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The Secret Life of Buildings | INDTHEO
It is evident that the secret life of buildings is a very fascinating topic as it has a huge impact on our well-being, productivity, and creativity. It also has significant implications on how we approach our roles as individuals, designers, and consumers. By watching the video, I was able to reflect and learn more about me as a person, as a designer, and as a consumer. Shown on the pic below are the three persona symbols that represents me as a person, designer, and a consumer.
Growing up, I have been a mindful and an observant person. I am always aware and fully present in the moment. In the secret life of buildings, it is critical to be always mindful as it will help you appreciate the beauty and significance of our built environment. It will also help in connecting with our own history and emotions, and helps you find a sense of peace and belonging in the world around you.
We all know that jellyfishes are known to move according to the current of the ocean. Just like the jellyfish, I want to be as flexible as them as a designer to make my clients feel that the spaces that I will do for them are really personalized for them not just aesthetics wise but also, livable and sustainable. It is also critical because as we all know buildings are constantly changing and evolving, we always need to adjust to the change of times. In order to create spaces that are adaptable and responsive to the requirements of the people who use them, flexibility is essential to the secret life of buildings. We should be able to create spaces that are not only beautiful but also functional, and that can evolve over time.
Sustainability is the capacity to satisfy one's own requirements without jeopardizing the capacity of future generations to do so. Sustainability refers to the design, construction, and operation of buildings in a manner that minimizes their impact on the environment. It is a crucial component of the secret life of buildings that is connected to our consumer choices and actions. By picking manageable structures and supporting reasonable practices in the built environment, we can assist with advancing a better, stronger, and more feasible constructed environment for us and the future generations.
To summarize everything I just said, understanding the secret life of buildings forces us to approach our built environment with greater awareness, adaptability, and sustainability. We can create environments that are better suited to our needs and that over time promote greater well-being, productivity, and sustainability by recognizing the living, dynamic nature of buildings.
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Florescentia | If Walls Could Talk
Our final output, “If Walls Could Talk”, is an output where we will incorporate all the lessons learned in AESTETA. For me, This final output will be a challenging one because this is where I determine and know how my mindset and thinking changed as I develop ideas in aesthetics. Throughout the course, I can clearly tell that I improved on how I see art. Analyzing art is important to us as we make our own understanding and interpretation to a certain artwork. This output gave me the challenge to think critically as to what I’m gonna do that represents me for who I am as a person. 
For my process of doing this project, I thought of something that really impacted my life in general that I want to revisit every time. Of course, I want it to be as creative as possible because I also want to impress not just my professors but also myself. I made sure that I incorporated parts of the lessons that were tackled throughout the term. 
Just like what I’ve mentioned in my video presentation, Thomas Aquinas really made an impact in my installation because it enables us to perceive the underlying structure and purpose of the world, beauty can be viewed as a form of knowledge. It's not just about having fun with your senses; rather, it's about acknowledging the divine intelligence that made the world and gave it meaning and purpose. As for my installation, I acknowledge that the garden of flowers have their different meaning and purpose about my growth as a human being.
This practice made me realize how important it is to be critical about things and how I should always consider all the factors for aesthetics whether it is for a film, an artwork, installation, etc. Seeing how I grew in the field of aesthetics really motivated me to push further and challenge myself to be able to come up with amazing ideas as an interior design student. 
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Representation Matters
How do we express ourselves through art? We express ourselves through art depending on our perspective and understanding on what art we’ll do. We can express art through different forms like dancing, painting, singing, acting, and even venting or ranting to release emotions. One main factor as to how we express ourselves is by letting our emotions and feelings take over. 
We always express an artwork metaphorically. Different ways of expressing ourselves like representation, exemplification, and metaphor depending on what we want to convey to the audience is important. And by that, every artwork represents something. Every person has their own interpretation and we are all allowed to have our own interpretation just like the artist. 
One theory that I learned and caught my attention for pictorial representation was the Neo-naturalist Theory of Pictorial Representation. In this theory, it implies that photos ought to be viewed as unique and vivid encounters that imitate our regular impression of the world. Pointing out that a picture's meaning is determined by the context in which it is shown and how the viewer interprets it. When interpreting images, it emphasizes the necessity of taking into account the perceptual and cognitive processes of the viewer and the significance of context in comprehending their meaning.
As someone who was a part of the performing artists, non-pictorial representation theories were the most interesting part for me in the discussion. Lexical Non-Pictorial Representation was the one that also caught my attention because I was a part of a choir and this representation refers to the ideas, concepts, and things using words and language rather than images or pictures. This type of representation is central to human language and thought and essential for communication. As a flexible and adaptable means of expressing concepts and ideas, it is essential to human communication and thought. Language is an essential tool for conveying meaning and comprehending the world around us due to its precision and complexity, despite its limitations.
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Significance of Aesthetics in Architecture and Design
The fundamental principles and values that guide the design and construction of spaces and buildings are the focus of architectural philosophies. The way we think about architecture today is still shaped by these philosophies, which have been developed throughout a variety of historical periods and cultural contexts. 
In the discussion, it was clearly mentioned that architecture and design are more intimate compared to other forms of art. Over the past centuries, there have been a lot of theories by the renowned philosophers. Different theories give different understandings as to how the design and architecture have different functions and subjectives.
Understanding architecture through aesthetics and theories helped me understand more on what we should consider on architecture. In this discussion, I never thought that there are a lot of things that need to be considered in order to construct and achieve something new in architecture. In architecture, I learned that you also need to consider the behavior in order to come up with an effective space. 
