soukiyoya · 1 year
I graduated so maybe ill dedicate time to this now
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I unfortunately found out today, January 4th 2023, that the Novel Up Plus stories are no longer accessible. While most have been translated or archived in their original state on the internet archive, I have been unable to recover TapeTum Vol 3.
If ANYONE has the text files or even photos of this chapter, please reach out to me here.
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soukiyoya · 1 year
Still trying to find any remnants of this chapter, as it also contained an image within it.
Mobile post - Sorry for format
I unfortunately found out today, January 4th 2023, that the Novel Up Plus stories are no longer accessible. While most have been translated or archived in their original state on the internet archive, I have been unable to recover TapeTum Vol 3.
If ANYONE has the text files or even photos of this chapter, please reach out to me here.
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soukiyoya · 1 year
Mobile post - Sorry for format
I unfortunately found out today, January 4th 2023, that the Novel Up Plus stories are no longer accessible. While most have been translated or archived in their original state on the internet archive, I have been unable to recover TapeTum Vol 3.
If ANYONE has the text files or even photos of this chapter, please reach out to me here.
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soukiyoya · 2 years
I did not forget this blog I promise
School ends like. next week, I am quarantined right now and going almost insane by it and am not in the mental state to work on anything until I am free.
I plan to finish the rest of the stories I was working on (mainly chapter 3 of strelitzia i dont think i finished as well as the twitter version of the PV (because it has spoken parts.)
Once all novels are done, I will work on the april fools translations as well as birthdays, after THAT i will work on cds (just got vol 4 today).
After that, ill work on those like “unknown order daily, sou q&a, etc” posts
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soukiyoya · 2 years
The beginning of our live ~episode of StrelitziA~ Vol.2
[TL NOTE: Hi :) i finished it :)  Before timeskip: Nagi After timeskip: Leo POVs ^^]
Novel under the cut
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Akuma hugged me as he jumped on me from behind. I almost lost my balance, stepping back in a hurry. Akuma was like an innocent kitten the way he clung to my back, looking at my face.
“I was wondering where you went to, so I went looking for you, Akkun is also going for a walk so let’s go together!” “Huh?!”
Nagi couldn’t help but think back on Akuma’s overly optimistic statement. Akuma jumped back before he could be shaken off, and skillfully landed to look into my face.
“What’s wrong? You look so scary.” “My face is scary?! Did you not see the exchange between me and Leo?!” “Hm? Could it be that Na-chan yelled at Leo-chan and walked out?” “That’s right, that’s it! How dare you watch, you...” “That’s one thing, this is another. It’s good to walk alone, but it’s more fun with Na-chan, isn’t it?” “You might be having fun, but I'm not!” “Hey, come on, don’t make so much noise. Let’s go, let’s begin our walk!” “Oh, you...!”
Akuma spoke and walked off in a good mood. This always happens. Whenever I get caught up with Akuma, I can’t move at my own pace, and I end up getting frustrated. Still, I walked behind Akuma, pouting.
Humming happily, Akuma stopped to look at various things.
“Oh, such pretty flowers! Hey, are these natural? When I was underground, there wasn’t any natural flowers, but there are so many blooming above the ground, isn’t it amazing? Oh, look, there’s a bird over there! It’s not an android bird! Amazing! Oh, look at that cleaning robot! Is that a new model? I’ve never seen a model with a face like that.”
Without waiting for a reply, Akuma kept talking one thing after another. To be honest, even though it isn’t much, Akuma has a way with words that is different from Leo. I just spit out words I come up with.
I was jealous of Akuma. There was something stuck in my throat that was pushing the words to the back of my throat. Compared to me, Akuma could freely speak without being interrupted by such a feeling. He wore such a big smile on his face, he looked so happy.
“...Why?” “Huh?” “Why are you always talking so much! Shut up! Just shut up for a minute!” “Oh, is Akkun too loud? Well, I’m talking at a normal volume, so it isn’t that noisy.” “It’s not about the volume of your voice!” “Then what’s it about? The story of Na-chan's heart?” “Ah!”
Akuma came closer to look at my face. He looked straight into my eyes as I gulped.
Sometimes these things happen. It was as if Akuma could easily see into people’s minds, gently touching the parts he didn’t want damaged.
“You should talk as well, Na-chan. Tell me what you’re thinking about.” “...I can’t tell you.” “You can’t tell me? Why not?” “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Because... I don’t know...” “What don’t you know?” “...I don’t know what to say.”
The words fell to the ground weakly and pathetically. It’s true, I don’t know. I have all these feelings swirling in the back of my head, but I don’t know how to express them. That’s why I always struggle to talk back to someone. I’ve never had any problems in my daily life, so why is it so difficult for me to express my emotions?
