A story about Friendship
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English is my second language, so bear with me.
Four years ago, my mom went to visit her best friend. So, this friend of hers had been feeding a stray cat for a while, and the cat had that summer given birth to six kittens. Since she was a stray cat the kittens were born outside, with no help from humans and was now running around with all kinds of infections and diseases. That’s why my mom’s friend had decided to call the vet and have them come and euthanize the kittens. Now my mom was there that day to comfort her friend because they were both huge animal lovers, and her friend was really sad she had to get rid of the kittens, but they were so sick, she had no choice. It would have been way too expensive to treat them all, and since they were living outside they would just have gotten sick again later.
My mom and her friend were sitting out on the porch, waiting for the vet, when this really tiny kitten whom couldn’t even see came and lay herself down by my mother’s feet. And my mom, being the kind-hearted woman that she was, decided to take the kitten home and save it. It cost her a lot of money and a lot of trips to the vet, but three months later the kitten was healthy and even gained her sight back! But she was still very shy, the poor thing, and didn’t get along very well with my mom’s other cats. Still, she bonded and formed a very strong bond with mom, and was named “Vennskap” (Norwgian for “Friendship”). Vennskap was so shy that every time mom got a visitor she would run downstairs and hide under the bed and was terrified of anyone that wasn’t my mom. At the same time, she was the sweetest cat I have ever met. She never bit, and always slept right next to my mom at night. The two would have Tv-sessions on the couch and Vennskap followed my mom everywhere.
Now, three months ago my mom suddenly passed away. One of her cats had already been living with me for about a year in a different city, and the other one hallway-lived with my aunt a block away from my mom’s house. I remember a day after I got the news about my mom thinking what would happen to Vennskap? She had been outside when my mom died, and we didn’t really know how many days she had been dead when we found her, so we had no idea where Vennskap was. I travelled back to my home town that same day and immediately went down to her house to look for the cat.
I was just about to give up when she suddenly popped up from under the porch. I still remember seeing that tiny cat, still very small for her age, with those big green eyes, that beautiful gray and white fur, sitting there on the end of the porch looking terrified. But just as I moved to catch her she ran away. The next one and a half months, me and my aunt tried every way possible to catch her, but she was just so shy, we had no chance. We put food and water out for her every day, but for every time we saw her she was getting thinner and thinner. Finally, my aunt called the vet, and they came with a cat trap so we could capture her, and it worked!
I took Vennskap with me to home and was going to give her to a friend of mine whom wanted a cat. I was so afraid that she would never bond with another human again after my mom, but then a magical thing happened. My friend couldn’t take her right away, so she had to live with me for a few weeks. At first, she hit every place she could and the only times she came out was when she was hungry. But after a while she became more confident. She started to sleep on the couch, and even let me pet her. Now, she sits on my lap and purrs and watches TV with me, and she has gained her weight back. I fell so in love with that little cat that I couldn’t give here away, and I have never been happier with any decision in my life. We have formed a special bond, much like she did with my mom, and she has learned to trust me. Saving that cat is one of the best things I have ever done, and I feel so much closer to my mom now. It’s like a little part of her lives on in my relationship with her cat, in the way that we have both been lucky enough to feel the love of a tiny creature that has been save twice from certain death. And I know it sounds a little bit crazy, but Vennskap takes some of the pain from losing my mom away, and I feel like I owe her my life just as much as she feels she owes me hers.
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