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asura from soul eater is unfuckable!
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@nonbinary-morro brought up a good point on one of my previous posts! I was speaking about discrimination amongst weapons and the stereotypes and segregation amongst weapons and meisters. They brought up how Excalibur and Justin don’t fit into it.
I instantly thought of this. What is it that both of them have that other weapons don’t? Power. They’re strong. Excalibur is stronger than Justin, but both can win a fight against a regular student any day.
All weapons as we know it were based off of Excalibur, so he was the original. He is the legend. He can be seen as this “pure bred weapon”. But other weapons? They were created after trail and error, experimentations, pain, suffering… From this, we can conclude that people were enamored with his powers and still are. Ox, Kid and Hero are 3 modern day fellows who made that mistake. It’s all about power for humans. They respect and want power, but when somebody different does not have power, they themselves try to rise up and put others down. Does this make sense? It can be seen in our real life world too.
As for Justin, he became a DS at 16. I can’t really speak for if he was discriminated against. You could argue that he was, or that he wasn’t. Either way, becoming a DS 2 years before you graduate is impressive, and in 800+ years of history, being the first MORTAL OR IMMORTAL being to accomplish such a thing? Impressive. People underestimate Justin. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got, “you’ll never…” or “good luck bud” whenever he tried to make progress. Since he became an executioner, I imagine he gained respect from whatever he did or perhaps he became an executioner at 14 (wtf LD?). Either way, he EARNED his power and ran up the ranks and must have earned respect someway or somehow.
Those two differ greatly from what we saw in SEN. I JUST remember that in SEN there is literally an instance where Meme is being grossly sexualized by some douche bags, and Tsugami tries to help. Anya steps in, only to be disappointed that Tsugami cannot transform. Weapons are held to high standards. You need to be perfect as a weapon. And because of how perfect Excalibur and the DS’s are, I think that’s the reason. Everybody at the school expects weapons to be these magical creatures when really they are just normal people. Others think they’re superior because meisters are supposed to be dominant.
Literally, in the Manga, Patty is training to save Kid and Naigus makes a comment about how it is a shame that she is always in Kid’s shadow as his weapon. I don’t remember where this took place, but probably anywhere between 55-70. It happened after Kid was kidnapped and before they went into the book.
That’s my tangent. 90% of weapons are just abused somehow in their life time. Case closed.
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I made a headcanon deadass almost 400 days ago wondering if Eibon created his wife. When you are that intelligent, you get lonely. When somebody is of higher intelligence than others, they feel lonely, depressed and have an “imposter syndrome”. Perhaps he had this and wanted to create a being that matched him, but immortality could not be replicated.
On the walls that we see in the anime, he was writing in magic text. If he was looking into human medical remedies, wouldn’t it be in a human language? This leads me to believe that, at the least, his wife was some form of magical being that could not be cured by human means. If Kim was here, that would be great, she can read and translate all that! Check out episode 47 at 5:50 if you want to see what I’m talking about.
Of course, this could be explained by him wanting to cure her human illness with a magical means. Which makes sense. But it doesn’t add up. If Eibon was smart, he would have been able to see that human illnesses are caused by viruses or bacteria, commonly. And that there are treatments and cures. This was 800 years ago, so there weren’t. However, he was the smartest man to ever exist AND he had the madness of knowledge. He could have figured all this out in an hour. What our species learned in 2000 years, he could have learned in a day. So, why didn’t he?
It’s because he knew his wife was of magic means. And that begs the question: are diseases different for magical creatures and non-magical creatures? If he did create his wife, was she created off of a base? If this magical disease was a thing, why didn’t he get it? Are immortals immune? Probably. She was most likely immortal, which was a failed experiment. I do believe immortality is impossible to replicate in the SE world. You can prolong a life, but never not end it.
Conclusión: he made his wife. She caught a disease that effects magic-users. He researched the cure. He didn’t find one. She died in his arms after the explosion of Lost Island.
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Let’s make another theory/headcanon, shall we?
Even as a student, Justin Law was never on the side of the DWMA. He was always a “traitor”. In the anime this never happened, but in the manga- we know how that played out.
It was said he became the youngest Death Scythe, right? If we take into consideration that most kids at the DWMA get admitted at 14 and last 4 years, like a normal American school, than he would have been 18 years old when he graduated. Usually it takes a year for NOT students to get into EAT… theoretically by his second year he would already be in EAT. His EAT transition would be his first year.
Why? Most students don’t have the motive to kill. Most students just want to succeed, make somebody proud or accomplish somebody others have died doing before. Justin? We learn that he is sinister. He probably wanted power and to get in on all the DWMA secrets as quick as possible. He was with Noah’s gang, the clown army and worshipped Asura, but we have no idea what he did before. We just know he was an executioner. He could have been apart of SE’s version of a satanic cult.
