sonadowwiki · 3 hours
”Hard work” no one prompted you to do. You did this for entertainment and I don’t think anyone online is entitled to any type of “respect” or “fairness.” She got whatever from you. You and other fans got whatever from Sonic franchise. Commissions and all. Pretty sure founders of the franchise "worked hard” on that, but you don’t see them whining about it. It’s a chain. There is no originality. If you’re so hellbent on it, try taking it to court, which I doubt you’ll have a real case with. I’d rather do this over involving others since I’m the one with the main problem. 
“Fairness,” laughable. Since when was there ever real fairness in life, let alone the internet? Last time I checked, none. 
Why do I care? Why do you get to care and I don’t? That’s the implication I’m getting. I’m not the one who posted and pinned this long post pinned a long “awareness” post about it against one specific person all because you didn’t get what you want and couldn’t rely on the clout you already have. “Admitted” injustice from her? Okay, let me clarify and admit you both straight up suck in different ways. For her it’s not exactly the same way you’re thinking, though it’s not about Sonadow. I’m neutral about the ship. For you, I think you get the idea.
If you think my way of expressing opposition which I’m sure anyone can be harsher about is “aggressive” “rude,” and “gaslighting,” you’re clearly exaggerating. Turn off anonymous asks if you think I’m "insecure" and that it’s indecent having an opposing opinion and someone like myself can suspect that you seem like the type to start some more petty awareness raising against me because of my oh-so indecent opinion because I’m not one of those who are willing to kiss your behind over anything pathetic like this. 
Your answer shows what kind of person you are. All you're doing is just pushing the blame on everything else to try to justify yourself and your actions despite still being a coward and hiding behind being anonymous. Whether we have them open or not, still shows that you chose to be a coward and attack someone without trying to get your reputation ruined. You cared so much about reputation that you can't even fight us head on with a name attached through your own choice.
We do fight for what the company actually wants, whether you know that or not. And unlike the video creator, we make sure to credit everyone on the wiki. We put every link, and even link fan artists that are shown in images connected to officials. So unlike what you're trying to claim, we do respect the company and others by trying to credit each person fairly.
If you choose not to be fair, even on the internet, then that shows that you don't want to take that effort to be a decent person. You even coming out of your way to bully and harass someone in anonymous messages shows that you're not a decent person. You're just selfish in your own way and want to justify what fits your narrative. Someone like you defending people isn't a good look and nothing you said proves that her actions are not unjust.
Instead of answering the question, you ask a question back that leads to nothing. That doesn't answer why you specifically care about this issue enough to go to us and be rude and disrespectful as an anonymous person. It's not saying that we get to care while you don't, it's questioning why you go these lengths unless you're involved with the people who were unjust. And I question why you care even more as someone who isn't even a fan of the ship or the creator in the first place. Why go these lengths?
Again I will remind you we don't have clout. People may look at our things, but that's it. Telling people of others' misdeeds is not something that really has to do with you specifically unless you're part of the group that helped with it. Therefore your anger and bullying doesn't really make sense. Perhaps you're just into causing drama.
I think you need to remember that you're the one who came to bother us and get involved, whether you're anonymous or not. Trying to blame us for your actions is childish, especially when we talk back to defend ourselves against your intimidation, harassment and disrespect. If you don't want to be responded to, then don't make a comment in the first place.
You also use strawman arguments just to have confirmation bias towards your narrative. This is about an unjust action from a user towards us. Other users were more respectful and know school 101 to cite their sources. Just because someone is doing something wrong and you think that it's normal, doesn't mean that it's okay. Therefore, we showed the unjust actions of the person because what she did wasn't right. Simple.
We're not asking you to kiss up to us. We are only responding with what is morally right. You don't just have "a different opinion," you're being disrespectful to try to push your "opinion" on us or change us through your "opinion." In this case, you're projecting what you want to do to us unto us. Also, what you consider an opinion in this situation isn't an "opinion." What you're saying is that we should excuse others' bad actions because you find it okay or that those type of things should be let go. That's not morally right, therefore, that's why we stood up against it. It's like saying that stealing is wrong, whether digitally or physically. Standing up against that isn't wrong or something that should be shamed like you're trying to do to us. It's something you speak up about and tell others of so that change for the better can happen.
Lastly, the reason why we did the wiki isn't for specifically "entertainment." It's mainly because people constantly lie in this fandom. People lie about how characters are, they lie about their relationships, they lie about how they interact with one another. Showing official content was to show others how things really are instead of the fan interpretation they've been lied to with for years. Another reason was to help stop the bullying towards Sonadow because their fans constantly got bullied due to those lies, such as saying that Sonic and Shadow aren't friends, that they fight all the time, that they hate each other, that there's nothing between the two, etc. That's why we show official content to show that that's not the case.
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sonadowwiki · 1 day
There seems to be a misunderstanding on who works on the wiki and who has put nearly all the information on there. Because of this, we will show some photos of the history pages that can be seen on the wiki, as well as who uploaded images to show that us two admins has done everything but 1% of information given to us by others and who gave us permission to upload it to the wiki once telling us about it.
These images can be found by looking on the pages' history in the [...] options menu on each page.
[This shows the beginning of our wiki; when we found it]
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These pictures show that we were working on things like this since 2021, but on the Shipping Wiki:
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These are video game page histories on the wiki:
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Here are some animation histories:
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Here are other page histories such as Observations, the Calendar Stories, Merchandise, etc.:
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[Some Merchandise images]
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[Some history of uploaded images]
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There are more than this, but these are several images showing that nearly everything uploaded is by one of the two admins due to us taking the time to screenshot, take a picture or find images for each thing. Everything edited on each page is done by either one of us as well.
So, if others are confused about who works on the wiki and did a majority of the information on there, including the research surrounding things, we hope these images can clear the misunderstanding and explain why we ask for credit for all the hard work on it, especially for our own theories and analyzations on the Sonic x Shadow Calendar Story.
I’m sorry, but did anyone ever force you to even publish this "evidence" regarding Sonadow anyway, assuming without pay? I think the real "scummy" thing is for you lot, also voluntary content creators to complain about someone else who voluntarily prepared this 3 hour video and to raise this so called (unnecessary) "awareness" for apparent lazy people who can easily find the "real" sources themselves if something doesn't add up in that person’s video.
I can easily assume here that you must not have enough faith in your level of clout. Otherwise you yourselves wouldn't stoop to this "scummy" person's level by raising petty "awareness" about something you were never forced to do to begin with.
Ah, so you admit that she did take our information as her own since you're trying to blame the laziness of people for not looking up the source themselves instead of the creator not crediting us, right?
It is exactly because we (just the two of us) did it on our own time and with three years of effort that it's more scummy to take our work, put us down and then not credit us while trying to use it to make money and clout; to try to obtain clout through a majority of someone else's work.
Clout? It never was about that. If we wanted clout or money, we would have done something three years ago to now. We would have made social media accounts to gain popularity, but we didn't. We only have this blog because of complications on the wiki. Did we, like this person, make money off of videos or recording the information? No, because that's not the point. Clout and money aren't the point. But being a decent human and giving credit where it is due is something entirely different.
People do work, even if it's free. Even if we don't agree with everything Windii does, especially after ignoring us after being kind to her when asking for help, we will still credit her work. Why? Because that's the right thing to do. She did the work, she deserves the credit for it. That's called being fair.
I think you're mistaken about how many people work on the wiki and put their ideas on it. It is only ran by two people, not a group of volunteers or several people in general, and we do basically 99% of the things on there. Only 1% was information given to us by others that we implemented that we were given permission to include within the wiki, and even then, mostly it is just facts we have to research more into and not always theories.
Our theories with Tanabata and the Moon/World were something we found and thought of three years ago. People taking that as their own after all the harassment and bullying we went through for it is immoral and scummy, especially for reasons like wanting to claim the clout for it.
Anyone can simply look at each page's history to see that all the work is done by us two. All the game information, summaries for the games, Sonadow moments in the games, Sonic/Shadow merchandise, research for anything Sonadow in other medias (like X, Instagram, TikTok, Threads and Websites), animation info and photos/gifs, animation Sonadow moments, comic Sonadow moments, extra printed medias for Sonadow or information on Sonic/Shadow (like the Sonic Cookbook), analyzing the calendar stories, giving extra observations/theories/meanings (like the meaning of the hydrangeas or having a ring on the middle and ring finger) were all done through our efforts of three years of compilation. It wasn't a big group effort where people did several things or volunteers that came to edit things from time to time. It was mainly just us, two people.
Humans are very lazy, so lazy that if they don't see a source, they won't think about where it comes from generally. If someone showed an English translation from Windii without showing it's from her, would they look her up to find it? Most likely not. That's how lazy people can get. The same applies here. This is why crediting or citing is so important. It's basic 101 in school and the video creator is abusing others' laziness to obtain the clout from our research, theories and analyzations.
You're obviously gaslighting here and maybe even projecting because it would seem you're the one insecure about clout. You reacting this way even after the evidences showing the injustice also shows that something is wrong, just like how the comments we made were hidden instead of communicating with us. Why be so aggressive from the get go? Why do you care so much to be this rude and disrespectful? What makes you think to react this way instead of saying it respectfully or in a kinder manner?
What's the point in making those posts then? To correct injustice. What she has done is not right, especially after putting us down when taking our info. If you don't like someone and can't be fair towards them even so, then don't use their work. It's called being a decent human. I suggest you think about that instead of trying to push the blame on someone else to create a scapegoat in a situation where someone is obviously wrong in their actions.
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sonadowwiki · 2 days
I’m sorry, but did anyone ever force you to even publish this "evidence" regarding Sonadow anyway, assuming without pay? I think the real "scummy" thing is for you lot, also voluntary content creators to complain about someone else who voluntarily prepared this 3 hour video and to raise this so called (unnecessary) "awareness" for apparent lazy people who can easily find the "real" sources themselves if something doesn't add up in that person’s video.
I can easily assume here that you must not have enough faith in your level of clout. Otherwise you yourselves wouldn't stoop to this "scummy" person's level by raising petty "awareness" about something you were never forced to do to begin with.
Ah, so you admit that she did take our information as her own since you're trying to blame the laziness of people for not looking up the source themselves instead of the creator not crediting us, right?
It is exactly because we (just the two of us) did it on our own time and with three years of effort that it's more scummy to take our work, put us down and then not credit us while trying to use it to make money and clout; to try to obtain clout through a majority of someone else's work.
Clout? It never was about that. If we wanted clout or money, we would have done something three years ago to now. We would have made social media accounts to gain popularity, but we didn't. We only have this blog because of complications on the wiki. Did we, like this person, make money off of videos or recording the information? No, because that's not the point. Clout and money aren't the point. But being a decent human and giving credit where it is due is something entirely different.
People do work, even if it's free. Even if we don't agree with everything Windii does, especially after ignoring us after being kind to her when asking for help, we will still credit her work. Why? Because that's the right thing to do. She did the work, she deserves the credit for it. That's called being fair.
I think you're mistaken about how many people work on the wiki and put their ideas on it. It is only ran by two people, not a group of volunteers or several people in general, and we do basically 99% of the things on there. Only 1% was information given to us by others that we implemented that we were given permission to include within the wiki, and even then, mostly it is just facts we have to research more into and not always theories.
Our theories with Tanabata and the Moon/World were something we found and thought of three years ago. People taking that as their own after all the harassment and bullying we went through for it is immoral and scummy, especially for reasons like wanting to claim the clout for it.
