URL: 12th-Century-Excalibur Name of Character: Excalibur Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Vapor Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon Anime, Manga, or Both?: Anime Short Bio of Character: The legendary sword Excalibur, sure to annoy anyone who removes him from his stone. Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both. (But knowing Excalibur they might be long) Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both NSFW, SFW, or Both?: SFW What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Anyone Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both
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Character Submission: Harvar D. Eclair
URL: thelightningspear
Name of Character: Harvar D. Eclair
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Mira
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank):
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: A Weapon of few words is finally branching away from his Meister's side and opening up to the world a little bit.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: I tend to write longer responses, but I'm not too picky with length.
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: RP
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: SFW
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: 
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both
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Hannah Lizbeth Hope
Name of Character: Hannah Lizbeth Hope
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Hannah, Liz, Hope, whatever fits the shoe.
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 15
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Original
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Anime
Short Bio of Character: From jittery and jumpy to depressing and drained, Hannah is a forgetful, ever-changing girl with a never-changing passion for sweets.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both.
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Mostly RP, But I'll accept asks that are OOC, like about Mun, or about RP
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Mostly SFW, Maybe NSFW if I can handle it.
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: I'll take pretty much anyone, but I really want to RP with Death The Kid or Maka Albarn. I'll take anyone inside or outside the Soul Eater Universe, though.
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yeppers
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both, but I like to lean a bit more towards Crack threads
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Franken Stien
URL: http://meistermaster.tumblr.com/
Name of Character: Franken Stien
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Charley
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank):
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: First meister of Spirit and current teacher at DWMA.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: RPblog
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Any.
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Sometimes.
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: I lean more towards serious threads, but I can joke around sometimes.
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URL: josei-no-shinigami
Name of Character: Josei "Lady Death" Baudin
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Trish
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 17
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Original Character
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: Josei grew up in Paris, France in a small, but well known, family. She was often referred to by her friends as ‘Lady Death’ because of her liking of the Death Weapon Meister Academy (Shibusen) as well as the tattoos on her hands. After finding out she could transform into a scythe, she quickly requested to be able to attended the DWMA (Shibusen). She quickly changed her name to her nickname when she got the chance to when joining the school. Ever since, she’s been attending the school, making many friends but not letting any of them in too close. Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Generally SFW, but will do both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: EVERYONE
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes~
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both
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Kira Church
URL: dauntless-fighter
Name of Character: Kira Church
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Rj
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 17
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Original
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: Kira is skilled in taekwondo and cooking. She lacks in strength, but makes up for it with speed. She enjoys playing video games and reading almost as much as she enjoys fighting. She is quiet and stoic when she starts to get to know you. Why? Because she is deciding on whether she can trust you or not. She does have trust issues, but once you gain her trust she will be loyal to you till the end. 
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Long Threads. 
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Rp Blog
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Anyone that is willing to give my character a shot. 
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes.
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both. 
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Medusa Gorgon
URL: witchmedusa
Name of Character: Medusa
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Kaylie
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: Medusa is a powerful witch seeking to advance the world by means of madness and Kishin. As part of this goal, she was once a nurse undercover at the DWMA (which version I'm also willing to RP). During her work as a nurse she took a certain interested in Professor Stein. Furthermore, she is mother to Crona, whom she treated as a mere experiment and manipulated to continue to do her bidding.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Either is fine
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: RP blog; will take asks as well
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: SFW so far but not strictly against NSFW
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Stein; those have been sparse
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Sure
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both are fine
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Name of Character: Crona
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Crona
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank):
Original Character or Canonical Character?: original
Anime, Manga, or Both?: anime
Short Bio of Character: oh boy I don't know how to deal with this. Um my name is crona, I am the demon swordsman. My swords name is Ragnarok, he likes to hit me sometimes... My best friends name is Maka alburn and she's really nice. Ummm I don't know what else to say. 
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: both
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: both
NSFW, SFW, or Both?:both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: any
Do you accept Magic Anons?:yes
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?:yes
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Submission for Soul Evans
URL: Soul-Eater-Evans-Weapon
Name of Character: Soul Eater Evans
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Haze or Izzy
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 17
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: Soul Eater is partnered up with Maka, as he had ran away from the Evans home. At DWMA the scythe boy hopes to become a Death Scythe, and soon find himself being apart of the Weapon and Meister world. Finding his own family, and proving that he is worth something. 
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Mostly long threads. But short when it comes to asks.
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Basically any characters, I rp with lots of Maka’s I just need a variety of other blogs. 
Do you accept Magic Anons?: I do.
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: I mostly do serious threads, but at times I may do crack.