I do genuinely believe that Justin Law became a Death Scythe out of malice, and that he did not want to help. He became on so hastily. 2 years on average before others- and we don’t know if Marie and Azusa became DS’s when 18. He worshipped- which was a convincing fake act that nobody suspected. He was the innocent boy. It was the perfect concoction of chaos.
He evil
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Asura wasn’t evil. You guys are just looking for somebody to belittle and berate.
Asura was birthed into this world as a fragment. That fragment contained all of the fears, anxieties and worries of a literal GOD. Because of this, he wasn’t capable of doing stuff the other members of then legion were able to do. He was asocial. He only let his partner be near him- and even that was a stretch. He didn’t trust them. Why? Because he was the embodiment of every mental illness you could imagine.
For goodness sake, his soul wavelength has been canonically seen to inflict all types of schizophrenia on the victim. I wouldn’t be surprised if Asura himself has went through that trauma at some point in his life.
Death does seem like a loving father to KID, but I don’t think that was the case with Asura. He seems over protective of Kid, and that he is a fine jewel. Asura was most likely neglected for his differences. 800 years ago if you struggled with this sort of mental health you were killed, told to deal with it or you just ended up offing yourself. Not many options for you. Therapy did not exist and is still shit.
In the manga, Asura is existing. That’s his crime. He exists. Medusa breaks him out of his prison. His prison- the skin that his father ripped off of him, and then made a bag out of the skin and shoved him in. Then, he went to the moon to chill. After that, the kishin got worshippers. Asura never asked for these worshippers. Shit just happened. He cannot control his wavelength either. It happens.
Yes, he did kill people. He ate his own partner. That is inexcusable and cannot be ignored. In that way, we can call him an antagonist, but we can’t call him evil. He was effected my mental illness and abuse and never had a straight state of mind. Especially 800 years ago when he is shown to be extremely immature, much more than now, which now he is very mature. We can’t define him by his mental illness. But we HAVE to hold him accountable to his actions. He is a criminal. You don’t just kill people and get away with it. Fuck you man. But in the story line, he isn’t the villain and he isn’t evil.
He is the victim.
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I want to do a headcanon on how Vajra and Asura met. I hc that Vajra is female, others male, but most use they/them. So for the sake of this post, I will be using gender neutral pronouns. Suck it up.
Now, since Asura is a death god, it would only make sense that he would “choose” a weapon befitting a god, a weapon worthy of a god- a strong weapon. As we saw in the manga and episode 3, death tried to find suitable weapons for Kid. Did he do this for Asura? That’s the question. There is no evidence.
However… to me, it did seem like Death had some sort of emotional connection to Vajra when he said in episode 48, “Getting rid of your anxieties like that, one by one, was the only way you could be at ease. You partnered with Vajra and fought alongside us. … but you betrayed not only innocent people, but even your own partner.” Then, LD sliced Asura. Remember what I said about no evidence? Could this be considered evidence? The last two seasons of Soul Eater (or at least before the Baba Yaga arc) are not canon), and this is definitely after that- and therefore not canon.
So, can we consider this canon? Does this answer the question “did Asura choose Vajra himself”? I think it does. The anime of SE and SEN are considered secondary canon. Meaning, you can count it, but with a grain of salt, so if something else happens in the manga, you have to go with it (like Crona’s official pronouns being changed to they/them). So, yes, we can consider this canon.
Now, the question “how did they meet?” arises. As we know, Asura would hide himself in scarves, he would hide away, too. His madness wavelength was strong. Vajra would have had to have a strong soul, something immune to the madness, or at least resistant. Vajra would have had to been obedient. I believe that Vajra lived in a very toxic environment and they never realized it. They never realized it because that was all they knew. All that they knew was abuse and discrimination. So Asura used that. Abused it.
They were probably one of the first weapons, 1st or 2nd Gen, misunderstood by the world, hunted, used, killed, tortured. Only the strong survived. Vajra most likely showed themselves to be strong someway or another. Vajra could have also showed Asura actual love and compassion. As Lord Death said, “getting rid of your anxieties… you partnered with Vajra…” I don’t think those two sentences are supposed to be separate. I think Vajra was strong, and Asura used them as a defense, a shield. I think Vajra stood up for Asura, being the defender and the caretaker, the person who would love him.
How do you meet your friends? Do you just get shoved in a room together and say “we are friends now”? No, it happens randomly and over time. This is what likely happened, but it was one sided. Asura, in all of his immaturity and fear, probably wanted to be as strong as Vajra, and killed them for their abilities. If you’re fatter was a god and you were the embodiment of fear and anxiety, wouldn’t you want strength? Would you want somebody else? People bail. People are unreliable. Even though Vajra was reliable, and Death knew that, Asura doubted it.
Now, Vajra be ded.
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I mentioned something in my last post that got me thinking: the meister/weapon dynamic. It is extremely toxic, especially the way Lord Death explains it.