Anyone can simply look at each page's history to see that all the work is done by us two. All the game information, summaries for the games, Sonadow moments in the games, Sonic/Shadow merchandise, research for anything Sonadow in other medias (like X, Instagram, TikTok, Threads and Websites), animation info and photos/gifs, animation Sonadow moments, comic Sonadow moments, extra printed medias for Sonadow or information on Sonic/Shadow (like the Sonic Cookbook), analyzing the calendar stories, giving extra observations/theories/meanings (like the meaning of the hydrangeas or having a ring on the middle and ring finger) were all done through our efforts of three years of compilation. It wasn't a big group effort where people did several things or volunteers that came to edit things from time to time. It was mainly just us, two people.
Humans are very lazy, so lazy that if they don't see a source, they won't think about where it comes from generally. If someone showed an English translation from Windii without showing it's from her, would they look her up to find it? Most likely not. That's how lazy people can get. The same applies here. This is why crediting or citing is so important. It's basic 101 in school and the video creator is abusing others' laziness to obtain the clout from our research, theories and analyzations.
You're obviously gaslighting here and maybe even projecting because it would seem you're the one insecure about clout. You reacting this way even after the evidences showing the injustice also shows that something is wrong, just like how the comments we made were hidden instead of communicating with us. Why be so aggressive from the get go? Why do you care so much to be this rude and disrespectful? What makes you think to react this way instead of saying it respectfully or in a kinder manner?
What's the point in making those posts then? To correct injustice. What she has done is not right, especially after putting us down when taking our info. If you don't like someone and can't be fair towards them even so, then don't use their work. It's called being a decent human. I suggest you think about that instead of trying to push the blame on someone else to create a scapegoat in a situation where someone is obviously wrong in their actions.
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sonadowwiki · 2 days
You all get enough credit and attention with people who even bother looking at your compiled fan wikia page. That woman's uploaded video view count is minute compared to yours. Leave her alone and stop trying to get others involved. This is the internet, you are not entitled to anything.
You seem to miss the point of things and are trying to move the goalpost of things to defend the creator even after insulting/putting us down, her actions of hiding commentary or those who helped her hiding comments as well and making off comments that others are crazy and need mental help. And you seem to think that you're justified in bullying, gaslighting, intimidating or insulting others even after the creator and those who helped her did these actions after we simply asked for credit to what we've done or to what they've taken.
It's basic etiquette to credit your sources. They even teach you that in school when making research papers. Another video creator made sure to put all his links to credit every source he went to, that took basic etiquette and consideration.
Unlike what you claim, we're not getting credit or attention or else there would be more who would say something or ask the video creator to credit us properly like a decent person would do. Doing three years of research is still hard work, or creating analyzations or theories is still hard work or someone's work. Not crediting that is indecent and hiding that you're taking the work is also indecent.
And if we're such a pain to look at, then it seems like she bothered to look as well. In that case, you would be insulting her too for bothering to look at us. You also say that since this is the internet that we're not entitled to anything, then that would be towards anyone else as well. She's not entitled to our efforts or entitled to take our work, analyzations and theories. If she simply just gave credit instead of putting us down even after taking our content, then these posts wouldn't have existed. All she had to do was add our link or name. Simple as that.
Learn some basic etiquette and how to be a decent human instead of making anonymous insults to others while hiding behind an anonymous front.
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sonadowwiki · 3 days
Though we would appreciate that and would like for this to spread to others, we also don't want to ask of you to spend money for us. We want to offer people information that they can enjoy and we don't want to ask for money for it or make money off of it. We only wish to be credited for our work and be treated fairly as another type of content creator like others.
But thank you for the generous offer. We appreciate your concern and willingness to help.
Sonic Fan Claiming Several Sonadow Wiki Information as Their Own
It has recently been brought to our attention that there is a user by the name "Voiced by Mandy" on YouTube, X, Instagram and TikTok that made a video based off of a majority of our content. The user did not credit us despite us doing a majority of the research shown and the person even put us down by trying to claim a fact we have as misinformation.
Though we do not mind when people use our research to tell others about it, we asked that at least we be credited, especially for our personal analyzations. This user has not done that, not even in her document where she credited others.
To make matters worse, the person only mentioned the Sonadow Wiki while trying to state that we were spreading misinformation when saying that Sonic and Shadow Chao are the only Sonic themed Chao who can mate with each other. Because other Sonic themed Chao are immortal, that is why only the Sonic and Shadow Chao can mate with each other without hacks or modifications.
There are several parts in the video that takes content from us or were made aware of due to our content on the wiki, but the person took the information as her own and acted as if she did all the research to find all the information. She even took our Sonic Prime screenshots, which we can tell due to the pictures being the same exact frame we took, and still does not credit. (Starts at 1:41:42)
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Some timestamps where our research was taken:
1:02:33 (Which was actually brought to our attention through the user [Bluestblurrr] on the Fandom Wiki)
There are even times the person took our site references when talking about information we mentioned, such as when she talks about the symbolism with hydrangeas. We talk about this on our Observations page and the first site referenced is the same exact website shown on the video.
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She also took our content talking about how Sonic is the Moon and that the Sonic x Shadow 2021 Calendar story references Tanabata. We were the first to make this known to the public, even before the Sonadow Wiki was founded by having it on the Shipping Wiki first. Yet the person acts as if this theory, or analyzation, came from herself or out of nowhere despite it being us who made this analyzation known. (Link to our page with the English translation for the Sonic x Shadow 2021 Calendar Story)
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Other analyzations made on the story were also taken, such as how the astronomical show of the moon and ARK were Sonic's favorite, meaning that the times he meets up with Shadow are his favorites since Sonic represents the Moon while Shadow the ARK (in this story) (timestamp 2:41:15).
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Another part is how in the description for the story, it states that Sonic and Shadow share an intimate relationship, which the person does not go deeper into to fully explain it properly.
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One last analyzation taken about this story is how Sonic, being the moon, overlooks Shadow who is ostracized by society and watches over him forever and ever. (timestamp 2:40:41)
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There are even other times where it is not so obvious (but possible) she took our research by trying to find the content herself to make it seem as if she found it instead of us. One of these times where this can be highly likely possible is the S-Rank moments in Sonic Colors (DS) (timestamp 1:18:00). We went through the effort to play the game ourselves in order to get this content, but to hide how we made these things known to the public after our hard work, she went to try to get S-Rank herself so that she wouldn't have to use our screenshots from our gameplay with the game.
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The only time we were mentioned in the video (by voice only) was with our fact about the Sonic and Shadow Chao, but unlike others who also weren't referenced by links but by text, she does not state that what we've said comes from the Sonadow Wiki by putting the text: "Source: [name of site]." And while mentioning this, the person even tried to state that this fact about the Chao could be misinformation.
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Example of when others were at least mentioned to be somewhat cited:
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When trying to confront her, she even hid the comment made so that others wouldn't know that she took our information without crediting us while putting us down at the same time.
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We who take care of the Sonadow Wiki went through a lot of harassment, especially from those who hate how we collect data concerning Sonadow, hate the ship or just wanted to harass us for fun. Some even thought that the official information we recorded were fan content or they say lies about us without even looking at the materials themselves. But what this person has done is by far one of the most scummiest things someone has ever done to us where the person even is gloating about all the attention Sonadow fans are giving them for the majority of the research we've done, where the person even gloated about how they can monetize videos after the attention this video has brought them and where they even are trying to get more views nine days later.
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If people don't like our content or don't like us, then don't use our content; don't steal our work. If you can't be fair and at least credit your sources correctly, even if you don't agree with everything, then don't use our things at all. That is low, and again, very scummy.
In an update about the situation, one of our admins went around trying to bring awareness about the situation, but instead of being talked to or consulted, they were ignored and even had their comment made hidden by one of the ones who is credited in the video and praised it. The person even made art for the video implying that the video creator is the main or only one who did all the effort in finding all the information in the video. This artist then made an off comment, on their own without talking to the person, claiming that the video creator taking our research was based off of "crazy assumptions" despite the evidences and that the person is crazy and needs help.
This person has also helped with the video, and with that, helped with the creation of the video to have it take our research for their own. This is said in the "Special Thank You" section in the video. Due to being promoted and advertised by this video, along with helping the creation of it completely, that could be the main reason as to why this artist reacted this way to the person reaching out to them.
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We also tried to reach out to others to ask for help in at least getting recognized for credit, but we have yet heard any responses from those we reached out to. Instead, we were ignored.
[Part 2]
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sonadowwiki · 3 days
Sonic Fan Claiming Several Sonadow Wiki Information as Their Own [Part 2]
For clarity on the situation, please refer to [Part 1].
The video creator, "Voiced by Mandy" who created the Sonadow Iceberg video didn't credit us for our analyzations.
But another creator back in December 2023 named, "Kameno -o" talked about how the Sonic x Shadow 2021 July Calendar story is on the same month as Tanabata and did credit us.
In his video, when bringing up the story, he credited the translator and our wiki due to finding the story and analyzation through us. He also showed the website we linked on the page to show the significance of the term "懐," which is said in the bottom description of the story.
We would like to bring this up because Kameno -o was kind enough to credit us as one of his research points. We thank him for doing so and hope that others can follow his example in giving credit where it is due.
Here are images of his document where it shows our link to our page and in his video where he shows the link to our page to credit us:
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Like "Voiced by Mandy" made a document with credits, "Kameno -o" also made a document, but he credited all the research sources he did, including us. This is something Mandy also could have done, but instead she chose not to do so and ignored any commentary asking for credit.
[More Information]
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sonadowwiki · 5 days
Just read your post about that iceberg video and sending lots of love your way for the wiki and everyone that works on it♡
I did find it weird that a video breaking down the layers of the ship didn’t even really utilize the biggest source out there. And the stuff that was said about the wiki did make me kind of go “huh?”. I knew I recognized those screenshots too! Was kind of driving me crazy a bit
I hope the wiki gets the credit it deserves and just know that there are people that support the right sources. I don’t speak for a lot of people, but I know there’s supporters of the wiki out there rooting for you and for the video creator to grow a pair and properly cite their research and content
Too the true ship captains navigating these rocky waters filled with icebergs ❤️🥂💙
Thank you so much for your kindness and support. It is very reassuring to hear that there are also others who support us out there. We would also like to thank all those individuals as well.
Once again, thank you for your kind message and we hope that the video's creator also comes forward to at least credit us.
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sonadowwiki · 5 days
Sonic Fan Claiming Several Sonadow Wiki Information as Their Own
It has recently been brought to our attention that there is a user by the name "Voiced by Mandy" on YouTube, X, Instagram and TikTok that made a video based off of a majority of our content. The user did not credit us despite us doing a majority of the research shown and the person even put us down by trying to claim a fact we have as misinformation.
Though we do not mind when people use our research to tell others about it, we asked that at least we be credited, especially for our personal analyzations. This user has not done that, not even in her document where she credited others.
To make matters worse, the person only mentioned the Sonadow Wiki while trying to state that we were spreading misinformation when saying that Sonic and Shadow Chao are the only Sonic themed Chao who can mate with each other. Because other Sonic themed Chao are immortal, that is why only the Sonic and Shadow Chao can mate with each other without hacks or modifications.
There are several parts in the video that takes content from us or were made aware of due to our content on the wiki, but the person took the information as her own and acted as if she did all the research to find all the information. She even took our Sonic Prime screenshots, which we can tell due to the pictures being the same exact frame we took, and still does not credit. (Starts at 1:41:42)
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Some timestamps where our research was taken:
1:02:33 (Which was actually brought to our attention through the user [Bluestblurrr] on the Fandom Wiki)
There are even times the person took our site references when talking about information we mentioned, such as when she talks about the symbolism with hydrangeas. We talk about this on our Observations page and the first site referenced is the same exact website shown on the video.
