Manifesting is hard...
⚠️Disclaimer!!! This is just for me to air out my frustrations with manifesting and not to discourage you! I look at this as a purging before something great happens!⚠️
This past weekend I realised that I have a pretty bad self-concept/self-perception. I don't really ever accept compliments about things outside of my looks and I find it hard to accept that people might genuinely think of me as a good singer or studious or whatever. I always think that they are lying to me and trying to be nice. All of this made me realise that possibly the reason I haven't been manifesting or why my manifestations have been coming slowly is because my inner world or self-concept is really really bad! I know, this might be nothing new to some of you as you have all heard this before but to me, it was a shocking realisation because I thought my self-concept was pretty good! But then I realised that what I was calling a "good self-concept" was really just me trying to put on a mask without figuring out and fixing the person behind it. I think this is not only the key to manifesting but the key to life, fixing the person on the inside so that they are able to show on the outside. Many manifestation coaches and the like say this but I think it finally clicked for me this past weekend. Literally, all that matters is the inner world. The stories we tell ourselves and, in my case, the affirmations we allow into it from others. I'm going to be working on my self-concept this week and coincidentally a meditation came up on my YouTube recommendations that tackles this same problem I feel! (I'll link it down below if you're interested!)
☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。 No more adding layers, instead I will be transforming old ones ☾⋆⁺₊🎧✩°。
With much love,
Spacekitty *ੈ♡⸝⸝🪐༘⋆
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Hello! This serves as a not-so-little intro to who I am. Sorry for the length of it!
I discovered manifesting in the form of the law of attraction and Abraham Hicks back in 2020. I don't really remember how I came across it or how it all happened but I found it and through the use of subliminal videos I started trying to manifest.
I managed to speed up my metabolism, eat less, make my parents conform to what I wanted and some money. I was very on and off with it and I just found it as a cute fun thing to do.
Later on, I discovered the law of assumption and Neville Goddard and gave that a try and that is what I am following right now. I find it to be easier but at the same time I guess a bit complicated because I am a bit of a rational thinker. It is difficult at times for me to keep to a new story or mindset because of course the 3D doesn't just change in an instant (at least not for me) and I understand that is something I need to work on.
I've been able to manifest a few small things here and there but nothing drastic or life-changing. Even when I think back on all the things I have (consciously) manifested in my life up to this point, I feel like they were all "natural." As in they were naturally going to happen. My metabolism speed up and I was losing weight because I started working out and developed disordered eating habits, my parents only conformed when I had planned everything beforehand and gave them a set plan of what I was planning to do, and I don't think I've ever really manifested money...every time I received money it was for the things I had already told my parents I wanted/had to do.
I don't really know how to explain the last one but basically I don't think I am allowed to say I manifested anything because I feel like it would've naturally occurred anyways which maybe is the whole point of manifesting but I don't know! I want to manifest something that I know I definitely manifested.
So this is where I am now. I honestly do a mixture of both loa methods and I'm currently trying to manifest an SP, good life experiences(like wattpad vibes) and money (among other things). I'm trying to not look at external circumstances and affirm that they do not matter and that I am a powerful manifestor.
And that's me! I will probably just post results and motivating things. As well as my thoughts around loa!
Sorry for such a long read! If you actually read this all the way to the bottom then you my friend deserve everything you want in this world! And if you didn't, so do you!
With love,
SpaceKitty ♡(^•ᴗ•^)
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