somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“Thank you. I was offered a job here teaching kids how to play instruments for free. The concept was too beautiful to pass up,” he told her. “Oh? What do you do?”
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That’s a pretty cool idea actually. How did you choose Aspen of all places? It was a vacation. It is a vacation! I’m most likely going back to Hawaii after that, gotta continue working.
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“Have you ever thought about going into advertising? You have a knack for picking the right words.”
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I’m on a hot streak, I’ll cool off once the ice reaches my roots.
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“I’m sure the two go hand in hand. Considering you’re the one that mentioned it, could it be that you’re projecting your wish to sacrifice a few virgins onto me?”
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“is that the sacrifice of virgins as well, or is that something different? — okay, this just took a dark turn and i can’t stop thinking about it. this is your fault.“
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“Mm, you are right,” he agreed. His song was drawing to a close. A lonely ‘A’ was struck on the violin and held there as the piano took the reigns. As the sultry chords died down, the violin dropped down into another long C-flat on the G string, as a final cry to the world. It had once filled him with jubilation to hear that ending, but now, all it brought to him was distaste. Much too childish. “I suppose I’m just coming to terms with that last bit, the getting over it part. Can’t say it’s too pleasing.” Rose gave a short laugh then after. “I’m sorry for holding up your time with my mess, miss.”
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Whilst the male before her continued to try to get his point cross, the brunette woman kept her mouth shut in order to get to grips with exactly what he was saying. A small breathe of reassurance escaped her as she finally caught wind of what he was trying to portray across to her. Nodding, she took it in before taking a moment to respond. “I see. Well, that happens. We change, as does our view of what’s important, same as what we consider talent and what we are proud of. Just means you keep working on something else, It’s never going to change, so it’s something you learn to be a part of life. We get over it.”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
It filled Rose with immense joy to know that he had made Isaac as speechless as he sometimes felt when the other spoke.  He let the man go on his tangent, fully focusing on his words rather than the sounds of his long forgotten melody in the background. “Do you think I’m trustworthy or altruistic?” he inquired finally, after waiting an appropriate amount of time from when Isaac had finished his statement.
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“You know a study in California found that people who blush lots are more trustworthy and altruistic than those who don’t,” he wiggled with the frames of his glasses, pushing them firmly up his nose, “if that makes you feel better about things, which you know, it shouldn’t really, because blushing is unconscious and hereditary apparently, just a stress mechanism and not a sign of a particularly good person.” He stopped, shifted uncomfortable and stiff suddenly in his seat. “Sorry, I ramble when I don’t know what else to say.”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
¶ Warm for the Winter Time || Rose & Kaseem
A date? That magnificent stranger, Kaseem, had skipped the whole gameplan Rose had with other males. The composer was great at making friends, and only from this point did things happen. The man just vaulted over that first hurdle. Then, Rose made a habit of getting to know the person. He spent time learning everything he could about them, absorbing every bit of information given to him like some sort of sponge. Kaseem took a big swerve away from that one as well. Finally, Rose propositioned them for any sort of queer-platonic to slightly romantic activities. This step, by far, had to be the other male’s favorite part of the process considering he jumped right on that one. What was Rose to do with someone like that? Someone who was all spontaneous energy and charm? He was doomed.
Rose’s entire upper body was warm, pulses of heat flowing from his cheeks. Specifically, his right cheek, the one that Kaseem had planted a chaste kiss on before they parted ways for the hour. The prospect of the date proved to be a nice method of revitalization as well. He managed to get his forms from the studio, do the best he could with cleaning his apartment, and spark up a full conversation with the nice lady who lived adjacent to him about whether or not he looked presentable. After some helpful advice and accepted suggestions, Rose made his way down to the apartment lobby and sat in the chairs nearest the door. He held his cane in one hand against his thighs as they bounced with anxious excitement. The other hand adjusted his shades every few moments.
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
Rose was completely taken aback by the question. He was being asked out on a date by a stranger in an elevator, and the thought was both surprising and enticing. “I'd say you’re hitting it in the right ballpark. I have to get some things from the studio I work at and then I’m free, so we could always meet back here?”
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“No, but I use the gym here. I’m staying in this really bad motel. It’s cheap so I guess it works. Hey, I like your cheeks a little red, and this is probably a long shot, but what are you doing later?”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
The pun elicited a healthy chuckle from Rose. “I wasn’t aware I was in the presence of the true pun king. I obviously came ill-prepared.”
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Lance made them cool, I made them ice cold.
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“That’s comforting to know,” he said honestly. “If you keep it up, I’m not sure my cheeks will be able to relax. So, Mr. Sweet Talker with the nice voice, do you live in this complex?”
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“Nothing I can’t handle.” Kas smiled at Rose. “Rose, beautiful name to go with the person I’m looking at. Guess so? If you like it I’ll definitely make sure to do it, if I get to see that smile.”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“Is he now? I’ve never seen him, so I had no idea. That was a fantastic pun, by the way, intentional or otherwise.”
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Lance Bass made frosted tips cool, man. He’s the living embodiment of them.
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“It’s not too serious of trouble is it?” he asked in genuine concern. “My name’s Rose. Tell me, are you always this flirty in the evenings? Because this is definitely something I could get used to.”
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“It’s going okay, but I just ran into a bit of trouble. I’m Kaseem, what about you beautiful, what’s your name?”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“Wonderful, actually! Thank you for asking. How about yours?”
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“Hey there, you having a nice day?”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“I don’t know...Twerking is a skill that can only be acquired after sacrificing something to the great deity of booty. Bouncing sounds way easier.”
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“your definition of dancing clearly differs from mine. bouncing is the new twerking, didn’t you know?”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
“I don’t get the reference, but I’m assuming he also has frosted tips?”
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This one goes out to you, Lance Bass.
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
Rose stepped closer to where the voice was coming from, tentatively reaching forward to caress the side of his face first. “The captain was in a fight. Was it about stolen booty?” he asked with a smile, running his fingers up the same side and bringing his second hand up to map the man’s face. When he finally felt the eye-patch, he smiled even brighter. “Oh you weren’t kidding! You really are a pirate.”
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“I’m fine, the other guy is just as bad so that makes me feel better. Ayay mate! Just make sure to not rub it too hard, it still hurts a bit. Don’t mind the other scars on my face.”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
Blood pooled in darker shades along his face, neck, and the tips of his ears. All that was said was making him feel like putty, and he wasn’t even sure if Isaac knew what it all meant to him. “No no don’t, uh, apologize,” he tried. God, was he being confusing. He shook his head to try and get his body to cool down before he became a tomato. That was the phrase, right? “Maybe you feel it because you see a part of me I can’t anymore.” His fingers rolled over the half moons his nails had left in his arm. “And maybe I needed to hear that it still existed.”
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“Sorry, you bring out the worst in me,” he replied, and it probably could have been taken for teasing, but Isaac was genuinely apologising - sometimes he struggled a little to understand the implied meanings in things. “I was just being honest though, your very essence is in this piece, the way you move, the way you hang your head in that set of notes… there…”
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somnolentrose-blog · 9 years
He nodded. “I had all of my things shipped here beforehand, but I felt it would be more symbolic of I started the year off in a new city. My flight arrived around one in the morning,” he told her. “I’m positive Aspen will miss you greatly. Do you have any idea where you’ll head next, or was this just a spontaneous vacation?”
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“You came on New Years day? That’s an unusual day for traveling. I’m staying for about a month. Maybe. Actually I haven’t bought a return ticket yet so I’m kind of going with flow. And I’m really liking it here so whenever I leave, I know I’ll have a hard time.”
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