spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Futurism, in the 1940’s, as seen by Bohn aluminum and brass with the help of illustrator Arthur Radebaugh. I’d live in a future that had vehicles that looked this cool.
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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274 notes · View notes
spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Have I mentioned my love of all things streamline modern, and machine age modern before?  Oh I haven’t!? ;) Sooooooooo muuuuuuch loooooove! :)
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Ideal/Erika typewriter store in Budapest, Hungary. (1938)
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Art deco and streamline modern radios. Enough said. Eat your heart out with these.
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Deco Style Anaconda MT
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Vintage World’s Fair Posters.
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Drunk as a lord. Nottingham, January 2020.
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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887 notes · View notes
spacehippiecult · 5 years
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Steven Eisler, Space Wars: Worlds & Weapons (Crescent Books, 1979).
Cover art: Chris Moore
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Vintage World’s Fair Posters.
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
❦ Mixed Things ❦
“Oh, that sounds like a marvelous idea. Absolutely fantastic. One hundred percent foolproof.”
“I was gonna say that I don’t need you, but I actually do.”
“At least I’m able to admit what I did was wrong - unlike you.”
“My pride is just fine, thank you. Why shouldn’t it be? I mean, I totally let that happen.”
“Hear me out. Say ‘heck’ was the lovechild of hell and fuck, wouldn’t that make heck a swear word?”
“You’re an asshole.”
“…What is that even supposed to mean?”
“Just stop talking.”
“Should we talk about this?”
“Say [insert whatever here] one more time - I dare you.”
“I’m dead go away.”
“Oh God not another one.”
“Someone took Star Wars way too seriously if that’s how they kiss their sibling.”
“For the love of - for the last time, I’m not an energizer bunny on crack!”
“What was the purpose of Jar-Jar Binks anyway?”
“Why would anyone drink liquefied bees?!”
“I… I love you. I really do. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
“Don’t you dare touch me!”
“It’s been nice knowing ya.”
“We… we shouldn��t have done that.”
“It was broken when I got here.”
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do for them.”
“You better run!”
“That’s right, asshole, I’m still alive.”
“Seriously though, Donald Trump is like a humanized carrot with a toupee and no brain. Either that or he’s like Jabba the Hutt. Maybe a cross between the two.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you.”
“Oh, yeah? Why should I believe you?”
“Please tell me that’s your hand.”
“I don’t believe in fate or destiny.”
“I’ve trusted the wrong person one too many times.”
“Everything’s written in the stars.”
“That is utter bullshit! Don’t you dare tell me that I need to love myself before I can love [insert name here]!”
“Wake up!”
“I shouldn’t be trusted with hot or sharp objects.”
“I know that.”
“Then why did you give me one?”
“TLC stands for thin layer chromatography. Wait. Shit. No it doesn’t. Tender loving care. It means tender loving care. Ignore what I said before that.”
“I swear to God, if you put your hand over my mouth again, I will lick and/or bite you.”
“Oh yeah? Make me.”
“I thought you cared!”
“Apologize at once!”
“I really don’t feel good.”
“I’m alive!”
“You don’t have the right to keep my here.”
“You could have died!”
“And what did that prove, huh?! That you’re - you’re some kind of hero?!”
“Alakazam, jackass.”
“It’s the end of the world, [name]. Are you ready?”
“I had everything under control!”
“Hey, whoa! Don’t kill the messenger!”
“Ooh, I’m terrified.”
“I’m not a soldier! Don’t expect me to behave like one!”
“I’m calling bullshit!”
“I don’t believe in Ouija boards but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna fuck around with one of those things.”
“Go ahead, shoot me. I dare you.”
“I’ve seen too many people come and go. What makes you think you’re any different?”
“You’re no hero. Not now and not ever.”
“I’ll see you again. I promise.”
“Of course the United States is in the lead when it comes to teenage pregnancy; their sex education classes are complete shit.”
“And I should care because…?”