Akuma laughed and squeezed my hand.
“Well, why don’t you tell me in a non-verbal way?” “Huh? What the hell is that?” “A song!”
Akuma had a big smile after he spoke, twirling around lightly. Then, he began to sing a song that Leo recently wrote about the three of them.
Nagi and his friends had been working on VR Live Performances, their unit was called “StrelitziA”. Akuma changes the lyrics and melody of the songs he sings there, singing as he pleases.
“See, Na-chan! If you sing a song, you can put your feelings into it, right?”
I still didn’t know what that meant. Still, I somehow began to sing because Akuma seemed to be having fun. I’m not going to leave Akuma to entertain himself. I’m going to have fun with him. I started to sing with this feeling of desperation. But.
“No, no, no! You aren’t conveying how you feel at all!” “Huh?!” “How do you feel? Are you angry, Na-chan? Are you having sad? Are you having fun?”
Akuma twirled his fingers as he stared at me. Don’t provoke me, don’t treat me like an animal. Nagi sighed, annoyed. Anger, sadness, joy—the emotions that are inside of me right now, I put them into a song as if I were trying to beat them down.
“Haha, yeah, that’s it! More, more, let’s get rid of all that stuff you’ve been holding inside!”
Akuma fluttered and jumped. Nagi sang in response. The song no longer retained its original form. Still, I kept singing, and Akuma began to hum along.
Akuma’s feelings had hit me. I struggled to strike back. Feelings and emotions had come and went between the two of us. They were being conveyed. All the obstacles that stopped me from conveying my emotions were gone now, and my feelings echoed out.
–   ***
From the side of a flower bed planted at the park, I started at Akuma and Nagi.   They couldn’t see from over there because of tall plants. But even if the plants weren’t there, they still might have not noticed me.
It was about five minutes ago that Akuma texted me, saying “I’m fine.” I followed from a distance, so I knew where they were. I went over to where I could see their faces, letting out a small sigh of relief. Nagi was smiling happily.
I couldn’t calm the storm in Nagi’s head, but Akuma could. I was a little—no, pretty jealous of that.
I can’t help but think with my head. I rarely have huge mood swings. I had grown out of those long ago. That’s why I admire the way Nagi and Akuma let their emotions out so freely. It’s no wonder I can’t change myself now. I wanted to protect these people who can express their honest emotions.
“Ugh, who the fuck is that singing? Isn’t it dangerous to perform OR Lives?” “It’s horrible. Is that a child?”
Harsh words pour in as an attempt to stop the fun. OR Lives are said to be dangerous and are to be avoided. There are many people who display their disgust this way.
I understand why. But, sorry, my emotions aren’t for you. Leo’s pride is for Leo. No matter who tries to tear me down, I will live with my heart in my chest.
I took my terminal out and launched the DTM software. It was a simple music composition program that allowed you to create songs by combining already existing samples. While listening to Nagi and Akuma’s song, I found the scale and input the chords and rhythm.
When I made the sound, Nagi and Akuma turned to look at me.
“Leo?!” “Leo-chan!” “Here, sing. I’ll input the proper instrumentals. Can you sing along with it?”
Looking straight at Nagi, he seemed surprised for a moment, before chuckling it off with a grin showing he accepted the challenge.
“Of course!”
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soukiyoya · 2 years
The beginning of our live ~episode of StrelitziA~ Vol.1
[TL NOTE: I know I skipped over unknown order and decided to work on StrelitziA first instead. This is written in a first/third person view switch again, with the first half being in Leo’s perspective, and after the time skip being in Nagi’s.]
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Bang! A loud noise could be heard as Leo was writing a research paper for class in the living room. It’s probably Nagi. As soon as Leo had looked up from the screen, Akuma, who was also on the sofa enjoying VR content, had removed his goggles and raised his head to look up at the door.
The violent footsteps seemed to belong to someone who was angry, and with a bang, the door was thrown open vigorously. It was Nagi. It was 3:00 PM. He had just gotten home from school. He walked up to me with a scowl on his face, like a fierce animal that bared its fangs, and threw his bag to the ground roughly, breathing repeatedly and deeply. At the sight of this, Leo looked over to Akuma and shrugged.
It wasn’t unusual for Nagi to return home in such a cranky mood. Although they aren’t targeted, they were often looked at negatively despite having done nothing.
Just because they don’t have parents.
Originally, the three of them were in the same orphanage. It wasn’t exactly a peaceful beginning, but it made sense given their relationship. And there were also new beginnings the three were able to discover.
Two years ago, when Leo left the orphanage, he took Akuma and Nagi with him to live together. No one objected to the idea of him taking the two so-called troublemakers out of the orphanage. And so, their lives together began—
“Nagi, don’t hit stuff just because you’re upset.”
