sonicscepter · 9 years
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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Sir Christopher Lee | 1922-2015
End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it. White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.
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sonicscepter · 9 years
Hey guys, commission time!
For the next week only- until midnight, on June 22- I will be doing music commissions for anyone, for any combination of instruments, for a flat rate of $20 per 2-5 minute song/piece. 
Here is the form for commission:
Instrumentation: (If voice[s], please tell me what register[s]) Purpose: (Why do you want this piece? Is it a gift for someone, an idea you’ve had for a while, or simply for shits and giggles… etc.) Other details: (Anything else- lyrics you’ve provided, lyrics i must write, inspiration images, similar pieces, etc.) Email address: (I need to be able to contact you on a more reliable thing than this)
Just send that to my ask box, and I’ll have your piece done in order of first come, first serve! I only ask that you pay by paypal, on which my email is [email protected]. If you want, you can submit your request via email instead. 
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sonicscepter · 9 years
The signs as evil mythical creatures
Aries- A traveler, and spell caster. Mutters incantations under their breath, going mostly unnoticed. Deadly. At least one side of their face is always concealed. 
Taurus- Appears in the forest as an innocent woodland creature to lead those wandering astray, never to be found again. 
Gemini- A spirit who delivers nightmares to whoever they deem fit. Floats through the night, with a childlike giggle every time they make someone scream. 
Cancer- The ghosts of warriors. Haunts the places that meant the most to them. Has an eternal desire for revenge, will torture anyone who disturbs them.
Leo- Forest fairies. Only visible to small children, tricking them into making deadly mistakes. Tiny, beautiful, but vain creatures. Bad tempers.
Virgo- A Satori, or a mind-reading humanoid. Seeks out fragile people, so they can drive the to insanity by speaking their thoughts before the other can say them. 
Libra- God/Goddess of fire. Tall stature, dark eyes, voice filled with authority. Can intimidate anyone into their submission, but only keeps a very few close. 
Scorpio- A demon humanoid who can kill any human just by looking into their eyes. Roams at night, wearing all black. Seeks out those doing unspeakable crimes and sends them to hell
Sagittarius- A spirit that predicts bad fortune/death for humans. They look innocent, with flowers in their hair and wide eyes but when they leave those flowers on your doorstep.. there is no hope. 
Capricorn-  A succubus/incubus, a creature who feeds of the romantic or sexual energy of humans by draining them. Breathtaking and mischievous, but very paranoid.
Aquarius- A water demon who lures sailors into the water only to drown them. Much like a mermaid in appearance. Very self-centered, but they are the most beautiful creatures you will ever meet.
Pisces- An apparition of a young woman that will appear and disappear at will to trick travelers into following them until they are lost, hopelessly. 
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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A list of things
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sonicscepter · 9 years
Support all trans and nonbinary people not just the passing, pretty, rich famous ones on magazines 2k15
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sonicscepter · 9 years
It’s 1AM! Time for an existential crisis! 
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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sonicscepter · 9 years
You’re guaranteed to run this town.
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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I got you a it’s, um it’s a balloon. I, um it’s got a monkey on it.
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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#poor precious cinnamon roll matt murdock who is too good for this world (◕‿◕✿)
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sonicscepter · 9 years
As many of you know, I recently purchased an Uruk-Hai scimitar.
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Well let me tell you, it was quite the pragmatic purchase. It has endless uses in my morning routine.
Such as making the bed:
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Making toast:
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Getting things off high shelves:
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Making coffee:
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Reaching the remote when it’s too far away:
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And assisting me when I ran out of toilet paper:
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I don’t know how I survived life without it.
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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mad max: fury road + text posts
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sonicscepter · 9 years
All that is gold does not glitter: Leo 
Not all those who wander are lost: Sagittarius, Pisces 
The old that is strong does not wither: Taurus 
Deep roots are not reached by the frost: Cancer 
From the ashes a fire shall be woken: Aries, Gemini 
A light from the shadows shall spring: Libra, Virgo 
Renewed shall be the blade that was broken: Scorpio 
The crown less again shall be king: Capricorn, Aquarius
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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sonicscepter · 9 years
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sonicscepter · 9 years
Fisk scares the hell out of me because I’m pretty sure if I just met him casually and didn’t know anything about him and just had a chat, I’d probably really like him.
That’s how you villain.
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