The weapon has to be submissive and listen to the meister, but at the same time they have to work as a team. The weapon doesn’t get rewarded for anything. If something happen, it’s because of the meister, bad or good. That is extremely toxic. It was like this for 800 years until the main cast came and changed that.
We really saw in first changed (storyline wise) in Soul Eater NOT when Tsugami went and saved Meme. While the weapon IS expected to save the meister, it was the weapon who took charge, it was the weapon who rallied, it was the weapon who saved the day. That probably never happened before in history (besides for Excalibur).
Weapons, canonically, have been discriminated against. Sid said himself (in SEN) that as weapons, students may find themselves to be hated for unknown reasons. Toxic. Unfair. Why? They are misunderstood by society… and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the “weapons are inferior” rhetoric that played a part in their discrimination.
LD does nothing to stop it either canonically. For 800 years he just saw weapons being discriminated against and was like “oop yep”. And the proof is in what Sid said. If LD did anything, Sid wouldn’t have said that if there wasn’t discrimination. As a god, wouldn’t LD have control over humans like he claims? Or is he just talking himself up? Why isn’t he doing things to help his students?
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Deadass Maka gives non-binary vibes but I do think she is cis. I hate how Soul makes fun of her in the anime because of her chest. Nobody should be body shamed for something they can’t control. In the manga I don’t think it is mentioned ONCE.
Soul is a fucking dick in the anime I don’t care how you put it. He was a better partner in the manga. He was more supportive and seemed to care. In both, though, his attitude seems to be because of his brother and always living in his shadow, he probably was treated the way he treats Maka, but we don’t see that in the anime. So he just comes across as a dick.
Yeah, he saved Maka that one time. Which was great. That’s what friends should do. It’s not a weapon/minster thing. Friends save friends.
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Vajra was a girl. Fight me.
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This is Asura x Vajra vibes
“If I tell you a secret, will you keep it?”
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How many times do you think that Liz and Patty switched hands just to see if Kid noticed?
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Soul Eater Headcanon #7
Liz is afraid of thunder and lightning.
She is afraid of thunder and lightning because it reminds her of the streets, and having to find cover being outside in the storm, and all of the danger it put her and Patty in. Of course, Patty notices her sister’s fear and comforts Liz by laying with her during the thunder-filled nights. Patty really is a comfort for Liz when scared. Patty knows just how to ease Liz.
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Soul Eater Headcanon #6
Tsubaki regrets killing her brother and blames herself for what happened.
Although she knew what she was doing was the right thing, she regrets it deeply and wished that she could have convinced him otherwise to stop his reign, but even if she did, it wouldn’t change the crimes against humanity he committed. She feels regret and blames herself for his crimes. She blames herself because of their childhood and her always playing what he wanted, making him think that he was being pitied. Had she not “pitied” her brother would he still be alive?
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Soul Eater Headcanon #5
Patty hates the heat and Liz hates the cold due to their childhood.
As seen in the desert, Patty hates the hot. As seen on Lost Island, Liz hates the cold. They do this because of their childhood. Liz hates the cold because it reminds her of the snowy winters hiding under bridges in the unforgiving streets of New York. She cowers when cold. Patty, on the other hand, feels intense rage when its hot. Perhaps she feels rage because of Liz, and what Liz would do in order to find water for the two of them. Summer caused them great hardship and pain JUST to find drinkable water. Patty doesn’t want to be reminded of that. They react to “nostalgia” in two very different ways. Liz, feeling sorrow, Patty, feeling rage.
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Soul Eater Headcanon #4
Eibon crafted his wife.
Eibon is a very ancient, a very old, sorcerer. With that age and intelligence, it would be hard to get a relationship and maintain it with mortal women. Thus, he crafted his wife as a demon tool. He loved her dearly. He treated her just as any other man would treat their wife. However, she still tragically died. However, she did not die by the disease. She died by the explosion at lost island. Her ill body was not strong enough to withstand the blow despite being crafted to perfection. This disease that weakened her plagued the immortals, witches and the other magick users, but just weakening them temporarily. Thus, her tragic death at Lost Island.
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Soul Eater Headcanon #3
Liz and Patty miss their mother.
Yeah, she might have abandoned the twins on the street, but the vague memories that the twins do have or their mother they savor. They want to feel the motherly love that the other students have, but they don’t. Liz is particularly affected by this. She loves and longs to see her mother again, but absolutely despises her mother for hurting her and Patty like that. Patty, on the other hand, just wants a warm mother’s embrace and that’s why she acts childish. It’s because she never had a childhood to begin with.
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I just decided to make an announcement. I am making a blog solely dedicated to Soul Eater headcanons. I post one a day. So, I would appreciate it if you checked out some of my headcanons. Right now I only have two, and I have a third one on queue. But still!
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