I spoke as calmly as possible. However, the words were twisted by Nagi due to his current emotional state.
“Are you calling me violent scum just like the rest of them?!”
I didn’t say anything like that, however I decided not to argue with him. Perhaps, he was told that at school. But who said it? Was it a classmate, a teacher? Although it was unclear who told him that, there was no question that someone told him that.
Just because you’re a child without parents, the world looks at you differently. Nagi lost his parents a few months after being born and was placed in the orphanage. I don’t know what my parents look like, and I don’t know how they would treat me. Even though Leo had no memory of his parents and wasn’t bothered by that, 14-year-old Nagi was. His unreasonable outbursts developed due to the difference in his surroundings and caused him to become irritated.
Even if that’s the case, I can’t just let him become the type of person who resolves his issues with violence. Leo turned to Nagi again and started straight at him.
“I never called you scum, but if you resort to violence to solve your issues, then you are scum. Do you understand the difference?” “...” “It’s impossible to change how someone thinks, we all just believe what we want to believe, it’s the same for us. So, if you don’t agree with someone, you have to distance yourself reasonably—” “Aaaaaaagh, that’s enough, shut up! You’re so annoying, Leo!”
Interrupting what Leo had been saying, Nagi kicked the couch Akuma had been laying on. Akuma muttered and rolled his eyes in response. However, Nagi didn’t care. He clenched his fists tightly and glared at Leo, Nagi’s face twisting with anger.
“Shutupshutupshutupshutup! I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about! That isn’t what I wanna hear! It’s just, It’s, I—”
At that point, Nagi’s words stopped. I guess he can’t come up with a better vocabulary.   That’s always the case. Nagi’s not good at organizing his thoughts, and resorts to yelling once his emotional capacity is exceeded. And.
He spat out, leaving the living room and slamming the door shut. There’s a pause for several seconds, before the front door can be heard opening, and then closing.
Akuma, who had been watching the whole scene play out, stood up from the sofa. He shrunk the goggles in his hand and stuffed them into his pocket, approaching Leo with a smirk.
“Leo-chan is really smart, but you’re not good at talking to an angry Na-chan.” “It’s annoying I can’t argue back...”
Leo shrugged his shoulders while chuckling. It’s always like this. I always try to reason with him, but it’s difficult to do so when Nagi is so emotional. This is all just a matter of compatibility and chemistry though, so I guess there isn’t much to do about it.
“Akkun’s going for a walk! I’ll leave the phone here so you can use it whenever you want.”
With a chuckle, Akuma left the living room. He said he was going to go walk, but in reality, he was probably going to chase down Nagi. Even at 18, Akuma seemed like some innocent toddler, but he was actually really smart. Especially when it comes to Nagi, who’s so short tempered, Akuma’s presence is vital.
They basically fill in the missing parts of each other. Thinking about their way of life, Leo closed the data for his paper. As expected, I don’t have time to write a paper right now.
“I guess I’m not ready yet.”
Muttering to himself, Leo quietly stood up. For the time being, let’s brew some coffee. With that in mind, I turned to the kitchen.
Nagi wasn’t very good at putting his thoughts into words. It doesn’t even have to be asked why. Nagi, who was never very smart to begin with, was unable to carefully organize his emotions into words. I felt irritated and frustrated by it, but I couldn’t help it. The more I thought about it, the more heat rises to the bottom of my stomach.
I was jealous of Leo. Leo was older than the other children when he was admitted to the orphanage. But more than that, he was mature. He didn’t socialize with the other kids much, but I saw him reading difficult books often. There were times Leo would help me—Sometimes I didn’t like that.
How can I be like Leo? Nagi began to follow after Leo, trying to learn how to be like him. But in the end, nothing changed, and Leo just grew older. And yet, I haven’t changed one bit since I was 7 years old. If this continues—
“Na-chan, I found you!” “Woah!”
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soukiyoya · 2 years
The beginning of our live   ~episode of Souta~   Vol.3
[TL NOTE: I went back to using just I / Me to refer to Souta. This is the last chapter for ~episode of Souta~ , meaning I will start translating ~episode of unknown order~ next.]
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Now days, people tend to avoid OR Lives due to the dangers surrounding them One of these lives, “The GroovyTop Fes”, was a large scale OR Live A total of ten bands were scheduled to perform one after another, with the last performance being held by the legendary band “Revival”, who had hosted the event.
I knew about the festival. But I had no intention in going. How could I go alone if I can’t even go with Kouta? But Kouta, who had obtained a ticket thanks to one of the nurses, pushed me to go, even though I was hesitant.
I couldn’t just not go after everything Kouta had done for me. I took the chance and stepped into the venue.
—It was a dreamlike world.
