sorbyworby · 26 days
Why I think Starlo/North Star has Narcissistic Personality Disorder
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (or people who are Narcissists) is a disorder based in self esteem issues where an individual shows patterns of grandiosity, needing admiration, and a lack of empathy.
Before I go further, I want to specify that people with NPD are not evil and being a Narcissist is not inherently a bad thing. People with NPD are not by nature harmful to their friends and family, and can have healthy relationships like anyone else. I know there's a fuck ton of stigma about the word Narcissist, so this was important for me to clarify.
Starlo places himself in the role of a leader, this role is shown to be self appointed and people follow along because there's not much else to do. He goes out of his way to put himself in a position of false power instead of just an entertainer.
The minute he meets someone who he idolises (Clover the REAL cowboy) he throws almost every other plan he has to try and impress Clover, which I think is because of how low his self esteem is. He is less harsh on Clover because of this desire to appeal to them.
While I think that he wasn't completely in the wrong with the kerfuffle with the feisty five, he did unknowingly treat them far worse than he did with Clover. He doesn't realise that he's done anything wrong until everyone literally stops talking to him.
He also turns around and shoves the blame onto Clover, which shows how he thinks he can't possibly be wrong for what happened. He fears that he can't win, and to prove he is still superior than others he restrains Clover to make himself feel better.
Then there's where Starlo reveals what he actually looks like, and how he's simply a fraud. This was honestly the most damning for me considering how he let the image he built up crumble.
The first four instances all link directly into some of the main traits associated with NPD, and I think the last one truly shows how people with NPD commonly use a persona similar to Starlo's North Star persona. NPD is driven by insecurity, and so are Starlo's actions in UTY. Even after he reveals his true identity to Clover, he quickly slips back into the persona because even though he revealed who he is to the person he idolises (Clover) he's still extremely insecure about being Starlo.
Okay that's all for now I want to add more but it's late and my main point was just to prove why I think Starlo has NPD to another person, I will probably revisit this soon because of how near and dear this hc is to me lmao. This should've been longer honestly
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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Oh no no no Chara you don't need to die to free monster kind just because you feel guilty for what humanity has done
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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Oh no! You’ve fallen and you can’t get up! Someone call Life Alert!
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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8th Anniversary🎊
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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Hello, Tumblr.
Ok so likr i imagine post pacifist flowey is always kept in a pot because of his unstable state (and also like. he tried to murder everyone before yk). He absolutely hates it but later on, once he ISNT trying to bite everyone who gets close, he’s allowed in the ground and on Frisks arm and stuff (he usually sticks with frisk most of the time anyway)
Frisk puts stickers n shit on his pot to encourage good behaviour :3
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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"Six missing children, one mountain, one mission. Bring Justice to them all."
Determined Justice(I simply call it DTJ so it's not confused with another au!) is a timeline shift au of sorts where the events of Undertale and Undertale Yellow are essentially swapped around! So Frisk is the 6th to descend and carries out the events of a true pacifist Undertale, and Clover is the 7th! Also Chara is here too, stuck with our favorite little cowpoke!
So far there's only 5 chapters to the fic but I'm slowly working on more!
Also fun fact I have Chara and Clover fully drawn and separate so I can do this
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ok i need to go write now o7
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sorbyworby · 1 month
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