sororita · 5 years
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Day 40 - At the Blake / Griffin household, we learned to always take a pregnancy test before switching households, because we all missed out on a surprise Bellarke pregnancy ! We also missed out on cute baby pictures due to user error. Welp. 
Anyway ! Meet Bellamy and Clarke’s son, Aden Griffin-Blake!
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 39 - At the Villareal household, Hugo and Luna went to prom ! 
Luna spent most of the time talking to fellow Paragons member Sergio Romeo. 
Hugo just wanted to take pictures with his faves. .... He’s not a great photographer, but he’s working on it. He had a blast with Yuki Behr!
Cameos: Scott McCall and... Laurel Diggle (?) chaperoning, Bonnie Bennett arriving and eating dinner with her boyfriend Henry Mills.
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 38 - At the OUAT household, Emma and Killian have decided to get engaged. Question, though: Is Emma staring lovingly at Killian or that random knight ? 
At the Bjergsen household, Sofia and Tatum have since started dating. She brought Elsa with her to meet up with Tatum and let him know she’s pregnant. Elsa was not amused, but Tatum is pretty excited. Sofia then went home to tell her mom who was also not amused, especially considering Clara was about to tell her she’s pregnant again herself. 
Clara and Adorjan’s youngest daughter Ana is now an inquisitive toddler and she’s precious.  
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sororita · 5 years
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my friend’s sims but in my style pt. 2
tobi by @bayleefer who was late to the party but ilh anyway
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 37 - At the Reign household, dramatic shenanigans ensued immediately. Mary and Bash went out to a bar while everyone else was busy at work. After spending the evening enjoying each other’s company, Mary decided to kiss Bash, which led to woohooing in a closet. 
The bartender I believe is also our first NPC vampire sim! 
Back at home, Henry proceeded to hit on Kenna while Catherine was asleep.... literally sitting next to her. 
Mary arrived home, changed into pajamas, and asked Francis for a divorce in the kitchen. Lola was quick to console Francis, but Bash was even quicker, swooping in to propose to Mary before she could change her mind. Hopefully he remembers to divorce Kenna before they tie the knot...
Meanwhile, in the next room over, Jean Philippe was accepted into the prestigious League of Adventurers club. They make an adorable study group. Side note: the dark-haired girl is the product of an affair between Mortimer Goth and an evil woman named Sade. 
Around the table: Elsa Bjergsen ( youngest daughter of Bjorn and Clara - potential heir to Bjergsen legacy ), Jean Philippe Valois ( only child of Francis and Lola - current heir to Valois legacy ), Adana Quigley ( ? ) ( daughter of Mortimer and Sade - heir to Quigley (?) legacy and illegitimate heir to Goth legacy ), Alexander Goth ( son of Mortimer and Bella - potential heir to Goth legacy ), and Lou Anne Rose ( alternate founder of Rose legacy ).
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 36 - At the Queen household, John and Laurel had their wedding ! During the reception, Felicity spent some more time reading to her daughter Ailey. Oliver had some fun of his own, woohooing with fellow wedding guest Regina Mills. 
This was the first time testing the Road to Fame mod ( 09/2018 ) and after they’d finished woohooing, this lil’ invisible fire clown dude showed up with a gun ??? Then a bunch more invisible fire clown dudes showed up and beat them both up ????? It’s safe to say this mod left the mods folder after this session. 
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 35 - At the Queen household, everyone adores Ailey. Thea chills with her while they both do homework, and Felicity reads to her as often as she can. 
Meanwhile, John decided he wanted to start a family of his own and decided to propose to Laurel! Roy ruined the moment by blocking the camera view. 
Oliver hasn’t done much of anything besides going to work and browsing intelligence databases when he comes home. 
Thea is quickly becoming buds with Bellamy Blake. 
Note: There are two Bellamy Blakes in my game, one who’s engaged to Clarke Griffin and one who lives with his sister, Octavia. I’m... not entirely certain which one this is.  There are also two Oliver Queens, although they’re easy to tell apart as one is Arrow!Oliver and one is Smallville!Oliver.
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 34 -  At the first Scott household, Haley got a makeover! The twins, Jamie and Ashton, are doing well. They also now have a daughter named, you guessed it, Lydia Scott. 
At the Gold household, Belle finally took Gideon Sylas to meet his biological father, Lucas Scott. They’re quite identical, even down to their love of plaid shirts. 
Today we introduce a new legacy family, the Richards household! Mitchell Kalani, J Huntington III, Gavin Richards, and Zoe Patel are all founders of their own legacies currently.