“Did I tell you how amazing you look today? Because you look absolutely stunning.”
“Okay, either you want something from me or you’re trying to hide something.”
“I may or may not have broken that thing you told me to avoid.”
“When I die I want you to sprinkle my ashes all over [insert theme-park here].”
“I shouldn’t have told you that. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“You’re venturing into dangerous territory, my friend. I’d stop where you are now and leave before you regret this.”
“Didn’t you hear? Someone was murdered here.”
“No, no, no. That’s supposed to go on the left.”
“You’re other left!”
“That’s it! Next time, I’m driving!”
“Can’t you forgive me?”
“Why are there always two teams in fiction? Why not… five or something?”
“I’m gonna bust you outta here.”
“That’s great, but how the fuck are you going to do that?”
“I haven’t gotten that far yet.”
“In all honesty, I didn’t even think I would be able to get here.”
“Don’t the music videos for Maroon Five’s ‘Animals’. It’s fucking disturbing.”
“Don’t you dare die on me!”
“Seagull noises make it all better.”
“Uh… parkour?”
“You run slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.”
“Nothing is impossible to wrap!”
“Have you ever tried slamming a revolving door?”
“Uh… no. I’m not an idiot.”
“What do you think you’re doing?! Put that back!”
“I thought that… maybe… maybe it would work.”
“That one is definitely on me.”
“Y’know, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t supposed to explode.”
“I’m honestly scared that I will always be alone. That no one will love me.”
“I know it’s stupid, but it still doesn’t hurt any less.”
“What did you expect was going to happen?!”
“Did you ever think of me?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I don’t even remember when adults started to freely swear around me.”
“I feel my time is running out.”
“I tried to save them. Don’t you dare say that I didn’t try.”
“Just drop it; it’s not worth it.”
“Took you long enough to get here!”
“Look at me. Look at me! Ignore everything else, just look at me. Please.”
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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Spray Paint Art Space Solar System Planets and Galaxy’s
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
SENTENCE MEME ⟶ DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS / Part 4 always feel free to tweak the sentence to fit your muse.
‘you’ll have to forgive me if i seem a bit nervous.’
‘it’s been quite the month.’
‘this trip has been one miserable disaster after another.’
‘do i look like i’m here to help?’
‘my father deserved better than that.’
‘we’re playing a guessing game.’
‘i’m not here to play games.’
‘i’m not leaving her. she’d be lonely.’
‘it’s obvious you can handle yourself just fine.’
‘you could be more thankful, you know.’
‘i was just beginning to get used to the quiet, too.’
‘familiarity breeds contempt, as they say.’
‘it did make for a delightful change of pace.’
‘pick me up; i tire of walking.’
‘i don’t appreciate foreign objects invading my personal space. well, usually.’
‘so, what now? you go on a killing rampage?’
‘did i kill him? i hope i did kill him.’
‘what’s with the heavy sighs?’
‘i shall be moved to a single tear by the tragedy.’
‘there may be pigeons nearby, we should be alert!’
‘so far, i am not impressed.’
‘i’m not here to impress you.’
‘i can’t believe i’m having this conversation.’
‘everyone expects so much from me.’
‘it’s a cage, if a gilded cage. pretty, but confining.’
‘i fancy things that are beautiful, and things that are strong.’
‘i fancy things that are dangerous and exciting.’
‘would you be offended if i said i fancied you?’
‘they don’t make me look any wider, do they? i find i am already too wide as it is.’
‘should i talk in a monotone?’
‘mostly they involve slaughtering pigeons in creative and invasive manners.’
‘i’d have happily stomped them all into paste.’
‘she complained that i couldn’t fit through the doors.’
‘i get bored, and stop paying attention.’
‘blood isn’t all that important.’
‘do you have to be so literal?’
‘is this after i ravish you in celebration?’
‘the ravishing part is a given.’
‘my introduction to the subject of sex was, shall we say, rather practical.’
‘my only rule regarding sex is that it be done well.’
