you doing? Logan was supposed to walk me to class.” I whined, fighting back a yawn.
“We need to talk to Ethan, all three of us.” Scott said.
“Okay, can we take our time? I really don’t feel like going to P.E.” I said, making the boys laugh as they continued to pull me along.
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“Why are you even talking to me? I helped kill your friend. How do you know I’m not gonna kill another one?” Ethan asked, glancing at me.
“Are you looking at her? Are you threatening Liv? You know what I’m gonna do? I’m gonna break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and shove it up your freaking-” I cut Stiles off, grabbing his arm and pulling him back as he started to get in Ethan’s face. 
“Woah, calm down, Mi. We have a truce, not a blood oath.” I said and he sighed, leaning against the wall once again, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, making the butterflies that I’ve grown to despise flutter about my stomach.
“We’re talking to you because I know that you didn’t want to kill Boyd. And I think that if something like that happened now, you wouldn’t do it again.” Scott said, drawing Ethan’s attention away from Stiles and me.
“You don’t know what we owe them, especially Deucalion. We weren’t like Kali and Ennis when we met him. We weren’t alphas.” Ethan said.
“What were you?” I asked softly.
“Omegas.” He sighed. “In actual wolf packs, the omegas are the scapegoat, the last to eat, the one who has to take the abuse from the rest  of the pack.”
“So you and your brother were the bitches of the pack.” Stiles summed up, earning a glare from Ethan.
“Something like that.” he said tightly.
“What happened?” Scott asked right as my phone dinged.
“They were killers.” Ethan said with a shaky breath. 
I pulled my phone out of my pocket and smiled at the message that Logan had sent.
From: Logan ♡
I missed you before class xx
To: Logan  ♡
I’m so sorry, things 1&2 pulled me away before I could do anything.
From: Logan ♡
Lol, it’s ok. Would you want to go to the recital with me tonight?
To: Logan ♡
I would love that
From: Logan ♡
Perfect, is it okay if I meet you there?
To: Logan ♡
Sounds good, I’ll see you tonight x
I looked up when I heard Ethan gasp in pain, grabbing his chest.
“What? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Scott asked and Ethan shook his head.
“Not me, my brother.” And then we were running again.
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I managed to pull myself away from Scott and Stiles, not really caring about what happened to Aiden. I was walking the halls deciding whether or not I should just skip and go home to sleep when I felt a hand grab my arm, I gasped and turned around, my hand ready to slap whoever grabbed me, but I stopped short when I saw Stiles and a bleeding, brooding Cora.
“What happened?” I asked, dropping my hand.
“Aiden happened.” Core muttered and Stiles rolled his eyes.
“I’m going to take Cora home, why don’t you come with? You look like you’re about to fall asleep standing up.” He said and I was about to protest when I yawned.
“Okay.” I said as I followed them to the Jeep.
I was almost asleep in the backseat when Stiles’ phone started to ring. 
“Yeah?” I heard Stiles answer.
“I know what the next two patterns are. Philosophers and guardians.” Allison said, slightly out of breath.
“Philosophers?” Stiles asked.
“And guardians, which after last night has to mean something like law enforcement, right? Stiles, you have to tell your dad. Tell him whatever you need, but you have to get him to believe. Tell him. Warn him.” Allison urged and I decided to sit up as Stiles glanced at me in the rearview mirror.
“Okay, okay, okay, I know.” Stiles said and hung up the phone.
“What are you gonna do?” Cora asked in a tone so soft, I almost believed that she wasn’t a Hale.
“I’m gonna tell him the truth. And I’m gonna need your help.” He said, glancing at me again. “Both of you.”
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I was curled up in the corner of Stiles’s bed fighting off sleep as Stiles paced his room, making Sheriff look more annoyed by the second.
“Yes! Ah!” Stiles began, turning to his dad, but then stopped and looked at his hand. “No.”
“Stiles?” Sheriff asked in his I’m-running-out-of-patients voice.
“Dad, I’m sorry, okay?” He said as he moved to stand in front of his dad. “I’m just- I’m trying to- I’m just trying to figure out how to start.
“Hey, I don’t have this kind of time.” Sheriff said with a stern look.
