sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Hey, I'm back~
My protest is over.
Back to RPing~ 
Hit me up, peeps :’) 
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Hey, I'm back~
My protest is over.
Back to RPing~ 
Hit me up, peeps :’) 
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
But a Hufflepuff inside. 
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Hey, I'm back~
My protest is over.
Back to RPing~ 
Hit me up, peeps :') 
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
In Protest of PIPA and SOPA
Haven't done one of these yet.
In protest of the PIPA and SOPA Acts, I will be not be role-playing or doing much on this tumblr or any other tumblr I possess. 
Although it goes against the fact that we're all role-playing, I find this extremely important and I urge you all to do the same. ):
What SOPA and PIPA are doing is not acceptable. They are limiting our First Amendment Rights, and taking away what the Internet is really all about.
I, for one, am very pissed off about this all. 
So, here I am. l:< Blogging my anger. 
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
"Yeah," she glanced at Mackenzie, "so your class is up ahead." She pointed then turned around, "And mine is that way." Sophie chuckled. "I should get going." 
Sophie smiled. “I’m so glad you didn’t go off on me or something!” She grinned, “You should’ve seen my Mum when I told her everything ‘bout my plans. Bloody hell!” Sophie glanced at Mackenzie. This is wonderful, she thought, having someone to talk to like this. 
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie smiled. "I'm so glad you didn't go off on me or something!" She grinned, "You should've seen my Mum when I told her everything 'bout my plans. Bloody hell!" Sophie glanced at Mackenzie. This is wonderful, she thought, having someone to talk to like this. 
Proceeds to walk with her to her class, glancing ahead to make sure she didn’t run into anyone before turning back to look at Mackenzie. Sophie offered a small smile at Mackenzie’s jokes, “What do you mean? As in, all my plans?” She was a bit hesitant with her words, but if Mackenzie wanted to know, she would try and explain them all. Mackenzie was her only real friend after all.  
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie nodded. "Alright, it starts like this," she held up a finger, "when I was a kid, it was all about romance. Romance this, romance that. But when I grew old, my Mum told me everything about Dad. So I threw away the romance and headed into my plans. Planning my life, what I'd become. I just, well, I want to well-known. Possibly sought after as a friend, an employer, an anything. I'm sure it's fairly the same with everyone else..." Sophie trailed off, hoping Mackenzie would get it. 
Proceeds to walk with her to her class, glancing ahead to make sure she didn’t run into anyone before turning back to look at Mackenzie. Sophie offered a small smile at Mackenzie’s jokes, “What do you mean? As in, all my plans?” She was a bit hesitant with her words, but if Mackenzie wanted to know, she would try and explain them all. Mackenzie was her only real friend after all.  
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Proceeds to walk with her to her class, glancing ahead to make sure she didn't run into anyone before turning back to look at Mackenzie. Sophie offered a small smile at Mackenzie's jokes, "What do you mean? As in, all my plans?" She was a bit hesitant with her words, but if Mackenzie wanted to know, she would try and explain them all. Mackenzie was her only real friend after all.  
“It’s a good thing then that I went to the sides.” Mackenzie chuckled, and said, “Yeah, it sure is one big crowd.” Mackenzie grinned at Sophie’s saying, it was amusing. But of course Mackenzie knew that she was only teasing. “Yep, I did hijack half the book in the library. It was a lot of work getting passed Mrs. Prince, but I did it.” Mackenzie said, but of course she was only joking. She laughed a bit as well.
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie nodded. "Smart of you. I could've been swept away! Poor Sophie, gone like buttered toast on Sunday morning in the Great Hall." She laughed a bit. "You should really let me in on those hijacks of yours," she grinned, "I want a bit of that bloody action!" She sputtered, laughing again. "Bloody hell, I'm insane! This is so not going with my plans!" Sophie was cracking herself up, clasping her own books to her stomach as she laughed.
Sophie hums to herself, weaving in and out of the crowd in the corridors, hoping not to bump into anyone. Glancing up, she sees bouncy dark hairs and smiles widely. Adjusting her books to open hand, she readies a hand to wave at her friend when she turns around. “Heyyyy!…
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie's eyes grew wide. "Well...that's a bit rude either way," she gulped, "but, uh, thanks for your input? Yeah..." She shuffled a bit, looking at her feet before glancing at her. "Actually, will you explain how I looked...like that? Kinda curious really." 
Sophie grinned to herself and stepped into the common room, books clasped to her chest. Catching sight of red hair, she quickly glanced up as...
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie winced at 'plump'. "Uh, I'm fine." Inside her head she wanted to scream but of course she held it in. "Thank you for helping." She took the books from the girl and helped to Merlin she didn't blow up. Did the girl technically just call her fat? 
Sophie grinned to herself and stepped into the common room, books clasped to her chest. Catching sight of red hair, she quickly glanced up as the girl walked by. It was obviously one of those Weasleys. Sophie knew,…
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
"Man, didn't think I'd catch up with you," Sophie breathed, "These crowds!" She grinned at her friend and glanced at her books. "Woah, Mackenzie," Sophie teased, "did you happen to hijack half the bloody books in the library?" 
Sophie hums to herself, weaving in and out of the crowd in the corridors, hoping not to bump into anyone. Glancing up, she sees bouncy dark hairs and smiles widely. Adjusting her books to open hand, she readies a hand to wave at her friend when she turns around. “Heyyyy!...
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie gulped slightly. Well then...she didn't seem happy. At all. "Uhm...that'd be nice of you." Sophie mumbled, bending down herself to pick up one of the other books, blushing harshly in embarrassment. "I'm so sorry." Sophie gushed out, blushing again at her abruptness. 
Sophie grinned to herself and stepped into the common room, books clasped to her chest. Catching sight of red hair, she quickly glanced up as the girl walked by. It was obviously one of those Weasleys. Sophie knew,...
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
That was odd. She seemed cold. Sophie cocked her head and was about to keep walking when she tripped, stumbling forward a bit, nearly hitting the girl, but in the midst, dropped her books. They all thudded against the ground and Sophie's heart jumped into her throat. Oh Merlin, Oh Merlin! Now what? She was so in for a yelling. 
Sophie grinned to herself and stepped into the common room, books clasped to her chest. Catching sight of red hair, she quickly glanced up as the girl walked by. It was obviously one of those Weasleys. Sophie knew, because well, she knew. She’s heard of the Weasleys, it’s...
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie hums to herself, weaving in and out of the crowd in the corridors, hoping not to bump into anyone. Glancing up, she sees bouncy dark hairs and smiles widely. Adjusting her books to open hand, she readies a hand to wave at her friend when she turns around. "Heyyyy! Mackenzieee!!" Sophie calls out, hoping to catch her before she disappears into the crowds again.
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sophieirrid-blog · 13 years
Sophie waved back, "You too!" 
Sophie smiled. This was what regular friendship batter was! It felt great. “Hey, if you want we should hang out sometime,” Sophie suggested, “you know, like studying or something. Since we have a class or two together, I believe.” 
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