speakhisword · 3 years
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There are some that God will send in to what seems to be the harshest of situations. It’s not that those soldiers are anymore important, or that God loves them anymore then another one in His army. The fact is they were created for this purpose, and as such God already knew the answer would be emphatically yes! Some are meant to be used in ways and purposes that not everyone can understand. They have been equipped for this purpose, they have a heart that beats for what God placed in them. When you see these soldiers walking head on into what seems like a losing battle, a burning furnace that surely they will be burned in. Remember they do not walk this journey alone, they walk with the fourth man in the fire. They walk by faith, not by sight. They walk with Jesus. Don’t let the battles before you make you forget who already went before you and cleared the path. You are coming out the other side a warrior. Keep going forward, joy always comes in the morning. Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier. 3 Timothy 2:3-4 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CPhPUt5lK78/?utm_medium=tumblr
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speakhisword · 4 years
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In our brokenness is when God will use us to help others. It is when we ourselves have come to the end of us that we have empathy for others. The Lord is near to the broken-hearted and down trodden, through that broken spirit He speaks His words of encouragement and love. Yield to the leading of His spirit and be the light that shines brightly and leads others to Him. Trust Him to use you in this season to do great and wonderful through you. Show them Jesus. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the Lord delivereth him out of them all. He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is broken. Psalms 34:18-20 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CMKUMRLFNb5/?igshid=zukabg12pxh2
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speakhisword · 4 years
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"If there is something we need more than anything else during grief, it is a friend who stands with us, who doesn't leave us. Jesus is that friend." ~BillyGraham It’s in those times of deep despair and out of desperation that we seek the Lord’s help. When we stand in the grief of life’s hardships, at our lowest we need one true friend. That friend is Jesus Christ. #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLxowqmFszr/?igshid=jm9jfdfhbc0h
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speakhisword · 4 years
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"If there is something we need more than anything else during grief, it is a friend who stands with us, who doesn't leave us. Jesus is that friend." ~BillyGraham It’s in those times of deep despair and out of desperation that we seek the Lord’s help. When we stand in the grief of life’s hardships, at our lowest we need one true friend. That friend is Jesus Christ. #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLxouvbFghD/?igshid=1foiguoes1ccz
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speakhisword · 4 years
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We never know what another person is walking through in their lives. Show empathy, mercy and grace knowing that it may be you tomorrow who is in need of mercy. Show the love of Jesus to those who you encounter. This world needs Jesus. #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLj26cSll_E/?igshid=c5wgh4lfny1q
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speakhisword · 4 years
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He will make a way, be still and know that God is able. He is faithful. Thus saith the Lord, which maketh a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters; Which bringeth forth the chariot and horse, the army and the power; they shall lie down together, they shall not rise: they are extinct, they are quenched as tow. Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:16-19 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLZLdVMF08t/?igshid=ys8dv564gnkw
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speakhisword · 4 years
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Sometimes the simplicity of knowing Jesus loves you, is all you need. His love is perfect, He can’t love you more or less the he already does. Rest in the knowledge that sometimes that’s all you need to know. It’s not about what you do or don’t do, it’s all about Jesus. He loves you! He is faithful. Jesus loves me, this I know For the Bible tells me so Little ones to Him belong They are weak, but He is strong Yes, Jesus loves me Yes, Jesus loves me Yes, Jesus loves me The Bible tells me so Jesus loves me, He who died Heaven's gate to open wide He will wash away my sin Let His little child come in Yes, Jesus loves me Yes, Jesus loves… #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJ1_t3FzKP/?igshid=14zbm4sgldv8m
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speakhisword · 4 years
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We must be careful not judge others. There are no perfect people walking this earth. We all fail God daily. Our son is no better then that of our fellow man. To point out or compare the sins of another to our own is a slippery slope that can lead to self righteousness. We all sin differently, and we are all in need of Jesus. Without the forgiveness, grace and mercy of God that came from the sacrifice made by Jesus Christ we would all remain lost. We will never reach a perfect sinless state of being while we remain on this earth. What we can do is trust in the Lord, allow the Holy Spirit to lead us into all truths. While we will fail under temptation and the weight of this world, we have the benefit provided by Jesus at the Cross to repent and start over. Let us not point fingers at others remembering we ourselves fall short of the glory of God. Pray for others, help a fallen brother or sister back to the cross or to the cross for the first time. Less judgment and more kindness and love for one another will be what brings the lost and backslidden back to Christ. Take to the Lord before you judge another. He is faithful. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Romans 3:23-24 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CLA9jdcFvpJ/?igshid=13yl2si9pnw3g
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speakhisword · 4 years
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It’s amazing when God steps into your mess and makes a miracle. When He shows up and turns your life around. But what is more amazing is when you can look back and see He never left you. He patiently waited for you to trust Him, to let go. And one day in His perfect timing He moves and does something so magnificent that it defies human understanding. It exceeds every expectation you ever had for your life. It takes faith to believe God for the impossible. But when He moves and does the very thing you prayed for, it’s nothing short of a miracle. He will restore to you what was stolen. It may not look the way you thought it would, it’s better. Keep on believing, keep asking, keep praying. He is able. He is faithful. He loves you! Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Ephesians 3:20 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_YNzMlih6/?igshid=xle7luasb1ng
