soloconfe-blog · 10 years
10 things I am thankful for
1. Finally being able to officially start toward my teaching certificate. 2. New beginnings in new places. 3. A man that loves me dearly and shows it daily. 4. Freedom in Christ. 5. Co-workers who are also friends and make work a joy. 6. Provision for all of my needs.  7. Growing pains. 8. Realizing I have grown so much in the past few years, and feeling satisfied with where I have come. 9. Great books. 10. Yoga.
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
The best candy shop a child can be left alone in, is the library.
Maya Angelou (via bookporn)
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
I saw you today. It made me feel like the world was spinning on the right axis again. I know we're perpendicular lines: our paths crossed once (it was glorious), but they can't again. I am learning to be okay with that.
I saw you today. You saw me, too. I felt bad, because I knew we would see each other and I thought you did too, but I don't think you knew. I'm sorry if I threw you for a loop - I didn't mean to. But thank you for smiling and looking at me like someone you could be friends with. Someday.
I saw you today. You were more handsome than even I remember. I looked at you more than I should have. It's just...I've felt like I'm forgetting what you look like, and that feels so wrong. I needed to remember. But I made sure not to stare...not like I used to.
I saw you today. You were so nice and polite and kind like you are. But you were quieter than you were. You seemed troubled, lost, crushed beneath some invisible weight. I wanted to lift it and lift your head and look you in the eye and tell you all the things I never got to say. I know so many things have decided to rest on your shoulders, in your head...I guess I'm up there somewhere, too. I can't be the one to save you, but I want to. I desperately do.
Do you know it takes all my strength to stay away from you? To deny it when everyone tells me maybe one day you'll come to your senses, you'll change your mind, you will suddenly love me? Don't they know that "we" died that night in your car? Don't they know how hard they make this? Don't they understand we're perpendicular lines?
On this long road of mine, you were my favorite intersection.
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
"Then the time came when the risk it took to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom." (Anais Nain)
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
Sometimes what we think we really want, we don't. Sometimes what we think we want, we really don't. Sometimes what we think we love, we don't. And I am blind I cannot find the heart I gave to you
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
Sometimes what we think we really want, we don’t. Sometimes what we think we want, we really don’t. Sometimes what we think we love, we don’t.
Ingrid Michaelson (via saccharine-musings)
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
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Baños, Ecuador by Diego Jamman Cordova
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
This song right now. </3
Nobody said it was easy It’s such a shame for us to part Nobody said it was easy No one ever said it would be this hard Oh take me back to the start
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
I'm doing much better, but tonight I just really miss him a lot.
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
How odd, I can have all this inside me and to you it’s just words.
David Foster Wallace, The Pale King (via audreydejarnette)
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
The Jeopardy of Contentment - What Made Milwaukee Famous
So there you left me standing to fend for myself however But I'm holding up I'm pulling through I'm not sure what else you expect me to do But I won't deny that I'm taking it hard I'm taking whatever's available to me You see, that's just the way I deal with grief
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
Black & Blue & Me & You
The Last Day was the first time
I saw your heart bare as you broke mine
You’d called it such ugly words
I didn’t understand
It was beautiful
All purple and black and blue and
Red, like crimson
The color of a bright life
A brightness that I thought I saw in your eyes
I saw in your eyes what you couldn’t see
When you looked back into me
The tear that finally rolled down your cheek
Will shine on the broken piece of me that I keep
Like a trinket, in my black and blue heart
A souvenir of the abstract art of
The everyday gore of living and learning to love
  You are beautiful
  I cannot say it aloud to you anymore
So remember what I said before the trap door
Swallowed up my words and my eyes and my heart:
  You are beautiful
You are bright
You are loved
You are art
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
Scare Away the Dark - Passenger
We wish our weekdays away Spend our weekends in bed Drink ourselves stupid And work ourselves dead And all just because that's what mom and dad said we should do
We should run through the forest We should swim through the streams We should laugh, we should cry We should love, we should dream We should stare at the stars and not just the screens You should hear what I'm saying and know what it means
To sing, sing at the top of your voice Love without fear in your heart Feel, feel like you still have a choice If we all light up we can scare away the dark
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
I will never regret or apologize for loving people with my whole heart.
I know that loving broken people will break my heart over and over. Days like I've had this past week, I may think I can't do it anymore...that I don't want to...but this is what You created me for. This is who I am...who You are in me. And You are the reason I can keep going, keep breaking, keep standing back up, keep breathing, keep loving unashamedly. 
I've felt like an empty shell this whole week. Hollow. Spent. Dark. But You are already pouring back into me.
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
Most emotional soundtrack moment on Grey's Anatomy. And also a great song on a sad, rainy day.
Ingrid Michaelson - Keep Breathing
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
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Grass Leaf Pens by Zeup now in the Colossal Shop. 
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soloconfe-blog · 10 years
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