soloroleplayer 9 years
Scene 4: A reveal
脴 Scene: Tobias meets the Squat Officer in a trendy bar, it is fairly busy. 脴 Check for alteration, 7 no. Tobias sat in one of the quieter corners of the bar, sipping a soft drink he had slipped some of his infinite flask into. Fortunately the bar was packed enough that the barman hadn't noticed. He waited for roughly an hour for the officer to appear in the bar in plain street clothes. Neither she nor Tobias really looked like they fit in at this particular bar but no one seemed to bother them. She sat across from him, looking him dead in the eye. "So you have questions. Shoot." Tobias steeled himself, the squat had an almost piercing look about her. It was clear she definitely did not trust him, it wouldn't take a detective for that analysis. First thing first, Tobias wanted to know why the latest victim's brother Den was nowhere to be found. 脴 Does she know about the motel being closed down? 50/50 脴 88, Exceptional no. 脴 Not only that but random event! 19, NPC action. 脴 5 npcs so far, rolling 1d10 and halfing it for which NPC. 3, Den Haver. 脴 Event Meaning 97, 17. Transform the spiritual. (I'm going to need a minute to work out what the fuck that even means) "Did you know the motel the latest victim's brother was staying at is derelict and has been for some time?" Tobias queried, attempting to match her glare. "Sorry what?" Her gaze broke, clearly as puzzled as he was "No, our unit moved him there. I think we're even still covering the costs." "I can promise you, it's been trashed for some time. Someone in your unit's a bullshitter." The human sighed, perhaps this wasn't as strong a lead as he had hoped "How about this, do you know who filled in the cas-" And with that he was interrupted. "Excuse me?" A small voice piped up next to the table, Tobias looked down and there, of all places, stood Den Haver. "Cassie told me to meet you here, sorry for my lateness" The brown scaled Kobold added, taking a seat next to the Squat. Tobias was, of course, suitably confused. "So..." The human was having trouble getting his words out, let alone fully comprehending where this man that he had spent the whole day trying to track down had come from "What??!" The Squat, Cassie, cocked her head "I expected you would have wanted to question him so I called him along to our little meeting, is it a problem?" "Let me just get this straight, you had no idea where he actually was but you... Had his number?" Tobias was noticeably upset by this revelation, why had he not tried the simple concept of just calling the damn guy "Where in the hell have you been?" The human uttered, eyeing up the Kobold before him. 脴 Did the officers take Den somewhere else? Very likely. 脴 37, yes. "The officers took me to this small building on the east side of town?" The Kobold looked at Tobias as if he were an idiot "They told me to hole up there until I got further word. It wasn't too bad to be honest, I spent the time reading about Bahamut our lord and saviour" Oh great, a religious nut, thought Tobias, a fresh convert at that. "Although to be honest I'm glad to be out of there, it was getting lonely." The Kobold added. Tobias was more than puzzled with this response, if they had moved him to some other safe house why would they have put down the motel in the case file? And then gone ahead and told other people in the force that's where they put him? This case was seeming more and more unbelievable by the minute and he was still no closer to working out where people were going. "Listen uh, Cassie was it?" Tobias finally spoke after a brief period of introspection, he looked to the Squat "Who in your unit filled out this case report?" 脴 Does Cassie know who filled out the case report? Very likely 脴 44, yes also time for another random event. 脴 73, PC Positive. Event meaning 51, 2. Overindulge Dreams. "Why yeah, it was Peterson. I think he's working late this evening you know." Cassie mused, swirling her drink in her hands. "Uhm, sorry sir?" The Kobold piped up again, clearly timid from this human being really quite aggressive for seemingly no reason "I'm going to guess this is about my brother's disappearance?" Tobias nodded, focusing on the Kobold again. "Listen, since my brother's gone missing I have had these reoccurring dreams. Every night since the officers took me into custody I've had visions of pure terror. I've had so much trouble sleeping since then." Den almost had a thousand year stare at this point, it was as if he had seen so much in such a short period of time "I tell you this only because well... Before Rodney disappeared he described similar visions. It almost drove him to suicide." Tobias stood, finishing his drink. He placed his hand upon the Kobold's shoulder "I'm... Really sorry." He sighed "I'll do what I can to find out what happened to your brother." Cassie stood also "You're going to the station I take it?" She pulled out a set of keys "I'll give you a ride, I won't lie you've ignited my drive to see this case finished." And with that, they were off.
End of scene, chaos factor up by 1. Add Thread: Officers hiding something. Change character: Cassie, Squat Officer. (It occurs that earlier in the scene I messed up and added in a random event when I shouldn鈥檛 have. It worked out really well so I left it in but just so you know my bad.)
