solitudx · 9 years
Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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solitudx · 9 years
• younger canon x older canon. • one is the imaginary friend of the other. • clones. • one is the multiple personality of the other. • twins. • one is the conscious of the other. • one from the future sent back in time to help the other. • one from the past sent to kill their future self. • one is a specific emotion of the other. such as their ‘happiness’ or their ‘rage’. • one is the guardian angel of the other. • one is light, one is dark. • hero side, villain side.
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solitudx · 9 years
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“But why? You aren’t the person to lie, right’ttebayo?”
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            “She has a fear of losin’ me to someone else,                or somethin’. I keep on tellin’ her that I’m               her’s yanno?”  
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solitudx · 9 years
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“Why is the pretty pink lady yellin’ at big me?”
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solitudx · 9 years
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“That’s not true! Everyone wouldn’t be talkin’ about it’ttebayo!”
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   ‘ Eh? No that’s because- It’s reall nothing of interest you know? ’
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solitudx · 9 years
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solitudx · 9 years
“What’s a ‘nude’, why is everyone getting ‘em and can I have one?”
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solitudx · 9 years
I’m only human                           I’m only human and I bℓeed                                           and I crαѕн  when I fall down                        and I break down
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solitudx · 9 years
“But..I’m not sick..“
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solitudx · 9 years
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“Twin it is then!”
-[He rests his hands in the elder’s hair, resting his chin on top of it as they made their way to the ramen shop.]-
“...I’m glad I met you, even if you’re me. I won’t be alone anymore and maybe everyone will stop calling me a ‘thing’ if I have a friend...”
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              “Why don’t’cha call me twin, or big me!? I think that                works better?” 
                             he said, making sure his twins legs                             were secured so he wouldn’t fall. 
                                   “–off we go!!! Hang on tight! Don’t wanna drop ya!                                         Cause if I do, I’ll get brain damage too!!” 
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solitudx · 9 years
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“Okay-teba! Nii-san! Still kinda weird, but not as much.”
-[With more happiness and hope than he’s had before, Naruto climbed on the older blond’s back, hooking his legs over his shoulders.]-
“To ichiraku ttebayo!”
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             “Big bro! Dad is a lil’ too much, especially cause you              are me and I am you, yanno? So lets get some ramen,              I’ll treat ya as usual. Hop on mah’ back!”  
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solitudx · 9 years
“That sounds awesome!! I can’t wait! I’m actually kinda hungry right now. Can we go get food..?”
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“Hmmmmm, does that make you my big brother, or my dad now...?”
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             “Lil’me! YOU are the best!! You are gonna grow up                to be the most badass shinobi in the world! You                best believe I’ll raise ya and love ya and feed you              ramen all the time-ttebayo!!! Speakin’ of which,               you are gonna have a ton of a friends too!”  
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solitudx · 9 years
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-[You better believe he practically clung to his older self, grinning wide.]-
“You’re the best!!”
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           “Are ya seriously askin’ me that question!?                    Come here Lil’me!!” 
                              he said, spreading his arms out for a hug. 
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solitudx · 9 years
“Big me..? Can I stay at your house for kids too ttebayo..?”
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solitudx · 9 years
nothing breaks my heart more than seeing naruto as a child
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how dare they isolate this little kid and make him feel alone
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he just wants a family
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sure, he’s sometimes dumb
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and immature
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but he’s so determined to make the world recognize him
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because he just doesn’t wanna be alone
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which is why these guys mean so much to him
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seeing him smile like that just makes me so happy
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solitudx · 9 years
"I don't mind just try and keep up.." He mutters before walking ahead with an small smile on his face
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“Of course I can! Lead the way!”
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solitudx · 9 years
"Of course we're friends right..?" Sasuke asked while his face turn red but shook his head to calm down
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“Of course we are! I just never had anyone say something like that to me tebayo...S-so can I come with you? Please?”
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