sozzledjuja · 11 hours
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Juliets au Iris!
It's a very old au between @cockabeetle and I
Basic premise:
It's a roleswap au, Iris stays the same but everyone trades up around her. Talia and Mephisto switch roles, Prax and Auriana, Lev and technically Lyna, Carissa and Deinos + Kakos. The Queen of Ephedia is the villain!
I used turnarounds from the blog to trace and make a base, I've been having some mobility issues lately and it can be easier to take shortcuts sometimes. M just here to have fun ^^
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sozzledjuja · 11 hours
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Used a pose ref from pixiv (i can drop the ref links if anyone's curious) but--- them !!!
Lev Mephisto and Praxina!!
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sozzledjuja · 12 days
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Usagi-chan and her friend Naru-chan decide to go to the Tokyo concert of Lolilock, a band she has longed to see..!
On the other hand, a dark shadow is creeping toward Lolilock's Tokyo concert..!
I drew a manga that looks like this.😂🩷
I hope Usagi-chan becomes Sailor Moon and protects Lolilock's Tokyo concert...😇✨✨✨
I like the idea of Lori Rock and Sailor Moon fighting together……😊✨✨✨✨
Sorry for my poor English, I'm using the translate function.🫣💦💦
⬇️Japanese Version⬇️
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sozzledjuja · 13 days
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no thoughts. head empty. just praxina with puppy
(less great) bonus:
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bitch if you don't stop holding her like that istg
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sozzledjuja · 14 days
Lolirock season 3 MUST HAVE (in my opinion)
1. More Lyna, Carissa, Izira, Jodan and Lev (if he's alive)
I would like to see them helping the princesses and I hope will know about Calix/Borealis and Lyna and Carissa family more
It's a thing which every lolirock fan want so I have to add it. Sorry but I can't imagine lolirock without Mephisto and I can't imagine season 3 without happy ending. If it turns out he's really dead I will be so fucking dissappointed
3. Auriana and Talia parents
We saw picture of Auriana's parents but WHAT'S WITH TALIA'S PARENTS??
4. Natahaniel will find out about Iris, Talia, Auriana origin and about Ephedia
I honestly can't believe it won't happen. I mean it's actually impossible because if Iris wants to save Nathaniel, she has to tell him. Btw I really hope the princesses will escape with Nathaniel on Ephedia and the rest of the season will be there
5. The princesses will try to stop or help Praxina
I know, they don't have to do it but I can realize like Iris truly wants to help her or "fix her" (we literally see that in 'forget you'). I have a lot of potencial endings for s3 and the vision of princesses kill Praxina or smth like that is tragic for me. Please give her a redemption, give e24s2 meaning in the show😭
6. WHO TF IS BANES??? (And Zanavian)
He's not just a tiger and everybody knows that
7. New songs, maybe new characters
I'm pretty sure we will get some new songs but Idk if budget let team give us some new characters but I'm just telling it would be cool and it will show that is something new yk
RAAAAAAAH I WAIT FOR IT. I'm also sure it will be show because teamlolirock said that in one of their post on tumblr. I want to know who they are, where they live, who their parents were and why they worked with Gramorr. I also would adore the twins parents canon picture or anything like that
9. Praxina angst
I NEED A LOT OF ANGST. I need to see Praxina's suffering and deterioration of mental condition. I love her so much, she and her brother are my favorite character I just love angst so much
10. If Mephisto surivive I want some cute moment between twins, we just didn't get a lot of them :((
11. Gramorr's backstory
I need it more than my life. He's so interesting character tbh I want to know why and how he started with black crystal
12. I would like to see one (or even both) of the twins ends up with one of the princesses (no, I didn't mean Auristo and Praxalia, why?)
They had common past and you can't prove me wrong
14. Explaining Morgaine and Gramorr relationship
I will DIE without it
15. And The most important. I know it's kids cartoon but lolirockers grew up for years and I hope it will be more umm mature? If you know what I mean
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sozzledjuja · 15 days
I've been meaning to do a post on this for a while now, maybe I still, will, but like- YES to all of that.
WORLDBUILDING. And Iris' parents. I just want to learn all about Ephidea, since they spent most of the last two seasons on Earth.
Also, Iris should definetly deal with some drama herself. Maybe it finally hits her that she's actually going to actually have to rule a kingdom in the future, and she isn't sure wether or not she wants to. And what about Nathaniel?
How is her relationship with her parents gonna be considering that they don't actually know her, and she doesn't know them? Will she feel guilty for still seeing Ellira as her true mother figure? What will her parents' personalities be like? I'd love to explore the angst on her parents' side as well, knowing they missed so much of her life and core experiences, and trying their best (and failing, for the most part) to relate to her, and make up for lost time.
I love Praxina but i also want her to suffer and have a linear insanity arc. i just wanna see her go apeshit.