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She also took our content talking about how Sonic is the Moon and that the Sonic x Shadow 2021 Calendar story references Tanabata. We were the first to make this known to the public, even before the Sonadow Wiki was founded by having it on the Shipping Wiki first. Yet the person acts as if this theory, or analyzation, came from herself or out of nowhere despite it being us who made this analyzation known. (Link to our page with the English translation for the Sonic x Shadow 2021 Calendar Story)
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Other analyzations made on the story were also taken, such as how the astronomical show of the moon and ARK were Sonic's favorite, meaning that the times he meets up with Shadow are his favorites since Sonic represents the Moon while Shadow the ARK (in this story) (timestamp 2:41:15).
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Another part is how in the description for the story, it states that Sonic and Shadow share an intimate relationship, which the person does not go deeper into to fully explain it properly.
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One last analyzation taken about this story is how Sonic, being the moon, overlooks Shadow who is ostracized by society and watches over him forever and ever. (timestamp 2:40:41)
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There are even other times where it is not so obvious (but possible) she took our research by trying to find the content herself to make it seem as if she found it instead of us. One of these times where this can be highly likely possible is the S-Rank moments in Sonic Colors (DS) (timestamp 1:18:00). We went through the effort to play the game ourselves in order to get this content, but to hide how we made these things known to the public after our hard work, she went to try to get S-Rank herself so that she wouldn't have to use our screenshots from our gameplay with the game.
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The only time we were mentioned in the video (by voice only) was with our fact about the Sonic and Shadow Chao, but unlike others who also weren't referenced by links but by text, she does not state that what we've said comes from the Sonadow Wiki by putting the text: "Source: [name of site]." And while mentioning this, the person even tried to state that this fact about the Chao could be misinformation.
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Example of when others were at least mentioned to be somewhat cited:
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When trying to confront her, she even hid the comment made so that others wouldn't know that she took our information without crediting us while putting us down at the same time.
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We who take care of the Sonadow Wiki went through a lot of harassment, especially from those who hate how we collect data concerning Sonadow, hate the ship or just wanted to harass us for fun. Some even thought that the official information we recorded were fan content or they say lies about us without even looking at the materials themselves. But what this person has done is by far one of the most scummiest things someone has ever done to us where the person even is gloating about all the attention Sonadow fans are giving them for the majority of the research we've done, where the person even gloated about how they can monetize videos after the attention this video has brought them and where they even are trying to get more views nine days later.
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If people don't like our content or don't like us, then don't use our content; don't steal our work. If you can't be fair and at least credit your sources correctly, even if you don't agree with everything, then don't use our things at all. That is low, and again, very scummy.
In an update about the situation, one of our admins went around trying to bring awareness about the situation, but instead of being talked to or consulted, they were ignored and even had their comment made hidden by one of the ones who is credited in the video and praised it. The person even made art for the video implying that the video creator is the main or only one who did all the effort in finding all the information in the video. This artist then made an off comment, on their own without talking to the person, claiming that the video creator taking our research was based off of "crazy assumptions" despite the evidences and that the person is crazy and needs help.
This person has also helped with the video, and with that, helped with the creation of the video to have it take our research for their own. This is said in the "Special Thank You" section in the video. Due to being promoted and advertised by this video, along with helping the creation of it completely, that could be the main reason as to why this artist reacted this way to the person reaching out to them.
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We also tried to reach out to others to ask for help in at least getting recognized for credit, but we have yet heard any responses from those we reached out to. Instead, we were ignored.
[Part 2] [More Information]
19 notes · View notes
sonadowwiki · 6 days
I'm not sure what you're referring to when saying something is spreading a lot. Allegations towards the wiki? Lies about Sonamy or Amy in general? It's not clear what you're saying is being spread around. And what people are you talking about? Those spreading those things, but what exactly are you having me answer that these people are allegedly spreading?
My main issue with your questions isn't the fact that you're talking a lot or asking a lot, but the fact that you're talking a lot in an aggressive/disrespectful manner towards us and still try to push a certain point when I already answered the overall question with recent facts. If you wanted evidence, you can research yourself as well. If you're having difficulty with researching, that's a different problem and I wouldn't have minded helping if I wasn't so rudely spoken to since the beginning. Some things are hard to find, and I understand that, but if you wanted help or to have things clarified, it would have been better to say things nicer or in a more respectful manner, at least.
As for your last question, I would say no. Though I haven't watched the series in full, I will still say that they are not similar and that the meaning with Sonadow is something entirely different.
If you have a hard time picking softer toned words, then I can understand. If it really wasn't your intention to sound so harsh, then I apologize for being very on guard towards you. Many have come to bother us aggressively and rudely for no reason or simply due to not liking Sonadow/male-male ships. Because of that, I stayed on high guard against those who seem like they want to be mean to us.
If you want help with more things, I don't mind helping. So, if you have more questions, I don't mind answering them. But if you also want to stop asking questions, I would also understand that. And if you wished for help towards those who make these claims and lies, then I wouldn't have minded helping, though I would ask that it would have been made more clear that was your intention in the beginning to avoid this misconception. I hope this can clear some things between us and mend things if you wish to ask more or just talk more in general.
Many fans sonic say you hate Amy Because you gave Amy a bad reputation and also said that Sonic doesn't like Amy as well ، Is this true
Why do you ask this question in the first place right after trying to ask a question to debunk Sonadow? What is your purpose in asking these questions as someone who is obviously against Sonadow and someone who likes Amy and Sonamy? And to even use a burner account to do this and to even try to intimidate by claiming that "many fans" think like you or what you've said while believing that pressuring us with what people think is going to make us bend to your will.
There are two of us who handle this account, but I am aware of who you're referring to when falsely accusing that this account is one person or that only one is using this account. Which also proves that you are trying to target one of us with your interrogation disrespectfully.
I didn't say to others what I think of Amy, I only speak of the facts that I find about her and her relationship with Sonic throughout my research of the franchise because many constantly lie about her characterization, personality, relationship with Sonic and medias with Amy in it. I'm not "giving her a bad reputation," I am speaking about the facts about Amy.
It is a fact that she:
Demanded Sonic to go on dates with her, even to the point of forcing him to promise her (2021 Calendar Story)
Demanded (or "joked/asked" or assumed) for Sonic to marry her on multiple occasions (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 manual, Sonic Battle with her saying she thought Sonic would propose to her to Knuckles and by enforcing herself to be Emerl's mother and Sonic the father, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes)
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Has disregarded others in favor of trying to find Sonic or have others help her find him (Sonic Colors DS)
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Is disrespectful towards Sonic because she self-proclaims herself to be his girlfriend even though he has said no to her in canon material several times
Sees Sonic as a form of entertainment to satisfy her boredom
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Is obsessed and overly infatuated with Sonic to the point of thinking that Sonic can never do any wrong except refusing what she wants from him many times
Has followed Sonic around wherever he has gone for several games, whether he liked it or not
Is touchy with Sonic despite him not liking her touch and despite showing discomfort
She has become violent or "joked" about being violent towards Sonic if she doesn't get her way with him or he doesn't accept her advances/demands
That she is based off of being a Japanese woman as a character that is created in Japan with Japanese creators, who generally are seen in negative light from those who live in Japan because of their abusive personality and actions towards their husbands (and men) after trying to make themselves look good or seem good.
If others think that these facts make her have a bad reputation or look bad, then that's how her official actions in official materials look; that shows that her personality and actions are bad and look bad to others once knowing the official materials.
Does Sonic like Amy romantically? No. Many sources, not just once, already stated that.
Ian Flynn said that in the IDW comics, there is no romance. He said they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic and that they are just friends.
But even one of her creators, Kazuyuki Hoshino, stated that it was always supposed to be an endless chase. Therefore, they were never meant to be together in the first place and it was always to be one-sided relationship with Amy being the one to like Sonic and Sonic not liking her back.
Other people who state this is how even in Sonic Boom, a writer for the series stated that Sonamy was always meant to be a joke in their series, therefore it never should have been taken seriously.
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Sonic Team also uploaded a video of Sonic answering questions, and with that, Sonic said that he only sees Amy as a reliable friend; that there's nothing more between them.
And even with her profile on Sonic Channel, it still states that Amy is a self-proclaimed girlfriend, which means that Sonic doesn't return her "romantic" feelings back and doesn't see her that way to have her actually be a girlfriend, not just a self-proclaimed one.
Other than that, it is already obviously shown in several medias that Sonic is uncomfortable with Amy and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her. If this was any other series, no one would question whether Sonic likes Amy or not from just seeing the materials where he (excluding materials from recent corrupt employees that are inaccurate to the faithful materials/lore):
1. Tries to end meet-ups with her as soon as possible if possible (the 2021 Calendar Story)
2. How he doesn't want Amy touching him and tells her to get off of him (Sonic Unleashed and the cover image for the 2021 Calendar Story)
3. Where he leaves her in others care to get away from Amy when possible (Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Battle)
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4. Where he even straight out says no to her advances or the thought of being together romantically (Sonic Advance 3)
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5. Where he runs away from Amy or when knowing Amy is coming (Sonic Battle like in point 3)
15 notes · View notes
sonadowwiki · 16 days
If that is your intention, then I will answer with the facts. But I advise that better word choice is made to not have your words sound so aggressive, such as when you said: "So you see, it doesn't make sense for Sonado to become canon"
Or from saying things that are making incorrect assumptions, such as how I never stated it will become specifically canon or what I think about Amy to others.
Now I will answer your question:
Although Naoto Ohshima worked on Sonic Superstars recently, he already doesn't work for SEGA anymore. He hasn't worked for SEGA for years, just like Shiro Maekawa. And just like Shiro Maekawa (or even other small employees who speak about their personal opinion on things), his opinion in the matter doesn't count towards anything. Ohshima likes Amy personally and is attracted to her because he created her that way. Just because Ohshima helped make Sonic too, doesn't mean that Sonic or even Amy belong to him to have his opinion a fact. He is just someone who used to work for SEGA and did things on commission, you can say. He isn't the company and therefore, he doesn't have a say on how the characters turn out to be like, just like how Takashi Iizuka doesn't have a say either. That also goes for Shiro Maekawa who likes to romantically put Shadow and Maria together despite official content stating they see each other as siblings. These things are up to the company, not these employees, especially employees that don't work for the company anymore and have contradictions to their statements.
Second picture, that magazine has faults in it. There is no proof that they actually went to SEGA to ask this question, there is no proof of who they talked about who answered and they have lied in that same issue because they jumped to conclusions (which was about The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game). When they state this "answer" from "SEGA" as well, they didn't quote anyone like they did for the other answers on that page. If it was truly real and that person they asked truly had the authority to make that kind of declaration, then a name would have been attached to the answer, but there is no name.
You can see on the page before the page with Amy on it that when asking someone about the Kingdom Hearts II game, a name is listed. That name is Tetsuya. The answer with Amy doesn't have a name like that, though. So it's questionable who exactly even answered the question in the first place. Sonic Team is in Japan, and if someone from Sonic Team was there in America during the time, then there is more than one member in the team. Who exactly answered it?
In the Link answer, they claimed that the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess had Link at 16 years old, but that isn't true, which was revealed later by the director for the game where he says that Link is 17 in the game. They jumped to conclusions to think that Link was 16, so they are not always accurate with what they put in this old magazine that is irrelevant and outdated now either way because of how old it is and how times can change.
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Here are the pages in full for that section in the magazine:
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Third parties like that are not always accurate or something to take as facts. They even got Sonic Team's name incorrect by calling them Team Sonic instead of Sonic Team. There are times things are twisted or lies are made, just like how people can lie about their intentions towards things. If Sonamy was so canon, like I stated in the last answer, then why is it not canon already? Why is it not big news or stated somewhere that they are romantically together? Why is Amy not put as Sonic's actual girlfriend instead of a self-proclaimed one? It is not stated anywhere officially and instead, you have more recent proof showing that Sonic doesn't like Amy romantically, that their relationship is one-sided and so on, as I already said.