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URL: stopitragnarok
Name of Character: Crona
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Kitty or Sophie
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 16
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Anime (for now)
Short Bio of Character: Crona was abused by his mother Medusa and had his weapon infused into his body, which constantly bullies him. Crona is also known as the demon sword as the black blood drives him crazy. He was on the path to becoming a Kishin until Maka stopped him.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Any and all since I’m new
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both
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Professor-Stein: Dr. Stein
URL: professor-stein
Character: Franken Stein
Blog Owner Name: Break
Canon Character
Anime and Manga Universe
Medium to Long Threads
Both Ask- and RP-friendly
No Magic Anons
No Crack
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BookWormSoulMeister: Maka Albarn
URL: Bookwormsoulmeister
Name of Character: Maka Albarn
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Gabby, but you can call me whatever tbh
Age of Character: 17
Original or Canon Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?:  Don't really care so both
Short Bio of Character: The most bad ass female on Soul Eater because where else are you going to find a girl who can kill someone with a book? And wow she defeated a kishin that Lord Death couldn't.  
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Long threads are preferred but short ones work too.
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: I'm more of an RP blog but asks are greatly appreciated
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Bby whatever is in your comfort zone is fine with me.
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly?: OC's and canon characters are really cool so I don't really care.
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Of course I do.
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Crack threads are fun but serious threads are all feelsy so both are good.
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URL: Tsugumi-loveroflove.tumblr.com
Name of Character: Tsugumi (Halberd) Harudori
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Resa, Theresa, sonicspazz, ninnyinorbit, WildcatzAL, Tsugumi-MUN whatever floats your boat.
Age of Character:14
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canon
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Manga
Short Bio of Character: The main character of the spin off series Soul Eater NOT! Tsugumi is a young halberd weapon within the DWMA’s NOT (Normally Overcome Target) class, where she tries to learn her abilities as a weapon. She’s very shy when it comes to love or admiration, but is especially so around attractive males. She is a ‘lover of love’, so she naturally gets frustrated over any romantic jesture. She isn’t the best fighter, but she manages well with her meister(s) Anya and Meme.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: I tend to write more longer threads, but I do short ones!
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both!
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: More sfw with it being Tsugumi…but I can give nsfw a shot if I can handle it.
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Any Soul Eater NOT! RPers, and any Maka’s, Soul’s, Death the Kid’s, Black*Star’s, Liz and/or Patty’s, Kim Diehl’s, Jaqueline’s, and Ox’s. though I’m open to anybody really (Soul Eater/Soul Eater NOT! or otherwise).
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes please!
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: I tend to do more serious ones, but that doesn’t mean I don’t do silly ones!
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Twisted Professor: Dr. Stein
URL: http://twisted-professor.tumblr.com/
Name of Character: Stein
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Chase
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank):
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canonical
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both
Short Bio of Character: The mad professor Stein…
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both I guess…
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both… Again…
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: ALL OF THEM… If possible…
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yup
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both…
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The-Red-Meister : Original Character
URL: The-Red-Meister.tumblr.com Name of Character: Madi(lyne) Annamaria Brynne Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Em .3. Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): Madi is fourteen~ Original Character or Canonical Character?: Original Anime, Manga, or Both?: It really depends on the roleplay. I’ll do whatever’s easiest Short Bio of Character: Madi was bullied a bunch and was anorexic and depressed and cut then she moved to Death City and is trying to recover the end Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: I really prefer long threads Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: RP Blog NSFW, SFW, or Both?: SFW What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Everybody~ Do you accept Magic Anons?: Sometimes. Depends, really. Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: I usually steer towards serious threads.
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BalancingDeath: Death The Kid
URL: BalancingDeath
Name of Character: Death the Kidd or just Kidd
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Erin 
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 19
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Canonical Character
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Manga
Short Bio of Character:  Lord Death’s son and meister of Liz and Patty Thompson. Kidd has returned from the Book of Eibon with slight problems
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?: Anyone
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both
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SkirtChasingFox: Original Character
URL: skirtchasingfox
Name of Character: Fox (real name Todd)
Name or Preferred Name of Blog Owner: Makendra/Fox-Mun
Age of Character (If Unknown or Untold, leave blank): 17
Original Character or Canonical Character?: Original.
Anime, Manga, or Both?: Both, I suppose.
Short Bio of Character: Weapon of Naemi Awari (fellow Soul Eater OC), loves to laugh and eat. Not too bright, and chases after girls often.
Long Threads, Short Threads, or Both?: Both.
Ask Blog, RP Blog, or Both?: Both.
NSFW, SFW, or Both?: Both.
What characters are you hoping to roleplay with particularly (if any)?:
Do you accept Magic Anons?: Yes.
Crack Threads, Serious Threads, or Both?: Both.
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