Also GUILT. Guilt for not having appreciated her brother while he was still alive, for the way she treated him, etc... Lowkey blaming herself for his death but pushing it aside and redirecting it at Iris. Admitting fault has clearly never been her forte. Take advantage of it, writers
Her pride is also one of her fatal flaws so while I don't believe she will die at the end of the season, I personally can't imagine her admitting defeat or accepting help from the princesses.
Also I would love to see Banes' manipulation tactics in play, and how that would influence her actions and thoughts. Also i can see her maybe getting attached to Banes because he is the only being that she has "left". And him taking advantage of her
And maybe this is wishful thinking, but a big betrayal moment with Banes/Zenavion (because, yes, i believe they are the same person) and Praxina has the potential to be so shattering but so good (I was thinking along the lines of the DoubleTrouble/Catra speech in Shera S4, like ughhh- gimme pain). Mostly because, although I love Praxina and she's definely going to suffer enough in S3 already, I do still hope someone knocks some sense into her head, in a "You're the problem." kind of way. Because if she can't admit or realize that, she'll never heal.
Also Mephisto being alive, but having suffered some sort of disfiguration. Boy needs to look at least a little bit rough, c'mon, don't be cowards
Also, this is gonna sound bad, but for fuck's sake, please give the twins (maybe mostly Praxina) some sort of punishment. I don't mean prison, nor torture, nor death, obviously. But something. Helping rebuild ephidea, getting their magic confiscated, temporary banishment to Earth, whatever. the last two would be so ironic, and that's why I think they'd work perfectly.
Because, although they are just kids who went through pretty bad situations, they still took joy in what they were doing and caused lots of destruction during their time with Gramorr. And Praxina in season 3, well... let's just assume she ain't gonna be throwing rainbows and puppies at people
Lolirock season 3 MUST HAVE (in my opinion)
1. More Lyna, Carissa, Izira, Jodan and Lev (if he's alive)
I would like to see them helping the princesses and I hope will know about Calix/Borealis and Lyna and Carissa family more
It's a thing which every lolirock fan want so I have to add it. Sorry but I can't imagine lolirock without Mephisto and I can't imagine season 3 without happy ending. If it turns out he's really dead I will be so fucking dissappointed
3. Auriana and Talia parents
We saw picture of Auriana's parents but WHAT'S WITH TALIA'S PARENTS??
4. Natahaniel will find out about Iris, Talia, Auriana origin and about Ephedia
I honestly can't believe it won't happen. I mean it's actually impossible because if Iris wants to save Nathaniel, she has to tell him. Btw I really hope the princesses will escape with Nathaniel on Ephedia and the rest of the season will be there
5. The princesses will try to stop or help Praxina
I know, they don't have to do it but I can realize like Iris truly wants to help her or "fix her" (we literally see that in 'forget you'). I have a lot of potencial endings for s3 and the vision of princesses kill Praxina or smth like that is tragic for me. Please give her a redemption, give e24s2 meaning in the show😭
6. WHO TF IS BANES??? (And Zanavian)
He's not just a tiger and everybody knows that
7. New songs, maybe new characters
I'm pretty sure we will get some new songs but Idk if budget let team give us some new characters but I'm just telling it would be cool and it will show that is something new yk
RAAAAAAAH I WAIT FOR IT. I'm also sure it will be show because teamlolirock said that in one of their post on tumblr. I want to know who they are, where they live, who their parents were and why they worked with Gramorr. I also would adore the twins parents canon picture or anything like that
9. Praxina angst
I NEED A LOT OF ANGST. I need to see Praxina's suffering and deterioration of mental condition. I love her so much, she and her brother are my favorite character I just love angst so much
10. If Mephisto surivive I want some cute moment between twins, we just didn't get a lot of them :((
11. Gramorr's backstory
I need it more than my life. He's so interesting character tbh I want to know why and how he started with black crystal
12. I would like to see one (or even both) of the twins ends up with one of the princesses (no, I didn't mean Auristo and Praxalia, why?)
They had common past and you can't prove me wrong
14. Explaining Morgaine and Gramorr relationship
I will DIE without it
15. And The most important. I know it's kids cartoon but lolirockers grew up for years and I hope it will be more umm mature? If you know what I mean
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sozzledjuja · 15 days
never letting anyone forget how cunty gramorr was
“Soon, no one will be able to stop you. The crown will be yours, and so will Ephidea. Forever!”
“Pretty words, Praxina. I have heard them before.”
“This time, my liege, they’re true.”
“*hums sassily* This time you sound as if you actually believe it. *laughs at his own sass*”
“You tricked me!”
“Yes… It wasn’t too difficult.”
“It will please you to know that stage one of the plan is already a great success.”
“I’m sure it is… *sighs* All of your plans seem so promising early on… *dramatic pause* ...but they all seem to go bad after that. Don’t they?”
“Of course, oh great Gramorr of infinite darkness!”
“But you can count on us this time!”
“We shall not fail you, Gramorr, he of the darkest and most-”
“Enough talk.”
“I don’t want to start pointing fingers and playing the blame game here, but to make a long story short: I did everything right and perfectly, and Mephisto was responsible for everything that went wrong.”