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So claiming that "there are many evidences that "prove" that Sonamy is canon," is a lie, misinformation and disinformation. There are many evidences that prove the opposite of that, but many don't want to accept it and cling on to old things that are outdated, irrelevant and don't align with the official materials that have been shown for years. Instead, they rather find these small things to validate themselves or "prove" that they are right or okay in shipping Sonic and Amy based on their fan perspective on them, even if it's wrong. That is also why, out of all shipping fans, they are the ones who are known and shown to constantly keep on asking things like: "does Sonic like Amy" or "is Sonamy canon?" so much; it's because they are constantly trying to find something to validate themselves in wanting to ship the two, even if the company already told them multiple times, no.
Another thing to take note of is that this is an English product, not a Japanese one. So who did they ask at the time? Did they go all the way to the Japanese Headquarters just to ask this type of question to them? Were they allowed to even go to the HQ and ask a question and even get an answer back? Or did they go to the American office and ask this question, when they aren't even Sonic Team or the ones who own the series in the first place? There are a lot of holes concerning this "fact" the Sonamy fans like to bring up. There is no actual proof that this is anywhere real or an answer given by someone with authority on the subject. In fact, it is possible the person even lied or gave their own perspective on the situation without consulting others. There's no real way of knowing. But we do have information later that states that this isn't true in the slightest because it has been said multiple times that they are just friends and Sonic doesn't see Amy romantically. Even the games prove this, even if Ohshima wants to claim personally that Sonic is just "running away" by being a "child." When it comes to that, that answer probably has to do with their culture where they believe that as an adult, they just have to accept things and go with someone to create a family since that's what their country pushes for reproduction purposes. That doesn't mean that Sonic likes Amy, though, that just means he is saying that Sonic isn't doing what they think they are obligated to do as adults in their country.
How can one tell the difference between what is what the company wants compared to what employees say personally? One just has to look at the more prominent things compared to the not so prominent things that are of lesser quality. Many things consist of Sonic and Shadow right now, even the movie. The Japanese title for the movie also has the "Sonic x Shadow" title like the upcoming game.
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I don't know why you're so obsessed with wanting these things debunked unless it's for the same reason as others who have heard the lies or from wanting to believe personally that Sonamy is somehow "canon" despite the facts. But in the end, like others, you'll think what you want even with the facts presented. So in the end, you'll just think what you want either way, even if it has been said that Sonamy is not canon several times through several people and through several medias.
If that is all you are here to ask for from now on, I ask that you stop asking me and to go research things yourself. If you want to believe in what you want to believe even after all the facts I've presented, then go research things properly, think for yourself, and come to your conclusion.
And since I'm being questioned on employees and what they've said before, I'll also give the full context of what Morio Kishimoto was answering at the time with this picture:
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Not many have the actual question he answered, and in this question it asked if Sonic was single or in a relationship with Amy. He states that Sonic is single with the choices given. Then to answer the second part, he questions whether Sonic will get a lover or not and questions what will happen with Amy separately. Then he just states he is interested in seeing what Sonic's love life will be in the future, not that he will have a future love life with Amy. So for the second part, he's basically just saying he doesn't know if Sonic has a love interest or not since he even questions if Amy is considered as one, which he is also implying that he believes that Sonic has no love interest at the moment, not even Amy, but thinks that maybe the future will show him with a type of love. This is his personal opinion.
Many fans sonic say you hate Amy Because you gave Amy a bad reputation and also said that Sonic doesn't like Amy as well ، Is this true
Why do you ask this question in the first place right after trying to ask a question to debunk Sonadow? What is your purpose in asking these questions as someone who is obviously against Sonadow and someone who likes Amy and Sonamy? And to even use a burner account to do this and to even try to intimidate by claiming that "many fans" think like you or what you've said while believing that pressuring us with what people think is going to make us bend to your will.
There are two of us who handle this account, but I am aware of who you're referring to when falsely accusing that this account is one person or that only one is using this account. Which also proves that you are trying to target one of us with your interrogation disrespectfully.
I didn't say to others what I think of Amy, I only speak of the facts that I find about her and her relationship with Sonic throughout my research of the franchise because many constantly lie about her characterization, personality, relationship with Sonic and medias with Amy in it. I'm not "giving her a bad reputation," I am speaking about the facts about Amy.
It is a fact that she:
Demanded Sonic to go on dates with her, even to the point of forcing him to promise her (2021 Calendar Story)
Demanded (or "joked/asked" or assumed) for Sonic to marry her on multiple occasions (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 manual, Sonic Battle with her saying she thought Sonic would propose to her to Knuckles and by enforcing herself to be Emerl's mother and Sonic the father, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes)
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Has disregarded others in favor of trying to find Sonic or have others help her find him (Sonic Colors DS)
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Is disrespectful towards Sonic because she self-proclaims herself to be his girlfriend even though he has said no to her in canon material several times
Sees Sonic as a form of entertainment to satisfy her boredom
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Is obsessed and overly infatuated with Sonic to the point of thinking that Sonic can never do any wrong except refusing what she wants from him many times
Has followed Sonic around wherever he has gone for several games, whether he liked it or not
Is touchy with Sonic despite him not liking her touch and despite showing discomfort
She has become violent or "joked" about being violent towards Sonic if she doesn't get her way with him or he doesn't accept her advances/demands
That she is based off of being a Japanese woman as a character that is created in Japan with Japanese creators, who generally are seen in negative light from those who live in Japan because of their abusive personality and actions towards their husbands (and men) after trying to make themselves look good or seem good.
If others think that these facts make her have a bad reputation or look bad, then that's how her official actions in official materials look; that shows that her personality and actions are bad and look bad to others once knowing the official materials.
Does Sonic like Amy romantically? No. Many sources, not just once, already stated that.
Ian Flynn said that in the IDW comics, there is no romance. He said they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic and that they are just friends.
But even one of her creators, Kazuyuki Hoshino, stated that it was always supposed to be an endless chase. Therefore, they were never meant to be together in the first place and it was always to be one-sided relationship with Amy being the one to like Sonic and Sonic not liking her back.
Other people who state this is how even in Sonic Boom, a writer for the series stated that Sonamy was always meant to be a joke in their series, therefore it never should have been taken seriously.
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Sonic Team also uploaded a video of Sonic answering questions, and with that, Sonic said that he only sees Amy as a reliable friend; that there's nothing more between them.
And even with her profile on Sonic Channel, it still states that Amy is a self-proclaimed girlfriend, which means that Sonic doesn't return her "romantic" feelings back and doesn't see her that way to have her actually be a girlfriend, not just a self-proclaimed one.
Other than that, it is already obviously shown in several medias that Sonic is uncomfortable with Amy and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her. If this was any other series, no one would question whether Sonic likes Amy or not from just seeing the materials where he (excluding materials from recent corrupt employees that are inaccurate to the faithful materials/lore):
1. Tries to end meet-ups with her as soon as possible if possible (the 2021 Calendar Story)
2. How he doesn't want Amy touching him and tells her to get off of him (Sonic Unleashed and the cover image for the 2021 Calendar Story)
3. Where he leaves her in others care to get away from Amy when possible (Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Battle)
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4. Where he even straight out says no to her advances or the thought of being together romantically (Sonic Advance 3)
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5. Where he runs away from Amy or when knowing Amy is coming (Sonic Battle like in point 3)
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sonadowwiki · 18 days
I already showed you that Sonic and Shadow are friends in official content. Them not being friends is misinformation/disinformation.
Second, Sonic never showed no interest in Shadow before, just take the Sonic x Shadow July 2021 Calendar story or even him hinting at liking Shadow in Sonic Prime. You don't need to say "I like you" or "I love you" to show in your actions that you do and respect the other person at the same time. Sonic just didn't want to be pushy on Shadow until he was more open and not a tsundere about the feelings between them. Sonic even went through the effort of following Shadow when he doesn't show that interest in many others, especially when it comes to Shadow. Even if Sonic teases him, Sonic was the one to go to talk to Shadow first in Team Sonic Racing, he followed Shadow in the 2021 Calendar story, he said that Shadow has a heart to not kill in Sonic Battle, he showed not to want to leave Shadow even if you cancel doing a mission again in Sonic Colors DS. Sonic even tries to get into the deepest most intimate parts of Shadow's heart, and Shadow lets him do that sometimes. So, yes, they have interest in each other, even if they're not vocal about it. Why? Because it's not just about gender to them like how everyone else is labeling things. It's about who the person is and Sonic is the only one in the cast that looks past Shadow's looks, gender and past to see him for who he is now. And Shadow knows this, but has a hard time acknowledging it. This is all said in the context of the 2021 story.
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(You can read the whole story here.)
Third, Shadow isn't 50 and it is stated that he looks exactly like Sonic. Sonic was said to be 15; he looks 15 years old or a teenager, therefore Shadow looks 15 as well. By others' logic, what about Silver then? Would he be 0 years old since he is 200 years in the future? Then he shouldn't be shipped with anyone either. All you're saying is just the same exact arguments people say to put down Sonadow that are already debunked. Arguments that they don't tend to use for other male-female ships like Shadamy or Shadouge. What about all the other medias in Japan that have immortal people going with younger people but it's a male-female relationship, like Inuyasha or even cartoons like Avatar: The Last Air Bender that also has a male-female in it? Why is Sonadow the only one claimed to be a problem as a male-male relationship? In the end, it comes down to intention and it is obvious that the majority of Sonadow fans don't think of Shadow as a 50 year old person going with someone extremely younger than him, just like how probably Shadamy people don't think that Shadow is 50 when shipping him with Amy. And also by this logic, Sonamy would also be bad because Amy would be considered a pre-teen, which is someone in middle school for America who is a child and doesn't understand romance in the proper way yet due to being a child, going with someone in high school who is more mature, which isn't right either because it sexualizes a 12 year old middle schooler.
Shadow was frozen and is immortal. He will always look at his prime. He has the mentality of whatever he had when he was frozen, which is the same as Sonic. But also, the ages were said to be irrelevant now, therefore at the same time, this talk about ages isn't relevant anymore. But that doesn't change on how they look, which is why Cream, Tails and even Amy can still be seen as children compared to the rest of the cast because of their looks and people with the intention to see them as children can still see them as children because of this. Blaze and Rouge, when it comes to females, obviously look more older in age than Cream and Amy. Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Knuckles and so on look older than Tails and Charmy.
If there are fans who hate Sonadow and aren't Amy or Sonamy fans, then they have been peer pressured into believing in lies that they spread. They refuse to look at all content that shows Sonadow and refuse to acknowledge the information that doesn't fit their narrative. People lie, especially when it comes to Amy and Sonamy. In fact, both people lied about Sonic showing to like Amy, which I already showed you with facts from official content (not fan content or someone just saying something), isn't true. Even in 2014 it was said that it was supposed to be a one-sided relationship with Sonic never liking Amy back and later was said in 2023. Sonic is just a respectful person and gives in to Amy's demands because that's how the Japanese culture is. That doesn't mean he likes her back, he is just being respectful and doing it out of obligation. It goes back to how Amy is a Japanese woman and goes into the culture of how the men see them in their country. In her story for 2021, he even makes an off comment saying that he shouldn't have said the rollercoaster looked fun to try out because it got Amy to force him on a date. Does that show that he wants to spend time with her on things like dates? No. And when she got what she wanted, he left her in the middle of her talking at the end of the story. Amy was even disrespectful in the story by blaming Sonic of being late when it was her fault for coming earlier than the time they agreed on. When Sonic pointed it out, she dismissed it as if she wasn't completely wrong and went to drag him to the amusement park.
