soolarmoon · 7 months
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In my universe, almost every mythical creature is called a youkai. (There will be some characters with the kind of youkai that I invented myself because I couldn't find a suitable youkai for him or because I wanted to)
There are not so many Youkai in the whole world compared to humans.
Every youkai has his own master, but not every person has his own youkai. Unfortunately, not every supernatural being manages to find his master.
Youkai can live both among people and without intersecting with them. People are aware of the existence of these creatures, but do not often meet them in everyday life. Youkai often hide behind the appearance of a person, hiding their outstanding features, but some can freely walk in their usual appearance without fear, it depends on the character of the youkai himself.
Let's go back to the definition of "master", who is it?
This is the person youkai is attached to. But there are two kinds of masters. One of them is a master who made a deal with youkai and they are bound for a certain period, which ends when the deal is considered completed. In this case, youkai does not feel anything special about the person, treat him as an ordinary person with whom he has some business. There are few such masters, since it is very difficult to get a youkai to make a deal.
Another concept of a master is the one who is tied to a youkai as soon as he was born, connected with him once and for all. The person himself does not know with which youkai he is tied and whether he is tied at all. It will be possible to find out about this if only the youkai with whom he is tied will meet with his master, and this meeting is most often accidental.
Youkai next to his master feels a surge of positive emotions and love for his master (what kind of love they do not know, they listen to their master, so the definition of this attachment will be at the master's request). After meeting with their master and after tying the ribbon, the youkai do not need to replenish their energy (they replenish it with the help of the master. The master will not receive any harm). Before the master, they have to restore energy to survive, the method of replenishing energy is chosen by the youkai himself. It can be both sleep and eating simple food or other youkai, they also do not disdain to eat people, there are other ways.
How do you understand that youkai has found his master? As soon as they intersect, a ribbon will appear in the hand of the youkai, which he must (if he wants the master to know about his existence) offer the master to tie on himself, after that it is impossible to remove the ribbon and any decoration will appear on the ribbon. The ribbon may not be worn, but in this case, the youkai will have to replenish energy in the old way, and not from the master.
That's all for now, if there are any questions you can always ask them, I'll try to answer!!
I hope I didn't make a mistake in my choice of words, because my vocabulary of English words is not that big:")
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soolarmoon · 7 months
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It so happened that I got sick, so I have not yet moved further into the description of my universe, but I received a package that gave me a little strength:D
So maybe I'll post something soon
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soolarmoon · 7 months
While I'm drawing designs for the characters, I'll share a little fact (?) about Ace. In my universe, he is kitsune (like Cater. It's obvious, I love foxes and I want there to be more of them, and they both fit this role), so, Ace is a simple silly fox with one tail, BUT once he had two of them. Somewhere I read that when a kitsune does not keep a promise, he drops in rank and I decided to somehow use this. In short, he decided that if he did not keep his promise, then this "tale of rank reduction" would not come true, but it turned out the opposite. Later, of course, Cater scolded him, but also tried to calm him down along with the others (I think it's not pleasant for kitsune to lose his tail, both mentally and physically). Maybe I'll talk about it in more detail later, but that will be later.
Right now I'm thinking about how to post designs. Each individually or in groups (as they are in dorm) and whether to write any information about them🤔
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soolarmoon · 7 months
Hi!! This account was created only for my au youkai master "bound by fate" from twisted wonderland
And first of all I would like to clarify some things
I know perfectly well that the idea of such an au is definitely not the first and that there are other authors, but this does not prevent me from doing something similar too, of course they may be similar, but this does not mean that I stole the idea!!
I was inspired by many sources for this au: cartoons, artists, music, books, even my dreams and many other things
And if you don't like my content, then just block me and the problem is solved. Let's not be mean and rude!!
This account may contain content with blood, yandere themes, obsession and many similar things, so look at your own risk
!! I will say in advance that English is not my native language. Also, there will not be a certain frequency of updates. I'm sitting on Tumblr just to share my creativity !!
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