Hey guys, today marks the day of my boyfriend @thenightmareauthor and my 5th year anniversary today. Yep, and I still can't believe five years have passed since he asked me to be his girlfriend.
I still remember that day well: At the night of the 16th, he texted me out of the blue. After he and I talkes, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes. As well, we've known eachother snice highschool. He and I had our ups and downs but, we though things and talk them out when we can. He and I helped eachother and had eachother's backs and we're still going strong. He's helped me find out more about myself as well I helped him find himself and more. As well we keep eachother safe
I'm so proud of how far he's come as well I know that he's proud of me for how far I came in our lives. Night, I truly love you with all my heart and soul and I truly look forward to what lies ahead and can't wait to spend our lives together forever more because: We're Simply Meant To Be ❤️💜💕💙🩵💛🧡🩷
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Hi everyone, I hope you guys are doing well. I'm so sorry that I haven't posted this soon but, please be aware of this:
A friend over on Discord told me about this that there a sever that hates anime and please make sure that you spread the word and stay safe my follow anime fans.
Here's the images of what my friend send me:
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sorathekitsunewitch · 1 month
Hey everyone, hope you guys are doing well.
For awhile now I've been thinking, I really miss doing ship art of my ocs with my friends ocs. I know that with a few of my friends we do it on discord but, I miss posting them here of my friends @jen-gao-vue, @zanademondraws, @blueberry-912, @differentmusicsketchmug. I miss it alot and I'll definitely be posting them when I get them up and worked on soon. I do want to apologies for not posting them here and on twitter
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sorathekitsunewitch · 2 months
Hey everyone, hope you guys are doing well
I want to let you guys know that I'm okay, I'm alive and kicking. I've been busy with work and life. Though I've been in a state of daze and been feeling burned out. I've always missed out on streams, miss talking to my friends more, and been trying to get work on with drawings and scripts. I know I said this before but, I truly mean it when I say that I've been tried and in a daze. I'm slowly getting back into the flow of things so hopefully I can get back into my grove and post of what I can for fan made projects, fanart, my ocs, and my own original characters and story.
Much love and take care everyone from your kitsunewitch, Sora
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sorathekitsunewitch · 2 months
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Reblog to kill it faster
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sorathekitsunewitch · 2 months
Hey guys, it's been a while snice I've been on here. Been busy with work and other things in life.
So um, a couple of weeks ago I seen clips of Love and Deepspace of the characters Zanye and Xavier over on twitter and tiktok and I fell in love with them. I was planning on getting the game at some point but, I wasn't sure about it until a new character came out and his name is Sylus. After seeing him and hearing his voice, I fell head over heels for him and I got the game. I'm already loving the game and can't wait to do some fanart and have my ocs come out to play
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sorathekitsunewitch · 2 months
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Compiled some basic information I know about drawing fat characters for beginners since I've been seeing more talk about absence of really basic traits in a lot of art lately.
Morpho Fat and Skin Folds on Archive.org (for free!)
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sorathekitsunewitch · 3 months
Hey guys, I want to get something off of my chest. Some of my friends know about this but, I want to get the whole thing off of my chest.
There are moments that when I do my best and wanted to make sure that I have the information that I need, I find some way to mess up. I don't mean to, I let things get the better of me and I'm doing what I can to be a better person. No matter how hard I try to be strong and not let things get to me easily, I cry on things I don't mean at all and they get to me. I do my best to be better and strong but, it can be hard. I never want to make people upset and hate me, I always worry that if I did something and say something wrong, I worry that they would never speak to me again.
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sorathekitsunewitch · 3 months
Hi guys, hope you all are doing well and happy pride.
I'm sorry that I was so quiet, I've been busy with work and life. As well been working on drawings so hopefully I'll have them out soon as I can.
