#Tsubaki Nakasukasa
Soul Eater Headcanon #6
Tsubaki regrets killing her brother and blames herself for what happened.
Although she knew what she was doing was the right thing, she regrets it deeply and wished that she could have convinced him otherwise to stop his reign, but even if she did, it wouldn’t change the crimes against humanity he committed. She feels regret and blames herself for his crimes. She blames herself because of their childhood and her always playing what he wanted, making him think that he was being pitied. Had she not “pitied” her brother would he still be alive?
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soul-dwelling · 3 years
Maybe this is a loaded question, but you mentioned in a few of your recent posts, that soul eater left a lot of gaps that were filled by the creators of fanfics. Do you have any examples of that? Maybe it's just cause many of the most popular ones are SOMA and I dont care for that ship, but do they include elements like the world and exploring things that were teased like atlantis or the other great elders and stuff like that?
Maybe some of what I'm going to list out of bitterness, as a lot of headcanon or hopes for what could one day be explained is getting contradicted by any interpretations that Fire Force suddenly explains Soul Eater stuff. So, I'm going to do my best to not just say "this gap may be filled in by Fire Force for some readers," as that'll become some real tiresome whining on my part.
I'm also going to avoid bringing up stuff that I think never needed an answer (and Fire Force just insists on trying to over-answer for no good reason): "Why are the Sun and the Moon like that?" They just are. "How can madness exist like this?!" It just does. "How are Jack the Ripper, Al Capone, Rasputin, and maybe even JFK now all alive contemporaneously to Maka and company?!" They just are. This is not our world, this is not our timeline--it's theirs. "How can Stein survive with a screw through his head?" I don't know--how come Soul isn't dead after Maka clubbed him in the head that many times?
Wes Evans, Soul's parents, and Soul's grandmother: If they are just there for character motivation for Soul, fine, but it's weird to bring them all up but not pay that off. Wes isn't there at the DWMA when Soul is honored as the last Death Scythe? Soul Eater NOT had an as-of-yet Japanese-exclusive extra volume, which featured a side-story where Anya mentions Soul and Wes once performed for her mother and father--why not tap into more of that family history? (I could also bring up Tsubaki's mom, Liz and Patty's mom, Kilik's home country, but you get the point--these are details that could be expanded upon but aren't. Plus, it's messed up for NOT to just say "Kilik's home country" rather than, you know, actually confirming it.)
Who were all of Lord Death's initial warriors? Again, Fire Force may give this answer to people, but it feels like the story in Soul Eater ran out before it got to delve into this part.
On a related note, though, diving into the personalities of the Death Scythes and their meisters, Dengu and J'inn, is a massive missed opportunity.
And of course, Maka's mother. Maybe you could get away with not showing her or really giving her much personality--we know she's away, we don't need a strong reason for her being away when we already see Maka can handle herself (and, in the anime, the postcards keep coming in), and avoiding Spirit is a fine enough reason for her to not be seen. Or she has been there all along but never in an actual chapter--that can work, too. But it seems like such a middle finger to readers to never do anything with her, even at the end of the series, or in NOT, or the NOT special volume, or much of anything in the anime. And to potentially pay that off in Fire Force--if she magically shows up in the final chapter--is such a cynical cash-grab to get more readers into a series that is ending anyway.
Arachne creating weapons like the Nakasukasa. That sounds like there could be a story there.
What exactly did the Star Clan do that was so bad? I'm not saying we need justification for Lord Death putting them on his kill list, when being assassins can see like reason enough. But we saw Akane and debatably Ao in NOT having some familial ties to the Star Clan, yet they didn't get in trouble like Black Star's family. (This one is probably the detail that pisses me off the most about Fire Force: "Let's take Rekka, who at this point was assumed to be only an Easter Egg referencing Black Star's design and motif, and instead, if we interpret this manga as a prequel, strongly imply he goes on to be progenitor for the entire Star Clan!" ...No. Rekka is a child-abusing dick--don't make this guy anyone's ancestor. I know that one's ancestry doesn't define you, which is Black Star's entire storyline--but if the Star Clan is already bad enough, we don't need to make them any worse by associating them with some asshole who Shinra should have left dead.)
How else has Lord Death's presence shaped international policies? This isn't me starting this up--Ohkubo started this when he had NOT reveal that Japan's prime minister is required to be a graduate from the DWMA. So, how else did Lord Death shape global politics? How and where are Death Scythes placed? Do Death Scythes have someone filling in for them when they travel back to Death City?
Speaking of which, does Azusa have a meister at all when she's not working on DWMA missions? She was wielded by Sid and Kilik--but who else tends to wield her when she's not assigned to whichever meister is available at the time?
And on the topic of international politics, anything more we should learn about Anya's home country?
What are witch family structures like? Kim seems to know witches by name, she still traveled back to witch meetings (with Jackie), but she also wanted to avoid witches as her magic didn't match with their chaos magic. Does Kim have parents?
How exactly do souls works, and how are zombies created? This is a cheat, after I already said, "I don't care how the Sun and the Moon and time work in this series--I just like what I like!" But Sid's creation, and how some bodies disappear after their souls are taken out, is enough of a biological question, especially when that opens the door for potentially more zombies showing up--but never actually showing up.
What was Ragnarok before he was melted down? We know he assumed a weapon form, we know he became Crona’s blood, but how does he relate to the Black Blood in general?
What was the other form of the Mizune Sisters? Medusa killed off one sister before we saw how her combination with her other sisters may have created a form other than the ones we saw during the Kishin revival or elsewhere in the manga.
How exactly are the werewolves the “Immortal Clan” if they evidently did die off?
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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To Much To Drink? by ~Kanda3egle
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awesomeanime-ost · 12 years
My Star - by Black Star (Yumiko Kobayashi) and Tsubaki Nakatsukasa (Kaori Nazuka)
Soul Eater OST: Character Songs
Track No. 3
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
I'll admit, Black Star makes some dumb calls from time to time, but the important thing is I'm here to back him up no matter how big a fool he is. If we're fools, we're fools together, that's the kind of team we are. --x Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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[ Have a very sexy Christmas ;D ]
"...Hm, see that's not completely bad"
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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Merry Xmas From Tsubaki & Black Star~
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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Tsubaki & Liz [Patti In weapon form] 
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
Assassins Rule
Silence. Dissolve into the darkness and erase your breath. [Wait for an opening to attack your target.] 
Transpositional Thinking. Analyze the target in order to predict his thoughts and movements 
Speed. Take out the target before the target notices your presence.
~Tusbaki & Black☆Star 
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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"Here.. Eat" 
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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~ <3
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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Oh, Professor .. :3
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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xcamelliablossom · 12 years
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"Here in your arms"
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