There were so many people I couldn’t even move. Everyone had a smile on their face, their voices buzzing with joy. As soon as you entered, there was a tent set up selling goods, a long line of people waiting. The tents selling food and drinks smelt so good, their delicious aroma filled the air, making you want to just stop at them. In the plaza beside it, many people were sitting on the bleachers.
But as the stage got closer, the atmosphere drastically changed.
I walked forward, trying to get as close as possible. If I didn’t stand strongly on both my feet, I would’ve been swept away, I would’ve fell. The passion of the person next to me is transmitted, I can hear them exhale, as my bag around my waist hits me. I’m almost dizzy from all the new feelings. When—
I failed to stand strongly, bumping into the person behind me. I turned around and looked up in a panic.
“Sorry! I’m sorry!” “No, no, it’s my fault...”
The young man who bowed his head was a rather calm person. He had a kind face, this doesn’t seem like the crowd he should be in. Are OR Live that powerful to make even those people enthusiastic?
“Sou, are you okay?!” “Ah, I’m fine, I’m coming mom.”
His name was called from a distance, and he rushed over in a hurry. Is this a place where parents bring their children? I was surprised by the unexpected audience demographic.
Certainly, if you looked closer, you could tell the age ranges were varied. Most were around my age, but some of them were much older and some were still in school uniforms. All of them were looking at the stage with anticipation in their eyes.
In addition, there was this feeling of ‘discomfort’ that couldn’t be felt in VR.
People bumped into one another, they crushed one another, stepped on each other's feet, and on top of that, it was hot. I’ve never felt anything like this in my life. In today's day and age, AIs tell you how to live your life comfortably. ‘Go this way instead because that road is crowded’, ‘It will rain at this time, so move your plans around to accommodate the weather’, ‘If you want to improve your skills, you should do this....’ AIs have given us the knowledge to live our lives comfortably, efficiently, and stress free. So, people can always relax and do what they want to.
But it was uncomfortable here. This discomfort—It makes me feel alive.
“Let’s go, everyone! The GroovyTop Fes is still going strong!”
A voice echoed. At that moment, the crowd erupted in cheers that were so loud I thought my eardrums would bust. This isn’t possible in a VR space where the volume and quality are controlled. I could feel the vibration of the sound in the soles of my feet, this was the first time I felt like my heart was being pounded on, as if the sound was coming from my own body, I felt like I was going crazy.
“Let’s keep it going! Make some noise!”
The vocalist stepped on stage and encouraged the audience through his microphone. As if being led by his voice, the audience’s cheers became louder.
— I was being enveloped by a bright light in front of my eyes.
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The lights were hot. When the music starts, everyone starts dancing intensely. Some were running in circles, shouting as they did so. It was already a mess. It was painful, it was noisy, and it was hot. I didn’t know this feeling. But—No, that’s exactly why.
“It’s fun!”
I realized that I had raised my hands and shouted. I was jumping to the music. No matter how much you bump or crash into someone, no one complains. It was a mutual feeling. We could feel our spirits burning with passion.
Music moves people. It was clear. I didn’t know this kind of music. You can’t feel this in VR. There was passion here that wasn’t present in a comfortable VR space.
I want to make it. I want to create this kind of place, this kind of space, this kind of passion. I want to be that kind of person. This is surely what Kouta wanted—!
The festival was getting more and more exciting. Both the audience and the performers were filled with emotion. This glittering space was like heaven on earth.
My heart was pounding loudly. My vision suddenly became clear and my whole body was filled with joy.
—I have to tell Kouta about what I felt here.
I have to tell Kouta what I felt here, what I gained from here, and the spirit I burned here. I needed to make a song. No matter how many words I use, it would be a song that carried the emotions I couldn’t convey.
Besides, I have to clear up Kouta’s misunderstanding. I thought to myself.
He seemed to think I was using composing as an excuse to stay home. He thought that way I wouldn’t get in trouble for refusing to go out with our parents. But that isn’t it. I was reserved with Kouta. I felt guilty I was the only one who could go out freely. However, composing was the only thing I felt passionate about and truly enjoyed.
I’m sure I can convey my emotions to Kouta now.
I shouted from the top of my lungs as I pumped my fist in the air. I took a deep breath. I plan to change this atmosphere with my own blood and flesh.
And one day, I will definitely stand on this stage!
That vow became a cheer from the top of my lungs as it rose up to the blue sky.
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soukiyoya · 2 years
The beginning of our live   ~episode of Souta~   Vol.2
[TL NOTE: #KoutaStopMonologuing . Seriously, Kouta’s long speeches are hell to translate. This time I wrote using both Souta and I / Me to refer to Souta, depending on what was used in the original text and what fit better. I tried to cut down a bit of Kouta’s “Big Brother” talk but it does have some importance to the story so I kept it if it feels needed.]
