soundofmuses · 4 years
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soundofmuses · 4 years
also on soundcloud! 
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soundofmuses · 5 years
when you want to get back to roleplaying on tumblr...but you’re so busy with work and school...but most importantly, you can’t roleplay with the theme you loved so much, but hate so immensely now!! struggles!
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soundofmuses · 5 years
i read an article about how they have no future plans for a new season for veronica mars. AND for fuck sake, THANK THE LORD!! season four of veronica mars did NOT happen!
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soundofmuses · 5 years
so...i’m in the final week of my online classes, but this is just the start. i get a week of no classes, then start up again. sorry for the MAJOR inactivity...but i’m here???
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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get to know me: [2/10] shows ≡ the good place
“so, why do it then? why choose to be good, every day, if there is no guaranteed reward we can count on, now or in the afterlife? I argue that we choose to be good because of our bonds with other people and our innate desire to treat them with dignity. simply put, we are not in this alone.”
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soundofmuses · 5 years
i create a richie tozier roleplay account. here i will strictly roleplay richie tozier from the film (and novel) IT by stephen king
i am looking for more IT characters as well as any other fandom, and original characters.
come follow me!
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soundofmuses · 5 years
made a small edit cuz richie tozier ruined my life<3
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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You’ll think of me, some memory, and softly smile to your surprise.
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soundofmuses · 5 years
My Losers Club Playlists...
I might be (almost positively) adding more songs to these in the future but…
Click on the Loser who you most relate to & maybe discover some new songs!!!
Stan Uris
Mike Hanlon 
Bill Denbrough
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrak 
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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what doesn’t kill me makes me want you more
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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the loser’s club. part ½. 
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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               ❝ I thought you were talking to my dad for a while. ❞  Violet didn’t know how her dad could even stomach being in the same room with him and having a heartfelt talk. Well, it wasn’t so much heartfelt as it was Tate venting his emotions to Ben who felt like there was no point in even helping him at all. He had claimed before had he thought he was getting through to him but was that a lie? Was it all just manipulation? Violet didn’t even know what she should believe anymore when it came to her ex and their relationship being bullshit. All of the promises of being together forever and taking care of her just evaporated the moment her mom died in this God-forsaken house.  
               ❝ I mean, I’m alone, ❞  she admitted. It had been something that was hard to admit to anyone, including him, and he had known all of the worst parts about herself once upon a time. They had only known each other a day and she was rolling up her sleeves to show him the artwork of scars and cuts on her arm. It didn’t get much more personal than that. After everything that had happened between them though, it was hard to say anything to him, even this. Here she was though, expressing she felt alone.  ❝ I don’t talk to my parents or anyone else. I just smoke cigarettes to pass the time. ❞  And cry by herself in the hallway.
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“i was. i mean i am.” he admitted. “it’s just been a few days. or weeks. time here is just blurred, you know ??” he pursed his lips closed, taking another step closer to her.  he wanted to keep his distance, knowing she could change her mind at any time.  “in all honesty, i think your father needs a break from me. not many other people here really want to talk about their shitty problems, and you can only take so much.’‘ he knew exactly how overwhelming he was, he knew how too much he could be.  looking back at what tate and violet were, tate knew his wrongdoings, and he was cursed with dealing with them alone. “although, he says i have made progress.’‘ he was sure her father never spoke about him to violet, knowing exactly how obsessed he had become.
“you don’t have to be.” he expressed to her, as he bit his tongue, unsure of his words were troubling. “i know there isn’t a great number of people here, but nora isn’t too bad, and those two nurses seem to be talkative.’’ his suggestions probably weren’t the best, but he was trying. his heart grew heavy hearing she hadn’t spoken to her parents in some time.  “why ??’’ he questioned. concerned for her wellbeing.  he always had been. 
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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“Stay right there. I’m coming to get you.” After he hung up he grabbed his bag and was on his way out the door when he glanced at himself in the hall mirror. He was completely disheveled hair standing up in all directions and a stained shirt. He swiftly brushed a hand through his hair and went to his closet to change his shirt, picking out one that Sansa had said she liked. It was a button down. It looked very “I’m responsible, you can trust me.” But then he remembered Joff had worn the same shirt at one point and he ripped it off, not wanting to remind Sansa of him. He finally pulled on a hoodie over a t-shirt and was out the door.
As his shoes slammed against each step down the apartment stairs, he cursed himself for wasting so much time when he should be in the car already, but the party was just a couple of streets away. As he pulled up in his piece of shit car, he saw all the tell tale signs of a party that was out of control. He pushed his way inside demanding if anyone knew where Sansa Stark was. Then he saw her. Her eyes were startling, brimming with tears that she was trying desperately to hold back. He came up to her slowly and tentatively pulled her into a hug. 