Hope you guys are having a wonderful day/night. Much love to you all
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sorathekitsunewitch · 3 months
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Original comic by Rasenth
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sorathekitsunewitch · 4 months
My 30th birthday. I can't believe that I'm 30 now but, of what I've learn in life is that you always remember what truly matters, right from wrong, always keep your love ones close and protect them, be kind and respectful to others, always do your best, be strong, and no matter what happens that your friends amd family will always be there for you. I'm truly grateful for my friends, my family, and my boyfriend. Thank you everyone for always being there for me and support me though thick and thin. Much love to you all.
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sorathekitsunewitch · 4 months
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There’s a protest going on against AI art over on artstation, so I feel like now is the time for me to make a statement on this issue! 
I wholeheartedly support the ongoing protest against AI art. Why? Because my artwork is included in the datasets used to train these image generators without my consent. I get zero compensation for the use of my art, even though these image generators cost money to use, and are a commercial product. 
Musicians are not being treated the same way. Stability has a music generator that only uses royalty free music in their dataset. Their words: “Because diffusion models are prone to memorization and overfitting, releasing a model trained on copyrighted data could potentially result in legal issues.” Why is the work of visual artists being treated differently?
Many have compared image generators to human artists seeking out inspiration. Those two are not the same. My art is literally being fed into these generators through the datasets, and spat back out of a program that has no inherent sense of what is respectful to artists. As long as my art is literally integrated into the system used to create the images, it is commercial use of my art without my consent.
Until there is an ethically sourced database that compensates artists for the use of their images, I am against AI art. I also think platforms should do everything they can to prevent scraping of their content for these databases. 
Artists, speak out against this predatory practice! Our art should not be exploited without our consent, and we deserve to be compensated when our art is exploited for commercial use. 
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sorathekitsunewitch · 6 months
Hey guys, long time no see
I've been busy at work and life but, I've been doing good
So um, today I downloaded both What In HELL Is Bad? and NU: Carnival Bliss and um. I love them so far. After playing more, I'll be doing fanart of the games.
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sorathekitsunewitch · 7 months
I agree, Dogday deserves better and happy ending
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DogDay deserved better, change my mind.
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sorathekitsunewitch · 9 months
Hi guys, I'm sorry that this is alittle late but, happy new year and let's hope that this year will be better and brighter
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sorathekitsunewitch · 9 months
This poem is written by my amazing boyfriend thenightmareauthor, this is a wonderful and please give him some love and support guys
Rise of a Goddess (A Tribute to Vexoria the Sun Eater)
Born a girl, gifted love but forced into a hell
Raised a child, defended her well
Ran from it to save themselves
Scared to love again
Met a man, nerdy like her
Degenerate WoW roleplayers
Met him then, so hesitant
But there was something that made her smile
The care this man showed her daughter
Meant one thing in her heart...
That she never wanted to let him go-o-o!
And so she rose and transformed into
The woman she was meant to be
Elegant, yet chaotic with confidence
Born deep in her skin
Vowing to become a Goddess
Known by all
Our mighty Snek momma
She took her form, mighty snake lady
Said to the world, here I come
Married that man, so wonderful
Had a child, a family now complete
Friends then came, many so
Drawn to her chaotic and lewdsome self
A following grew and many came
And they helped make her grow and grow
And so she saw, with a smile big
This was something that she could do
And she wasn't going to let it g-o-o!
And so she rose and transformed into
The woman she was meant to be
Elegant, yet chaotic with confidence
Born deep in her skin
Vowing to become a Goddess
Known by all
Our mighty Snek momma
One visit to the doctors rocked her world
And the news sent her off her tail
Her friends and family, they came close
Offered her words of love and care
But through her tears, she saw it grin,
Cancer wickedly at her
And so she rose, taking her final form
And with a roar, she declared-!
And she rose and transformed into
The woman that she knew she was
Elegant, yet chaotic with confidence
Born deep in her skin
She’s becoming the Goddess
Now known by all
Our mighty Snek momma
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sorathekitsunewitch · 9 months
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Hi everyone, I wanted to wish you guys a Merry Christmas and hope that next year will be better
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