As we venture into design and architecture, we need to take note that it takes us time because of the broad philosophizing because we need to look at a lot of factors and avenues. Assessing and identifying architectural spaces and designs are based on aesthetics because architecture goes beyond aesthetics. 
One Philosophy is functionalism and it is a way of thinking that underlines the reasonable parts of engineering, like ease of use, proficiency, and versatility. Functionalism holds that architecture should be made to serve its intended function and satisfy its users' requirements. In addition, functionalism places an emphasis on the utilization of cutting-edge materials and methods in the creation of designs that are creative and effective. 
These theories and philosophies are an important part in architecture and design. Considering these are important in practicing designing so it is much easier to build and guide people into a space and architectural structure. 
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Understanding Beauty 
The philosophical subfield of aesthetics is concerned with the nature and appreciation of aesthetics, art, and taste. There have been numerous aesthetics philosophies and perspectives throughout history, each with its own unique insights and theories. This lesson recognizes beauty in all shapes and forms. Beauty doesn’t have to be perfect because having flaws gives art its uniqueness and that makes it beautiful. After the discussion, these are what I learned from the Philosophers that gave their meanings about aesthetics:
Plato held the belief that beauty is one of the ideal forms or ideas that exist outside of the physical world. He says that everything beautiful in the world is just a copy or imitation of this ideal beauty. This hypothesis features the significance of extraordinary excellence, and proposes that there is an objective norm of magnificence that exists past human subjectivity.
Aristotle argued that art is a form of imitation and that the purpose of art is to accurately and beautifully depict reality. He thought that art should be based on observation and experience and try to capture the most important aspects of the things it depicts. The significance of accuracy and realism in art is emphasized in this theory.
Immanuel Kant believed that the experience of the sublime is a key aspect of aesthetic experience. He argued that the sublime is an experience of awe and wonder in the face of something vast, powerful, or incomprehensible. According to Kant, the sublime is an important aspect of aesthetic experience because it transcends our ability to fully understand or grasp the object of our contemplation.
Overall, these various philosophies on aesthetics offer different perspectives on what makes art and beauty valuable, and how we should approach the appreciation and creation of aesthetic experiences. Understanding beauty in different ways helps us have a perspective on what people see in art. By exploring these different perspectives, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex and multifaceted nature of aesthetic experience.
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Film Appreciation in the Movie Industry
Watching movies has been a hobby of mine, especially romantic comedies that were released in the early 2000’s so finding out that we are going to tackle movies, it made me excited because of how I like watching movies. Upon finishing the discussion, I learned more and made a deeper understanding of how films work. 
Considering a lot of factors and theories in film in order to have a great outcome is something that would make a movie good. One main reason why I like watching movies is because of how I connect with some of the movies that I watched because of the lessons that a movie brings to me. Not only do I enjoy watching a movie, I am also gaining lessons that I can apply in my life. 
As said in the lesson, film theory encompasses a wide range of theoretical approaches to the medium of film. Scholars and critics can gain a deeper comprehension of the numerous ways in which films can be interpreted, analyzed, and appreciated by engaging with these various approaches. The conflict between realism and formalism is one of the most important debates in film aesthetics.
Authenticity underlines the depiction of regular day to day existence and the utilization of naturalistic procedures, for example, hand-held camera work and non-proficient entertainers, while formalism stresses the utilization of imaginative strategies like lighting, structure, and altering to make an additional adapted and expressive stylish. The directors of the French New Wave, for example, attempted to combine these two approaches to make films that were both formally innovative and realistic. 
These theories are just some of the theories that were tackled in the discussion but one really stood out to me which was Mis-cen-scene because it is what makes a film or cinema an effective work. It makes the film better because it enhances the scenes and moments that will make it more believable according to the genre that is being made or shown in the film.
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“Ways Of Seeing” by John Berger First Reflection Entry
Art gives us social benefits that help us get through our difficult times. This documentary talks about how we perceive art. How we see art, what art wants us to see, and what the artist wants us to see. By constantly perceiving art, it makes language insufficient when expressing and conveying what we see in our daily lives. By this documentary, it can change how we see things and will affect our views on what we know and what we believe in. 
Words can’t explain how we see things but also, it can enhance the images that we see and experience. This documentary that I later found out that is also a book that was made by John Berger explains the difference between seeing and looking. We look at things on a daily basis or we naturally look at things but when we are seeing, it gives us an idea, impression, and understanding of the subject that we are looking at.
As mentioned in the documentary, “I’m an eye…A mechanical eye”. By this phrase, it symbolizes how we see art in different perspectives just like a camera, we can choose what lens we are gonna choose to better understand the subject that we are viewing. Also, upon analyzing the documentary, Through our mechanical eye, we enhance our critical skills on how we see art and life in general because what we see around us is art. By this concept of the mechanical eye, it helps us understand, formulate, and express more ideas that make us step out of our comfort zone. 
It was also mentioned how men and women are different in seeing art. In art, there is more self-presentation of women than men, especially in oil paintings that depict nude women in the art. They said that women are often in paintings because of how vain they are or it was associated with them being vain but in my observation, women’s nudity in paintings was just to please men, especially those who owned and made the paintings. 
John Berger made me realize that it really depends on the people what they think about the things that surround them, especially on how they express and analyze art. It made me think to also consider others opinions in seeing art to know how they see it and help me understand more about their perspective
After all the things and topics that John Berger mentioned in the documentary, it made me realize how each and everyone of how see art differently. It helped my mind understand and think outside of my comfort zone and that this is a social gift that we can analyze and interpret art in our own lenses to our mechanical eye. After finishing the documentary, my mind was refreshed in a way that new information and realizations came to me that I never knew I needed on how we see art. 
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