In the recent Sonic Prime, Shadow showed interest in Sonic's safety and wanted to save his life. Are those actions towards someone he doesn't see as his friend or someone he cares about? Those are things that have happened, whether others want to acknowledge it or not. If Sonic liked Amy so much or if it's "so official," then why do these things exist? Why does another ship have any content like this? Are you like others just going to believe in lies or someone saying something one time, even if it goes against official lore or canon materials from the games and other medias? Or ignore the fact that the corrupted employees have been trying to obviously ruin things for two years with an interpretation that comes out of nowhere? Can you not think for yourself and need to hear someone else tell you how to think?
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What I think of your words is that you're always coming here to pick a fight and try to find a way to be right. There's no other reason you'd come to bother someone who isn't even saying or doing anything the majority of the time. If you're just going to keep on repeating yourself with arguments I already gave facts for, I don't wish to keep on repeating myself to you. By constantly coming back to say the same things, you obviously are trying to get a specific answer out of me for your personal bias.
And lastly, whether you think Sonadow becoming canon makes sense or not from believing in lies, is not up to you. These characters, this IP, doesn't belong to you, to the fans or those corrupted employees, and therefore, you don't have a say on whether something should happen or not based on your personal judgement. It is up to the main company what happens and they are being very obvious in what they think and what they want. It is just fans like yourself and corrupted employees who don't want to accept that out of believing in lies, from it not being what they personally want because it's not for the ship they want and out of being prejudice.
Many fans sonic say you hate Amy Because you gave Amy a bad reputation and also said that Sonic doesn't like Amy as well ، Is this true
Why do you ask this question in the first place right after trying to ask a question to debunk Sonadow? What is your purpose in asking these questions as someone who is obviously against Sonadow and someone who likes Amy and Sonamy? And to even use a burner account to do this and to even try to intimidate by claiming that "many fans" think like you or what you've said while believing that pressuring us with what people think is going to make us bend to your will.
There are two of us who handle this account, but I am aware of who you're referring to when falsely accusing that this account is one person or that only one is using this account. Which also proves that you are trying to target one of us with your interrogation disrespectfully.
I didn't say to others what I think of Amy, I only speak of the facts that I find about her and her relationship with Sonic throughout my research of the franchise because many constantly lie about her characterization, personality, relationship with Sonic and medias with Amy in it. I'm not "giving her a bad reputation," I am speaking about the facts about Amy.
It is a fact that she:
Demanded Sonic to go on dates with her, even to the point of forcing him to promise her (2021 Calendar Story)
Demanded (or "joked/asked" or assumed) for Sonic to marry her on multiple occasions (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 manual, Sonic Battle with her saying she thought Sonic would propose to her to Knuckles and by enforcing herself to be Emerl's mother and Sonic the father, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes)
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Has disregarded others in favor of trying to find Sonic or have others help her find him (Sonic Colors DS)
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Is disrespectful towards Sonic because she self-proclaims herself to be his girlfriend even though he has said no to her in canon material several times
Sees Sonic as a form of entertainment to satisfy her boredom
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Is obsessed and overly infatuated with Sonic to the point of thinking that Sonic can never do any wrong except refusing what she wants from him many times
Has followed Sonic around wherever he has gone for several games, whether he liked it or not
Is touchy with Sonic despite him not liking her touch and despite showing discomfort
She has become violent or "joked" about being violent towards Sonic if she doesn't get her way with him or he doesn't accept her advances/demands
That she is based off of being a Japanese woman as a character that is created in Japan with Japanese creators, who generally are seen in negative light from those who live in Japan because of their abusive personality and actions towards their husbands (and men) after trying to make themselves look good or seem good.
If others think that these facts make her have a bad reputation or look bad, then that's how her official actions in official materials look; that shows that her personality and actions are bad and look bad to others once knowing the official materials.
Does Sonic like Amy romantically? No. Many sources, not just once, already stated that.
Ian Flynn said that in the IDW comics, there is no romance. He said they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic and that they are just friends.
But even one of her creators, Kazuyuki Hoshino, stated that it was always supposed to be an endless chase. Therefore, they were never meant to be together in the first place and it was always to be one-sided relationship with Amy being the one to like Sonic and Sonic not liking her back.
Other people who state this is how even in Sonic Boom, a writer for the series stated that Sonamy was always meant to be a joke in their series, therefore it never should have been taken seriously.
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Sonic Team also uploaded a video of Sonic answering questions, and with that, Sonic said that he only sees Amy as a reliable friend; that there's nothing more between them.
And even with her profile on Sonic Channel, it still states that Amy is a self-proclaimed girlfriend, which means that Sonic doesn't return her "romantic" feelings back and doesn't see her that way to have her actually be a girlfriend, not just a self-proclaimed one.
Other than that, it is already obviously shown in several medias that Sonic is uncomfortable with Amy and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her. If this was any other series, no one would question whether Sonic likes Amy or not from just seeing the materials where he (excluding materials from recent corrupt employees that are inaccurate to the faithful materials/lore):
1. Tries to end meet-ups with her as soon as possible if possible (the 2021 Calendar Story)
2. How he doesn't want Amy touching him and tells her to get off of him (Sonic Unleashed and the cover image for the 2021 Calendar Story)
3. Where he leaves her in others care to get away from Amy when possible (Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Battle)
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4. Where he even straight out says no to her advances or the thought of being together romantically (Sonic Advance 3)
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5. Where he runs away from Amy or when knowing Amy is coming (Sonic Battle like in point 3)
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sonadowwiki · 19 days
Men who are fans of Amy, tend to be only looking at Amy for degenerate or sexual reasons and most think of her as a child as they do so. Upon researching, when looking at AI art that consists of stolen art to make art, most who make the generated art look to be men because of the suggestive or sexual art they create from these AI generators for women, including young girls. This relates to the recent drama on X where it was recently shown that there is an underground circle where real children are involved and targeted by adult men who find children attractive. There are accounts of them purposely showing sexual content to children, and the arts they choose to show tend to be of the younger characters in the Sonic franchise.
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What does this have to do with the question? I've come to the conclusion once seeing many things through researching, that the only reason these men outlash when something like Sonadow is seen or shown, or when they are told with facts that their ship is not canon or was ever meant to be canon, that they do this because it personally goes against what they personally like. They don't like men or want to see men together, they like to see women or little girls in order to sexualize them. This is also why they tend to be okay with Yuri, which is putting two women together (like Whisper and Tangle). It's because they are still women to look at and some tend to use this as an excuse to "prove" that they are not prejudice against same-same relationships, but they are still prejudice against adult looking male-male relationships because of what I stated.
So, like a child throwing a tantrum, they lash out at other fans who are telling them the facts because they don't want to accept them or "be like them" because they think that they have to follow what a fictional piece of media shows as if they are in the franchise's story themselves. This is from them self-inserting themselves as Sonic to be shipped with Amy, and from that, wanting to see Amy in a specific way while acknowledging that she is a child (sometimes or all the time). This is also why they try to excuse any behavior from her, even if it's wrong, lie that she is a nice person, ignore any piece of media that shows her in bad light, make arguments to "prove" that she is important or a good person, try to "prove" that Sonamy is official in some manner with either Sonic liking Amy back or saying that "the company" wants to put them together and why they come up with any excuse to keep her around, have her be shown more, have her be prominent in medias, or just appear in general. This is why they complain that she is not in the movie, because not being there means they can't ogle her or make fanart that's more on the sexual side or they can't see something to sexualize, even if it isn't a sexual image.
They also try to promote sexual content between Sonic and Amy or just "extreme romance" between the two, even if they are labeled as children, like they are in the movies. And yes, they promote it for different versions too like the games, but my point is that they are pushing it between the movie versions if Amy existed. What is the difference between others doing this and Sonamy fans? It's the intention. If someone is thinking of their ages while making content like that, or content like kissing, then something is wrong for any ship on a mental aspect. If people do it with the intention of not thinking about their ages (which can be for Sonamy artists too if they think like this), then it stays on a more fictional aspect and doesn't cross that line that shouldn't be crossed. The first image person wants to have Sonic and Amy kiss on the big screen, and in the movies, Sonic would still be a child and Amy would be even younger. This is why I brought it up. And it also brings the question why someone would be so obsessed with Sonic and Amy kissing in the first place or in claiming that Amy or Rouge need to be shown for "female representation" as a man. What about the women in the franchise that like to see the men characters? If he truly cared about females, he wouldn't be trying to use "female representation" as an excuse to include Amy or Rouge in the movies. That just makes his intentions clear in the reason why he wants to see her so badly.
Children shouldn't be taught those things at a young age in any case, but in the first place as well, this franchise is supposed to be for a teenage audience and up. Certain employees, who were said to be connected to those fans who sexualize real children, are the ones who are trying to make this series for children and that makes you wonder, what is their intention in doing all of this? Past employees even showed interest in women this way or little girls, such as Shiro Maekawa who wrote Sonic Adventure 2 and helped create Shadow and Maria, or Kazuyuki Hoshino and Naoto Ohshima who showed interest in Amy and made her in their attracted taste.
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All in all, there are many Amy/Sonamy fans that will come up with any excuse to be the victim in the story. They will act like others are attacking them when they are bringing up logic or facts so that others sympathize with them and take their side. The reason they do this tends to be for degenerate reasons, when it comes to men. For women, they are either tricked by these men to like what they like and fight for it for them, or they like the "cute" aspect of her and in the end, help the men with their goals in making things to their specific taste. Why else would a man like a "cute" little girl in a series? Some women also do it because they like the drama, though. In the end, for women, it could also be manipulation and peer pressure to like what others think is "normal" or should be liked. Being prejudice is also a factor that could be involved as to why they act this way. It's a lot of psychology involved.
If they are trying to pin the blame on us, or Sonadow fans, then they are just trying to come up with an excuse to have others be against what they hate while supporting what they want. In the end, Shadow makes money whether they like it or not, while Amy does not. A logical choice, or a good business decision, would be to make things for Shadow over Amy because of the money Shadow makes. The reason they want to ruin Shadow's character is simply to make him not make a lot of money and have people hate him so that they can somehow make Amy more popular or wanted than him because they just want to see her for their degenerate or other reasons. But they tried to do that for two years, and failed miserably. But Shadow coming back for one year and making so much money or buzz after being excluded from the majority of things for two years, already shows the difference in popularity between the two. They just can't stand that fact. And in the past, when I tried to bring up them being degenerates towards Amy, the person blocked and ran away, so... this adds to my conclusion even further.
Many fans sonic say you hate Amy Because you gave Amy a bad reputation and also said that Sonic doesn't like Amy as well ، Is this true
Why do you ask this question in the first place right after trying to ask a question to debunk Sonadow? What is your purpose in asking these questions as someone who is obviously against Sonadow and someone who likes Amy and Sonamy? And to even use a burner account to do this and to even try to intimidate by claiming that "many fans" think like you or what you've said while believing that pressuring us with what people think is going to make us bend to your will.
There are two of us who handle this account, but I am aware of who you're referring to when falsely accusing that this account is one person or that only one is using this account. Which also proves that you are trying to target one of us with your interrogation disrespectfully.
I didn't say to others what I think of Amy, I only speak of the facts that I find about her and her relationship with Sonic throughout my research of the franchise because many constantly lie about her characterization, personality, relationship with Sonic and medias with Amy in it. I'm not "giving her a bad reputation," I am speaking about the facts about Amy.