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Kouta was staring at me. However, Souta didn’t understand what he meant by his words. It was natural for Souta to stay by Kouta’s side. Kouta’s his precious little brother, he can’t imagine leaving him.
However, Kouta continued
“No, big brother. You can’t stay by my side all the time. You can’t always sing just for me. You need to go out into the world.” “Why... Why are you saying that?” “I just can’t take it. I can’t stand the thought of you giving up your life to be with me.”
Kouta looked down with a sad face. However, Souta didn’t understand the meaning of his words still.
Emotions swirled around in my head.
Five years ago, when Kouta was only ten years old, he was taken to the hospital, where he made a vow I will never give up. I would do whatever it takes to make Kouta happy so he would always laugh. But that’s not the only emotion I held in my heart.
I felt guilty.
Souta could walk anywhere. Souta could run around freely, sing with all his might, and play as he wants without restriction. But Kouta can’t. Even when he’s not at the hospital, he stays inside as much as possible, with only the occasional walk in the park now and then. This world of Souta and Kouta’s, which I thought we could coexist in forever, had changed.
In the VR space, Souta and Kouta have equal freedom. If that’s the case, then why not stay together? We’re siblings, it’s better to live close together than live unfairly.
My emotions brew in my heart and head. Will I leave Kouta? There’s no way. I just can’t.
Souta’s lips tremble, he goes to ask a question fearfully
“Did... Did I hurt you, Kouta?” “No! That isn’t what I meant! It’s not that...”
Kouta shook his head frantically and squeezed Souta’s hand as a result. There was no feeling. The VR space was like the real thing, but Kouta’s hands weren’t warm. The “real” experience isn’t possible here.
“You know, big brother, I’ve been thinking”
Kouta began to speak, choosing his words carefully.
“Sometimes, I think, I’m lucky to have a big brother. I get tired as soon as I sing, but my brother can sing as much as he wants, right? I think about how much fun it must be to be able to do that. I can’t help it.” “...I’ve been thinking about it too. I can run as fast as I want, but you can’t even walk easily. It hurts to think about.” “I knew it.”
Kouta laughed in a funny way. However, he quickly nodded and exhaled weakly.
“You’re very kind, aren’t you? I know you are. The fact that you want to go other places, but you’re refraining from doing so. You refuse to go shopping with mom and dad because it’s more fun to write songs at home, right? I think it’s because you think it’s wrong to enjoy life alone. But if I said that, mom and dad would be concerned, so I’ve been trying not to say that.”
I couldn’t deny it or argue against it. Souta took shallow breaths. He had been noticed. I was trying to keep the swirling emotions in my head to myself.
I didn’t want them to be known. I wanted to be the “kind big brother” who was always smiling—
Souta put his hand to his heart. In this place that is not real, there is no heartbeat.
“I always thought it was nice having a big brother. I’ve always thought that my brother is nice, and I’ll continue to think so. But as much as I like my brother... I want him to be stronger, I want him to be able to do lots of things. Much more than he already is.” “I can’t do it...” “I don’t like that! I absolutely do not! You can’t stay here like this. You shouldn’t be here all the time, you should be out with other people. Don't just play your songs for me and those who I play your songs to, play them to people at the places you go to. Tell me about your songs, your feelings, the people you meet!”
If Kouta was in the real world, he would have clung to Souta. He looked so desperate. I’ve never seen Kouta look like this. It’s been years since I’ve heard him raise his voice.
Souta clenched his fist tightly over his chest.
“But...” “No buts. We’re different people. You can have different experiences. You can do things I can't.”
Kouta scrunched his face up, he looked like he was about to cry. He continued with a strained voice, as if he was pleading.
“So that’s why. Instead of me, go ahead and see things, feel things, have fun, and then come back. Tell me about your days and what made you happy.” “...” “If you don’t, my world will remain closed to only me and my brother.”
Souta closed his eyes, his eyebrows wrinkling Is that really alright? Is it right to do what I want? I’m lost, I’m confused, I’m angry.
I can’t step forward. The voice that reaches Souta’s ears this time is softer.
“And I want to see it, I want to see you sing. I want to see you sing with all your might in front of people. I want to see you encourage and excite others.” “...Does that mean do a VR Live?” “That’s fine, but I don’t think that conveys how you feel. I want you to give it your all!” “Well then—” “OR Live!”
Kouta’s voice echoed brightly as if he had been freed. This was a VR space, there was no way the wind could blow. However, Souta felt a strong breeze at that moment.
“It’s popular right now, isn’t it? I heard it’s really fun! There was a nurse who had been to one, she said it was amazing! One of the nurses I played your songs to said you should perform there too! I like it when you sing in the OR. Please!”