‘alright, but i get to stare at you luridly while you do so.’
‘some people simply need assassinating.’
‘most of them had it coming.’
‘i’ve always removed my clothes on a strictly amateur basis.’
‘the important thing is, it’s cheap.’
‘please, please get to the point.’
‘you’ve bitten off more than you can chew.’
‘i’ve never seen one of /those/ before.’
‘i was hoping you wouldn’t notice.’
‘since then, its been a little hard for me to concentrate.’
‘you look like you’re not from around here.’
‘i didn’t say i’d do it for free.’
‘don’t tell them you got these papers from me.’
‘your mind has gone to dust.’
‘i only wish there was more i could do for you.’
‘you left so abruptly before, i didn’t think i’d see you back.’
‘you know as well as i do that’s how this always ends.’
‘it’s not easy ensuring that nothing bad happens.’
‘that sounded like a threat.’
‘i don’t know how to express my gratitude.’
‘i must say, you look like our type of people.’
‘it’s just a childhood fantasy that dies hard.’
‘you’ll change, like the rest.’
‘i’m so tired of it i’m not even surprised any more.’
‘and i thought t was going to be a nice day.’
‘you looking for a fist to share your face?’
‘that’s where they send you when you’re ready to leave this world.’
‘we’ll get plenty for their kit once we cut them out of it.’
‘that sounds like a man with something to hide.’
‘to tell the truth, i was supposed to meet someone.’
‘sounds like i wouldn’t approve of your kind of opportunity.’
‘what about a generous kick in the face if you ask again?’
‘it takes a stranger to notice how bad things are, huh?’
‘you look like you’d rather hear the truth.’
‘i don’t have time for your hysterics.’
‘i don’t think he’ll listen to you.’
‘what’re you looking for?’
‘what kind of monster throws his child out on the street?’
‘i should leave before you start complaining about me, too.’
‘she threatened anyone who said they’d come after her.’
‘does it hurt? do you feel like you’ve been buried under a pile of rock?’
‘now that you mention it, i rather now feel like a delicate mushroom…’
‘that could be good or bad.’
‘there’s a back-handed compliment in there, somewhere.’
‘it just so happens that i find you… quite warm.’
‘does this coy thing work for you much?’
‘i knew this would happen eventually.’
‘you’re practically a public menace.’
‘here i thought that i seduced you.’
‘i’ll ask nothing more of you than you are willing to give.’
‘fate is such a tricky whore, isn’t she?’
‘a new day awaits us, or so the rumour goes.’
‘she will use you for her own ends.’
‘so i should inflict pain now to avoid it later? great logic.’
‘i already knew the answer. don’t know why i asked.’
‘you wonder sometimes, don’t you? if your life would be better of you weren’t who you are?’
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
❦ Mixed Things ❦
“Oh, that sounds like a marvelous idea. Absolutely fantastic. One hundred percent foolproof.”
“I was gonna say that I don’t need you, but I actually do.”
“At least I’m able to admit what I did was wrong - unlike you.”
“My pride is just fine, thank you. Why shouldn’t it be? I mean, I totally let that happen.”
“Hear me out. Say ‘heck’ was the lovechild of hell and fuck, wouldn’t that make heck a swear word?”
“You’re an asshole.”
“…What is that even supposed to mean?”
“Just stop talking.”
“Should we talk about this?”
“Say [insert whatever here] one more time - I dare you.”
“I’m dead go away.”
“Oh God not another one.”
“Someone took Star Wars way too seriously if that’s how they kiss their sibling.”
“For the love of - for the last time, I’m not an energizer bunny on crack!”
“What was the purpose of Jar-Jar Binks anyway?”
“Why would anyone drink liquefied bees?!”
“I… I love you. I really do. I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner.”
“Don’t you dare touch me!”
“It’s been nice knowing ya.”
“We… we shouldn’t have done that.”
“It was broken when I got here.”
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing we can do for them.”