0 notes
soloroleplayer 9 years
Scene 3: The Police
脴 Scene: Tobias questions the local force who had abandoned the case, the precinct being as run down as the rest of the area 脴 Modifier check, 1! 脴 Rather than run down, the precinct is in great condition almost pristine. 脴 Mythic test, is the precinct in considerably better condition than the rest of the area? 50/50 脴 85, exceptional no. The "precinct" so to speak is actually a small outpost almost completely destroyed by local gangs. The precinct has few officers who seem to have all but given up. Tobias Rein approached the almost destroyed building before him, almost doubting the directions given to him by a local. The station, no the outpost, was a building in tatters. Perhaps it was once in good condition and possibly even well staffed, that would have been before gang violence and criminal activity took over the neighbourhood. The building was half comprised of shanty-like repairs, with pieces of scrap metal and boarding covering wrecked parts of the outpost. 脴 Is the outpost currently manned? Very likely. 脴 7, exceptional yes! The station appeared to have all officers in full force, bustling around the wrecked building. The investigator entered the building with very little issue, it appeared as if everyone around was simply too busy to care about him or his business. He approached what could only be described as a front desk, though it appeared to just be a kitchen table with a young woman sitting at it filing paperwork. 脴 Is the clerk friendly towards Tobias? 50/50 脴 91, exceptionally no. As he approached the desk he could immediately feel the hostility coming from this woman. He would have to work to her rules if he wanted to get anything from this encounter. "And what do you want?" She snapped, looking up from her paperwork at the man before her. She spotted the case file in his hand, immediately standing up she added "I'm not discussing that clusterfuck of a case before you even start." 脴 Charm test, can Tobias bring this woman around to his cause? TN 15. 脴 Tobias spends one Drop to add 1k0 to the roll, rolling 6k3 on a charm test. 4/5 drops remaining. 脴 Holy crap result 41. He chats her up good. "Oh c'mon" Tobias grinned to the woman, placing the case files upon the desk "I only want to ask a few questions and I'll be on my way. Don't you want folk to stop disappearing aswell?" The woman, a Squat, seemed almost taken aback by the man's flippancy. It seemed to Tobias as if she was about to come out with something harsh before sighing "Listen, I'm incredibly busy just now. But..." 脴 Mythic test: Does she know anything about the case? Very likely. 脴 60, yes. She wrote down something on a piece of paper "I get off at 6. Meet me there, bring no one. Mention to no one that we spoke. Deal?" The investigator nodded, picking up the piece of paper and scooped up his case files. It looked like he had a date. With that he was off, ready to finally get some answers.
End of scene! Somewhat chaotic, rank up to 4. Add Thread: What were the police so busy about?, add character Squat Officer.
0 notes
soloroleplayer 9 years
Scene 2: The mystery motel
脴 Scene: Tobias questions Den at the motel 脴 Setup, roll 1d10, 6 no modifiers.
Tobias arrived at the motel with little to no issue, folk stayed out of his way as much as he tried to stay out of theirs. The motel itself was run down, much like the rest of the neighbourhood. The artificial light the station provided was running at considerably less than full capacity, occasionally flickering and generally being a darkened mess. 脴 Perception test, can Tobias see Den outside? TN 15. 脴 12, fail. 脴 Mythic test, is anyone outside? Somewhat likely 脴 97, Exceptional no. It appeared to Tobias that not only was the motel almost completely deserted, many of the rooms appeared to be boarded up. It seemed as if the motel was entirely derelict and out of business. Undeterred however, Tobias made his way to Den's listed room. Hopefully he was in luck. 脴 Mythic test, is Den in the room? 50/50 脴 47, no due to chaos factor. Tobias approached the listed room, praying to all the gods he was aware of that his lead would be somewhere in the room. He knocked on the boarded door, hoping to receive some form of response... None. After multiple times the human hit his head against the door, snarling in frustration. "Why in the hell..." He muttered, trying the handle just in case. 脴 Mythic test, is the door unlocked? 聽Unlikely 脴 5, yes! Finally a win, the door swung open under his weight kicking up dust revealing a room devoid of life. Tobias coughed, bringing his shirt up over his mouth while the dust settled. The moment it did, he set to work searching the room for any remnants of Den's time here, if he did spend time here at all. 脴 Mythic test, does the room look lived in? Likely 脴 73, no. As he searched the room he found that it certainly hadn't been used in quite some time, this did not add up. Why would the room be listed as Den's current abode when it was clearly out of use for some time? Why would it be unlocked if no one had been in there for some time? Where was Den? Tobias decided to check the office of the motel, to see if he could gain any more information from that. 脴 Mythic test, is anyone in the office? Unlikely 脴 43, no. 脴 Mythic test, is the office open? Somewhat unlikely 脴 66, no. He knew from the moment he began to approach the office that is was completely empty, not only that but it was completely boarded up with no signs of life or entrance. The investigator sat against the wall of the building, opening the hip flask in his coat pocket. He leaned his head back as he took a long sip of brandy, he had come to enjoy the poor quality liquor over time. An old friend of his had enchanted the flask to never run out, but had cursed it with the worst possible quality of brandy he could come by. As such, he would always have a cruel reminder that while his cup could runeth over he should always be wary as the contents may not be worth his time. He stood, brushing himself off as he did. It appeared to him that the only way forward with this lead was to ask the local police whom made the case report, perhaps there was an error in their filing.
