soste11ar · 2 months
If you’ve ever lost a parent, I wrote this for us.
Mood Tonight: Always Missing Mom
By J.A.S
Although I am not okay
And I know the pain will not go away
I pray to God each and every day
To help my love not to go astray.
To practice patience and keep my ❤️ warm.
To try not to get anxious when the thoughts swarm.
Understanding that many days are sunny and some come with a storm.
Knowing that still I’ll be able to ascend into my Highest form,
I practice gratitude to help ease my troubles.
I lean on my grand support system when I cannot bear the struggle.
Loss can be a maze, a puzzle.
I try to get the words out but I feel like I’m choking or wearing a muzzle.
Other times, it’s word vomit - so unsubtle.
I’ll continue to move forward and sometimes I’ll stop in my tracks.
Not letting the memories fade, so yes I will look back.
Supporting myself and my loved ones can become such a heavy stack.
But most importantly and until forever and eternity, I know spiritually Mom has my back ♾️
“Grief is just love with nowhere to go.”
🎂 Happy 65th Birthday to my Queen, my Angel, my best friend in Heaven. Forever celebrating you and the love you’ve always given. #428
*last year’s birthday pic ❤️‍🩹
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soste11ar · 2 months
#lovergirl #tumblrbabe
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soste11ar · 2 months
And to be vulnerable enough to reciprocate 💖🧨
“How amazing is it to find someone who wants to hear about all the things that go on in your head.”
— Nina LaCour
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