sonj-artstuff-blog · 5 years
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Baggy eyes..
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sonj-artstuff-blog · 5 years
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Ron Weasley... :D
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sonj-artstuff-blog · 5 years
Idk why, but even though I've never actually been in a relationship, I think that all men are assholes. Not that I'm generalising y'all boys, but I guess it's coz of the influence of the men in my life. All of them have proved how much of an asshole they are, at some point of life. And now, I guess, I've developed philophobia. (-_-)
I do wanna be loved and cherished by someone but I have this constant fear lingering that they'll all just ditch me when they are bored and done with me. So, I think that why to even start something when you know how it's gonna end.
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