End of scene! Chaos factor down by 1(eep), add character "An old friend" to list, add Thread: Derelict Motel to list.
0 notes
soloroleplayer 9 years
Scene 1: The Beginning
The game begins with Tobias Rein, tired in his office. The young detective is bored, having not investigated a single case in the past two weeks. The human's office was cluttered and disorganized, various case files strewn about the place and week old takeout boxes littering the area. The quiet was a pleasant break in the hustle and bustle of Sigil, more often than not ruined by the sheer chaos of the universe. As all good things this quiet came to an end abruptly.
脴 Main thread: Investigate disappearances on Space Station Theta
He was a stressed young Tau, obviously inexperienced in dealing with folk of Rein's calibre. His entrance was quiet, beginning with a timid knock and opening the office door. "Mr Rein? I represent Space Station Theta, my name is Javier Solana. My bosses are looking to uhm... Hire you?" The Tau was clearly unsure in his tone. "Theres been a series of disappearances on our station, my bosses would like to offer you five thousand credits to well, investigate." This concept didn't sit well with Rein, cases only came to him when the cops had no interest. "Seven thousand, plus expenses." Rein put forward, generally he was quite a pleasant person but he had long since learned to be hardline with anyone offering him work, they tended to lowball. "I can't promise more than what I've offered but I think we can make that work. When can we expect you?" "Tonight."
脴 Scene; Tobias searches the latest crime scene, it is a dank apartment in the poor part of town. ((Finally rolling some fucking dice)) Tobias arrived at the crime scene of the latest incident, he always believed he worked better when at one of these; Something about the memories in the walls spoke to him in a way a sterilised hotel room couldn't. In his hand rested the case files the local police had put together before declaring the case unsolvable, a terminology used when the cops either didn't care enough or were being paid off to stop giving a damn. First thing was first, to search the property. 脴 Roll perception, TN 20 to find anything of note. 脴 12, fail. This particular scene seemed to have nothing to give Tobias in terms of clues, as far as he could tell there was nothing marking this scene apart from the rest. He sat in the empty chair of the latest victim, sighing and looking over the case files again to see if there was anything relating the victims. 脴 Mythic test, does anything link the cases together? Somewhat likely. 脴 24, yes. Reading over the case files it appeared to him, almost spelling it out entirely. All of the victims so far were linked, each victim had been taken from the poor sector of the station where the workers, serfs and other second class citizens were housed. This raised more questions than it answered however, who would want these people gone? And to what aim? In order to gather more information, he looked into the latest victim some more, checking over this particular victim's files. 脴 Mythic test, does the victim have any family nearby? 50/50 脴 33, yes! Also, random event! 脴 Random focus result: 78, Ambiguous Event 脴 Random Event Meaning: 90, 61 Failure Death The case file noted that the victim, a Kobold by the name of Rodney, had a brother living in the same apartment, going by the name of Den. He was currently housed in a local motel while the investigation took place. The case also noted a particular detail, that the victim had recently attempted suicide and was undergoing psychological evaluation at his place of work. 脴 Perception test, to try and find anything out of the ordinary in the files. TN 15. 脴 26, two raises. 脴 Mythic test, is there anything else special in the case file. Very unlikely, due to two raises on perception test increase to 50/50. 脴 52, failure. No other major features were noted in the case file for Rodney, it quickly became clear to Tobias that the next step would be to speak to the victims brother, Den. 脴 Scene complete, chaos factor down by 1. Add characters Rodney and Den Haver into the list. Add Thread: Kobold Suicide Attempt
0 notes
soloroleplayer 9 years
The Experiment
Having found a system that allows for completely solo pen and paper roleplay experiences I have decided to have an old fashioned fuck about with it. I鈥檝e decided to start a blog to document the game because it occurred to me that I have basically been just writing fiction.
So yeah, to begin with I鈥檒l be playing Dungeons the Dragoning solo using the Mythic GM Emulator game as my GM.
Wish me luck, don鈥檛 want to fall too far down the rabbit hole.
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