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speakhisword · 4 years
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When we pray we should pray expecting God to do that which we are asking. Knowing that the answer will always be Gods will. We are encouraged to approach the throne of God with the faith that God is able to more then what we are asking. Today be encouraged to believe God for the absolute impossible. Ask Big He is a big God. In faith believe He is able to do that thing you are asking Him to do. Stay in faith, keep believing, keep asking and above all never stop praying. God honors faith He will surely intervene and answer. Keep on believing! He is faithful. He loves you. And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CK6ZBPLFEPu/?igshid=1ud6rm2ecy51r
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speakhisword · 4 years
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When you don’t know what to do, pray. When you feel stressed, worried, out of absolute desperation, pray. It’s the deep heart pangs, the soundless cry that reaches the Lord. It’s when we cry out in our desperate human weakness that God reaches down and comforts. When the time right nothing will stop Gods plans for your life. Until that time, rest, believe, pray and seek His face. In His perfect time He will move on your life. And when God moves it’s always exactly what you need. Let go of what you think He has for you, grab onto who He is and wait patiently for Him to bring His plan to pass. Keep believing, keep asking, and never stop praying. One prayer can be the very thing that moves Gods hand in your favor. He loves you. He is faithful. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1R1_alfMH/?igshid=c46ubuoo2yd6
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speakhisword · 4 years
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We are not to judge another for their short comings forgetting we once were living in sin. Had Jesus not reached down into our mess and pulled us from it we would still be wallowing in sin. Jesus didn’t walk this earth down trodding the lost. He sat and ate with them, showed them the love of the Father and gave them the truth. If we cal ourselves disciples of Christ then we are to lead the lost to the one true answer, Jesus. Lay down the self righteous attitude, pick up the truth of the word of God and lead them to Jesus. You may be the only one who will ever show some the way. Be kind, love one another, love God, love people. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Romans 3:23 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwPlFhFQE0/?igshid=y8m76y7n4arq
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speakhisword · 4 years
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We must as believers forgive even the inexcusable. We ourselves have done the unthinkable, yet when we repented God forgave us. He not only forgave us, but He forgot about it. To be forgiven of the Lord is to forgive others. We must ask the Lord to at times help us to forgive someone who has trespassed against us. He is faithful to help us let go and forgive. So today if you are holding onto a grudge, have someone you cant forgive, ask God to help you forgive and live free. He is faithful. For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses Matthew 6:14-15 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKtkddElIE-/?igshid=4vqdqcv8qoez
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speakhisword · 4 years
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God isn’t waiting for you to get it all together, He knows you can’t. He gives us hope that will abound in times of despair. It will encourage you to keep believing that no matter how many times you fail God, if you get back and continue to believe God will bring you through; you will make it. Even in what seems to be the absolute impossible circumstances we can have hope that God will make a way. It may not be how we thought it would come, nonetheless it will be Gods perfect answer. Keep believing, keep praying and never give up. He is with you, He loves you, He is faithful. Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost. Romans 15:13 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKsQWQRF1hS/?igshid=1lsd4uc72zoe9
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speakhisword · 4 years
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Because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary, those who are born again are sons and daughters by the Spirit of adoption. We when the ability to cry out to our Heavenly Father in times of adoration as well as distress. Religion tells us that God won’t hear from us when we fail, that He will meet us with anger. While a relationship with Jesus Christ tells us that we can cry out to our God, He will meet us with mercy and grace. As a child of God we will make fail, make mistakes, but God meets His children with forgiveness and compassion. We need only repent and turn from our ways. He will never turn away one of His own. It doesn’t matter how far you have run, you can always come back home. He loves you. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Romans 8:14-16 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKqv-xtl22J/?igshid=8dbsk0t6nlyz
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speakhisword · 4 years
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No man knows the day or the hour, but you can be sure He is coming back. Make sure you know Jesus. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. 2 Peter 3:10 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKmlGKOFXIG/?igshid=lt03kreuoekr
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speakhisword · 4 years
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God is ever with us, guiding, leading, and going before us. He knows the way we need to go, He already knows the times when we will take wrong turns. He has already foreseen our times of unbelief, fears and when our faith falters. But God, in alL mercy and grace will not leave you. He is within you, He is greater than whatever you are facing. He has overcome the world. Always remember that no matter the failure, misstep, or wrong turns made; greater is He that is within you, get back up, keep going forward. Keep believing, keep asking, keep praying. He is able, He loves you, He is faithful. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. 1 John 4:4 KJV #yeshua #pray #praywithoutceasing #Godhears #Godanswers #keepgoing #dontquit #staystrong #seekHim #Jesus #GodIsAble #askbelievereceive #Godisgood #praise #amen #Godwillhelpyou #myhealer #Godspromises #Godswordwontreturnvoid #hope #faith #healing #perfectlove #LordofLords #KingOfKings #prayer https://www.instagram.com/p/CKgpuHcFkiK/?igshid=1290gfi1kufk1
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