Souta slowly opened his eyes to the sound of Kouta’s soft voice. With a big smile, he looks at Souta’s face. As I watched Kouta, the grip of my clenched fist loosened slightly.
I used to sing everywhere. Even in the hospital room. But I couldn’t sing with all my might anymore, so I gave up singing in real life. But maybe that was a mistake. Kouta wants Souta to enjoy OR Lives to the fullest. Suddenly, I realized.
Kouta leaned in further.
“You should go see “The GroovyTop Fes”, it’s an OR Live festival. Then you’ll understand why I want you to sing, you’ll want to sing. I want you to sing, I want you to show me that!’
Kouta spoke, embarrassed.
“I want to brag to the nurses about my brother performing in those places.”
Souta finally relaxed, laughing slightly, in response to the small, but not easy, request.
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soukiyoya · 2 years
The beginning of our live   ~episode of Souta~   Vol.1
[TL NOTE: I wrote this in Souta’s point of view, as the translation could vary from using “Souta” to saying “I” or “Me”, so I just used I / Me to make it easier. I’m not too sure of Souta’s younger brother’s name, but I went with Kouta. If this is incorrect, I will edit it.]
Novel below the cut
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In the middle of the night, we chased after the ambulance that rushed by with its sirens blaring. I was in the passenger seat of the car my dad was driving and just kept praying. Please let this be a dream. When I wake up, I'll be in my nice comfortable bed, immersed in the happiness of a good dream. I had clenched my fist while wishing for this, my knuckles had stopped bleeding and turned pale.
The ambulance pulled into the hospital and stopped. My father soon followed, parking the car near the entrance of the emergency room. I rushed out in a panic. The ambulance opened its doors, and the stretcher was carefully lowered-- there laid my brother, who was five years younger than me.
This really was reality—I started to feel dizzy. I felt my body become drained of its strength, I felt I was going to collapse on the spot. Still, even if I struggled to stand, my determination as an older brother kept me up. I can’t let myself break down when my brother is going through a tough situation. We have to be strong, even if this is reality, we have to show that “we will not give in.”
For that reason alone, I stood there straight in front of him. I just kept staring at the stretcher carrying my brother as it was sucked in by the hospital.
“Happy 20th birthday, big brother!”   My younger brother, Kouta, had a huge smile on his face. He looked much happier than me, even though it was my birthday. I could only squint at his expression, I didn’t reach out to touch him. No, I couldn’t touch him.
We were in a space that looked like a café. It wasn’t a real place. I was attending an online visit in a VR space the hospital Kouta was staying at had set up.
Five years had passed since Kouta had the seizure that hospitalized him. My younger brother, who was only ten at the time, was now fifteen. But that doesn’t necessarily mean he’s alive and well. He had to undergo an emergency surgery when he had the seizure, and then repeated surgeries to supplement his bodily functions as he grew. This is still the case. It had been two days since Kouta’s surgery, but he was still in the intensive care unit. Even so, I thought one of the strengths of VR was that I could talk to him.
Kouta’s smile faded, and he nodded sadly.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get you a present.” “Don’t worry about that. I wouldn’t want you to push yourself before your surgery and collapse.” “Well, that is true...”
In fact, it was difficult to prepare a gift right before the hospitalization. Kouta knew that, but he still wanted to prepare something. Kouta’s always been like that. Before he got sick and even afterwards, he had always cared for me. I used to genuinely be happy about it. Of course, I’m still happy. It’s just that I’m no longer “happy.”
“Oh, that’s right!”
I leaned forward with a smile, as to shake off the emotions swirling inside.
“Instead of a gift, would you like to hear my song?” “Eh, Big brother’s song?” “Yes. I have a song I completed yesterday that no one else has heard yet.” “Could it be the song you were working on before I was hospitalized?” “That one! I promised you I’d complete it before your surgery was over.” “Wow, it’s really finished! I want to hear it, let me hear it!” “Alright. Well then, let’s go—”
Open the menu screen of the VR space and select the music data installed in advance. When the instrumentals began to play, Kouta leaned forward with a twinkle in his eyes. Kouta had always looked at this when he listened to music.
In this day and age, music created by AIs have become the norm. If you enter a song into the music AI program, it will automatically generate the song. Music created this way could be heard all over the city, and when Kouta heard it, he always became excited.
When Kouta became sick and couldn’t go out often, music became one of the few things he looked forward to. I want to let him hear music in various ways. With this in mind, I sang music to myself. I will never forget the look of joy painted on Kouta’s face. That’s why I started to sing. Even before the popularity of OR lives.