“*unimpressed* I see.”
“And when we’re done with the princesses, we’ll take this mansion for our new earth headquarters!”
“You can indulge in delusions of grandeur after you’ve defeated the princesses.”
“Enchanting toys?”
“I know! Awesome, right?”
“If they fail, you may eat them.”
“This is the gem we won away from the princesses!”
“The only gem you’ve ever won!”
“I didn’t send you to Earth to collect useless fluffy friends!”
“Get rid of that thing and- oh! Here's an idea! GET RID OF THE PRINCESSES TOO!”
“*sighs* I know how you feel, Banes.”
“And I’m sure we’ll execute the final phase to perfection.”
“I’ve counted on you two time after time, and got nothing in return but failure.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that.”
“I would!”
"Just- er- plotting strategy!"
"Well, stop plotting and start doing!"
“Odd. Most odd. Even for him.”
"Mephistooo. Where is your sister?" [while being fully aware of where she was]
“WHAAATTTT? HOW COULD YOU JUST LOSE HER?!” [still fully aware of where she is]
“Well, now. It appears her “horrible” fate is strolling! On a beach!”
"Is this what being smart looks like to you two?"
"Looks like I'm breaking my promise. *in the least apologetic voice possible* Sorry."
"Now, we can do this the easy way or-"
"The hard way, then."
"*clearly very pleased with himself* I hope that wasn't your best shot."
"I delivered you the princess, Gramorr. Time to pay up."
"Gladly. You're free to go anytime you'd like. *sassy hand wave*"
"You said total freedom. Which means I can go anywhere."
"I said nothing of the kind."
"I will try to make this quick and painless."
"*bashes the princesses against a wall*
"Ha. Maybe not completely painless."
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sozzledjuja · 16 days
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Mephisto and Praxina in Windwaker Style! Ive had this sketch done for a long while and finally decided to finish it!
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sozzledjuja · 16 days
Soooo first things first
I have exams and till now I've had little time for art unfortunately...
And I've been playing Limbus Company , so this is an au I've had in my mind since damn february.
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Colouring is NOT my forte! For Iris the demon possessed me and for Talia i was in utter pain colouring
Now, to do some explaining because i must be the only person at the intersection of PMverse and Lolirock
Fixers are mercenaries for hire except for when they're not and either work in groups or alone
the biggest groups are called associations and there are like 12 of em each w/ their own speciality
Shi Association specializes in assasionation
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Zwei Assoc. specialises in protection , they're bodyguards w/ a twist in that the way they offer protection is discreet, they disguise themselves as civilians n either walk around or sit at a distance and intervene when necessary
That's why i chose the twins n Gramorr for Zwei lol
For this au Grams is not evil just a grumpy old man who's also a smoke war vet (n that's where he lost his arm n screwed his face so that's why he keeps the mask)
As for the drawing, colouring is pain and zwei uniform is annoying so i gave up halfway through 😔
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story here is that the twins r assigned to protect this guy n Iris's job is to assassinate said guy
really scuffed but i just wanted to get these ideas out of me so i can study without being pestered by the voices in my head
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Lev is ofc their annoying coworker
(in the last one he kinda looks like Light Yagami but I can't be bothered 😭)
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And last but not least here's Nathaniel
Seven specializes in espionage but a chunk of their employees also run a café part-time
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And some vanilla stuff cause i don't have where else to shove it
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sozzledjuja · 20 days
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"I feel like mephisto became the most interesting character in the show mostly because every dynamic he has feels fresh and unique, like I had no idea why they thought to pair him with carissa for an episode and it worked!"
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sozzledjuja · 20 days
That's how that scene went right
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sozzledjuja · 21 days
some food for thought
something i haven't seen anyone talk about is that one scene with Gramorr and the twins in the beggining of Crowning Glory Pt 1
look at this
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this goes along with my theory that Banes, at this point, was already calculating an alternative "puppet" in case Gramorr ended up being defeated.
also not to be dramatic or read too much into stuff, again this is purely speculative but-
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ahem- surely Banes couldn't have had anything to do with what happened to Mephisto, could he?
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sozzledjuja · 24 days
I just finished watching season 1 of Lolirock!
I will watch season 2 with care!😋😋😋
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sozzledjuja · 24 days
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I drew it in the LOLIROCK style!😉💫
Usagi and Minako seem to get along well with Ariana.😂‪🧡‬‪🩷️
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sozzledjuja · 28 days
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sozzledjuja · 29 days
and let's not forget-
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also, the blast was headed torwards HIS direction, not hers. and she still put herself in harm's way to push him away from it (hhmmhh, where have i seen that before?...) so yeah, anyone who says that praxina doesn't care about mephisto, and that she's abusive or whatever needs to rewatch the show fr
Making an edit of Lev and Iris and saw this
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This is one of the reasons why I won't believe anyone who says "Praxina doesn't care about Mephisto" because she totally could've let him get hit by Amaru but she went out of her way to get Mephisto down
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sozzledjuja · 1 month
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Mephisto, please.
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