It is a fact that she:
Demanded Sonic to go on dates with her, even to the point of forcing him to promise her (2021 Calendar Story)
Demanded (or "joked/asked" or assumed) for Sonic to marry her on multiple occasions (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 manual, Sonic Battle with her saying she thought Sonic would propose to her to Knuckles and by enforcing herself to be Emerl's mother and Sonic the father, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes)
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Has disregarded others in favor of trying to find Sonic or have others help her find him (Sonic Colors DS)
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Is disrespectful towards Sonic because she self-proclaims herself to be his girlfriend even though he has said no to her in canon material several times
Sees Sonic as a form of entertainment to satisfy her boredom
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Is obsessed and overly infatuated with Sonic to the point of thinking that Sonic can never do any wrong except refusing what she wants from him many times
Has followed Sonic around wherever he has gone for several games, whether he liked it or not
Is touchy with Sonic despite him not liking her touch and despite showing discomfort
She has become violent or "joked" about being violent towards Sonic if she doesn't get her way with him or he doesn't accept her advances/demands
That she is based off of being a Japanese woman as a character that is created in Japan with Japanese creators, who generally are seen in negative light from those who live in Japan because of their abusive personality and actions towards their husbands (and men) after trying to make themselves look good or seem good.
If others think that these facts make her have a bad reputation or look bad, then that's how her official actions in official materials look; that shows that her personality and actions are bad and look bad to others once knowing the official materials.
Does Sonic like Amy romantically? No. Many sources, not just once, already stated that.
Ian Flynn said that in the IDW comics, there is no romance. He said they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic and that they are just friends.
But even one of her creators, Kazuyuki Hoshino, stated that it was always supposed to be an endless chase. Therefore, they were never meant to be together in the first place and it was always to be one-sided relationship with Amy being the one to like Sonic and Sonic not liking her back.
Other people who state this is how even in Sonic Boom, a writer for the series stated that Sonamy was always meant to be a joke in their series, therefore it never should have been taken seriously.
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Sonic Team also uploaded a video of Sonic answering questions, and with that, Sonic said that he only sees Amy as a reliable friend; that there's nothing more between them.
And even with her profile on Sonic Channel, it still states that Amy is a self-proclaimed girlfriend, which means that Sonic doesn't return her "romantic" feelings back and doesn't see her that way to have her actually be a girlfriend, not just a self-proclaimed one.
Other than that, it is already obviously shown in several medias that Sonic is uncomfortable with Amy and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her. If this was any other series, no one would question whether Sonic likes Amy or not from just seeing the materials where he (excluding materials from recent corrupt employees that are inaccurate to the faithful materials/lore):
1. Tries to end meet-ups with her as soon as possible if possible (the 2021 Calendar Story)
2. How he doesn't want Amy touching him and tells her to get off of him (Sonic Unleashed and the cover image for the 2021 Calendar Story)
3. Where he leaves her in others care to get away from Amy when possible (Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Battle)
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4. Where he even straight out says no to her advances or the thought of being together romantically (Sonic Advance 3)
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5. Where he runs away from Amy or when knowing Amy is coming (Sonic Battle like in point 3)
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sonadowwiki · 25 days
Telling me to relax after being accused, having words be put into my mouth like that and interrogated is not being polite. I don't appreciate that and I ask that you don't be disrespectful like that in the future.
I still question your motives since you asked about Sonadow's validity and then asked about Amy and Sonamy right after, especially when bringing up Amy's reputation out of all things to a Sonadow Wiki that just points out factual information when concerning those things.
I will accept the apology, but I once again ask that you don't be disrespectful towards us again.
Many fans sonic say you hate Amy Because you gave Amy a bad reputation and also said that Sonic doesn't like Amy as well ، Is this true
Why do you ask this question in the first place right after trying to ask a question to debunk Sonadow? What is your purpose in asking these questions as someone who is obviously against Sonadow and someone who likes Amy and Sonamy? And to even use a burner account to do this and to even try to intimidate by claiming that "many fans" think like you or what you've said while believing that pressuring us with what people think is going to make us bend to your will.
There are two of us who handle this account, but I am aware of who you're referring to when falsely accusing that this account is one person or that only one is using this account. Which also proves that you are trying to target one of us with your interrogation disrespectfully.
I didn't say to others what I think of Amy, I only speak of the facts that I find about her and her relationship with Sonic throughout my research of the franchise because many constantly lie about her characterization, personality, relationship with Sonic and medias with Amy in it. I'm not "giving her a bad reputation," I am speaking about the facts about Amy.
It is a fact that she:
Demanded Sonic to go on dates with her, even to the point of forcing him to promise her (2021 Calendar Story)
Demanded (or "joked/asked" or assumed) for Sonic to marry her on multiple occasions (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 manual, Sonic Battle with her saying she thought Sonic would propose to her to Knuckles and by enforcing herself to be Emerl's mother and Sonic the father, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes)
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Has disregarded others in favor of trying to find Sonic or have others help her find him (Sonic Colors DS)
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Is disrespectful towards Sonic because she self-proclaims herself to be his girlfriend even though he has said no to her in canon material several times
Sees Sonic as a form of entertainment to satisfy her boredom
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Is obsessed and overly infatuated with Sonic to the point of thinking that Sonic can never do any wrong except refusing what she wants from him many times
Has followed Sonic around wherever he has gone for several games, whether he liked it or not
Is touchy with Sonic despite him not liking her touch and despite showing discomfort
She has become violent or "joked" about being violent towards Sonic if she doesn't get her way with him or he doesn't accept her advances/demands
That she is based off of being a Japanese woman as a character that is created in Japan with Japanese creators, who generally are seen in negative light from those who live in Japan because of their abusive personality and actions towards their husbands (and men) after trying to make themselves look good or seem good.
If others think that these facts make her have a bad reputation or look bad, then that's how her official actions in official materials look; that shows that her personality and actions are bad and look bad to others once knowing the official materials.
Does Sonic like Amy romantically? No. Many sources, not just once, already stated that.
Ian Flynn said that in the IDW comics, there is no romance. He said they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic and that they are just friends.
But even one of her creators, Kazuyuki Hoshino, stated that it was always supposed to be an endless chase. Therefore, they were never meant to be together in the first place and it was always to be one-sided relationship with Amy being the one to like Sonic and Sonic not liking her back.
Other people who state this is how even in Sonic Boom, a writer for the series stated that Sonamy was always meant to be a joke in their series, therefore it never should have been taken seriously.
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Sonic Team also uploaded a video of Sonic answering questions, and with that, Sonic said that he only sees Amy as a reliable friend; that there's nothing more between them.
And even with her profile on Sonic Channel, it still states that Amy is a self-proclaimed girlfriend, which means that Sonic doesn't return her "romantic" feelings back and doesn't see her that way to have her actually be a girlfriend, not just a self-proclaimed one.
Other than that, it is already obviously shown in several medias that Sonic is uncomfortable with Amy and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her. If this was any other series, no one would question whether Sonic likes Amy or not from just seeing the materials where he (excluding materials from recent corrupt employees that are inaccurate to the faithful materials/lore):
1. Tries to end meet-ups with her as soon as possible if possible (the 2021 Calendar Story)
2. How he doesn't want Amy touching him and tells her to get off of him (Sonic Unleashed and the cover image for the 2021 Calendar Story)
3. Where he leaves her in others care to get away from Amy when possible (Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Battle)
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4. Where he even straight out says no to her advances or the thought of being together romantically (Sonic Advance 3)
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5. Where he runs away from Amy or when knowing Amy is coming (Sonic Battle like in point 3)
15 notes · View notes
sonadowwiki · 27 days
Many fans sonic say you hate Amy Because you gave Amy a bad reputation and also said that Sonic doesn't like Amy as well ، Is this true
Why do you ask this question in the first place right after trying to ask a question to debunk Sonadow? What is your purpose in asking these questions as someone who is obviously against Sonadow and someone who likes Amy and Sonamy? And to even use a burner account to do this and to even try to intimidate by claiming that "many fans" think like you or what you've said while believing that pressuring us with what people think is going to make us bend to your will.
There are two of us who handle this account, but I am aware of who you're referring to when falsely accusing that this account is one person or that only one is using this account. Which also proves that you are trying to target one of us with your interrogation disrespectfully.
I didn't say to others what I think of Amy, I only speak of the facts that I find about her and her relationship with Sonic throughout my research of the franchise because many constantly lie about her characterization, personality, relationship with Sonic and medias with Amy in it. I'm not "giving her a bad reputation," I am speaking about the facts about Amy.
It is a fact that she:
Demanded Sonic to go on dates with her, even to the point of forcing him to promise her (2021 Calendar Story)
Demanded (or "joked/asked" or assumed) for Sonic to marry her on multiple occasions (Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 manual, Sonic Battle with her saying she thought Sonic would propose to her to Knuckles and by enforcing herself to be Emerl's mother and Sonic the father, Sonic Colors DS, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic Heroes)
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Has disregarded others in favor of trying to find Sonic or have others help her find him (Sonic Colors DS)
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Is disrespectful towards Sonic because she self-proclaims herself to be his girlfriend even though he has said no to her in canon material several times
Sees Sonic as a form of entertainment to satisfy her boredom
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Is obsessed and overly infatuated with Sonic to the point of thinking that Sonic can never do any wrong except refusing what she wants from him many times
Has followed Sonic around wherever he has gone for several games, whether he liked it or not
Is touchy with Sonic despite him not liking her touch and despite showing discomfort
She has become violent or "joked" about being violent towards Sonic if she doesn't get her way with him or he doesn't accept her advances/demands
That she is based off of being a Japanese woman as a character that is created in Japan with Japanese creators, who generally are seen in negative light from those who live in Japan because of their abusive personality and actions towards their husbands (and men) after trying to make themselves look good or seem good.
If others think that these facts make her have a bad reputation or look bad, then that's how her official actions in official materials look; that shows that her personality and actions are bad and look bad to others once knowing the official materials.
Does Sonic like Amy romantically? No. Many sources, not just once, already stated that.
Ian Flynn said that in the IDW comics, there is no romance. He said they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic and that they are just friends.
But even one of her creators, Kazuyuki Hoshino, stated that it was always supposed to be an endless chase. Therefore, they were never meant to be together in the first place and it was always to be one-sided relationship with Amy being the one to like Sonic and Sonic not liking her back.
Other people who state this is how even in Sonic Boom, a writer for the series stated that Sonamy was always meant to be a joke in their series, therefore it never should have been taken seriously.
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Sonic Team also uploaded a video of Sonic answering questions, and with that, Sonic said that he only sees Amy as a reliable friend; that there's nothing more between them.
And even with her profile on Sonic Channel, it still states that Amy is a self-proclaimed girlfriend, which means that Sonic doesn't return her "romantic" feelings back and doesn't see her that way to have her actually be a girlfriend, not just a self-proclaimed one.
Other than that, it is already obviously shown in several medias that Sonic is uncomfortable with Amy and that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her. If this was any other series, no one would question whether Sonic likes Amy or not from just seeing the materials where he (excluding materials from recent corrupt employees that are inaccurate to the faithful materials/lore):
1. Tries to end meet-ups with her as soon as possible if possible (the 2021 Calendar Story)
2. How he doesn't want Amy touching him and tells her to get off of him (Sonic Unleashed and the cover image for the 2021 Calendar Story)
3. Where he leaves her in others care to get away from Amy when possible (Sonic Colors DS and Sonic Battle)
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4. Where he even straight out says no to her advances or the thought of being together romantically (Sonic Advance 3)
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5. Where he runs away from Amy or when knowing Amy is coming (Sonic Battle like in point 3)
15 notes · View notes
sonadowwiki · 28 days
I Know you hate this but creator shadow Confirm Sonic and Shadow are not friends ، so you say Shadow is Sonic's friend ، After this statement Will it affect Sonadow?
This "creator" of Shadow isn't the only creator of Shadow. He also isn't the owner of Shadow, the company is. He does not have the final say on how Shadow is, the company that owns him does.