“Um, for the last year, you’ve had all these cases that you couldn’t figure out, right? I mean, all the murders with Kate Argent, and then Matt killing all the people that drowned him, and all these murders right now. It’s like, it’s like you’ve been playing a losing game.” Stiles said, looking like he was hyped up on Adderall again.
“Bad start, Mi.” I muttered, seeing Cora smirk out of the corner of my eye.
“Stiles, the last thing I need right now is a job performance review from my own son.” Sheriff said, looking increasingly annoyed as Stiles scratched his forehead.
“I know. But that’s just it, Dad.” Stiles said as he grabbed his chess set. “The reason that you’re losing the game is because you’ve never been able to see the whole board. I need to show you the whole board.” 
While Stiles was color coding his chess pieces and naming them all, I fell asleep. It was inevitable, I was running on three hours of sleep, but I really wanted to avoid another nightmare. But of course, unlucky me, I had another one.
Stiles was sitting on the bed of an MRI machine, looking surprisingly calm despite the hospital gown and the nervous tension in the room.
“It’s called frontotemporal dementia. Areas of your brain start to shrink. It’s what my mother had. It’s the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers. And there’s no cure.”
Then my dream shifted to Stiles, stabbing Scott in the gut with a sword before my eyes flew open to Cora falling on the floor.
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frequent-phases · 7 years
Fixed - Part 5
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A/N: I would like to introduce you to Austin Butler as Logan Mason!
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It had been a whole week since I had my fight with Stiles and it was clear to everyone that I was ignoring him, but no one knew why neither one of us had breathed a word about our fight. 
I decided that I was going to keep trying to get over Stiles, but not in the same reckless way that I tried before. I was going to be smart about it. Rub it in his face the way he did to me.
I strutted down the hall with confidence that I had never felt before. All eyes were on me for the first time and it felt great. My heels clicked against the tile as I stopped in front of my locker, grabbing everything that I needed for my first few classes. I slammed my locker door shut to find the cute senior that I had winked at on the first day.
“Hi.” I said and he gave me a nervous smile.
“Hey, I’m Logan and you’re Olivia, right?” He asked and I cocked my head, clearly confused about how he knew my name.
“How do you-” I began but he cut me off, his nervous smile growing even wider.
“You’re one of the most popular people in school, it’s kind of hard not to know your name.” He said and we both blushed.
“Everyone calls me Liv.” I said, my smile turning shy.
“Well, Liv,” He exaggerated, making me giggle, “Are you free Friday night?” 
“As a matter of fact, I am. Do you have anything in mind?” I asked, twisting a strand of hair around my finger.
“I was thinking that we could grab a bite at Jack’s and then maybe some bowling?” He said with a questioning tone.
“That sounds amazing.” I said, reaching into my bag to grab a piece of paper and a pen, writing down my number. “Text me.”
I gave Logan one last smile over my shoulder as I strutted off to first period.
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I was minding my own business, texting Logan as I walked through the halls when Cora Hale decided to snatch my wrist and drag me into a random science room with Lydia and Stiles. I refused to acknowledge Stiles’ presence as I gushed to Lydia about my date on Friday.
“Can we please get over the teenage gossip and start saving people?” Cora asked in a dry tone. I looked up at the younger Hale and shot her a glare before I glanced at Stiles who was pulling a ouija board out of his bag.
“A ouija board?” Lydia ked, raising her eyebrows at him.
“Also called a spirit board, and it’s worth a shot.” Stiles said as he set up the board, setting the planchette upside down.
“A shot in the dark.” I muttered as I texted Logan.
“Could you guys just try it, please, okay? Let’s not forget who this is for. Scott’s boss, the guy who has saved our collective asses on more than one occasion.” Stiles said as Lydia flipped the planchette the right way.
“Not mine.” I muttered, causing Stiles to glare at me. At this point, I was doing everything I could just to disagree with him.
“Oh, wait do we all have to do this?” Cora asked and Stiles nodded awkwardly.
“Yeah, yeah.” He said as they all reached out to place their hands on the planchette, but I held up my finger to signal them to wait, quickly finishing my text. 