“You better run!”
“That’s right, asshole, I’m still alive.”
“Seriously though, Donald Trump is like a humanized carrot with a toupee and no brain. Either that or he’s like Jabba the Hutt. Maybe a cross between the two.”
“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you.”
“Oh, yeah? Why should I believe you?”
“Please tell me that’s your hand.”
“I don’t believe in fate or destiny.”
“I’ve trusted the wrong person one too many times.”
“Everything’s written in the stars.”
“That is utter bullshit! Don’t you dare tell me that I need to love myself before I can love [insert name here]!”
“Wake up!”
“I shouldn’t be trusted with hot or sharp objects.”
“I know that.”
“Then why did you give me one?”
“TLC stands for thin layer chromatography. Wait. Shit. No it doesn’t. Tender loving care. It means tender loving care. Ignore what I said before that.”
“I swear to God, if you put your hand over my mouth again, I will lick and/or bite you.”
“Oh yeah? Make me.”
“I thought you cared!”
“Apologize at once!”
“I really don’t feel good.”
“I’m alive!”
“You don’t have the right to keep my here.”
“You could have died!”
“And what did that prove, huh?! That you’re - you’re some kind of hero?!”
“Alakazam, jackass.”
“It’s the end of the world, [name]. Are you ready?”
“I had everything under control!”
“Hey, whoa! Don’t kill the messenger!”
“Ooh, I’m terrified.”
“I’m not a soldier! Don’t expect me to behave like one!”
“I’m calling bullshit!”
“I don’t believe in Ouija boards but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna fuck around with one of those things.”
“Go ahead, shoot me. I dare you.”
“I’ve seen too many people come and go. What makes you think you’re any different?”
“You’re no hero. Not now and not ever.”
“I’ll see you again. I promise.”
“Of course the United States is in the lead when it comes to teenage pregnancy; their sex education classes are complete shit.”
“And I should care because…?”
“Did I tell you how amazing you look today? Because you look absolutely stunning.”
“Okay, either you want something from me or you’re trying to hide something.”
“I may or may not have broken that thing you told me to avoid.”
“When I die I want you to sprinkle my ashes all over [insert theme-park here].”
“I shouldn’t have told you that. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“You’re venturing into dangerous territory, my friend. I’d stop where you are now and leave before you regret this.”
“Didn’t you hear? Someone was murdered here.”
“No, no, no. That’s supposed to go on the left.”
“You’re other left!”
“That’s it! Next time, I’m driving!”
“Can’t you forgive me?”
“Why are there always two teams in fiction? Why not… five or something?”
“I’m gonna bust you outta here.”
“That’s great, but how the fuck are you going to do that?”
“I haven’t gotten that far yet.”
“In all honesty, I didn’t even think I would be able to get here.”
“Don’t the music videos for Maroon Five’s ‘Animals’. It’s fucking disturbing.”
“Don’t you dare die on me!”
“Seagull noises make it all better.”
“Uh… parkour?”
“You run slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.”
“Nothing is impossible to wrap!”
“Have you ever tried slamming a revolving door?”
“Uh… no. I’m not an idiot.”
“What do you think you’re doing?! Put that back!”
“I thought that… maybe… maybe it would work.”
“That one is definitely on me.”
“Y’know, I’m pretty sure that wasn’t supposed to explode.”
“I’m honestly scared that I will always be alone. That no one will love me.”
“I know it’s stupid, but it still doesn’t hurt any less.”
“What did you expect was going to happen?!”
“Did you ever think of me?”
“No shit, Sherlock.”
“I don’t even remember when adults started to freely swear around me.”
“I feel my time is running out.”
“I tried to save them. Don’t you dare say that I didn’t try.���
“Just drop it; it’s not worth it.”
“Took you long enough to get here!”
“Look at me. Look at me! Ignore everything else, just look at me. Please.”
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spacehippiecult · 5 years
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You are challenged by Team Galactic Commanders Mars and Jupiter!
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