Saying that Iizuka has a say on how Shadow should be simply because he wants him a certain way is no different than saying that Shadow is the way Shiro Maekawa sees him. They are just employees who are supposed to work for a company, not as the company.
There are corrupted employees, especially in the Western side of SEGA. And Iizuka is in the American branch of SEGA where most of the corrupted employees are. Therefore, his opinion is compromised with what they personally want to change things to be in their own personal interpretation. Iizuka even states this in that interview that he personally doesn't want Shadow that way, but that doesn't mean that Shadow isn't that way already. Past materials already show that how he describes Shadow is not like, is actually how Shadow is. Past materials also show that Iizuka is obviously lying in that interview.
Shadow is mentioned as Sonic's friend multiple times from the Japan side of SEGA by them saying: "Sonic and friends" with Shadow included. In that same post from Sonic Team themselves where they call Shadow a friend, is also the papers with Vegeta's name on it for Shadow's creation. He even said that Sonic and Shadow wouldn't team up to save the world, but in the very first game they even were in they teamed up and saved the world together after being enemies and becoming friends. The handclasp in victory is a symbol of that.
So obviously, what he is saying is a personal bias opinion that is a blatant lie about Sonic and Shadow not being friends. Therefore, he is not a trusted source and nor is this interview.
Canonically, Sonic and Shadow are friends regardless of what Takashi Iizuka may have said.
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To those who say they are not friends: Link
0 notes
sonadowwiki · 1 month
You just ignoring everything and reducing to going to insults goes to show that you can't handle the truth nor the fact that you brought this upon yourself by coming and complaining when all the post had to do was with correcting lies people constantly say, which you support. But you don't want to admit that or be civil or read or change for the better, so you go and just call everyone that doesn't think like you crazy to make people continue to hate on them or not believe in them despite the facts that are brought up.
Then you claim that things aren't comprehensible because you personally don't want to understand things or because you can't understand things, therefore, to everyone else it must be crazy because you think so.
If others don't want me to put words in their mouth, don't do the same to me. I never stated I wanted Sonic and Shadow to do sexual intercourse, and you already trying to say that as an insult shows how prejudice you are towards them just like those who made the hate campaign against them simply because they're two guys. You guys never asked what I thought of the two's relationship, no, instead you resort to petty insults while lying that all I (or any Sonadow fan) would care about is just Sonic and Shadow doing adult actions or compare me to Sonamy Channel when I don't even go around talking almost everyday like him or go bother officials or even tag the ship names in these things to have people see. And you can't find a comeback to that because you realize, I'm not the one spreading anything. You guys are and you brought this situation upon yourself to have more things be put out there in public for others to see. You're the ones who are making up lies about me while spreading those lies to others and are the ones saying things that have already been proven not true with facts being presented to you, such as saying that literal facts are theories or that someone did something when he literally said he didn't.
It is clear that you guys are the ones who are seeing Shadow as someone in the way of your ship or else you wouldn't go through the effort to hate on a person that didn't even say anything wrong or bother you personally in the first place. I just corrected lies that are commonly said within the Sonamy fans because none of you will correct these people to have them stop lying. You guys are the ones who hate Shadow and you hate how he is so much more important or profitable than Amy to the point there are several of you that say that you don't want to watch the movie if it's about Shadow when it is literally Shadow's movie or those who claim the movie will be all about Amy and Sonamy despite the movie being about Shadow's story. Where you hate him so much you would say lies about him and his relationship with Sonic because it gets in the way of your ship; where you don't even want them to be called friends despite Sonic and Shadow being mentioned as friends multiple times (where there are even more instances I haven't put on that post yet such as Shadow being in Sonic & Friends and many times Sonic Team says Sonic and his friends with Shadow included).
You can't deny that Sonic Prime exists. You can't deny that the bigger things have both Sonic and Shadow. You can't deny there are unprofessional employees who are bias towards Amy and Sonamy, who would even go to unprofessional actions to get their agenda put into things with or without permission from the higher-ups. You can't deny that their actions have damaged the company or franchise in some way because of the lack in sales from mainly promoting Amy. And you can't deny that this is a possibility because it happens in other companies as well.
I didn't spread this to your fans; I didn't even tag it. You are spreading it by reblogging in the first place and you're the one who brought out all this information by trying to harass someone to do what you personally wanted them to do as if you can demand others to do what you think others are "supposed" to be doing.
How am I adding to anything when I'm just correcting what many lie about without any tags? Like I said, all I said was that if people claim these lines are in the official game, they are lying and I showed the proof. You guys are the ones taking it out of proportion and you guys are acting like there aren't other things on this blog that are about Sonadow. In fact, I just showed you Sonadow content, and yet you dismissed it just because it doesn't support your ship while saying they are just rivals. That is another lie many of you, especially Sonamy fans, keep on saying. They are not just rivals, they are friends with Sonic wanting to hang out with Shadow whenever he can and watch over him, as stated in that story and as shown where they work together or protect one another in the games and even Sonic Prime. How do you expect people to be respectful towards you or take you in a serious tone if you're being this rude towards them and dismiss everything being said to you because it doesn't fit your narrative despite you being the one to ask for the evidences in the first place by saying things like how none of it is real because you don't personally want to believe so?
What I want from you guys is to stop lying. That's for one. Stop encouraging the unhinged behavior that comes from your lies with this ship because it harms others, not just Sonadow fans like you are being towards me, but to other fans like Sonaze or Sonally.
Do you realize what a lot of your fans are like where they would even go to the lengths of making suggestive or adult AI art pieces of Amy just to look at her in a degenerate manner? Where they would even go the lengths of stealing peoples' arts just to make those type of arts of Amy for free, just for Amy, with just Amy and there's a lot of them. Here, I'll show you some examples where on this site that allows this type of art, she has the most when concerning the Sonic series and there are mainly female AI art being made on this site. There's even AI art of children from the Sonic series where they even have a pregnant Maria in one of the arts, and she is a child, a 12 year old human child. And these are the ones labeled as safe for work or safe to see, which constantly gets updated.
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There are those who also claim for "female representation" as a reason for her to be included in things, like the movie, but after seeing how many AI arts are like this, you start to question some of those who claim that. Especially if they are men saying that.
And for a comparison, I'll even show AI Silver art on this site where there's not a lot of them and like only one suggestive Silver art.
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But who are you to demand me of things? Why do you act like you can demand answers from me after your behavior towards me? You don't control me or are some sort of dictator towards me. Everyone in the fandom doesn't have to answer to you or do what you personally want. And why would I really want to answer you when I've seen you're not a respectable person? What does it even matter what I think? Don't you just care about what you personally think? So why even ask?
And don't act like you guys are the only victims in this fandom when you don't even get constantly joked about as if seeing any art of your ship is somehow vile and disgusting or get purposely schemed against, which is publicly accepted and seen as fine to do because of all the lies said about Shadow and Sonadow and due to personal hate/vendettas against the ship or just from being a ship between two guys. Or where heralded employees spread misinformation about your ship on purpose to say they hate each other, or have third parties that work with the company draw crude art of your ship to disrespect it and those who like the ship. You guys aren't the ones who go through the worst, so stop acting like everything is about you guys and your ship, especially when you have fans that constantly lie, harass with even things like correcting facts or push that you're more official than others to others' faces by going to their doorstep to have others not like you. It's not about what you guys want, it's not all about you guys as if you're the center of the world. This isn't your franchise, you don't own anything. Those employees don't own anything either. It's about what the company wants and what is actually beneficial to the company. So stop acting like you own these characters and start respecting the company and others.
How about instead of trying to gaslight me or pin everything on me when you brought this upon yourself, you learn to leave people alone, to stop lying and to be more respectful towards others if you have something to say.
Correcting Misinformation and Disinformation
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If anyone is trying to say that these lines are official in Sonic Frontiers, know that it is misinformation and that they are lying because these lines were cut and are not in the game officially.
In bullet points:
These lines are cut-lines and they never made it to the final version for any platform
Ian, the writer for Sonic Frontiers, didn't even write these lines to be in the game
Since the lines are in the database of the game (but does not occur in the final version of the game), the lines can be modded into the game to make it seem official or that it's in the final version of the game
"Proofs" showing these lines to be in the game have faults within them, such as not occurring on the correct island or weather condition
There are several factors to consider when acknowledging these lines existence. One of the main factors is that these are cut-lines that never made it to the official and final version of Sonic Frontiers. This goes for both the English and Japanese version of the game. These lines can only be found through datamining the game, which means to look through files deep within the game that don't make it to the surface. So, these lines will never be activated because there is nothing to activate it, therefore it is not official lines.
Another thing to know about is that Ian, the one who wrote the story and dialogue lines for Sonic Frontiers, was not even aware of these lines existing in the game because he never wrote them or had anything similar be made for these lines to exist. Therefore, it wasn't even planned to have these lines in the game whatsoever. Someone else, other than Ian, snuck the lines in and had it go against what the original story was in the first place; they tried to have their own story or vision be put in the game aside from what Ian wrote or how it was originally conceived. This makes the lines even more unofficial and not real. Many already acknowledge that these lines are not official and are cut lines.
One more thing to consider is that even if people show "proof" of it existing in the games, these lines and even text can be easily modded into the game for it to seem like it exists in the final game. But just because it is modified in, doesn't mean that it was there originally.
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As it can be seen through this individual who is able to make unused conversations be put into the game in some manner through modification, it is also possible to put unused conversations lines in the game in some manner. These lines towards Amy aren't the only lines that are unused in the game. There are many lines that aren't used and that are still in the database of the game, but that doesn't mean that any of them made it to the final game for people to see through normal means.
Another thing to take note about is that these lines towards Amy (the "Umbrella" and "Making up his mind" lines), are lines that occur on Rhea or Ouranos Island, but the first pictures shown in this thread show that the lines were randomly said on Kronos Island, the first island you go to in the game. That shows that this person modified the lines to be said in the game and that they are not triggered under normal means. Another way to figure out that these lines are modified is that the "Umbrella" line is supposed to only be triggered while it's raining, but the line is said randomly while it is only cloudy in the person's "proof" of it existing in the game.
On a side note, datamining and modifying games tend to be illegal depending on what company the game comes from. For example, Nintendo has policies that say that if you are to play their games, you cannot modify their systems or games that are played on that console. So this practice of modifying and datamining is not encouraged by the majority of game companies and isn't welcomed, therefore it should become a common practice to not to try to do these illegal activity towards any game.
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sonadowwiki · 1 month
Giving out facts with proof in pictures and links, is "making this up?" Do you even go and read everything to understand everything? Or are you just twisting things to "Oh, it's not that bad because it supports what I like, so the certain employees showing unprofessional behavior towards a "pink rat" is okay since I want to see that as the company supporting her finally."
Do you even understand why Sonadow is supported by the company? Or do you purposely want to ignore the facts surrounding it in favor of Sonamy? And your fans become that delusional and lie on a regular basis to bully others. That's a fact towards not just Sonadow fans, but any fan of a ship with Sonic in it like Sonaze, Sonelise, Sonally and so on. And you claim Sonadow fans go out and do the same, yet bring no evidence of such where even Sonadow fans get hate from others too, such as Sonamy fans who tell them to convert to Sonamy artists.
If anything, since people are people, it can go both ways. But did you guys have a big hate campaign go against your ship with the majority of the fandom just because a game title (Sonic x Shadow Generations) was announced where everyone made a meme of it and put down Sonadow art as if it was looking at the most vile thing to see in the world? Where even news articles (2) covered the hate and put down the ship and was put on "Know your Meme." Did you have others disrespect the art for your ship on a wide scale like that (and still do to today) and others think it was okay while also then taking the "x" to put it for their own ships? Where they even lied about how the company put the name like that to push out Sonadow art in the search results. Why don't others just leave the Sonadow fans alone then when this title was announced? You claim that your ship goes through a lot, but Sonadow has gone though a lot currently from the current fanbase on a wide scale and in a very vicious manner.