“Really, Liv? People are dying and you’re texting some guy?” Stiles asked and I huffed as I set down my phone.
“Fine, Stiles, you have my full and undivided attention for a stupid ouija board.” I said sarcastically, venom lacing every word as I put my hands on the planchette with everyone else.
“You guys ready?” Stiles asked, receiving two yesses and a ‘whatever’.
“Where’s Dr. Deaton?” He asked and his question was followed by silence as we all started at Lydia.
“What?” She asked and Stiles hesitated.
“Aren’t you going to answer?”
“Oh, I don’t know the answer. I thought we were asking some sort of spirit.” Lydia stated as she looked at all of us.
“Well, do you know any spirits?” Cora asked and I facepalmed so hard that the sound echoed through the empty room.
“Is she for real?” Lydia asked Stiles as I picked up my phone again.
Stiles put away the ouija board very spastically and awkwardly before pulling out Deaton’s keys.
“Okay, these are Deaton’s keys from the clinic. Close your eyes and I’m gonna put them in your hand and then we’re just gonna see if you can feel out for his location. It’s called psychometry.” He said, still holding up Deaton’s keys.
“I’m not a psychic.” Lydia told him as she played with her fingers.
“You’re something! Okay?” Stiles shouted, spazzing out as he did so, causing the keys to shake along with him as Cora and I rolled our eyes. “Just, Lydia put out your hand.”
Stiles dropped the keys into Lydia’s open hand and she jumped, letting out a startled noise.
“What?” Stiles asked right away and Lydia looked at him.
“They’re cold.” She said simply causing Stiles to give her a look like she was crazy.
“Lydia, concentrate, please. We’re trying to save lives here. For the love of God.” Stiles muttered and Lydia rolled her eyes before closing them and concentrating on the feel of the metal. After a few moments she furrowed her eyebrows, I glanced up to see Cora and Stiles leaning forward before Stiles broke the silence.
“What is it? What do you see?”
“Nothing...” Lydia trailed off, opening her eyes and shaking her head as she dropped the keys on the counter.
Stiles let out an exasperated huff, snatching Deaton’s keys from the counter, replacing them with a notebook.
“Automatic writing?” Lydia asked and Stiles nodded causing Lydia to huff before taking the pencil from him.  Instead of writing, Lydia began to sketch.
“L-Lydia, what are you doing? What, what is that?” Stiles stuttered. 
“A tree.” Lydia mused as she continued to draw.
“A tr-” Stiles said, but cut himself off. “Lydia, you’re supposed to be writing words, like in sentences, something like a location, something that would tell where he is!” Stiles shouted and I rolled my eyes at him.
“Well, maybe you should’ve specified.” I said as I tried to win the emoji war that Logan had started.
“Isn’t she supposed to be some kind of genius?” Cora asked. Lydia said as she continued to sketch her tree.
“Genius? Yes. Psychic? No. Honestly, I don’t know why you’re even bothering with me anyway. Especially when it’s obvious you should be talking to Danny.” Lydia said as she continued to sketch her tree.
“Wait, what? Why Danny?” Stiles asked, his head whipping up from where his gaze had rested on the table. At that same moment, Scott stepped into the room, holding his shoulder, blood seeping between his fingers.
“Because last night, he was a target, but he wasn’t a sacrifice.” He said and we all rushed out of the classroom.
“But isn’t Danny still in the hospital?” Cora asked as we stepped out into the busy hallway.
“Yeah, that’s where we’re going right now.” Stiles said and I stopped in my tracks, making everyone else stop out of curiosity.
“I’m not.” I said and everyone looked at me like I was crazy. “My dad’s coming home from Thailand tonight and I promised him that I’d make dinner.”
“Can’t you just do it another time?” Cora asked and I scoffed.
“No I can’t ‘do it another time’, he leaves again tomorrow night.” I said making air quotes and Cora gave me a look. “Okay, say I do postpone it. What am I supposed to tell him? ‘Hey Dad, sorry I can’t do dinner tonight, I have to help my friends stop a dark druid from ritually sacrificing people’?”
“Well...” Stiles began and I threw my hands up.
“You people are ridiculous!” I shouted as I stormed away.
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