OR Live—or Original Reality Live, was a very common way of preforming lives, with real people playing instruments and singing. That was the mainstream way to perform, but ever since the global warming phenomenon forced us to flee underground for 200 years, the idea that “entertainment is provided by AIs” became widespread. It’s not worth it to suffer and create something for the sake of relaxing. That became the basis of our underground life.
When I was born, mankind was still living underground. That’s why I thought was always provided by AIs. But I enjoyed singing to myself. More importantly, Kouta would smile at me. I was so happy singing, it was fun, and I couldn’t help it—I finally wrote my own song.
At first, I sang in my hospital room. However, OR lives begun to be looked down upon, I had to sing in fear, worrying about what those around me would think. So in the end, I started singing in VR spaces like this—
I sang all the way to the end, Kouta giving me a round of applause.
“That was a really cool song!” “Isn’t it? I’m proud of this one. Especially during the chorus, the melody fits perfectly, it feels so good!” “I know! You looked so happy when you sang the chorus.”
I sent the sound data over to Kouta, as usual. He smiled at me.
“I’ll play it to the nurses. They really liked the last one.” “Oh, really? It’s kind of embarrassing to know someone other than you listened to my songs.” “Don’t be shy, there’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, I want more people to hear your music.” “Haha, thank you, Kouta.” “I’m not trying to flatter you or anything, okay?”
Kouta suddenly had a serious expression on his face. The straightforward look in his eyes made me gasp.
“Hey, big brother... are you going to stay with me forever?”
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soukiyoya · 2 years
Now that everything “important” is out of the way, I will make a pinned to the masterlist for mobile users and easy accessibility.
From here on, translations will slow down to allow time to write them.
My priority is Drama CD translations, Novel Translations, and Birthday post translations.
I will try and focus on these more but I will still work on any other content officially released through the official page or the twitter page. 
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soukiyoya · 2 years
[TL NOTES: OR Live = Original Reality Live, VR Live = Virtual Reality Live]
Translation under the cut
0:00 | Once in this world, everything was real... 0:04 | This is the story of young people who devoted their lives to OR Lives.
0:15 | Around 20XX 0:18 | The earth was hit by an abnormal global warming phenomenon 0:21 | The world was surrounded with heat and there was a serious water shortage 0:24 | Living on the ground became so difficult that it became difficult to even walk outside
0:28 | This era ended up being referred to as the “Burning Period”
0:33 | People moved underground to survive
0:37 | Eventually, the underground infrastructure was in place and people who sought entertainment in their daily lives 0:39 | They came to relying on technology for everything
0:42 | Entertainment 0:43 | Fashion 0:44 | Games
0:45 | And, Music...
0:50 | It became normal for AIs to create entertainment 0:53 | VR Lives had been recognized and seen as mainstream by people 0:57 | However
1:01 | About 200 years later 1:04 | People returned to the ground overtime 1:08 | After someone discovered a “legacy of the past” 1:12 | OR Lives had been regained 1:15 | OR Lives were real lives that people were enthusiastic about long ago 1:18 | People could feel the groove through their body 1:21 | However
1:23 | Extreme weather conditions occurred frequently at the place the lives were being held and the warning bell was signaled for OR Lives 1:27 | In the meantime, the worst thing happens 1:31 | A major accident involving casualties occurred at the largest OR Live festival, “The GroovyTop Fes” 1:35 | The live that caused many casualties was called the “Tragedy Live” and scared people
1:40 | After the impact from the Tragedy Live, an organization called “GCRO” was formed to protect the safety of musicians and concertgoers 1:44 | It was determined that the cause of the accident was imaginary noise existing in a human’s singing voice 1:48 | It was announced that OR Lives had been banned and only VR Lives would be allowed, as they had been completely safe.
1:53 | But, people still don’t know the trick behind it...
1:57 | There are young people who still continue to have a passion for OR Lives 2:00 | They called themselves “Refrain” and worked towards regaining OR Lives
2:05 | Was the accident really caused by OR Lives? 2:09 | Was the music that people cheered for and became enthusiastic for bad?
2:12 | No, there’s no way...! This world is wrong...!
2:16 | They move to find the truth
2:21 | Someday, we’ll grasp that enthusiasm again
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soukiyoya · 2 years
Live us MAIN PV
[TL NOTES: The video refers to Kai as “Kyouto Kai”, however the website and other contents are written Kyoto Kai, so I will be sticking to using Kyoto Kai. The same applied to Note and Ruate being called Tukihi in the video, where as the website calls them Tsukihi.
The introductions between 0:24 - 1:18 are the same as the introduction pages I already translated, so I reused the translations. I also broke the introduction timestamps up by group to make it easier on the eye.]