During a normal night eating dinner at waiting for Gavin to finish his shift at work, a social worker dropped a small toddler on their doorstep. Her name is Nadine Stock and she is the daughter of townies Enzo Stock and Stella Stock nee Waddell, but unfortunately they both passed away due to old age. Zoe has decided to raise her as her foster child until they can get in contact with potential family members she may have. 
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 33 - At the second Salvatore household, Katherine got a makeover! She’s using her new dress to continue ruining Damon’s life. 
At the TVD household, Caroline had a third baby with Klaus. This time, she had a son named Ansel. 
A new legacy founder alert! Peyton Sawyer has arrived, rather uneventfully. She lives alone and doesn’t do much besides paint, eat, and sleep. 
At the Gold and the second Scott household, a story chunk went missing since we last checked in! Lucas and Belle’s secret meetings ended up with a surprise child! Rumple thought it was his until he saw that mess of blonde hair. His name is Gideon Sylas Scott and he’s quite the inquisitive little fellow. 
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 32 - At the Salvatore household, Alex is now an independent toddler ! She’s also probably the most spoiled one in the neighborhood. Stefan and Brooke are constantly buying her new toys and making sure to spend as much time as possible with her in between shifts at work. 
At the Argent household, Aiden is also a toddler, although he’s more silly instead. His father ( David Nolan ) has yet to have anything to do with him, and Allison is still only getting rest when she faints from exhaustion before/after work. 
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 31 - At the Pancakes household, new roommate Summer got another makeover. Bob’s career is going quite well, but Eliza was still too preoccupied spending her free time out and about. This time with Chuck Bass and Bella Goth. Before she could get Chuck in her clutches, however, she found out she and Bob were pregnant! Gold-digging aside ( at least temporarily! ), they had a son named Albert!
At the Archibald household, wedding bells can be heard! It seems Nathaniel and Juliette decided to tie the knot. Have they put Beck and Serena behind them?  Note: Marrying into the Archibald legacy, Juliette has officially given up rights to the Dawson legacy. This leaves Callyn, Elayna, Alyssandra, and Alexander.
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sororita · 5 years
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Jade Rosa
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 30 - At the Feng household, things were pretty normal today. The only time Victor and Lily spent together was when they cooked separate dinners. 
Just outside, Sofia Bjergsen had a mind-blowing experience venturing into the city for the first time with her friend Tatum and some city-goers. 
At the Dawson households, Jace caught Juliette and Beck sharing their first kiss. He’s pretty excited about this, despite the fact that Juliette's still engaged to the also cheating Nate Archibald. Will they finally sort this mess out? 
Juliette’s older sister Callyn also had her first kiss with Chuck Bass, but then left shortly after when Vladislaus Straud invited her over to his lair to turn her into a vampire. This makes her the first supernatural creature in the multi-legacy! Too bad she has three other siblings to compete with for heir. 
With the eldest two Dawson daughters preoccupied and Alyssandra fast asleep, only Elayna got to discover their mother Adrienne was pregnant with a sixth child. This time she had a son named Alexander Dawson. Will he rival Callyn, Juliette, Elayna, and Alyssandra for heir? Will Adrienne ever stop having children so an heir can be chosen?
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 29 - Still at the Kent household, Chloe went into labor and had a daughter named Aqua Sullivan-Kent. Of course, she waited until after a midnight chat with Lana about her newfound fling with Oliver. Lana asked him out for another date. It went quite well, considering Oliver proposed once they got home. 
After a whirlwind of romance and pregnancy, Clark and Chloe settled in for a cozy afternoon meeting their new neighbors, Rachael Wing and Malcolm Landgraab!
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sororita · 5 years
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Day 28 - In a very dramatic time at the Kent Household, Clark kissed Chloe for the first time. After a bit of ... celebrations, Chloe proceeded to propose to Clark and then immediately let him know she was pregnant all before he left for work. After a bit of time to process, he decided he ought to take his future wife and baby mama out for a date. 
Meanwhile, outside the bar, a wild Lana appears to kiss a very shocked Oliver. 
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sororita · 6 years
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Day 27 - Moira Fyres got a makeover and is looking quite fine! Yuki is still not happy about all her new roommates. Moira has been spending most of her time away from the cramped quarters, either starting a garden in the front yard or enjoying the park with her Gardening club. 
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sororita · 6 years
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Day 26 - Clara went into labor while out in the city and had another baby girl ! They named her Ana. 
At the Simself household, things got a lil’ glitchy, unless they’re trying out some new yoga poses... 
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