Where are the people defending the Sonadow fans? Where are the ones calling those people out for being that disrespectful towards the ship and the fans? But can they even do that without someone giving them hate? After all, with just correcting about lines being cut from the game, we got hate and it was just talking about correcting facts.
Ever thought of WHY there is no Year of Amy? Why are there only certain places where it seems that Amy is getting catered to? Perhaps they're not Supposed to be catering to her in the first place, especially because that is just a personal bias they have towards Amy. That doesn't mean that the company themselves like Amy or are supporting her, just those certain bias and unprofessional employees. And it shows because it is a specific group that always caters to her, not the whole company. The Lore Team in particular usually cater things towards Amy.
Who was the focus in Sonic Dream Team? Amy was the first one to be rescued to work alongside Sonic. She got the longest cutscenes in the end of the game too. What was marketed the most when it came to Sonic Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars? Amy being playable. She also had special levels for her. In Sonic Frontiers, she had the biggest most fleshed out island and later was the one with the least buggy moveset. She also tried to act as the leader when Sonic wasn't around in the 3rd update story. In Sonic & Friends, Amy gets shown the most in several videos despite Sonic, Tails and Knuckles being there too. In the IDW comics, she is put there on Sonic's Riders team despite all Rider games having Knuckles a part of Sonic's team. She also gets focused on in many panels within the story. In The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic was "murdered" and taken out of the picture in the beginning so that the game focused on Barry, Amy and Tails, but especially Amy because it was made to be on her birthday. Are those just her being in the background? No, she is being incorporated in the stories and games itself to be a focus. And these things are all touched by the same people, the Lore Team or those the Lore Team went to and communicated with, such as Japanese employees as well.
First off, stating they "are not real" is due to them being there despite it not even being planned to exist since Ian didn't write them or had the story to even align with those lines. I mainly said they are not official or are cut lines, meaning they are there in the database, but they are not supposed to exist according to Ian not even writing them.
Second off, Ian said himself, whether you like it or not, that he did Not write those lines. He wrote the English dialogue, but there is no way he would have wrote these and just say later that he didn't write them. That's ridiculous that you're trying to say he did when he literally said he didn't. And to even come up with some kind of explanation that has no backing or proof to it is even worse. You're blatantly lying here, which proves my point about fans lying for their narrative. You also show that you don't even read or listen to the video. I never stated that Ian snuck those lines in, I said someone else did. Who that is, it's not clear, but it is clearly the unprofessional employees who have an agenda to push Sonamy despite the company already telling them no and to stop many times. Somewhere when making the game, these employees intervened with things and snuck those lines in because Ian stated he didn't write it. Now I ask, why else would someone sneak in those lines for it to never make it to the final game and to be found only by datamining the game? This just goes to show that there are employees that are unprofessional and where they try to sneak things in to fulfill their agenda and personal selfish desires because not even the story writer for the game made those lines to be voiced.
And if you try to say, there's no such thing as employees doing that. There are many examples of other companies where there are unprofessional employees like in Ubisoft where their Assassin's Creed game is trying to change literal history to have a character a samurai when in actual history he never was. Then certain people even go out of their way to make a fake book to use as evidence of the history being how they want it to be. They lied and tried to force people to believe in that lie. Even the Japanese didn't like how the people making the game did that since it is teaching people incorrectly about their history. People who constantly lie about Sonamy are being no different by trying to change history through lies and incorrect information while calling them facts.
An employee herself even stated that she did not get permission from the higher-ups to make the Sonic Symphony. The same employee who is being bias towards Amy, is trying to push her headcanon of Sonamy into things and is making things into what she personally wants with her favorites like Chao.
There was also a PSO2NG employee that went and tried to dox a user out of spite. And she even banned the user off of the game due to that spite. Are those things looked over by SEGA management? Did they approve? No, they don't approve of that and not everything is passed by them because employees can be bad and do wrong things while hiding their misdeeds or doing the deed in public so that it can't be taken back. They're not perfect, they are also human and they can try to take advantage of things within the company while trying to gain influence like having those lines even voiced in the first place to be snuck into the game or trying to make their headcanons more official by putting OCs in the IDW comics. Even Ian questions how "they get away with things" like The Murder of Sonic game because he states himself that the IDW comics have no romance in it, that Sonic and Amy are just friends and that they are one-sided with Amy liking Sonic despite these employees making things like the Ruz Sonic and Amy bouquet, which Ian also answered saying that it is not confirming Sonamy and is no different that the other bouquet where it is just two friends.
If Amy was just in the background, that would be one thing. But no, as explained before, they are implementing her everywhere and are trying to put her in the spotlight of things at all times they can. Just like how they made Fortune Cards for her despite that hobby of hers just being a side thing that was never meant to be so important. It's as important as her liking shopping.
Second, it is a problem she is being so prominent compared to other characters because you fans are not the majority of the fans in the Sonic fandom. You're just one of the more loud ones that mostly consume fan content without paying the actual company, as I explained in the other post with sluggish Sonic Superstar sales and below a million sales first week with Sonic Origins Plus. You guys demanded for her to be playable and to get a Super form, and when it was given to you (or at least a pseudo Super form that isn't an actual Super form and is just a game mechanic), did you guys show you were the majority of the fandom with your money? No, you guys as a whole did not. Therefore, her even being focused on so much is a liability to the company because most fans don't actually care about her specifically, like her being added to the games, which was the main marketing point for both games. She doesn't bring money, but other characters do, so they should be focused on more or side characters like her should be treated equally. That includes Metal Sonic (who was released in the same game as her and is never treated equally compared to Amy), Cream, Vanilla, Vector, Silver, Blaze, Rouge, etc. It's not practical to have that much attention on Amy and focusing so much on her had sales suffer.
What I'm comparing all Sonamy fans to is not stopping the behavior or mindset that comes with those who are Sonamy fans and say those death threats. You don't stop the lies, you don't stop things from helping them think that this behavior is okay. Instead, you would encourage it by not correcting them in their lies or delusions and from those who do not tell them to stop the death threats. You guys not stopping these people from their delusions and lies is what lead to this behavior among your fans. That's the issue here; that's how you all are connected to something like this when it happens with so many of the fans, not just a few.
What you claim as "misconceptions" aren't that far off as you claim because you guys don't even understand the Japanese culture to understand Sonic's attitude towards her and how Amy is not as nice as you guys want to perceive her as. She is based off of being a Japanese woman, and are you aware of how the culture is surrounding them? There are several, or even the majority in the country, that put men under their heel as they make them money while they stay at home spending that money and doing mostly nothing. Though they don't make the money, they control it and give the husbands an allowance of their own money. They can use the husband's money to buy extravagant meals while the husbands can only buy convenience store meals with the allowance they are given. And the Westerns who are making content between Sonic and Amy, like the IDW comics, don't understand that culture difference. Sonic isn't shy towards Amy, he's afraid of her like most Japanese men towards violent woman, since Sonic is based off of the Japanese culture since he comes from Japan. Sonic runs away from her in original materials because he doesn't want that type of life with her where she will be very demanding of him whether she goes out on adventures with him or not, such as how she demands him to promise to go on dates with her despite him not liking her romantically. And already one fact about Amy shows she is not a respectful person where she keeps on calling herself a self-proclaimed girlfriend, even if Sonic has told her no to liking her back and that they are just friends. And even then, she kept on trying to push herself on him, make him promise to go on dates whether he likes it or not, or keep on asking to marry him.
And to your claim of "deluding myself," I will then question you, why does Sonic Prime exist then? Why is Sonic and Shadow together in an upcoming game at least in title? Why are they the focus with the movie? And why was it already stated in 2021 that they have an intimate relationship with Sonic being the one to want to follow Shadow and hang out with him? Or are you claiming that there isn't a bias towards Amy with certain employees despite what I already stated and that there aren't unprofessional employees despite all the evidence proving there is? Why are there two very vast things being pushed as if there are two parties at constant war with each other, but one shows to have bigger things over the other?
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You act like I'm looking for validation, yet I didn't even post this post with tags of the ships. If there are those who don't want to accept just facts, then that's on them. That's all this post is about, just clearing up the facts about something. It didn't say you Couldn't ship Sonamy, it didn't say that all Sonamy people lie about this fact. You are just putting those assumptions on me despite me not even making this post have tags on it. Whether people see it or not, it doesn't matter to me as much as you're making it out to be. If people see it, okay. If they don't, fine. If I cared so much, I would have done more to spread it, but I didn't. Instead of ignoring the post, you guys are the ones spreading it around more to your fellow Sonamy shippers by reblogging it and trying to put hate on us. So I would say you even reblogging this shows that you are the one that cares a lot and want validation, just like the other one that bothered us, which is also saying that you just don't want people to know the truth and to let people be able to keep on lying. Why else bother this post that just clears up the facts, after all?
Correcting Misinformation and Disinformation
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If anyone is trying to say that these lines are official in Sonic Frontiers, know that it is misinformation and that they are lying because these lines were cut and are not in the game officially.
In bullet points:
These lines are cut-lines and they never made it to the final version for any platform
Ian, the writer for Sonic Frontiers, didn't even write these lines to be in the game
Since the lines are in the database of the game (but does not occur in the final version of the game), the lines can be modded into the game to make it seem official or that it's in the final version of the game
"Proofs" showing these lines to be in the game have faults within them, such as not occurring on the correct island or weather condition
There are several factors to consider when acknowledging these lines existence. One of the main factors is that these are cut-lines that never made it to the official and final version of Sonic Frontiers. This goes for both the English and Japanese version of the game. These lines can only be found through datamining the game, which means to look through files deep within the game that don't make it to the surface. So, these lines will never be activated because there is nothing to activate it, therefore it is not official lines.
Another thing to know about is that Ian, the one who wrote the story and dialogue lines for Sonic Frontiers, was not even aware of these lines existing in the game because he never wrote them or had anything similar be made for these lines to exist. Therefore, it wasn't even planned to have these lines in the game whatsoever. Someone else, other than Ian, snuck the lines in and had it go against what the original story was in the first place; they tried to have their own story or vision be put in the game aside from what Ian wrote or how it was originally conceived. This makes the lines even more unofficial and not real. Many already acknowledge that these lines are not official and are cut lines.
One more thing to consider is that even if people show "proof" of it existing in the games, these lines and even text can be easily modded into the game for it to seem like it exists in the final game. But just because it is modified in, doesn't mean that it was there originally.
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As it can be seen through this individual who is able to make unused conversations be put into the game in some manner through modification, it is also possible to put unused conversations lines in the game in some manner. These lines towards Amy aren't the only lines that are unused in the game. There are many lines that aren't used and that are still in the database of the game, but that doesn't mean that any of them made it to the final game for people to see through normal means.
Another thing to take note about is that these lines towards Amy (the "Umbrella" and "Making up his mind" lines), are lines that occur on Rhea or Ouranos Island, but the first pictures shown in this thread show that the lines were randomly said on Kronos Island, the first island you go to in the game. That shows that this person modified the lines to be said in the game and that they are not triggered under normal means. Another way to figure out that these lines are modified is that the "Umbrella" line is supposed to only be triggered while it's raining, but the line is said randomly while it is only cloudy in the person's "proof" of it existing in the game.
On a side note, datamining and modifying games tend to be illegal depending on what company the game comes from. For example, Nintendo has policies that say that if you are to play their games, you cannot modify their systems or games that are played on that console. So this practice of modifying and datamining is not encouraged by the majority of game companies and isn't welcomed, therefore it should become a common practice to not to try to do these illegal activity towards any game.
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