asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
( Promoting @askthepromokids ! Go follow me and the crew! )
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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Gift get!!!
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
I desire you sexually
Ay? (Erm... what the scallop?)
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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(Mod Pydra here to provide the goodies)
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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(Rp based thing that happened on discord ouo)
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
( @splatcurioshop )
Mirio had been worried about Goggles since he heard from the sea anemone that he had "gotten caught".  Caught?? and missing for weeks. Mirio couldn't just text the guy, he'd given Goggles his number after all, not the other way around.
Almost getting a tentacle torn off, getting tricked into buying the hellspawn stuffed creature Mirio had found, coming to Mirio about planning on taking the fall for something and going to jail, the video of Goggles attacking one of the squid sisters and now the kids in the hospital after almost freezing. Mirio had brought some fruits. Those were things you give others at hospitals, right? Guilt fruits.
There were so many questions Mirio wanted to ask this guy. What were you thinking? What exactly are you doing here in Splatsville? the SQUID SISTERS??? Where were you!!! Just what were you up to to get just this level of frozen you ended up in the hospital!! Did they hurt you??  None of these were appropriate at the time.  
Deep breath. Smile,  even if it's just a small one.
" Hey, kid.  You feeling ok?"
Goggles looked deeply disturbed. It showed on his face. He couldn't feel anything at all, but for some reason he could also feel a sheer amount of fear. Fear and anger. He backs up in his hospital bed, looking like some sort of cornered animal. Whatever happened messed up something inside his brain. This wasn't the Goggles everyone knew and loved.
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
The hospital kept hibernation patients in a room of a perfect 70 degrees fahrenheit. It was enough to let their bodies adjust from frigid temperatures to comfortable warmth. The hospital wasn't really packed that evening. However in room 405 Goggles lay resting on a bed with heated blankets and hooked onto machines to help regulate his internal ink temperature. He was quite a lucky guy because his ink had become a slushy like consistency when he arrived a couple weeks ago, a deadly condition when the internal temperature drops more than expected. It was now 2.5 weeks later. Goggles was blinded heavily by the all too familiar lights of the hospital room. He still felt very chilled but it wasn't as bad as when he was in Alterna, buried under 4 feet of snow. But... He didn't feel like himself. He couldn't pinpoint why, but he awoken in a greatly panicked state. He wasn't quite sure why he was back in a hospital. He couldn't remember why he was there in the first place. What had happened was now gone.
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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A zapfish sits idly waiting for her owner to return...
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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you guessed his kill switch, anon.....
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
Mirio and Goggles playing tableturf (-@asktheblueidiot)
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Mirio STILL has no idea how to play
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
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He was freezing cold. His metabolic rate was slowing down a considerable amount. The "snow" in Alterna suddenly felt softer than usual.
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The blue inkling, looking around to make sure he was safe, buried under the "snow". Closing his eyes, he drifted into a deep sleep.
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
You're free Goggles!! are you still coned??
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asktheblueidiot · 2 years
The chains suddenly break, the inkling's beak had finally grinded the metal to virtually nothing.
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The bars that held him in the cell could be swum through with his swim form.
Goggles escapes the prison.
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