“Let’s get you out of here, yeah?”
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sansa had always been jealous of the pretty popular girls at her high school, something she always deemed to be the perfect lifestyle, yet she never found herself allowed to be apart of them.  but when she was finally invited to such a party, such a breathtaking event, sansa couldn’t say no.  she was 18 years old now, and she wanted to prove to them, to herself, to everyone, that she wasn’t a child anymore.  she had been offered drink after drink, as she took more than she was comfortable with.  she found herself in more uncomfortable ways than one.  she had hid inside the closet to call theon, she knew they would only laugh at her if she left like a child.  
when her eyes met him, a smile came across her face, as she moved closer to him, wrapping her smaller arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to his body, pressing herself against him, as she held him tightly. she didn’t want to let him go. she could barely hear his voice over the loud music, but she grabbed his hand, following behind him, as they left the party, not looking back.  she quickly got into the passenger seat of his car, as she looked over at him. “thank you theon. i’m so stupid.’’ she spoke out, hearing a soft crackle in her voice. “i should of known that i’ll always be a child.’’ she felt tears enter her eyes, her voice grew dry, as she shook her head.  her blue eyes emitted towards him, filled with tears, she was ashamed of herself.
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soundofmuses · 5 years
Clare heard the knocking and looked up, leaving the box before her half opened. She only knew one person in New York. It had to be Eli. She had a grin on her face before she even reached the door. She unlocked the deadbolt and turned the handle to pull the door open. She was ready to just jump into his arms, but stopped herself at the sight of the pot in his hands. She tilted her head to the side with a smile. “Hey,” she greeted, her bangs falling in her eyes. “Want to come in?” Although, she wasn’t expecting him to deny her request.
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It only took moments for the door to open, as a grin formed on to eli’s face.  his eyes taking in her appearance.  it seemed no matter the situation, just the image of clare made him smile. grasping the plant, he nodded. “of course.’’ he pursed his lips together, as he followed her inside.  as the door shut behind them, he took in the beginning of her new place, as he extended his arms out. “got you a new pet.’’ he chuckled, offering her the small plant he brought her.
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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          “We just make sure to create a bigger army. All it takes is a scratch, you know. We’d have weapons and our physical abilities. Each one of us would be like at least two of them, right? Oh, and we should get some snipers too. I know those sneaky humans will have tons of snipers because they’re scared of getting close.” Even though he was talking, he ensured to make the cuts perfectly for her. “And you, you could even be part of the army as a doctor and strategist, if you want?”
          The brain was finally free and Blaine set it in the weighing tray for her before taking off his gloves. The pun had him speechless for a second as he shook his head and smirked. “Oh Liv, I’m sorry but that pun, it tanked. Not even mouth to mouth will save it.” Gently, he booped her nose with his index finger. “Now, how are we going to cook up this brain here? I make a delicious omelet, if you want?”
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listening to blain speak about attacking the humans made her stomach feel queasy.  she wasn’t sure if it was his words about killing them or if it was the hunger growing uneasy.  liv didn’t like the violence that continued on.  “why must it be so violent ??’’ liv questioned.  it seemed like anytime blaine was around, she was mixed into something that she was so against. “must it be ??’’ her eyes stared down at his bloody hands holding the brain they would call lunch.
her feet shifted from the table that the body laid.  she could feel her hunger overcome her, as she let out an unhuman breath.  “whatever you want to make blaine, i’m just hungry.’’ she softly said, pulling the gloves from her own hands, placing them in the trash.  
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soundofmuses · 5 years
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             NOTHING FREED HER MIND more than a nightly patrol on her own, there was something almost soothing about dusting a vamp or two before she’d attempt to sleep again. She’d hoped to get through the whole thing on her own but then she had that same sense of being followed … one that was accompanied by the familiar smell of cigarettes and annoyance which she only felt when Spike was around. “Is there any reason why you’re following me, Spike? actually, I don’t care but I also don’t want you here with me. NOT TONIGHT … not ever but you don’t EVER listen to that.” She really was in a lousy mood and there wasn’t really a reason for it, perhaps it was just college tension or maybe her slayer senses were giving her issues. Whatever it was, she didn’t want to have another verbal battle with the vampire who couldn’t seem to stay away from her. 
|| CLOSED STARTER ( Buffy Summers ) || @soundofmuses ( Spike ) || LIKED ||
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          spike knew to keep his distance from her, she always seemed to be wary of his presence. “damn.’’ he whispered.  her reflexes were as keen as a vampire, knowing that he was exactly near her.  he emerged from the shadow, staring back at her. “where is the fun in listening to you exactly ??” taking the tobacco to his lips, letting out a large grey puff of smoke, as it seeped into him. “don’t you ever get bored with patrolling ??" he questioned, his brow rose, a smirk arose on his face.
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