Translation under the cut
0:03 | The year 22XX 0:05 | A large-scale accident caused by a song occurred at a live 0:07 | People called it “Tragedy Live”
0:10 | Original Reality lives were regulated and banned in wake of the accident 0:12 | Demand for VR is rising 0:14 | The old Original Reality Lives have disappeared from people’s memories
0:24 | A world where the passion for music that once existed has been lost 0:26 | Young people tried to regain that place (the stage) again. 0:29 | Their name is “Refrain”
0:33 | “If my song means something, I want to sing it!”  Kyoto Kai (CV. Nakajima Yoshiki) 0:37 | “I think you can change the world.” Kasamitsu Souta (CV. Yano Shōgo)
0:42 | “Hey! Let’s form a band together! It’ll totally be fun!” Akemi Yu (CV. Nakamura Shūgo) 0:46 | “Let’s make our dreams come true together. Look forward, look up.” Shinji Akito (CV. Kobayashi Chiaki) 0:49 | “Listen to the passionate music that only we can create!” Kiyama Ryu (CV. Yamashita Seiichirō) 0:52 | “As long as you guys are with me, I’ll never give up…” Itohana Shiki (CV. Ishiya Haruki)
0:57 | “Hey, are you listening to me? This is our song!” Arashima Nagi (CV. Nozuyama Yukihiro) 1:01 | “Don’t think about anything else, just follow us.” Mitama Leo (CV. Azakami Yōhei) 1:04 | “Isn’t singing fun? Ak-kun loves you!” Rakuki Akuma (CV. Horie Shun)
1:09 | “I’m having a lot of fun now!” Tsukihi Note (CV. Inoue Yūki) 1:14 | “Hey hey, listen up~! Me and Note’s masterpiece!” Tsukihi Ruate (CV. Amasaki Kōhei)
1:18 | “~I wonder if it’s ready, my song.” Kiyoya Sou (CV. Toyonaga Toshiyuki)
1:14 | Original Work - ホワイトパレット (White Palette) 1:24 | Character Design - bikku 1:28 | Series Composition - 木原 梨花 (Kihara Rika)
1:32 | This world is wrong. 1:34 | Come on, let’s recreate this world
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soukiyoya · 2 years
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Live us WORLD
“Tragedy Live”
Story under the cut
5 years ago, in the middle of an outdoor festival, a gust of wind caused a major accident which caused the set to collapse.
At the festival, where tens of thousands attended, there were many deaths and injuries, mainly to the audience in the front, and there was screaming and shouting.
The organizer of the event, Revival's vocalist, Gaku, had lost his life due to the event. This horrific live performance was dubbed the "Tragedy Live"
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soukiyoya · 2 years
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Live us WORLD
“What is OR Live and VR Live?”
Story under the cut
Original Reality Live, or OR Live for short,  is a live performance with live music and live singing that brings people together.
Virtual Reality Live, or VR Live for short, is a live performance where an avatar is prepared in a virtual space.
Some VR lives are performed by real people, while some are performed by AI programs.
In the past, OR Lives were also held, but they were considered dangerous after the events of the "Tragedy Live", and now only VR lives can be held.
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soukiyoya · 2 years
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Live us WORLD
“Sharing experiences through VR”
Story under the cut
Cities similar to those that once existed began to resurface and scatter around the earth, humans successfully created artificial day and night times, and even seasons, and were able to live on earth as they did before.
However, due to limited living area, movement was restricted, and it became impossible to move to areas other than the residential area, where about 50,000 people live.
What was developed there was a virtual space, which used VR technology. From public buildings (such as libraries, city halls, etc.), to shopping centers, It's available in virtual spaces.
After that, people had returned to the ground, but they used VR, as it had became part of their lives, they use it to enjoy entertainment and to work wherever they want.
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soukiyoya · 2 years
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Live us WORLD
“A world with advanced AI technology”
Story under the cut
Since they began living underground, humans relied on technology for entertainment. Excellent AI technology had made it possible to create entertainment comparable to that of humans. Novels, games, dramas, music, and other forms of entertainment created by AI technology soothed and entertained humans. After spending so much time living this way, the ideal that "entertainment is created by AIs" was instilled in people's brain,  And they were left to enjoy it that way.
Although people returned to the ground, they weren't inconvenienced as convenient of VR media was developed, so it became common for humans to return to the ground and still have their media created by AIs, becoming the norm for how humans got their entertainment.
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soukiyoya · 2 years
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Live us WORLD
“Return from the Underground”
Story under the cut
Humans were forced to move from the surface to underground due to the global warming phenomenon called the "Burning Period", and lived that way for about 200 years.
Eventually, as time passed, global warming gradually disappeared and the surface became livable again. Even though life underground was stable, humans were meant to live on the surface. People began to rebuild the earth, as they tried to make up for the past 200 years. "Let's start again from here" he said, 200 years ago- The landscape on the ground circa 2020 AD had been recreated.
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